Experts - Malicious program targets Macs - (April 22, 2009)

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Experts: Malicious programtargets Macs

●  Story Highlights

●  Researchers find computer malware aimed at Mac computers

●  The "iBotnet" infects a small number of Mac users through pirated software

●  Still, researchers say it is a step in the evolution of harmful computer programs

●  As Macs become more popular, they're more likely to be targets, experts say

●  Next Article in Technology » 

By John D. Sutter


(CNN) -- Mac computers are known for their near-immunity to malicious computer programs that plague PCs.

Some security experts say viruses are moving toward Mac as

those computers become more popular.


But that may be changing somewhat, according to

computer security researchers. It seems that as sleek

Mac computers become more popular, they're also

more sought-after targets for the authors of harmful


"The bad guys generally go toward the biggest target,

what will get them the biggest bang for their buck,"

said Kevin Haley, a director of security response at


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Experts: Malicious program targets Macs -

Until recently, the big target always was Microsoft Windows, and Apple computers were protected by

"relative obscurity," he said.

But blogs are buzzing this week about what two Symantec researchers have called the first harmful

computer program to strike specifically at Mac.

This Trojan horse program, dubbed the "iBotnet," has infected only a few thousand Mac machines, but it

represents a step in the evolution of malicious computer software, Haley said.

The iBotnet is a sign that harmful programs are moving toward Mac, said Paul Henry, a forensics and security

analyst at Lumension Security in Arizona.

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"We all knew it was going to happen," he said. "It was just a matter of time,

and, personally, I think we're going to see a lot more of it."

The malicious software was first reported in January. It didn't gain

widespread attention until recently, when Mario Ballano Barcena and

Alfredo Pesoli of Symantec, maker of the popular Norton antivirus products, detailed the software in a

publication called "Virus Bulletin."

Mac users at large, however, should not be alarmed by the incident, experts said. The program infects only

computers whose users downloaded pirated versions of the Mac software iWork.

The harmful software is a Trojan horse, meaning it tries to sneak into the computer with some sort of

permission from the user. Computer worms travel differently. They wiggle their way into computers and

replicate without the owner's approval or knowledge.

The Mac program is called a botnet because infected computers become part of a network that is controlled

by the program's author.

The Mac botnet is significantly less threatening than computer worms like the much-publicized Conficker.c,

said Jose Nazario, a senior security researcher with Arbor Networks. Conficker was thought to have infected

up to 10 million computers, compared with thousands for the iBotnet, researchers said.

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Experts: Malicious program targets Macs -

There's also some question as to whether it is the first botnet to target Mac. Others have targeted both PCs

and Apple computers.

"This isn't the first botnet that's been built using Mac computers," Nazario said. "This is an interesting one in

that it's a little more flexible and includes some new features. ... It's getting a lot of press mostly because it's

Mac and people are talking about how Macs are immune to malware -- and, sure enough, they're not."

The potential damage that could be caused by the Mac botnet is also less severe than other attacks, said

Darrell Etherington, a contributor to theAppleBlog, which is not affiliated with the computer company.

"It's a very low-level attack," he said. "Some people won't even notice the effect of it."

It is in the interest of software companies like Symantec, who spread the news, and McAfee, which has

downplayed the presence of the Trojan, to raise concerns so they can promote their antivirus software

packages, he said.

"Yes, it is going to become a bigger problem and, yes, people have to become more aware, but I think that

what McAfee and Symantec would like is for the panic to start and for people to start rushing to antivirus

software," which isn't necessary yet, Etherington said.

In a statement, Apple said it is working to prevent security problems.

"Apple takes security very seriously and has a great track record of addressing potential vulnerabilities before

they can affect users," the statement says.

Only about 7.4 percent of computer users work on Macs, according to Gartner, a technology research firm.

That user base is proportionally more affluent than PC users, Etherington said, which may make Mac a

bigger target. But overall, Macs are still far less vulnerable to attack than PCs, he said.

Haley said news of the Apple botnet is significant in part because it's something other authors of malicious

code can build from.

