Explained_ Companies Act 2013, Types of Companies

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Transcript of Explained_ Companies Act 2013, Types of Companies

Economy (http://mrunal.org/category/economy) / 6 months Ago /39 Comments (http://mrunal.org/2014/08/economy-companies-act-2013-types-companies-private-ltd-independent-directors-sfio-sebi-corporate-governance.html#comments)

1. Prologue

2. What is corporate governance

3. Type of companies

4. Holding, Subsidiary and Associate companies

5. Board of Directors

1. Independent directors (ID)

2. SEBI norms: Independent directors

3. Board meetings- duration and quorum

4. BoD: Committee

6. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

7. Audit related provisions

1. Audit Committee

2. External Auditors terms and responsibility

3. Company Secretary

4. Company’s Loans

8. 4 new statutory bodies

1. #1: National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)

2. #2: National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA)

3. #3: Investor and Education Protection AUTHORITY

4. #4: Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO)

9. 2% Corporate Social responsibility (CSR)

10. SEBI’s corporate governance norms

11. Appendix: Related party transactions (RPT)


As such I’m writing summaries of Economic survey 2013. But Companies Act, 2013 is a recurring

term in many chapters. Therefore, needs to be covered parallel.

[Economy] Companies Act 2013: Salient features, types of Companies,public ltd. vs private ltd, Independent Directors, SFIO, SEBI Corporategovernance norms

Mrunal (http://mrunal.org/)

What is corporate governance

Many definitions, you need to memorize at least one- for the GS4.

Corporate governance is a way of directing the company

1. To protect stakeholders’ interest. Observe the word “stakeholder” not “Shareholders”.

Meaning, company should look after its customers, raw material suppliers, wholesales,

dealers, employees,  shareholders…all for them

2. To comply with legal-regulatory requirements. Not just from technical / audit point of view

but from ethical point of view as well- for example misleading ads, harmful products,

environmentally unsustainable production methods etc.

3. Absence of corporate governance – leads to fraud, mismanagement, embezzlement and

harm to society and environment.

To recent initiatives to enforce corporate governance

Companies Act SEBI norms

original act made in 19562012: Adi Godrej


new act passed in August 20132014, April: SEBI


Has total 470 sections, Government began phase wise

notification from Feb 2014.

I’m not going into the ‘technical’ parts related to merger,

acquisition, takeover etc. but just focusing on areas having

connection with ethics, corporate governance, CSR & allied


will be effective from

1 October 2014 (i.e.

one day before

Gandhi’s B’day)

Type of companies

Have to register with Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Companies Act1956 Companies act 2013

One Person Company.

minimum capital one lakh rupees

no such thing But has to convert to public or private limited company IF

turnover >2cr or capital >50 lakhs.

private limited: 2 to 50members

2 to 200 members.minimum capital Rs.one lakh

public limited: same inboth acts

7 to unlimited membersminimum capital Rs.FIVE lakhswithin that,two subgroups

Listed company- if shares listed on any Indian stock exchange e.g. Infosys, TCS etc.

Unlisted company: self-explanatory. e.g. Nokia India, Sahara’s those two Housing finance


* which were selling OFCDs & got Subrato in Jail, for he did not get SEBI permission before

selling OFCDs and did not repay investors’ money when SEBI ordered him to.

overall, 9 lakh companies in India

>90% of Indian companies are private limited.

Holding, Subsidiary and Associate companies

Holding company = itself owns 20% or more shares of another company.

that “Another company” is further classified into:

subsidiary company associate company

If 50% shares owned by holdingcompany.

If 20% or more shares owned by holdingcompany.

Board of Directors


democratic country voters => parliament =>executive

companies Shareholders (AGM) =>board of directors => CEO, executives.

Board of directors consists of

1. Chairman

2. executive directors / full time directors

3. nominated directors (By banks or central Government- e.g. during mega scam like Satyam)

4. Independent directors: to protect the interests of minority shareholders.

Now let’s check provisions of Companies act 2013 for directors

Minimum directors in each company

One person company 1

private ltd. 2

public ltd. 3

Maximum 15 directors

Can add even more directors by resolution in AGM (Annual general meeting of


One person can serve as director in maximum 20 companies

One director must be Indian resident (i.e. staying in India for 182 days or more)

One director Woman in the board. (SEBI norms says the same)

If director remains absent for 12 months- consider his position vacant, and get new guy.

