Expecting The Little One

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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This book is teaching you what to do with your newborn child. By: Jakeria Anderson

Transcript of Expecting The Little One

Expecting the little one

Table of Contents


Page 1……………………How to handle

Page 2………………………How to handle

Page 3…………………………Teething/Dental Care

Page 4………………………………Feeding

Page 5………………………………Bathing

Page 6………………………………Dressing

Page 7………………………………….Diapering

Page 8…………………………………Sleeping

Page 9…………………………………Medical Care


I have created this book because i

want to teach a first time mother how

to handle their first child. It is

important a mother knows how to take

care of her her little one so this is

why i am writing this book on what to

do with your baby.

HOw to handle

When you have your newborn they will need to

be held almost all the time, like when they

need to be changed, fed, bathed, dressed,

cuddled, and hugged. When you pick your baby

up you must support the neck. A newborn neck

muscles are not strong enough at the time to

be held up on their own. Always be gentle with

your baby at that age they are very fragile

and could easily get hurt.


HOw to handle When lifting a newborn have your hand under

the shoulders and head. Use your forearm to

support the neck and head as you raise your

hand together to lift the newborn. This is

something important you should never do, SHAKE

YOUR BABY!!! When you vigorously shake or

jiggle a baby that causes shaken baby

syndrome. It could lead to damage to the

brain, including mental retardation,

blindness, and etc. Sometimes it could even

break the baby’s bones, or even cause death.


Teething/Dental careAs your baby is growing you will go through

the stage of teething. The baby will start

growing at 6 months and yes it will be very

painful to them. The teeth are pushing through

the gums. Physicians don’t recommend using

medication because it washes out the mouth in

minutes. During teething the baby will drool a

lot, develop low-grade fever, and want to chew

on something cold, hard unbreakable object.

They would want to chew on something like a

refrigerated teething ring.


Feeding the baby Babies under the age of six months eat only

breast milk or formula, so basically there is

only one way they can be fed by breast or

bottle. Breastfeeding is very natural, but not

always. It can take some practice. Most

hospitals have to give assistance if needed.

They can help mothers get the baby to eat. If

using the bottle you would use powder or

concentrated formula, mix it with sterile.

Most infants prefer their bottles room

temperature or warm. Always test the

temperature by dropping a small amount onto

the inside of your wrist.


BathingYour baby is gonna get dirty so that means you have

to give it a bath. A newborn should have a sponge

bath until its navel heals, maybe 2 or three weeks.

After that, the baby can have a tub bath or even

the bathe in the sink. Always support a very young

baby’s head and neck with one hand and arm. Hold

the baby’s body with the other hand and lower them

in the tub. Wash the baby’s face. Use clear water

and a damp, soft washcloth to wash the baby’s face.

Then gently pat it dry. You should wash your baby’s

hair about twice a week. Wash the babys hair with

baby shampoo and rub it gently. Rinse by pouring

water toward the sides and back or the baby’s head

and your baby is clean.


Dressing the babyNow I know you want your baby to have

some style so let me tell you how to

dress your baby. You would want your

baby to have clothes made of knit

fabrics that are comfortable and

stretchy, making it easy for the baby

to move around. The clothing size is

determined by the baby’s weight and

age, but weight is more important. It

is easier to dress a baby with snaps

on the sides so you can easily change

them. Dressing and undressing a baby

can take some practice due to them

moving around a lot, they don’t like

the change and temperature and getting

pulled and pushed into clothes. 6

Diapering Diapering is the most essential part of baby’s

wardrobe. Now we all know babies can get

stinky. A baby needs diaper changes 12 to 15

times a day. A common problem that occurs is

diaper rash. The symptoms are irritated skin

in the diaper area, sometimes even painful raw

spots develop. Controlling bacteria can help

with that. Diaper changes is a opportunity to

talk and laugh with your baby. These are the

steps on how to change a diaper. First remove

the diaper and clean diaper area with a moist

washcloth or a disposable wipe. Then you just

put on a fresh diaper and remember make sure

you clean well to prevent those rashes. Now

you know how to keep your baby fresh.


Beauty Rest for the baby Sleep is the essential for growth and

development. It helps the brain work properly.

Infants need more sleep than others. If you

put your baby in a crib to sleep or anywhere

else remove ALL stuffed pillows, fluffy

blankets, puffy bumper pads, and stuffed toys.

Babies should be placed faced up when

sleeping. Putting a baby to sleep should be a

relaxed and pleasant experience. You should

always have an routine with your baby’s

sleeping so that it is constant. If your baby

cries before sleeping check on them and calm

them down without picking them up and then

leave te room. If the baby cries again just

repeat the sequence the baby wants to know

that the parents will always be near.


Medical CareWhen your baby is first born their check up

will be after the first day. A pediatrician

does a thorough check of the newborn.

Additional checkups are typically scheduled at

1, 2 , 4, 6, 9, and 12 months. During these

exams the pediatrician will keep track of the

baby’s growth and development. Some checkups

include Immunizations which is shots, or

giving the body a small amount of a disease-

carrying germ so that the body is able to be

immune to the disease. The most common

immunize is vaccine. After being immunized the

body produces antibodies to fight off the

germs. The state regulates and schools

typically require that children have certain

immunizations. And that is how you have a

healthy baby.


The end