Exodus 28-29, 31-40 The Priests. Hebrews 5:4 Exodus 28:1 Article of Faith #5 How do we get the...

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Transcript of Exodus 28-29, 31-40 The Priests. Hebrews 5:4 Exodus 28:1 Article of Faith #5 How do we get the...

Exodus 28-29, 31-40

The Priests

Hebrews 5:4 Exodus 28:1 Article of Faith #5

How do we get the priesthood today?



Match these symbols to the Lord’s instructions Symbolic of the Holy Ghost. This substance was

used as a fuel to provide light. Symbolic of being set apart from the world and

being prepared for sacred responsibilities. Symbolic of being cleansed. Symbolic of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Symbolic of hearing, acting, and walking. The Priest

would listen to and follow Christ.

Exodus 29:1-14Exodus 29:31-37

How a priest was consecrated

And then this… (Exodus 32 Chapter Heading)

By show of hands: Who thinks the Israelites were foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

But are we just as foolish?

“Modern idols or false gods can take such forms as clothes, homes, businesses, machines, automobiles, boats, and numerous other material deflectors from the path to godhood…

“Intangible things make gods. Many young men decide to attend college when they should be on missions first. Many people build and furnish a home and buy the automobile first—and then find they ‘cannot afford’ to pay tithing.

“Many worship the hunt, the fishing trip, the vacation, the weekend picnics and outings. Others have as their idols the games of sport, baseball, football, the bullfight, or golf…

“Still another image men worship is that of power and prestige. Many will trample ethical values in their climb to success. These gods of power, wealth, and influence are most demanding and are quite as real as the golden calves of the children of Israel in the wilderness”

(Spencer W. Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness [1969], 41).

But are we just as foolish?

What does Moses do?Exodus 32:30-34

Chapter Headings- Exodus 33-40

Exodus 34:1(JST Exodus 34:1)

Exodus 28-29, 31-40

The Priests