Means Sachin and Rekha will have to think twice before becoming directors in any company.

Anyways, these are provisions for directors, in general. Now let’s check specific provisions for

Independent directors

Independent directors (ID)

Job of Independent director = protect the interests of shareholders, particularly the minority

shareholders. He has to fulfill following criteria:

1. He is not a Promoter of the company, NOT nominated by the Chairman

2. He has no pecuniary interest in the company, except salary as director. (meaning company’s

wholesaler, retailer etc. cannot become independent directors)

3. He is not an employee of the company

Companies Act 2013- ID requirements


1/3 directors in public ltd. company must be Independent directors. (so, if company takes

15 directors, 5 must be ID)

They’ll have 2 terms of five years each = total 10 years

But their performance will be reviewed in shareholders’ Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Means again Sachin and Rekha will have to think twice before becoming Independent

directors of any company.

After 10 years’ service, if they want to join same company as ID again, they’ll have to wait for

3 years cooling period.

SEBI norms: Independent directors

Let’s pause from companies act for a while. We know that

Companies Act SEBI norms

new act passed in August 20132014, April: SEBI published

will be effective from 1 October 2014

so, what does SEBI norms say about these independent directors?

10 years term yes BUT from retrospective effect. Meaning, if I were an Independent Director

in a company since 2010, then my “retirement” is 2020. (and not 2014+10=2024).

One person can become Independent director of seven companies at most.

If he is a ‘full time’ director in a single company, then he can become ID in 3 companies at


Enough of directors, moving to next topic:

Board meetings- duration and quorum

Doesn’t apply to one person companies.

Company must hold minimum 4 meetings per year

must not have more than 120 days gap between two meetings

Quorum: 1/3 strength or two directors, whichever is max.

If directors cannot give physical presence, video conferencing is permitted.




Directors must be given 7 days prior notice. (So they can make prior travel arrangements.)

BoD: Committee

just like parliament has PAC, estimate Committee, departmental standing Committee etc. same

way, Companies will be required to make following Committees out of their board members

1. Audit committee

2. Stakeholder relationship committee (SRC)

3. CSR committee (CSRC)

4. Nomination and Remuneration committee (NRC)- they’ll observe following

1. MD/Directors’ salary doesn’t exceed 11% of company’s profit

2. Pay rise of CEO, directors etc. vs company performance

3. They’ll present this data in AGM.

So far, we checked provisions related to directors and board meetings. Mock questions can be

formed by twisting the facts, for example

Which of the following statements are correct as per the new companies Act?

1. 1/3 directors must be Indian residents

2. atleast one woman director must be Indian

3. atleast one independent director must be a woman

4. none of above (Correct answer)

Moving to next topic

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

One person company: no need

Public & pvt LTD. companies…yes they’ve to hold AGM.

General notice can be sent by letter / email to shareholders.

Proxy voting permitted.

Electronic Voting also permitted (as per SEBI’s corporate governance norms).

Quorum depends on number of shareholders.


Data not important except for MBA interviews

members quorum

private ltd company 2 members

public ltd company upto 1000 shareholders 5 members

public ltd >1000 upto 5000 15 members

public ltd. >5000 shareholders 30 members

Audit related provisions

Audit Committee

Have to make an audit Committee from board of directors.

Its chairman must be an independent director.

Provision for internal audit by CA, Accountants, even other (non-CA) persons. ICAI is

opposing this.

Companies will have to setup whistleblower mechanism.

External Auditors terms and responsibility

One auditor can audit maximum of 20 companies.

If he finds any fraud- he must report to both Union Government (ministry of corporate

affairs) and during the AGM.

Auditor cannot audit the same company forever

individual auditor 5 years

audit firm 2 terms x 5 years = 10 years

After that cooling off period of 5 years.

Why? Well, same reason why Government officials should be transferred after 3-5 years so they

don’t develop nexus with local thugs.

Company Secretary

Company Secretary acts as a link between board of directors and shareholders.

He arranges BoD meetings, AGM, ensure quorum, minutes of the meeting etc.

Companies above certain share capital, have to compulsorily hire company Secretary.

