Experience with Homoeopathy in a case of Fibroadenoma of Breast

Post on 11-Oct-2015

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Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi. Email: drrekhathomas@gmail.comAbstractFibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.Key words Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb

Transcript of Experience with Homoeopathy in a case of Fibroadenoma of Breast

Experience with Homoeopathy in a case of Fibroadenoma of Breast

Dr Rekha Thomas MD (Hom)Reader, Deptt. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Govt of NCT of Delhi. Email: drrekhathomas@gmail.com

AbstractFibroadenoma is one of the most common benign tumours of the female breast, which presents in young women as a mobile lump. A 31 years old female presented with painful lump in the left breast at OPD of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital. FNAC confirmed the diagnosis of fibro adenoma. Calcarea carbonica was prescribed in centesimal potency on the basis of totality of symptoms and the lump disappeared in one year and two months which was confirmed by mammography.

Key words Fibroadenoma, Homoeopathy, Calcarea carb

IntroductionFibroadenoma is a most common benign fibro epithelial tumour characterized by proliferation of both glandular and stromal elements of the breast. They are assumed to be aberrations of normal breast development or the product of hyperplastic processes rather than true neoplasms. They may develop at any age but more common in young women in the age-group of 15-30 years.

Histo-pathologically, we identify two varieties of fibroadenoma pericanalicular and intracanalicular. The former variety consists of fibrous tissue surrounding a few small tubular glands. Clinically this variety of fibroadenoma is smaller in size, harder in consistency and occurs mostly in young girls aged between 15 and 30 years. Intracanalicular fibroadenoma contains more glands which become stretched into elongated spidery shapes and become indented by fibrous tissue. This type of Fibroadenoma is larger in size, comparatively softer on palpation and is commonly seen in middle aged women between 35 and 50 years.

The exact cause of fibroadenoma of breast is unknown. However, it is believed to be estrogen dependent. Risk factors for fibroadenoma were examined in a case-control study involving 117 fibroadenoma cases ascertained by a major private pathology laboratory in Adelaide, Australia, between January 1983 and October 1985, but no evidence of an association with age at menarche or menopausal status was established (1).

The risk of fibroadenoma decreases with an increasing number of full-term pregnancies and increases with use of oral contraceptives at an early age (