Expertise In Mobile SEO

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Expertise In Mobile SEO

Expertise In

Mobile SEO

Learn to configure your site

•Choose your mobile configuration.

•Signal your configuration to search engines.

• Avoid common mistakes.

• Configure for other devices.

Choose your Mobile

ConfigurationHere, we first need to understand what exactly it

means to go mobile.

Understand different devices

Understand key points in going mobile

Select your mobile configuration

Helping understand different

devices Mobile: Mobile browsers are similar to desktop

browsers in that they can render a broad set of the

HTML5 specification, although their screen size is

smaller and in almost all cases their default

orientation is vertical.

Tablets: Tablets tend to have larger screens,

which means that, unless you offer tablet-

optimized content, you can assume that users

expect to see your site as it would look on a

desktop browser rather than on a smart phone


Multimedia phones: These are phones with

browsers that are able to render pages coded to

meet XHTML standards, support HTML5 Markup,

JavaScript/ECMAscript but might not support

some of the extension APIs in the HTML5

standard. This generally describes the browser in

most 3G-ready phones that are not smart phones.

Feature phones: On these phones, browsers lack

the capability to render normal desktop web

pages coded using standard HTML. This includes

browsers that render only cHTML (iMode), WML,

XHTML-MP, etc.


different devices

Important key points to note

Signal to Google when a page is formatted for

mobile: This helps Google accurately serve

mobile searchers your content in search results.

Make sure search engines like Google can

understand your mobile site setup.

Avoid common mistakes that can frustrate mobile

visitors: Featuring unplayable videos (e.g., Flash

video as the page’s significant content). Mobile

pages that provide a poor searcher

experience can be demoted in rankings or

displayed with a warning in mobile search results.

Keep resources crawlable:

If Googlebot doesn’t have access to a

page’s resources, such as CSS,

JavaScript, or images, we may not detect

that it’s built to display and work well on a

mobile browser. In other words, we may

not detect that the page is “mobile-

friendly,” and therefore not properly serve

it to mobile searchers.

Select your mobile configuration

• Responsive web design: Serves the same HTML code on

the same URL regardless of the users’ device (desktop,

tablet, mobile, non-visual browser), but can render the

display differently (i.e., “respond”) based on the screen size.

• Dynamic serving: Uses the same URL regardless of device,

but generates a different version of HTML for different

device types based on what the server knows about the

user’s browser.

• Separate URLs: Serves different code to each device, and

on separate URLs. This configuration tries to detect the

users’ device, then redirects to the appropriate page using

HTTP redirects] along with the Vary HTTP header.

• Blocked JavaScript, CSS and image files: For optimal rendering and indexing, always allow Googlebot

access to the JavaScript, CSS, and image files used by your

website so that Googlebot can see your site like an average


• Unplayable content: Some types of videos or

content are not playable on mobile devices, such as license-

constrained media or experiences that require Flash or other

players that are not broadly supported on mobile devices.

Unplayable content, when featured on a page of any

website can be very frustrating for users.

• Faulty redirects: If you have separate mobile URLs,

you must redirect mobile users on each desktop URL to the

appropriate mobile URL. Redirecting to other pages (such

as always to the homepage) would be incorrect.

Faulty Redirects

Mobile-Only 404s

• Some sites serve content to desktop users

accessing a URL but show an error page to

mobile users.

• To ensure the best user experience, if you

recognize a user is visiting a desktop page from a

mobile device and you have an equivalent mobile

page at a different URL, redirect them to that URL

instead of serving a 404 or a soft 404 page. Also

make sure that the mobile-friendly page itself is

not an error page.

Mobile-Only 404s

App download interstitials

• Many webmasters promote their business’ native apps to

their mobile website visitors. If not done with care, this can

cause indexing issues, and disrupt the visitor’s usage of the


The interstitial is blocking the

user from completing tasks

HTML banner lets users

complete tasks while

presenting the app.

Irrelevant cross-links

A common practice when a website serves

users on separate mobile URLs is to have

links to the desktop-optimized version, and

likewise a link from the desktop page to

the mobile page. A common error is to

have links point to an irrelevant page such

as having the mobile pages link to the

desktop site’s homepage.

Slow mobile pages

It is very important to make sure

your mobile site loads quickly.

Users can become very

frustrated if they have to wait a

long time to see your content.

Configure For Other Devices


Featured Phones


When thinking about how to configure your website for mobile

users, it’s common to think about visitors using tablet devices to

access your site.

Responsive Web design: As for smart phone-optimized sites, our

recommendation is to use responsive web design. This means that

your website serves the same HTML code to all devices along with

different CSS style rules to optimize the site’s interface on

desktops, smart phones, and tablets.

Device-Specific content: A website can return different pages

(different HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc) for different devices. These

pages can be served on the same URL (a configuration called

dynamic serving) or on separate dedicated URLs.

Featured Phones

Our recommendation for sites serving smart

phone users is to use responsive web design if

possible. However, since feature phones do not

have the capability to follow CSS media queries,

webmasters wishing to serve feature phones

would need to configure their sites to either use

dynamic serving or separate URLs to serve the

feature phone content.

Dynamic Servings

Separate URL’s

Dynamic Serving: Configuring your

server to dynamically serve feature phone optimized

contents on the same URL that serves other devices uses

the same implementation as when serving smart phones.

Separate URLs: Webmasters have

three supported configurations when serving desktop, smart

phone, and feature phone users on different URLs. These

configurations use the annotations we’ve previously

described for building feature phone and smart phone

optimized sites.

Thank You


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