EXHIBIT E - Minnesota€¦ · 05/02/17 K‘ Sandler Review Paisley Park museum operating 510...

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Transcript of EXHIBIT E - Minnesota€¦ · 05/02/17 K‘ Sandler Review Paisley Park museum operating 510...

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN



10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8. BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Fioor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

i=1 summary: bnafie r

M m m Matter # Matter Name fig Qi_s_b_ 1911!

0773760001 Estate Administration 164,515.00 3,086.59 167,601 ,59

0773760002 Estate Tax Return Preparation 10,623.00 0.00 10,623.00

077376.0100 Employment 2,028.00 0.00 2,028.00

0773760200 Real Estate 1868.50 3413 1,902.63

0773760201 \Paisley Park Real Estate 8,759.00 0.00 8,759.00

0773760202 Paisley Park Real Estate Tax Protest 764.00 0.00 764.00

0773760203 Galpin Blvd. Real Estate Tax Protest ‘ 88950 21.40 91090

0773760205 Galpin Blvd. Real Estate 145.00 000 145.00

077376.0300 Corporate 1,223.00 000 1,223.00

0773760303 Paisley Park Enterprises, Inc. 18300 93.00 276.00

0773760400 Litigation General Estate 57,325.00 1,389.56 58,714.56:

07773777éjb401” Jobu Lifigétion 9,565.00 50000, 10,065.00‘

0773760402 Bergonzi Litigation 7

177.00 0.003 177.00

0773760403 Brandon Litigation 295.00 14.40 309.40

0773760404 Roc Nation Litigation 7 r r r I

44,167.00: 493,88 44,660.88

W6?%é§éf6}{6§"HSéiib Appeals 9,242.00; 475.25 9,717.25


0773760406 Dixon v. NPG Music Publishing & NPG Rrerecrorrds Litigatiofiwq 7

1029850 591.65 10,890‘15:

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.]000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Commumcallons concerwng dxsputed debts Inciudmg an mslrumcm tendered www.fredlaw.com Min HGSDOHS, Min nesota as ml! satisfaction oi a deb! are In be sem to Frednkson & Byron PA Aim

Credit Department 200 South wm Sires! Suue 4000 MIRI‘ISaPOIIS MN 55402 Tax IO N 0‘ 41, 0971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

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6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON , RA.


M M m Matter # Matter Name E_e_e_s M M

077376.040? Mixed Blood 21,479.50 762.50 22,242,00

077376.0408 Brianna Nelson v. Paisley Park Facilities Litigation 4,024.00 0.00 4,024.00

077376.0409 George Ian Boxill Litigation 57,041.00 1,812.99 58,853.99

077376.0500 Intellectual Property 1,625.00 0.00 1.62500

077376.0600 Entertainment 32,759.50 0‘00 32,759.50

77767777213776.0605 PRN Licensing N N

7,726.00 0.00 7,726.00

7377;776:717000 Trademarks 9,841.00 0.00 984100

077376.;661" Copyright Matters 3,888.50 7

665.00 W


0773761002 Domain Names 7 N 7

331.00 0.00 331.00

0773764003 Enforcement 7,290.50 0.00 7,290.50

0773761006 Paisley Park (museum) IP matters 750.00 0.00 750.003

0773761007 Warner Brothers IP matters 1,471.00 000 1,47100

0773761009 Bravado IP matters W ‘

150000 0.00 1,500.00

0773761014 TM: Miscellaneous Dessgn(1)(Prmce Symbol) (87119791) (US) 122.00 000 122.00

0773761022 34:)

Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (2016083440) 33.00 0.00 3300

0773761034 TM: PAISLEY PARK (2016083442) (JP) ‘

66.00 0.00 66.00

0773761035 TM: PRINCE (87119773;(US) 222.00 0.00% 222.06 “

0773761043 TM: PRINCE (015717515) (EU) 300.00 0.00 300.00

0773761044 TM: PRINCE (2016083439) (JP) 516.00 0.00 51600

077376.1048 TM: PURPLE RAIN (863772815 (US)


10000 0.00 10000

0773761052 TM: Opposifiéfir of VANITY 6 (86661729) (US) 300.00 0.00 300.00

07773761055 Opposition of PURPLE RAIN (40-2016—0104693) (KR) 1,325.50 0.00 1,325.50

0773761063 TM: NPG (Class 14) (US) 0.00 7

275100 275.00

”67w7376.1064 TM: NPG (Class 15) (US)


0.00 275.00 275.00

“6773761065 TM: NPG (Class 21) (US)

N r r W I I > 7

000 275.00 27500

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484

Commumcalvons cunuermng disputed debls Including anInstrumenllendered WWW fredlaw COW] Minneapolis Minnesota as VuH sailsfacuon 01 a dam are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Ann Credit Departmem 200 South vlh Slreet Sune 4000 aeapohs MN 5540? Tax {D N 0| 41.0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

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6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8. BYRON, RA.