Companies Act 1956 Companies act2013

Companies above capital of Rs. 5 crore => have to compulsorily hirecompany Secretary.

10 crore

There are hardly ~7000 companies in India having share capital of 10 crore or above. (While

there are >20,000 people doing this course).

For remaining companies- not necessary to hire company Secretary = less jobs available for

company Secretaries.

Therefore company Secretaries and their national body, are opposing this new provision.

Company’s Loans

Company cannot give loan to director  / related persons

If company gives loan to anyone- then its minimum interest rate must be higher than that of

Government securities (G-sec). (Otherwise CEO might pass loan to his own “puppet” driver at

2% interest and then use It for betting in cricket or share market!)

Company must get Credit rating (“A”, BB, C etc.) before accepting public deposit (in collective

investment schemes)

Companies have to appoint a chief finance office to look after audit and account.

4 new statutory bodies

Not 1, not 2, not 3 – total 4 new statutory bodies will be created under Companies Act 2013.

In other words, if any ministry wants to learn how to harass UPSC aspirants- they should take

COACHING from babus @ministry of corporate affairs.

List of Statutory Bodies under Companies Act

Matter Statutory body

tribunal / litigations 1. National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)

accounting norms 2. National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA)

awareness generation 3. Investor and Education Protection Fund

fraud detection 4. SFIO

Let’s check their features one by one

#1: National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)

Composition Judicial + technical members

Deadline have to finish case in 3 months

Hearing You can present case by your own, via lawyer, CA or company Secretary.

AppealIf either party is unsatisfied with NCLT verdict, they can approach NCLAT(national company law APPEALATE tribunal).

Disputes where NCLT will adjudicate:

1. Company fails to comply with any provisions of the act (e.g. quorum not maintained,

auditors not changed after deadline etc.)

2. Merger and acquisition disputes

3. Converting Public ltd. To private ltd.

4. Filing Class action suits (e.g. Satyam’s US shareholders filled such suit in USA and recovered

money. But Indian shareholders couldn’t because 56’s act had no such provision)

#2: National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA)

1 Chairman + 15 members

Will set Accounting standards for companies

Will have Powers of civil court.

Aggrieved party can appeal at NFRAA (National Financial Reporting APPELATE Authority)

Can debar CA and accountants for professional misconduct.

ICAI unhappy with this provision- because under Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, they’ve

the powers to take action against CAs.

#3: Investor and Education Protection AUTHORITY

As the name suggests, this fund money is used for awareness generation, financial literacy

so investors don’t fall into traps like Saradha chit fund, Sahara OFCD etc.

Where do they get money? Ans. Companies have to pay dividend, interest and principal to

their investors.

But if any money remains unclaimed (death, disappearance of investor etc.)=> Money goes

to corporate affairs ministry => into this fund.

This is not a new thing. Already exists, But 2013’s act gives it statutory status, with following


HQ at Delhi. Regional offices across India.

Chairman: Secretary of Corporate affairs ministry

Membership: executive directors from RBI, SEBI; experts from legal and financial sector.

#4: Serious Fraud Investigation O⤀ꀈce (SFIO)

Not a new body, already setup in 2003 under corporate affairs ministry (based on Naresh

Chandra report)

It has solved- Saradha chitfund, Satyam scam etc.

Then what’s new in Companies Act 2013?

SFIO is made a statutory body.

It’ll have power to Search seize arrest (until now, it could only examine documents)

SFIO investigators will have same powers under CrPC, like a police officer.

Once SFIO gets case, other agencies can’t proceed.

State police, ED, CBI etc. will have to handover documents, witness and cooperate in further


2% Corporate Social responsibility (CSR)

Under the new act, Companies will have to spend 2% of their last three years’ average profit on

CSR activities. (e.g. schools, slum redevelopment, “chowkidari” to prevent junta


authority-biodiesel-biotoilets-fdi.html#492) from urinating/defecating around railway station


2% CSR rule applies to only following companies

Net profit 5 crore (before tax)

Net worth 500 crore

turnover 1000 core

2% rule doesn’t apply to income earned from foreign branches of the above companies.

Above companies have to setup CSR Committee made up of 3 board of directors.

Committee will formulate & monitor CSR policy.

SEBI’s corporate governance norms

2012: Adi Godrej Committee

2014, Feb: SEBI notified the norms

2014, 1 October: these rules will become effective.