"I don't think it's a tipping point; I think it's an evolutionary step. We see virus authors often use what

somebody else has done," he said. "There's a model. There's something out there to (3 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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Sound Off: Your opinions and comments 


updated May 23,


"Malware" is different than a virus or a worm. People who illegally download a

piece a software from a sketchy site deserve what they get. On the other hand,

worms & viruses are nasty and attack the unsuspecting com ...more 

IT Specialist 

updated April 23,2009

MACs are not near immune to virus's, nobody writes virus's for MACs because

they own 1/5 of the computer market, the other 4/5 are PCs so why waste timewritting a virus for a computer that very few people have. You should have an

IT person write your articles, not some fool.


updated April 23,


If it can be made by humans, it can be destroyed by humans. Thinking

anything different is just delusional. Do yourself a favor and take precautions.

It's more proactive than pulling an ostrich and sticking your head in the sand.


updated April 23,


The part that people ignore is that this virus only affects those who

downloaded illegal software. Macs are still 100% protected if you stay legal.

I love not having a PC. No anti-virus software, zero problems.


updated April 23,


Neeneko you are wrong in the fact that Apple once dominated the world of the

home PC market, and still are a majority player in education. It was not until

the advent of Windows that the home user began adopting the ... more 


updated April 23,


Macs don't get viruses . . .because the baby Jesus makes them from unicorn



updated April 23,

Sheesh ... talk about _OLD_ news. Did Time-Warner buy a stake in Symantec

or something?

Experts: Malicious program targets Macs -



● (4 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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updated April 23,


Why would anyone download a pirated version of iWork? You can avoid the

virus by downloading a safe demo version from the Apple website and

entering a serial number. No antivirus software needed.


updated April 23,


Now the industry is trying to make money out of the Mac anti virus? these

viruses threats are created to sell anti- virus software and now, as Mac sales

go up they need to take more money out of Mac users some's all

about money..


updated April 23,


This is so ridiculous. Especially to say something like the blurb below this - a

Windows Style virus.

A. it's not a virus

B. you get it by installing (and entering your password) pirated software on

your c ...more 


updated April 23,


But in order for the trojan to work, you must authenticate and let the installer

script run.

Dana Kincaid 

updated April 23,


LOL... You HAVE TO GET a pirated bit of software in order to get the bug.

That's not a Mac-Killer, that's an STD that infects the stupid. When you come

up with a widespread Mac-Controlling Skynet backdoor, you let me know.


Jaysus H.


updated April 23,2009

is it just me, or did it get past so many people... the majority of the users that

got this downloaded a pirate copy of iwork... guess karma does come back toyou after all... I run both Mac and PC, and to date have h ... more 


updated April 23,


Oh my! Thousands of infected Macs! The horror! What about the Tens of

Millions of infected PCs running Windows? We all have a choice, and if viruses

and trojans are a large part of making that choice, Apple still wins by a long



updated April 23,


Here is the succint and clear difference between Mac OS and Windows


For malware (bad software) to get on a Mac, you have to download it and run

it manually. This happens to people who blindly trus ...more (5 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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updated April 23,


I've used Macs at work for 5 years and hate them. Have never had a virus on

Mac, but in 30 years, have only had 1 virus on PC.


updated April 23,


I know that MACs are far from secure... A friend of mine (a teenager, and has

only been hacking for recreation) nearly disabled someone's mac through the

net. Macs are not more secure, they are just less popular aand therefore

present a much less valuable target than PCs.


updated April 23,


So far this is only an issue if you're a Mac user and a thief. I'd say that the

typical Mac user makes a more conscious choice to compute on a Mac and

the are more willing to pay for the things that go along with that (software).

This incident is no Conficker worm, that's for sure.


updated April 23,


Since Macs have come out of the shadow of PCs, there's going to be more of

them. And I mean "I-Conficker" for instance.

Then I-Doom, MacBlaster, MacJack, Apple Mazor, and more to come after


Walt Forest 

updated April 23,


I'm a Cyber Security expert with many years of experience. All platforms have

vulnerabilities and need care and maintenance to mitigate vulnerabilities. That

includes Linux, and Mac. However, that the except for popul ... more 


updated April 23,


Completely bogus journalism. As many others have stated, this is a malicious

program that the user has to INSTALL THEMSELVES. If you download and

install "warez" you are an idiot to begin with and you deserve everythi ... more 


updated April 23,


time to move to Linux!


updated April 23,


There have been Trojans that target the Mac for years, it's only profitable for

the media to cover it now given the iPhone's and iPod's success, and recent

Conficker publicity. Another reason the Mac has been relative ... more 


updated April 23,


I was wondering when these virus programmers would target the ignorant,

elitist, snobby and generally not technical savvy group or people that are mac


Not even the apple bumper stickers on your VW beetles can save you now. (6 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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updated April 23,


The Symantec guy got it right and us IT people have known it for years. The

perceived MAC security is mainly due to the small installed base. I'm not sure

on current market share, but Mac only has less than 5%. If ... more 


updated April 23,


More fearmongering from the antivirus companies.