W 7

Current M m Matter # Matter Name

‘ Fei _D_i_s_g T_o_§§_l

0773761067 TM: PAISLEY PARK (Class 14) (US) i 000 275.00 275.00

0773761068 TM: PAISLEY PARK (Class 15) (US) :I

0.00 275.00 275.00

0773761069 TM: PAISLEY PARK (Class 21) (US)

7 r


0.60 27500 2750(1)»

Grand Total 486,369.35

Payment is due within 30 days from receipt of invoice

If you have any questions please emaii accounting@fredlaw.com or contact a client representative at 6124927574

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. mam 612.492.1000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612492.7077 90 Box 1484 Commumcahons concerning disputed debts Including an instrumenl tendered . ‘ - > ' .

E‘SVUHSallaChDflUfedebL areto be SenHa Frednkson& Byron PA Ann WWW'fYELi'dW'Lom aeapOhS’ MIRUESOIB Cram! Dcpavmvenl 200 South smh Slfeet, Suite 4000, Mmeaoohs MN 55402 l’ax 10 N o, 41 0971 937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 4 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.0001 Regarding: Estate Administration

05/01/17 E. Unger Search documents received from Stinson 0.70 25900 for gift tax returns and for WBR proposal to Bremer.

05/01/17 H. Roston Correspondence regarding appraisals. 0.20 10500 05/01/17 J. Taylor Upload weekly licensing report to datasite. 0.10 23.00 05/01/17 K. Sandler Attention to information for appraisals; 4.40 209000

Steinert conferences with M Ranum regarding title work; attention to real estate appraisals; attention to NDAs; attention to issues relating to FedEx of Let's Go Crazy reels to Warner Bros; review article regarding administration of Prince estate; conference with T‘ Fleming regarding letter to A. Mueller and review letter to A‘ Mueller

05/01/17 M. Yevzelman Coordinate inspection of Paisley Park; 0.20 102.00 email with —.

05/01/17 T. Fleming Review draft letter to A. Mueller; review K. 3.80 2,242.00 Steinert revisions to same and phone conference with K. Steinert regarding same; revise letter; forward to A‘ Bruce, A. Aycock, and G Snover; review A‘ Bruce comments; revise letter and forward to A. Mueller; prepare for phone conference with A‘ Mueller .

05/02/17 H. Roston Discuss appraisal process and 0.20 10500 engagement letter with Karen Steinert,

05/02/17 J. Nelson Meeting at Paisley Park regarding estate 3.00 975.00 matters.

05/02/17 J. Taylor Upload Statement of Claim to datasite. 0.10 2300 05/02/17 K‘ Sandler Review Paisley Park museum operating 510 2,422.50

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124921000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 5124927077 P.O. Box1484 Commumcauons concermng dwspuled debzs “1:tq amnsmmemtendered www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota as lul! satisfaction of a deb\ are Io be sem |0 Frednkson 3 Byron PA Ann

Cred" Department. 200 South 80% Sveek Suxte 4000 aeapolxs, MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41~0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrilcson 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 5 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Steinert agreement and emails regarding same; conference call with P Park regarding Paisley Park museum operating agreement; conference with SLS regarding UMGNVB deal; conference with M. Ranum regarding Paisley Park title issue; conference call with Comerica regarding P Park and P Park Operatin Agreement; conference withd

05/02/17 M. Greiner Telephone conference with A. Aycock 7.80 5,070.00 regarding administration of estate,

; review PRN emails and court filings; conference with attorney regarding UMG rescission agreement; telephone conference with J. Boyarski; preparation for and meeting with SLS attorneys (Halferty, Heaven—Young, Crosby, Kraemer, Bradford) regarding rescission of UMG licensing agreement; telephone conference with ; conference call with

, T‘ Carter and J. Boyarski -; telephone conference with J‘ Boyarski,

05/02/17 T. Fleming Review A. Mueller response to letter 3.60 2,124.00 regarding _ and forward to clients and Fredrikson team; phone conference with M Ranum and meeting with her regarding phone conference with —; prepare

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O. 80x1484 Communications concerning dispuied dams Including aninslrumenuendered WWW fredlawxzom Minneapoiis Minnesota 85 mn sallslachon of a den! ate lo be 591“ m Frednkson & Bymn. PA, Aim

Credll Dcpavtmum, 200 Sauih 3mm $0.q Sune 4000 Mlnneapohs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0. 413971937 55480; 1484

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6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

,,!N!919,E,QEINLW .

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 6 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

for and participate in phone conference with Comerica, A. Mueller and I —, and debriefing afterwards.