They run parallel to what is already given under companies act.

Following diagram summarizes it- just write two lines on each of them and you’re done with

100-200 words question in mains.


Appendix: Related party transactions (RPT)

Lengthy topic, not important for prelims. But will be important for (MBA) interviews because this

Maruti-Suzuki controversy will drag on for long.

Maruti Suzuki India ltd

majority shareholder Suzuki Japan

minority shareholder HDFC, Reliance Capital, ICICI, SBI etc.

2012: Strike in Manesar plant, Haryana. Manager died, more than 3000 crore lost due to halt

in production.

After this, Suzuki (Japan) registered a separate company “Suzuki Motors, Gujarat” to setup

separate factory in Mehsana, Gujarat.

Suzuki itself will manufacture the cars in this Gujarat plant, will hand It over to Maruti Suzuki

for selling through its showrooms.

before after

Maruti Suzuki

manufactured cars, sold

them = profit to


Then they distributed

dividend to Suzuki and

other shareholders.

Suzuki will keep profit on car manufacture.

Maruti (India) will end up like a ‘car-distributor’

company=> less profit for Indian company => less

dividend to its minority shareholders.

So in this case, we’ve two parties

Holding Company Suzuki (Japan) that owns ~56% in Maruti Suzuki India ltd.(Subsidiary


Now one party (Japan) is taking an action (of setting plant in Gujarat), which will have negative

ramification for the investors in other party (Indian Maruti).

This is one type of “related party transaction”.

As per companies Act 2013, Related party transactions require voting-approval from majority OF

the minority shareholders.Therefore, Suzuki has decided following:

First they’ll do roadshows and seminars for awareness generation among shareholders

(about the benefits of Gujarat plant)

(Rumors) They have even hired investment bankers to influence the FIIs who own shares in

Maruti Suzuki India.

Voting will be done probably in September 2014’s AGM

At that time, Suzuki can’t vote (because majority shareholder) but IF from the remaining

shareholders, if 3/4 vote in favor, then Suzuki can proceed in setting up Gujarat plant.

Tags: Economic Survey 2013 (http://mrunal.org/tag/economic-survey-2013), EcoPill2-Finance (http://mrunal.org/tag/ecopill2-finance)


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So far 39 Comments posted

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 1 4 4 # R E S P O N D )

BheemannaThanks sir.

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priyankaThanku Mrunal sir!!Anyone please tell from where to prepare thoroughly about Ethics andIntegrity, Economic Survey, International Relations, Economic And SocialDevelopment Issues? (Apart from Mrunal Sir’s article and Indian YearBook)

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Anand SinghThx sir

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naveenSir u r doing a great work !!!!!!!!

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 1 5 2 # R E S P O N D )

manish aryanvery nice–need of hour

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 1 5 5 # R E S P O N D )

shekharthank you sir

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 1 6 4 # R E S P O N D )

JassiThank you sir

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sumeghaThanks sir..

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Graph are very helpful to memories some imp feature and a verybalanced information abt new company acts.Thnx

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 1 7 3 # R E S P O N D )

B+veCSR is also applicable to foriegn companies with a branch or projectoffice in India.More specifically CSR Activities1.womene empowerment and gender equality2.protecting environment3.promotion of art, culture and sports4.welfare of weaker section5.rural development and technology incubation6.PM National relief fund

and annual report of the company should include a report on CSRCheers;

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 5 4 7 2 # R E S P O N D )

vinay kumardevelopment of agriculture market for farmer

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 1 9 8 # R E S P O N D )


thanks sir …

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 2 4 6 # R E S P O N D )

shikhaTHANKS SIR……..

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 0 4 # R E S P O N D )

Akhilesh KumarThanks Sir

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 1 4 # R E S P O N D )

shashisir plz help I am in Allahabad and thinking for ias 2015 will any bodysuggests me best coaching for gs mains in hindi medium and myoptional is public administration. thanks

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 5 3 # R E S P O N D )

PrasannaGreat appreciation for the collection of the relevant data.But , does all this is required as part of civils preparation? I don think soMrunal.Kindly scrutinise once . Knowing this much depth is not really required

just because the composition of the committee,board of directors are alldynamic in nature.Adding to this, CSR could have been elaborated little more, bringing outthe consequences of the same and how best other norms can beincluded under CSR.


