Experiences with OLPC Technology in Ghana, West Africa Suzanne Buchele, Ph.D. Southwestern...

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Transcript of Experiences with OLPC Technology in Ghana, West Africa Suzanne Buchele, Ph.D. Southwestern...

Experiences with OLPC Technology in Ghana,

West Africa

Suzanne Buchele, Ph.D.Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX

(Ashesi University College)


Friday, October 3, 2008, 10:00am

OLPC in Ghana

• The One Laptop Per Child Project

• My background and interest

• Why is OLPC a Good Idea? Pros

• Why isn’t OLPC the Best Idea? Cons

• Educational Realities in Ghana

• Experiences with OLPC in Ghana

• Observations

• Questions and Discussion

The One Laptop Per Child Project

• Non-profit organization, out of MIT Media Lab

• Launched in 2005 (unofficially started previously)

• Corporate sponsors provided an initial budget of $20 million

• Low-cost, low-power, rugged laptop for the developing world

• Sold to governments of developing countries, for distribution in-country by governments

OLPC Mission

To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.

(Constructionist Learning)

My Background and Interest

• Fulbright to Ashesi University College in Ghana 2006-2007

• Spring of 2007, research group with undergraduates

• Wrote paper on OLPC and its applicability to Ghana

• Fulbright renewed for 2007-2008

• Worked with Ghana and OLPC for 2007-2008 year

Why is OLPC a Good idea? Pros

• The Digital Divide

• Least Developed Countries – Economic Realities

• Educational Problems in LDCs– Access to education– Quality of education– Access to quality education– Girls’ education

• Best use of money?– Why not improve educational quality

and access?– Why not improve infrastructure (or

other initiatives) so that overall economies improve?

• Fundamental issues of technological know-how for implementation and on-going support

Why is OLPC not the best idea? Cons

Educational Realities in Ghana

• Rote Learning

• Not enough teachers

• Not enough schools,

textbooks, and other resources

• Schools are free (up to 8th grade), but…– Uniforms and school supply fees– Short-term opportunity loss to


OLPC in Ghana - Timeline

• September 2007 OLPC Reps first contact

• October 2007 In-country workshop

OLPC in Ghana - Timeline

• Nov. 2007 Ghana reps invited to Cambridge for OLPC training

• Dec 07 – Jan 08 Ghana OLPC Implementation Team Meetings

OLPC in Ghana - Timeline

• February 2008 Teacher Training

OLPC in Ghana - Timeline

• Feb 2008 First Pilot in Accra

Accra Pilot

Accra Pilot

OLPC Ghana - Timeline

• March 2008 One Laptop Foundation – Ghana established

• July 2008 Berekuso (rural) pilot


• Difficult circumstances

• Education is a Human Rights Issue

• Opportunity to fast-forward educational advancement

• Allow access to significant educational resources and opportunities

• Fundamental problem of disseminating technology country-wide

Questions and Discussion


• www.laptop.org, wiki.laptop.org

• Paper: The One Laptop Per Child Project and Its Applicability to Ghana www.southwestern.edu/~bucheles/ICAST_OLPC_paper.pdf

(with other references in bibliography)