05/03/17 A. Gyurisin Prepare Form 4506 and request copies of 2.70 567.00 prior Form 709 Gift Tax Returns for Prince Nelson. Prepare and send a letter to the IRS requesting verification of gift tax returns flied by Prince Rogers Nelson.

05/03/17 E. Unger Review claim by Spear and draft notice of 0.40 148.00 disallowance.

05/03/17 H. Roston Correspondence and discussions with 0.40 210.00 regarding scope of work

and engagement letter. 05/03/17 K. Sandler Weekly appraisers' call; review boxes 4.80 2,280.00

Steinert regarding relevant information for appraisals; conference regarding obtaining gift tax returns; telephone conference with A. Aycock; emails with

review contract; review NPG Records operating agreement; telephone conference regarding discussions with P. EIIis—Lamkins.

05/03/17 L. Brunner Office conference regarding obtaining 0.20 60.00 copies of gift tax returns.

05/03/17 M. Greiner Review PRN email correspondence and 4.20 273000 court filings; telephone conference with S. Silton; telephone conference with- regarding valuation matters; conference with attorney regarding PP real estate tax protest and museum agreement; telephone conference with A. Bruce and A. Aycock regarding administration matters

; telephone conference with T. Carter; review UMG agreement relating to rescission; conference with attorney

Fredr‘rkson 8: Byron, PA‘ main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Commumcahons concerning dxspuled debts mdud‘ng an wrslrumem tendered W

- , , w

' \ , aslul!sahsfacuon oladebt,a(e\o be senile Frednksan$Eyron PA.Altn WWW‘fre(‘|aW"’O'“ aedhs’ Minnesota

CredllDeparlmenl.2OO $0t Sinh Street Su‘te 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41-0971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W‘ Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 7 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

regarding Boxill matter and Tidal litigation. 05/03/17 M. Yevzelman‘ Email with K. Steinert regarding trimming 0.10 51.00

of Paisley Park inspection. 05/04/17 K. Sandler Meet with tangible personal property 4.70 2,232.50

Steinert appraisers at Paisley Park and the warehouse; review and revise_ agreement; email regarding information on museum operations in connection with appraisals; attention to providing information to appraisers,

05/04/17 M Greiner Meeting with TPP appraisers at PP; review 2.70 1,755.00 PP and warehouse with TPP appraisers; conference call with A. Aycock and A. Bruce; attention to PRN email correspondence.

05/04/17 M. Stortz Telephone call to _ regarding 0.50 152.50 bus (left message); e—mail K. Johnson regarding same; draft and revise e—mail to

and inter—office conference with K. Steiner‘t regarding same; send same to .

05/04/17 M. Yevzelman Email with H. Roston regarding - 0.10 51.00 — with appraisers. 05/05/17 Litigation Copy case productions/case files to 1.00 195.00

Support media. Consulting

05/05/17 A‘ Rondoni Strategize on obtaining e—mails and 0.80 23200 Tavernier documents sent by P. EIIis—Lamkins which

are — with K. Sandler Steinert; organize and retrieve e—mails and documents sent by P. Ellis-Lamkins from database.

05/05/17 C. Thompson Draft contract with —, '

110 335.50 including limitation of liability and indemnification provisions

05/05/17 E. Unger Review and categorize Stinson's time 1.40 518.00

Fredrikson & Byrom RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 P.O, Box 1484 Communmnnw: concnrmng :lvsputed debts mavmmg an ‘Hslrumem Inuderud / - ~ \ ‘


as full satisfaction of a debt are (0 be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Ann www.fredlaw.com Ml n neapol ‘5' M I "(‘QSOIS Cred" Departmem 200 Soum SRXIW Stree‘ Suue 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax [D N 0‘ 410971937 55480, 1484

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6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

8: BYRON. RA. Fredrikson

INVOICE DETA'L,,,,,,, ,, , _

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 8 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

entries for appraisal and tax purposes. 05/05/17 J. Taylor Upload documents to datasite. 0.20 46.00 05/05/17 K. Sandler Telephone conference with -; 5.70 2,707.50

Steinert conference regarding estate administration; review documents in connection with requests from appraisers; emails to prior counsel in connection with requests from appraisers; review and revise _ contract; review receipt from Bremer; telephone conference with R. Trotter regarding proposed projects,

05/05/17 M, Greiner Attention to trademark and [icensing 4.90 3,185.00 matters involving _; conference with attorney regarding same; conference call with A. Aycock and A, Bruce regarding estate administration and outside counsel matters; conference with attorney regarding estate tax return and valuations, income tax planning for estate and entities, and preparation of receipt and preliminary inventory.

05/05/17 M. Yevzelman Prepare _ email 0.30 153.00 same to H. Roston.