R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 9 1 9 # R E S P O N D )

Mrunal (http://mrunal.org)Prasanna,

Ofcourse UPSC is not going to ask all trivial things.But this is the latest fashion among certain (biased) panelists inBank and MBA interviews.They deliberately ask this type of trivial GK, especially when theywant to begin “Stress” interview (depending on which graduationstream, caste, region or religion they hate.If you can’t answer, they verbally humiliate you OR ask the nextboard member to take over. And even if next board member askseasy questions, still you will fumble because of the “Shockers” fromprevious member. Thus, your entire interview will be ruined.Of Couse there is no end to trivial GK, but you must keep adaptingaccording to the game and be prepared as much as you can-especially things related to commerce and economy.I run this site to help maximum people clear any competitive examwithout coaching. There are hardly ~1200 vacancies in UPSC, therest will have to try their luck in other bank/SSC/MBA etc fields. Butfor every given topic, I can’t create one article for UPSC prelims,one for UPSC mains, and other for non UPSC exam. Therefore

everything running parallel in this Ganga, Pick whatever you needfor whatever exam you’re competing for. Like Modi says “Sabkaasaath, Sabkaa Vikaas”.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E -L T D - I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 4 0 7 2 # R E S P O N D )

Naveen Kumar MaviWell answered Mrunal Ji – “Pick the best leave the rest…”

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E -L T D - I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 4 2 3 4 # R E S P O N D )

prasannaHi Mrunal,I am a constant follower of your blog. I love the kind ofpresentation you are known for. This i felt ,little deviated witthe actual path of content , since I have been following yourblog and have enjoyed your presentation style. Yes of course, you are the backbone of many aspirants.As u said, it might be useful for other competitive exams. I doaccept this. But may be least likely for civils. Indeed , thankfulfor your great consistent efforts Mrunal ji.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 5 6 # R E S P O N D )

Gautam SinghSir your article has a error in respect of appointment of CompanySecretary. There was an amendment and limit for appoinment of CS inbrought down to Rs. 5 crore in new act

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 6 4 # R E S P O N D )

manishaThanx a lot sir…..u r great

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 7 5 # R E S P O N D )

raviSir, which fundamental rights are applicable to person of indian origin(PIO), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), and NRI?

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 4 5 0 2 # R E S P O N D )

Maharaj@RAVIAs NRI are Indian citizens they have same fundamental rights like anormal Indian citizen but with a caveat that he/she has stayed outof India for 7 continuous years and have not even one conveyed atIndian embassy his/her willingness to stay Indian citizen – this iscalled loss of citizenship by deprivation and hence he/she losesIndian citizenship and no longer enjoys all fundamental rights asfew are available to only Indian citizens (such as under article15,16,19,29,30 + voting+ standing in election + eligibility inconstitutional posts and public offices)

OCI and PIO are are not Indian citizens how ever they enjoy certainbenefits like exemption from visa(student + employment etc) butthey do not enjoy all fundamental rights enshrined in ourconstitution. Above mentioned list applies to them also. However ifthe acquire citizenship as per provisions defined in OCI act 2002/citizenship act 1955/by naturalization they are treated as Indiancitizens and are guaranteed all fundamental rights

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 9 2 # R E S P O N D )

Arungood article …..thankss

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 3 9 3 # R E S P O N D )

gurhello mrunal sir i just needed an information regarding recentrecommendations in which government asked the UPSC not to includeEnglish comprehension marks into the merit list for csat paper. Has theUPSC accepted the recommendations or not?? What is the actualsituation right now?? Thanks

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 4 5 3 # R E S P O N D )

vikas sharmathanks bhai.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 3 6 3 0 # R E S P O N D )

dileepsir thanks for your dedication for us………

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 4 1 7 6 # R E S P O N D )

Manish Singh“Sabkaa saath, Sabkaa Vikaas”

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 4 5 5 2 # R E S P O N D )

SidThanks for the great efforts sir..

