Experimental Particle Physics

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Experimental Particle Physics. Detector by function. Position: Beam Tracker Vertex Telescope Multi-wire Proportional Chambers (MWPCs) Energy: Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) Charge: Quartz Blade PID: Hadron Absorber and Iron wall. Fig. From position to track. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Experimental Particle Physics

Experimental Particle Physics

Detector by function• Position:

– Beam Tracker– Vertex Telescope– Multi-wire Proportional

Chambers (MWPCs)

• Energy:– Zero Degree Calorimeter


• Charge:– Quartz Blade

• PID:– Hadron Absorber and Iron



13 Feb. 2008 2Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008


From position to track• That is the job for …

reconstruction1. Chose start and

finish point

2. Try to fit track to targets

3. Add middle points

4. Check that all the groups have points in the track

13 Feb. 2008 3Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Reconstructed event

13 Feb. 2008 4Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Experimental Particle Physics

• Chose a particle and a particular decay channel.(PDG)

• From that it will depend what is more important for you in terms of detector, and tracks

• For this presentation you’re going to see:


13 Feb. 2008 5Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Choice of good events

• You need to make sure that all the detectors you depend for your study were working correctly at the data taking time.

13 Feb. 2008 6Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

First mass spectrum

13 Feb. 2008 7Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Cuts This is 90% of the Work…

13 Feb. 2008 8Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Track distance



What these cuts are:

• Daughter particles of a V0 decayoriginate at the same point in space

• The particles have decay lengths of 2.7 cm (becomes 72 cm in thelaboratory frame)

They make sense because:

After the Cuts

13 Feb. 2008 9Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Background Subtraction


The idea:

• Take a “particle” that could be real, but that you are sure it is not.– Each track is from a different

collision– The ditracks characteristics

are according to the real ones

• Take enough of them

• Subtract their mass to your histogram


This is the other 90% of the Work…

13 Feb. 2008 10Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008


• The result you “see” has been biased by the detector and by the analysis steps.

• Now you must “unbias” so that you can publish a result comparable with other results.

• This is again… 90% of the work

• But after this you are done… You just have to write the thesis/article

13 Feb. 2008 11Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Pause for questions

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 12

Multivariate analysis

• Multivariate statistical analysis is a collection of procedures which involve observation and analysis of more than one statistical variable at a time.

• Some Classification Methods :– Fisher Linear Discriminant– Gaussian Discriminant– Random Grid Search– Naïve Bayes (Likelihood Discriminant)– Kernel Density Estimation– Support Vector Machines– Genetic Algorithms– Binary Decision Trees– Neural Networks

13 Feb. 2008 13Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Decision TreesNode


MiniBoone, Byron Roe

A decision tree isa sequence of cuts.

Choose cuts that partition the data into bins of increasingpurity.

Key idea: do sorecursively.

13 Feb. 2008 14Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

TMVA, what is it?

• Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis– software framework implementing several

MVA techniques– common processing of input data

(decorrelation, cuts,...)– training, testing and evaluation (plots, log-file)– reusable output of obtained models (C++

codelets, text files)


13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Implemented methods• Rectangular cut optimisation• Likelihood estimator• Multi-dimensional likelihood estimator and k-

nearest neighbor (kNN)• Fisher discriminant and H-Matrix• Artificial Neural Network (3 different

implementations)• Boosted/bagged Decision Trees• Rule ensemble• Support Vector Machine (SVM)• Function Discriminant Analysis (FDA)


13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 17

Advantages of TMVA• Distributed with ROOT• several methods under one 'roof‘

– easy to systematically compare many classifiers,– and find the best one for the problem at hand– common input/output interfaces– common evaluation of all classifiers in an objective way– plugin as many classifiers as possible

• a GUI provides a set of performance plots• the final model(s) are saved as simple text files and

reusable through a reader class• also, the models may be saved as C++ classes (package

independent), which can be inserted into any application• it’s easy to use and flexible• easy to implement the chosen classifier in user


13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 18

Logical Flow

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 19

Correlation Plots

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Comparison of all the methods• In this plot we can

see how good each of the methods is for our problem.

• The best method seems to be the BDT (boosted decision trees) that is basically a method that expands the usual cut method to more dimensions


13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 21

Methods output

All the methods output a number (the output classifier) that represents how well the given event matches the background. Here we can see the distributions of this value for two chosen methods (the best: BDT and the worst: Function Discriminant Analysis). This plots can help us to pinpoint the cut value to chose for our study.

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 22

Where to cut

• The TMVA produces this kind of plots, which are very useful to help deciding how pure the selected signal can be

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 23

Eye Candy

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 24

Eye Candy II


13 Feb. 2008 25Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008


13 Feb. 2008 26Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

PID in NA60

This is the “muon part of NA60”:

After the hadron absorber, only muons survive, and are tracked in the MWPCS

13 Feb. 2008 27Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008back

Decision Trees

Geometrically, a decision tree is an n-dimensional histogram whose bins are constructed recursively

Each bin is associated with some value of the desired function f(x)

MiniBoone, Byron Roe

00 0.4


Energy (GeV)





B = 10S = 9

B = 37S = 4

B = 1S = 39

f(x) = 0 f(x) = 1

f(x) = 0

13 Feb. 2008 28Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Decision Trees

For each variable find the best cut:

Decrease in impurity= Impurity(parent) - Impurity(leftChild)-Impurity(rightChild)

and partition using the best of the best

00 0.4


Energy (GeV)





B = 10S = 9

B = 37S = 4

B = 1S = 39

f(x) = 0 f(x) = 1

f(x) = 0

13 Feb. 2008 29Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

Decision Trees

A common impurity measure is (Gini):

Impurity = N * p*(1-p)


p = S / (S+B)

N = S + B0

0 0.4


Energy (GeV)





B = 10S = 9

B = 37S = 4

B = 1S = 39

f(x) = 0 f(x) = 1

f(x) = 0

13 Feb. 2008 30Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 31

How to use TMVA

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 32

Train the methods1. Book a “factory”

TMVA::Factory* factory = new TMVA::Factory(“<JobName>”, targetFile,


2. Add Trees to the factoryfactory->AddSignalTree(sigTree, sigWeight);factory->AddBackgroundTree(bkgTreeA, bkgWeightA);

3. Add Variablesfactory->AddVariable(“VarName”, ‘I’)factory->AddVariable(“log(<VarName>)”, ‘F’)

4. Book the methods to usefactory->BookMethod(TMVA::Types::<method enum>,

“<MethodName>", “<options>")

5. Train, test and evaluate the methodsfactory->TrainAllMethods();factory->TestAllMethods();factory->EvaluateAllMethods();

13 Feb. 2008 Pedro Parracho - MEFT@CERN 2008 33

Apply the methods

1. Book a “reader”TMVA::Reader *reader = new TMVA::Reader()

2. Add the variablesreader->AddVariable(“<YourVar1>", &localVar1);

reader->AddVariable(“log(<YourVar1>)", &localVar1);

3. Book Classifiersreader->BookMVA( “<YourClassifierName>",

”<WheightFile.weights.txt>” );

4. Get the Classifier outputreader->EvaluateMVA(“<YourClassifierName>")