05/06/17 T. Fleming Review J‘ Stout phone message; phone 2.00 1,180.00 conference with J. Stout regarding- - opportunities and Paisley Park and review Exhibit Operating Agreement.

05/07/17 E. Unger Continue reviewing and categorizing 3.20 1,184.00 Stinson's time entries for appraisal and tax purposes,

05/08/17 J. Taylor Upload document to datasite. 0.10 23.00 05/08/17 KA Sandler Revise receipt; correspondence regarding 480 228000

Steinert collection of liabilities; attention to real estate appraisal; correspondence with R. Trotter regarding meeting with P. Ellis~ Lamkins;

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612.492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612,492.7077 RO, BOX 7484 Commumcamns concerning dlspmed dehls uncmdung anunsnmwenllcndevud www.'fredlaw,com Minneapolis, Minnesota as full satisfacuon o! a debt are to be sent «7 Fredrikson & Byron PA Atm

C'edll Deperlmem 200 South Slxih Street. Suile 4000. Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax ID No. 4170971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson "


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 9 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 -; telephone conference with A.

Aycock and A. Bruce regarding- ; telephone

conference with counsel for regarding license agreement; emails with A. Letoumeau regarding accounting issues; review and provide comments on letter to court responding to Nelson objection.

05/08/17 M. Greiner Attention to trademark and licensing 6.30 4,095.00 matters involving conference with attorney regarding same; conference call with A. Aycock and A. Bruce regarding estate administration and outside counsel matters; conference with attorney regarding estate tax return and valuations, income tax planning for estate and entities, preparation of receipt and preliminary inventory; conference regarding _; review court filings and PRN emaiis; conference with attorney regarding Jobu

; telephone conferences with S. Silton regarding NEH concerns regarding

05/08/17 T. Fleming Phone conference with J. Stout and review 3.70 2,183,00 his memo regarding opportunities; prepare for and meeting with J‘ Stout; review A. Bruce, K‘ Steinert, and J. Stout e—mails regarding-

05/08/17 T. Fleming Meeting with M. Greiner and K. Steinert 0.40 236.00 regarding several cases and broader issues.

05/09/17 E. Unger Continue reviewing and categorizing 5.00 1,850.00

Fredri kson & Byron, P.A. main 612.4927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 6124927077 P.O. 80x1484 Cummumcenons concemmg dwsputed debts Including an Ins‘rumenl tendered - ‘ ‘ -

asfuusallsfachonn!adebl arelo be senHo FIednkson&Byron PA Alln www.fredbaw.com MHH‘QaDOhb' MinnGSOta Credn nepanmem 9w Scum s‘xm Shem Sulle 4000. aeapohs MN 55402 tax I D N 0. 410971937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 10 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0001 411 W, Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Stinson's time entries for appraisal and tax purposes.

05/09/17 H. Roston Calls with — and 0.40 210.00 correspondence regarding appraisals.

05/09/17 J. Taylor Upload documents to datasite. 0.70 161.00 05/09/17 K. Sandler Conference regarding analysis of Section 5.70 2,707.50

Steinert 6166; review and production of documents to appraisers; telephone conference with T. Carter regarding —; conference regarding Paisley Park operating agreement; conference with A. Aycock; telephone conference with- regarding potential Tnts; telephone conference with .

05/09/17 M. Greiner Attention to Jobu and PP matters; 5.80 3,770.00 conference regarding I and PRN participation; conference with A. Aycock regarding administration of estate and litigation matters; conference with attorney regarding Boxill litigation; telephone conference with T. Carter; review PRN email correspondence; telephone conference with S. Silton; telephone conference with J. Boyarski; preparation for PRN hearing and attention to UMG claim.

05/09/17 T‘ Fleming Review letter to Judge Eide, Notice of 0.80 472.00 Motion to File Coamerica letter under seal, Memorandum Supporting Motion and proposed Order regarding same; res 0nd to S. Nystrom inquiries regarding

05/09/17 T, Fleming Prepare for meeting and meeting with J. 2.30 135700 Stout, K. Steiner’t, and M. Ranum and follow up.

05/10/17 A‘ Gyurisin Review revisions to Receipt of Assets from 0.80 168.00

Fredrikson 84 Byron, PA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 90. BOX 1484 Commumcahons concemlng duspuled Gems mcludmg amnshumenl Kendovod

WWW frediaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as hm satxstaunon of a debt. are to be sem Io Fredrxkscn & Byron PA Ann Crerm nepanmenl 200 Soulh sixth Sheet. Swle 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID NO. 410971937 55480 1484

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10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.

JN_V9!CEDETA|L .. , ,, ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 11

Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Bremer Bank. 05/10/17 E. Unger Continue reviewing and categorizing 6.80 2,516.00

Stinson's time entries for appraisal and tax purposes.