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 5 0 8 8 # R E S P O N D )

SAKSHIthanks sir!! no words can describe our gratitude for you.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 5 4 3 0 # R E S P O N D )

Jaysing SingalThanks

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 5 6 1 2 # R E S P O N D )

kumar saurabhThanks Mrunal.We need people like you.Great article

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 6 8 0 0 # R E S P O N D )

Keerthithanks mrunal ji

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 3 7 2 1 3 # R E S P O N D )

PiyushOne person can become Independent director of ten (maximum 7 listedcompanies and remaining out of 10 ~ unlisted ) companies at most.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 4 4 9 7 8 # R E S P O N D )

Pallavithank you sir for sharing your valuable knowledge in just simple way

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 6 1 4 9 1 # R E S P O N D )

Biswajit Mishrau r doing a great job sir, thank u…

Write your message!

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 6 3 1 9 0 # R E S P O N D )

praveenaSir, im confident about prelims result and taking commerce optional formains. For CA exams after november new company act 2013will befollowed. But what about UPSC mains?? 2013 act Or 1956??? Pls assist.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 6 6 3 7 5 # R E S P O N D )

praveenaPls try to answer after enquiring from ur sources. It will be a greathelp.

R E P L Y ( / 2 0 1 4 / 0 8 / E C O N O M Y - C O M P A N I E S - A C T - 2 0 1 3 - T Y P E S - C O M P A N I E S - P R I V A T E - L T D -I N D E P E N D E N T - D I R E C T O R S - S F I O - S E B I - C O R P O R A T E - G O V E R N A N C E . H T M L ?R E P L Y T O C O M = 2 7 8 2 7 8 # R E S P O N D )

Digvijaythank you for sharing knowledge sir

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RD { Sir, what does TSU and SPM stand for in the above article??? } – [Science] IPCC-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Meaning and...(http://mrunal.org/2012/10/science-ipcc-intergovernmental-panel-on-climate-change.html/comment-page-1#comment-310946)

ABHISHEK { can you provide me the link to reach geography notes as i am unable to sort out.... } – [Economy Lecture3] Banking Sector: Evolution, Classification, Narsimhan, NewBank... (http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-classification.html/comment-page-1#comment-310945)

PRAFUL { mrunal sir , I am not able to download ib admit card....and any of my friend who can see my comment pls post the link... } – [Economy Lecture3] Banking Sector: Evolution,Classification, Narsimhan, New Bank... (http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-classification.html/comment-page-1#comment-310939)

JUHI { up revenue ka answers kaha s match karaya h? } – [Women Rights] Beti Bachao BetiPadhao, Sukanya Samridhi, Acid... (http://mrunal.org/2015/01/women-rights-beti-bachao-beti-padhao-sukanya-samridhi.html/comment-page-1#comment-310935)

SHALU { Its not ratanjali... It is "rajtanil"... Well ... She is a faculty member of PDPU. I think madam doesn't take lectures in SPIPA. & pdpu... } – [Economy Lecture3] Banking Sector:Evolution, Classification, Narsimhan, New Bank... (http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-classification.html/comment-page-1#comment-310924)

SAYANDEEP { What is ?Growth rate of industry & service sector at 12th plan } – [EconomyLecture3] Banking Sector: Evolution, Classification, Narsimhan, New Bank...(http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-classification.html/comment-page-1#comment-310909)

PRANEETH { sir, Please publish PIN january as soon as possible ..... waiting eagerly } – [Economy Lecture3] Banking Sector: Evolution, Classification, Narsimhan, New Bank...(http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-classification.html/comment-page-1#comment-310896)

RAJ { Mrunal bro, there are geography notes also located in the your folder by some Ratanjali name, can we have you tube video for geography lectures... } – [Economy Lecture3] BankingSector: Evolution, Classification, Narsimhan, New Bank...(http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-


PALASH GUPTA { Thank you Mrunal Sir... } – [Economy Lecture3] Banking Sector:Evolution, Classification, Narsimhan, New Bank... (http://mrunal.org/2015/02/youtube-economy-l3-indian-banking-evolution-classification.html/comment-page-1#comment-310881)

SRAJAN { sirjeee aap great ho kya lectures hai sir ase hi sari economy karwa do will be thankful to u frever ' thanks } – [Economy Lecture1] Banking: Monetary Policy- Quantitative Tools: SLR,CRR,... (http://mrunal.org/2015/01/youtube-economy-l1-monetary-policy-quantitative-tools.html/comment-page-3#comment-310871)

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