Go download the free scanner for this non-event at securemac,.com

What we have here is Symantec and Intego trying to sell software.


updated April 23,


I will be laughing when Macs become useless once viruses invade. The fact is,

Windows has over 10 years securing against viruses, worms, trojans, etc. Mac

has no experience what so ever. They are going to be an easy kill.


updated April 23,


Mac's need Antivirus software just like any other PC.

Ridiculous that this article discounts the need for it. Absolute rubbish, MACs

are going to be the next ripe fruit if they can move out of relative obscurity.

Uncle Al 

updated April 23,


Symantec and McAfee anti-malware programs are substantially inferior to

Kaspersky's products. Kaspersky is awesomely competent for on-the fly and

scan detection and removal while not hogging system resources. Symantec

and McAfee are pigs for CPU cycles - and don't uninstall cleanly.


updated April 23,


I do not think Botnet is a serious threat to Macintosh. It is the user who

installed this Trojan on to their Macintosh. In contrast, Windows is vulnerable

on simply surfing the web. A user do not have to install anyth ...more 


updated April 23,


I think I can handle one or two of these every once in awhile on my Macs. My

PC has to keep up with 150 or so new threats every month. Why is it news, if a

Mac gets a virus or two since OS X. So we get a couple very 10 years?? I

guess that is news.


updated April 23,


How convenient that this news is propagated by a company dealing in anti-

virus software.....nothing like a little free (if half-true and somewhat misleading)

publicity, eh boys? And the ignorant Windows fanbois, (most ...more 

Mectron updated April 23,


Watch the firework, Apple (and snotty Mac Users) have no clue of any kindabout secury. Apple have no experience dealing with a maleware crysis.

Macs are bad computer PERIOD. and when Apple brainwashed user ...more (7 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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updated April 23,


Spare us the hysteria.

A few people download a pirated program that is modified to potentially do

something harmful to that persons machine is not a significant security threat.

To Neeneko 

updated April 22,

2009 IS actually it's popularity. MAC's have been in the shadows of

PC's from the beginning. As far as design decisions...well that hasn't really

worked now has it?


updated April 22,


Though ironically, brandon does get it half right. OSX's security IS in part due

to Apple's marketing department, but only in that Window's insecurity has been

primary due to Microsoft's marketing department and features/behaviors that

they pushed through.

updated April 22,


"Funny how we hear of new viruses on the Windows platform nearly every

day, but THAT doesn't hardly make the news anymore"

Name the last 2 Windows viruses? Should only be a few days back for you.

Should b ...more 


updated April 22,


*sigh* this is no where near the 'first' Mac trojan.. not by a long shot.

No, OSX is not immune. But it isn't just popularity that makes windows more

vulnerable. There were design decisions that actually ...more 


updated April 22,


I'll confess Mac 4 Life I was a hacker (quite some time ago) and so was my

bro. Our goal was to gain control of as many computers as possible, the most

common targets were PCs so we would rarely bother with macs unle ... more 


updated April 22,


agree w/ Vince Neil...the 'virus/botnet' came from pirated software that had the

trojan installed in it... It's also a story that's 3 months old. Sorry, even with their

faults, they are still much more secure than those conficker machines out



updated April 22,


Hooooray, Symantec can sell millions of copies of anti-virus software to Apple

users like the rightfully panic stricken PC users. Thereby slowing Apple

machines to the point that they run snails on acid just like the ...more 


updated April 22,

LOL at all the fan boys defending their precious Macs... (8 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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Vince Neil 

updated April 22,


The articles title should be change to something along the lines "Pirates get

stung by Trojan". It has nothing to do with targeting Macs or "Mac vs PC". It's

poor journalism.


updated April 22,


MAC's are assumed to be secure because of Apples Marketing Department,

they are far from it. If you don't believe me, look up all of the articles about the

last 2 years of security researches being silenced by Apple a ...more 


updated April 22,


I bet if there were more viruses for Mac, more people would use it.

Mac 4 Life 

updated April 22,


...Hey does anyone else trust what a company that writes ant-virus software

says about viruses? I know I never will. Don't they present a conflict of interest

since they're pushing their own solution?? Norton Ant-Virus is buggy and

bloated anyway.