05/10/17 K. Sandler Weekly appraiser call; review and revise 3.80 1,805.00 Steinert NDA with L. McMillan; review and revise

engagement letter for ; emails regarding accounting issues;

conference regarding categorization of legal expenses; conference regarding scope of AV rights in recording agreement;

05/10/17 L. Friedemann 0.50 295.00

Preparation for and attend PRN hearing; 6.30 4,095.00 post—hearing conference with counsel; telephone conference with S. Silton; telephone conferences with J‘ Boyarski; conference and telephone conference with A, Aycock and A. Bruce regarding estate administration; meeting with A. Aycock regarding hearing and outstanding issues relating to conference with J‘ Cassioppi; conference with K. Steinert regarding valuations

05/10/17 M. Greiner

matters. 05/10/17 M. Yevzelman Review - engagement letter. 0.10 51.00 05/10/17 P. Seul Draft and revise L. McMillan non— 2.70 999.00

disclosure agreement. 05/10/17 T_ Fleming Review N. Dahl letters to Court regarding 060 35400

L. McMillan access to confidential information and responding to J. Cassioppi letter; review Comerica memorandum supporting motion to determine heirs; review reply memorandum supporting PPF

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.0. Box1484 Communlcahuns concerning d1sputed uebls Includmg amnstrumemlendered WWW frediaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as {UN sansfacnon of a debt are ln be sent Io Frednkson 8 Byron PA [Mn

Cream Depanmanl 200 Scum Slxm Sneev Sune 4000 aeapohs MN 5540) Ta X | D N 0, 41~ 0971937 55480" 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 12 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

motion to dismiss. 05/10/17 T. Fleming Review prior communications with J. 2.00 1,180.00

Weinshanker and Comerica and Fredrikson team communications and draft letter to A. Mueller regarding points in dispute.

05/11/17 E‘ Summers Conference with K Steinert; review email 4.90 1,592.50 communications with _; review documents.

05/11/17 E. Unger Search documents received from Stinson 1.30 481.00 for publishing proposal comparison Chart for M. Greiner.

05/11/17 J. Taylor Upload documents to datasite. 0.60 138.00 05/11/17 K. Sandler Review documents and respond to queries 6.40 3,040.00

Steinert from appraisers; telephone conference with - regarding Paisley Park photographs and box preservation process; review documents regarding summary of proposed publishing deals; emails regarding NDA with L. McMillan; conference regarding outside counsel; attention to retitling of real estate; review issues regarding ownership of copyrights.

05/11/17 L. Brunner Prepare correspondence to Carver County 0.30 90.00 requesting certified copy of Letters of Administration; file same.

05/11/17 M Greiner Telephone conference with S. Silton 6.70 4,355.00 regarding meeting with J. Boyarski; conference with S. Silton, J. Boyarski and J. Bruntjen; conference call with A, Aycock and A. Bruce regarding administration of estate; attention to NDA for NEH adviser; review court filings; attention to PRN email correspondence; telephone conference with J. Bo arski re arding- “ and review of

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124917077 HO. BOX1484 Communications concernmg dtsputed dams Indudlng anmstrumemlendered WWW fredlaw COIN Minneapolis Minnesota as full sahsfacnon of a debt. are Io be sent to Fredrikson & Byron, PA Aun

Cred" Department, 200 South Sm Sweet Suns 4000, aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID N o, 41 0971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

,,!NY9,IQE, QEIAJL‘ V, ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 13 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

agreement; telephone conference with A. Aycock; follow-up with S. Silton regarding meeting.

05/11/17 T. Fleming Review prior communications with I 3.30 1,947.00 and

FredrikSon team communications and agreement and draft letter to A. Mueller

; review K.

Steinert comments; revise letter and forward to Comerica and Fredrikson team

05/12/17 E. Summers Conference with K. Steinem; review email 4.40 1,430.00 communications; attention to document review.

05/12/17 E, Unger Review inquiry from PhiHipe D'Aoust. 0.20 74.00 05/12/17 K, Sandler Review documents in connection with 4.30 204250

Steinert appraisers' requests; correspondence with accountants regarding accounting issues; conference with A. Wessberg regarding ownership of copyrights; arrange for inspection of warehouse and office building; telephone conference with I

05/12/17 M. Greiner Telephone conference with S. Silton; 4.60 2,990.00 meeting with J. Boyarski; multiple telephone conferences with T. Carter, J.

Boyarski, A, Aycock, A, Bruce and J.

Cassioppi regarding_ transaction and UMG rescission; review PRN email correspondence.

