Explanation text

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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how does snow form

Transcript of Explanation text






General Statement

Snow is water droplets that fall from clouds. Then, those falling waters

becomes solid. You need to know that rain consists of water vapor particles,

then cooled in the air.

{General Statement}

They fell to the earth as pieces of soft, white, and

shaped like crystals. When the air

temperature has been hot, the snow began to melt and disappear. It

turns directly into water vapor and the process is

called the sublime.

To answer how the snow happens, we can start from the water vapor in Earth's

atmosphere which are assembled. A mass of water vapor cools to the point of

condensation (the temperature in which a gas turns into a liquid or a solid form), then

those waters coagulate to form clouds.

Sequences of process

At the beginning, the mass of cloud formation is much smaller than the

mass of air so that those can float in the air. When you see, that’s just like

the wooden beams floating on the water surface.

{Sequences of process}

However, after the steam increases and merges inside the clouds, its mass also

increases, so that at some point the air can no longer hold it. The clouds then break up

and the water particles fall to Earth. The water particles that fall are the pure one.

{Sequences of process}

It means that the water does not contaminated by the other particles.

Usually the air temperature below the cloud is below the 0 degrees Celsius.

However, only a low temperature is not enough to create the snow. When

particles of pure water are in contact with air, those main parts are

{Sequences of process}

contaminated by the other particles. There are certain particles to accelerate the

freezing phase, so that pure water quickly becomes crystals of ice. Impurity particles to function as an accelerating phase of clotting,

it also becomes an adhesive among the water vapor.

{Sequences of process}

So that, the water particles joined together with other water particles

to form larger crystals. the air temperature does not melt the ice crystals,

those will fall to the ground. Then, here's the snow! If the snow is not formed, the ice melts

and gets to the ground in the form of rain water.

{Sequences of process}


The rain process always begins with a snow when it falls from the clouds, but then melts

when it crosses the heat temperature. Sometimes, if the temperature is very low, the ice crystals can form tiny balls of ice.


Snow was beautiful, more beautiful if you

can feel the coolness

straight! :3




Informasi Rinci Tersurat

Question: When the snow began to melt?

Answer: When the air temperatur has been hot


Informasi Rinci Tersurat

Question: What is the mean of condensation?

Answer: The mean of condensation is the temperature in which a gas turns into a liquid or a solid form


Informasi Rinci Tersurat

Question: What is the function of impurity particels?

Answer: Impurity particels to function as an accelerating phase of clothing, it also becomes an adhesive among the water vapor


Informasi Rinci Tersirat

Question: Whether there is snow in Indonesia

Answer: Of course, snow in Indonesia are in Jayawijaya and Barisan Sudirman Papua, Indonesia Depi

Informasi Rinci Tersirat

Question: Why snow is very difficult to fall naturally in the tropics?

Answer: Because it has a high temperature and it makes ice melt ball


Makna Kata Antonym

..”When the air temperature has been hot the snow began to melt and disappear..”

What is the antonym of hot?

Answer: The antonym of hot is cool


Makna Kata Synonym

..”The water particels that fall are the pure one..”

What is the synonym of pure?

Answer: The synonym of pure is natural


Rujukkan Kata

The word refers to It of the text (slide 8

paragraph 1 line 2)

oQuestion : what does “It ” refers to?

oAnswer : It refers to the water particels


Main Idea

•Question : what is the main idea of slide 11 ?

•Answer : the main idea of slide 11 The rain process always begins with a snow when it falls from the clouds


General Idea

Question : what does the text tell about?

Answer : The text tell about process happen about snow