Mac 4 Life 

updated April 22,


The market share argument is bogus! Hackers want a piece of whatever pie

gives them what they want. The ~8% market share is still millions of

computers. Why would a hacker avoid this ocean of users? Because there ...



updated April 22,


Notice that you MUST give it your admin password though to give the virus

root access. Mac is still better and more immune because we don't pick up

worms or viruses through browsing the internet or emailing. If some ... more 


updated April 22,


What Jon is trying to say is that nothing works on a mac, including malware.

If you run Windows as a power user instead of admin, use any freeware anti-

virus program, and set your windows updates to auto, y ... more 


updated April 22,


Even if you do get a virus on a MAC or any other situation(disk crash, ect). if

your using time machine to backup your mac, you would not lose a single bit of

data. Coupled with time capsule and your data is secure. ... more 


updated April 22,


"Macs are still far less vulnerable to attack than PCs"

This is only because virus and malware writers haven't written that many

programs that target Mac's, it is not because they are inherently more secure ... (9 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

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updated April 22,


This story is not correct. Macs are built on a UNIX core and have strict access

controls that make it MUCH harder to become infected. You can't get infected

without installing an infected/compromised piece of softwa ...more 


updated April 22,


So you actually have to *install* it??? That's just malware. Why is this news?

Oh - wait. Symantec sell anti-virus.


updated April 22,


The fact remains that in order to have this virus affect a laptop, the MAC user

would still have to enter their password. MAC, by default, does not install

ANYTHING via script unless the user inputs their password. Wi ... more 


updated April 22,


These guys at antivirus producing companies are just trying to sell their

product as they know now mac are becoming more popular. About the virus

explained, with illegal copies of iwork is total lie, there is no virus ...more 

updated April 22,


Hmm... let me think about this....So to avoid this Trojan horse I can: A. Buy

either Symantec or McAfee's products, or B. Don't download an illegal pirated

copy of iWork laden with a Trojan from some dubious file-shar ... more 


updated April 22,


this is awesome!! there are plenty of dumb Mac users who think they are

invulnerable! Most of them don't know the definition of anti virus! Take that

macs lol!


updated April 22,2009

This is not a Mac problem. It is not a virus or a worm either. This is users

deliberately installing software they know is illegal on their computers andreaping the consequences. If the user installs a pirate pro ... more 


updated April 22,


This is inherently wrong, despite the market share aspect Mac's are Unix

based and inherently more secure, as long as you don't use an Admin account

as your main account any install requires password authentication to ...more 

Great Sula 

updated April 22,


This sounds like it will only be a problim for anyone using pirated software.

People have been publishing modifyed pirated software for sometime, so this

isn't anything new, just the first time it has been noticed on a Mac.

M.C.M.  Macs are not "nearly immune" to viruses, trojans, hijackers, or any other form (10 of 13) [2/21/2010 9:52:40 AM]

E t M li i t t M CNN

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updated April 22,


of malware. They're simply 8% of the market. When they're only 8% of the

market, the mediocre security measures they currently have are en ... more 


updated April 22,


MAC users are naive or ignorant if they think any computer or network is free

from risk of viruses. There is no such thing as a completely secure network.

The reason there are less MAC viruses is stated clearly - less ...more 


updated April 22,2009

This is from January and the result of someone modifying pirated software that

you have to download illegally. Sounds like someone prompted CNN to run abogus story on Macs.


updated April 22,


The only reason Macs don't get more viruses is because they aren't a target.

Too few of them for people to waste their time writing a virus for. If anything

this article with claims of near invulnerability to viruses will make people want

to make viruses just to show it can be done.


updated April 22,


"This isn't the first botnet that's been built using Mac computers," Nazario said.

"This is an interesting one in that it's a little more flexible and includes some

new features. ... It's getting a lot of press mostly ... more 


updated April 22,


This attack required a user with administrative rights to download and install

software from an unsafe source. Downloader Beware!! I'll be much more

concerned when I get an attack that doesn't require my administrative

password to install.


updated April 22,


Not a virus.

If you're stupid enough to install pirated or other suspicious software on your

computer, be prepared for the ramifications.


updated April 22,


I'm a systems and network engineer of 20 years experience. When are people

going to realize that *CORPORATE*-sponsored "hackers" create a significant

majority of these so-called threats? (ex: Antivirus corps!) It is ...more 

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