05/12/17 M, Yevzelman Coordinate inspection with — 0.20 102.00 05/12/17 T. Fleming Discussions with C. Pham, J. Lundquist 0.50 29500

and L. Friedemann regarding —. 05/15/17 E. Summers Attention to document review; emai! 5.40 1,755.00

correspondence with K. Steinert. 05/15/17 L. Brunner Check probate court for status of order for 0.20 60.00

certified copy of Letters Testamentary.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 61249217000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.0‘ Box1484 Communzcnuonsioncervmgdxspuiod (1cbls,mcludmg 8HIHSULHHCHHUIIUQYL‘U WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sansfacuon of a debt are to be sent (a Frednkson 8. Byron PA Ann

Credll Depanmem 200 Scum vm Slreet Sune 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Ta x IO N o_ 41 097‘] 937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN



Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/15/17 M. Greiner

05/15/17 M. Yevzelman

05/16/17 Litigation Suppofl Consulting

05/16/17 E, Summers 05/16/17 J. Erhart

05/16/17 L. Friedemann

05/16/17 M. Greiner

05/16/17 M. Yevzelman

05/16/17 P. Seul

Filed in First Judicial District Court 6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 14 Matter No: 0773760001

Conference call with A. Aycock, A. Bruce 5.10 3,315.00 and J. Snover regarding real estate holdings; conference call with A. Bruce, A. Aycock and J. Boyarski regarding

transaction; conference with attorney regarding appraisal of PP; telephone conference with A. Aycock; conference with attorney regarding appraisals; attention to PRN email correspondence and court filings; attention to UMG rescission matter and memorandum in support. Confer with M. Greiner regarding real 0.20 102.00 estate appraisals and request by l

to inspect; telephone conference with - regarding same. Review and inspect 13 3.5" floppy disks to 1.00 195.00 determine content.

Attention to document review 510 1,657,50 Telephone conference with - 0.20 134.00

Email With K. Steinert regarding 0.20 118.00 documents for appraisers. Review and revise memorandum 3.10 2,015.00 regarding UMG rescission; review correspondence and respond to T. Carter, J, Boyarski, A. Aycock and A, Bruce; attention to NEH adviser matters; attention to PRN email correspondence and court filings. Inspect office building, warehouse and 3.20 1,632.00 Paisley for real estate appraisals withI

and K. Johnson. Prepare non—disclosure agreements for I 070 259.00

Commumcatrons concerning dxsputed debls. mcluding an Instrumenl tendered as H‘H Suilsiachun uf a deb. are to be St ‘0 Frednksofl & Byron, PA Ann

Credwl Depavimunl 200 South SIX”! SUDCL Sum: 4000 aeapohs MN 55402

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124917077 P.O. Box1484 www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, aesota

Tax ID No, 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/17/17 D. Schoonover 05/17/17 E. Summers 05/17/17 J. Erhart

05/17/17 K. Sandler Steinert

05/17/17 L. Anderson

05/17/17 M. Greiner

Office conference with M. Greiner. Attention to document review. Prepare for and attend meeting with representatives of CliftonLarsonAHen to discuss Telephone conferences and emails with appraisers; review — contract and telephone conference with- regarding —; review documents for appraisers; email counsel for L. McMillan regarding NDA tele hone conference and emaiis withi conference regarding Income tax audits; conference regarding brand guidelines in connection with valuation issues; review documents in connection with requests from appraisers. Review and respond to email communications regarding preparation of litigation summary; continue work on same; upload multiple documents to HighQ; email communications with atty. K. Steinert regarding same. Attention to memorandum in support of rescission; correspondence with counsel for prior administrator; conference with attorney regarding redactions from memorandum; telephone conference with - regarding valuations; attention to PRN email and court filings; telephone conference with CLA regarding expense allocation; telephone conference with J. Boyarski; conference call with A. Aycock and A. Bruce regarding estate administration.

main 612.492.7000 fax 612.492.7077

Communicanons concerning dispuled debls. mcluding an instrument tendered as M} sakisfacu‘cn ofa debt, are m be sem to Fredrikson & Byron. PA, Alm: WWW‘ fred!aw.com

Credn Depanmem. 200 South Sixlh Street, Suite 4000, Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax 1 D N o. 4‘] «0971937

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 15 Matter No: 0773760001

0.10 54.50 1.80 585.00 2.10 1,407.00

7.90 3,752.50

0.60 147.00

3.10 2,015.00

Fredrikson 8: Byron, RA. Attorneys & Advisers PO. Box 1484 Minneapolis, Minnesota


10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 16 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/17/17 M. Yevzelman Confer with M. Greiner and K. Steinert 0.40 204.00 regarding Paisley inspection and status of real estate appraisals.

05/17/17 T. Fleming Phone conference with J. Stout regarding 0.40 236.00 A. Mueller draft letter and opportunities and phone conference with A. Aycock regarding same.

05/18/17 E. Summers Conference with K. Steinert; attention to 1.40 455.00 document review.

05/18/17 K. Sandler Telephone conferences with accountant; 6.40 3,040.00 Steinert review documents in connection with

requests from appraiser; attention to NDA with _ review files regarding ownership of _; attention to review of documents on hard drives from Paisley Park; revise

contract; correspondence with appraisers; conference regarding outstanding tax issues,

05/18/17 L. Anderson Upload multiple documents to HighQ; 0.60 147.00 email communications with atty. K.

Steinert regarding same. 05/18/17 M. Greiner Telephone conference with A. Aycock and 550 3,575.00

meeting with _ regarding inventory of IP assets; telephone conference with J. Boyarski regarding F agreement and-

; telephone conference with T. Carter regarding - transaction; telephone conference with 8‘ Silton regarding UMG rescission and request for documents/information; review correspondence regarding information request from S. Silton; conference with attorney regarding same; conference regarding CLA and income tax reporting

Fredrikson & Byron, PVA.

main 612.492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

Commumcahons concerning dxspulnd debts :ncmdmg anmslrumemrefine-rem WWW {(PCHGW com Minneapotis Minnesota as iufl sahsfacuon 01 a deb| are to be sent to Frednkson 2; Byron PA, Attn

Credn Department 200 Soulh Sixth S(reel Swle 4000, aeapohs. MN 5502 Tax ID NO, 4 ‘1 . 0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

,,,|NV°|CE PEj'Al!-,,,,, ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 17 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

for estate and entities; review account information; conference with attorney regarding — and expense allocation; telephone conference with J. Bo arski re arding—

05/18/17 P. Seul Review 2.20 814.00 and draft non-disclosure

agreement. 05/18/17 T. Fleming Phone conference with J. Stout regarding 1.10 64900

A. Mueller letter and forward revised draft to team.

05/19/17 J. Erhart Prepare for and attend conference call to 1.00 670.00 discuss employment tax audit matters.

05/19/17 K, Sandler Conference call regarding employment tax 5.20 2,470.00 Steinert audit; telephone conference with

accountant regarding outstanding accounting issues; review documents in connection with requests from appraisers; emails to T. Bransford regarding licensing agreements; telephone conference with A. Aycock regarding accounting issues; email to Bravado regarding licensing questions raised by appraisers; attention to accounting issues.

05/19/17 M. Greiner Telephone conference with J. Boyarski 2.70 175500 regarding _ and related matters; conference with attorney regarding litigation matters and potential claims by estate relating to —; conference call with A. Aycock and A. Bruce regarding administration of estate; conference with attorney regarding- -; review PRN emails and court filings/orders.

05/19/17 T‘ Fleming Review N. Dahl letter on behalf of Sharon 000 0.00

Fredrikson 84 Byron, PVA.

main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 6124927077 PO. BOX 1484

Communicahons concermng dxspuled debts mdudlng an Instrument tendered - , ‘

asfunsausracnonoradem arelc be senlto Frednksong. Byron. PA Aim www.fredlaw‘com Minneapolis, Minnesota Cmdll Deparimem. 200 South s‘xm swam Sune 4000. aeapons, MN 55402 Tax H) No. 410971937 55480.1 484

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10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRONr RA.

IN,V9|QE,QEIA!L_,..., ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W‘ Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 18 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Nelson, Norrine Nelson and John Nelson to Judge Eider, Notice of Motion and Motion, proposed Order, and Memorandum in Support of Motion to allow SNJ’s unredacted 5/19/17 letter to be filed under seal.

05/22/17 E. Summers Review email correspondence for 5.40 1,755.00 additional information requests; attention to document review.

05/22/17 E‘ Unger Review and categorize Stinson time 540 1,998.00 entries for expense allocation purposes

05/22/17 H. Roston Internal discussions with Masha 0.20 105.00 Yevzelman regarding appraisal issues and status update.

05/22/17 J. Taylor Post documents to data room. 1.00 230.00 05/22/17 K. Sandler Review documents in connection with 5.80 2,755.00

Steinert appraisers' requests and emails to T. Bransford regarding same; conference regarding P. Ellis-Lamkins request for indemnification; conference regarding categorization of bills for expense allocation purposes; telephone conference with —; follow—up regarding certified letters for real estate transfer; emaHs with - regarding third-party agreements; email regarding .

05/22/17 K. Williams Work on inventory project with 4.00 300.00

05/22/17 M. Greiner Meeting with S‘ Silton regarding NEH 4.30 2,795.00 concerns regarding UMGNVB rights issue; conference with attorney regarding NEH motion; conference with attorney regarding Tidal Hti ation

conference call with A. Bruce and A‘ Aycock regarding response to NEH motion

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisors

fax 6124927077 PO. Box 1484 Communicatmns concermng rhspmed dobas yndudmg an‘nslmmuu‘.devcd WWW fredIaW com Minneapolis Minnesota as fult sanslaction o! a deb! are to be sent to Fredrlkson 8 Byron PA Ann

Cred” Department, 200 South 8‘t Skeet Suns 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID NO, 41~0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate C/O Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/22/17 M. Stortz

05/22/17 M. Yevzelman

05/22/17 T. Fleming

05/23/17 E. Summers 05/23/17 J. Taylor 05/23/17 K. Sandler


05/23/17 K. WiNiams

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 19 Matter No: 0773760001

and administration of estate; attention to income tax expense allocation and valuations; telephone conference with D. Dunn. E-mail correspondence re ardin ; 0.70 research regardingw Confer with H. Roston regarding status of 0.20 Paisle rea‘ estate appraisal; email * regarding same. Review Comerica Notice of Motion and 4.80 Motion to Approve Rescission and Amended Notice of Motion and Motion; review J. Cassioppi declaration and exhibits and Memorandum in Support; review Motion to File Unredacted Memorandum and Declarations under Seal, Memorandum in Support, and proposed Order; review A. Silver letter to Jud e Eide

and proposed Order regarding same; review B. Jackson Affidavit; review T. Kane letter to Judge Eide; review Notice of Court Orders; review A. Silver letter to Jud e Eide

Attention to document review. '

0.50 Uptoad documents to data room. 0.80 Review and revise roposed _ 3.10

Nielsen; attention to real estate valuations; provide licensing agreements for NIL appraiser; email with T. Bransford regarding licensin agreements; rovide copies ofh Work on inventory project with P. Davis 7.00





162.50 184.00



Fredrikson 81 Byrom RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Communications concerning disputed debts, Including an instrument ‘endered - - -

asfu‘lsatisfaclion cfadebt,are(o be senno FredriksonB‘Byron‘ PA,A1m: www.fred|aw.com M'nneapo‘ls' Mxnnesota

Credxl Depanmem, 200 South Sixth Street, Suite 4000. aeapalis, MN 55402 Tax 1 D N o _ 41 “097 1937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 20 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

from Comerica. 05/23/17 L. Brunner Telephone conference with probate court 0.40 120.00

regarding status of order of certified document; office conference regarding same.

05/23/17 M Greiner Conference with J. Cassioppi regarding 360 2,275.00 response to motion; conference with A. Aycock and A. Bruce regarding administration of estate; conference call with A. Aycock, A. Bruce, J. Boyarski and T. Carter regarding - and - deals and dea! terms; telephone conference with real estate agent regarding vacant property held by L4OA; conference call with J. Boyarski and T. Carter regarding - proposal; conference with attorney regarding .

05/23/17 M. Stortz E—mail correspondence regarding _ 0.10 3050 05/24/17 EV Summers Attention to document review; email 040 130.00

communications with K. Steinert. 05/24/17 K. Sandler Emails with T. Bransford regarding 3.10 1,472.50

Steinert Iicenses; provide information to appraisers; review various legal invoices in connection with submission for court approval; conference with associate regarding review of legal invoices for privilege and confidentiality issues and categorization of legal expenses; correspondence regarding UK probate matters; review independent contractor agreement.

05/24/17 KV Wiiliams Work on inventory project with P. Davis 700 525.00 from Comerica

05/24/17 M, Greiner Conference with A. Aycock and A‘ Bruce 3.90 2,535.00 regarding administration of estate; review PRN emails and court filings; attention to

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 81 Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P‘OV BOX 1484 Communicanons concermng dispuled Gems mcludmg an mstmmenl ‘endered '

. - . >

as mu sausvawou m a uubt am [U be 1mm Hcdnksun 8. Byvuu, PA Am: WWW' fredlaw.com M I ”neapm 15' M ’ nnesma Cram Uepawnumt 200 Smuh wlh Sued Suttu 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax ID N 0, 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson ‘


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a WV Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/25/17 E. Summers

05/25/17 K. Sandler Steinert

05/25/17 K. Williams

05/25/17 M. Greiner

Commumcahcns concerning dlSCMflQd dents ncludmg an mstrumenl |endered as {UH sansfachon of a debt are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron. PA, Ann

Credn Department 200 South Sum St(ee\ Swle 4000 aeapoixs MN 55402

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 21 Matter No: 0773760001

WBR agreements; telephone conference with counsel for heirs. Conference with K. Steinert; attention to 0.40 document review. Review and revise independent contractor 3.90 agreement; review and revise proposed changes to NDA with_ —; review memorandum regarding L4OA; conference regarding outstanding valuations for estate tax return; email to counsel for- - regarding financial statements; conference regarding liens; telephone conference with appraisers; review NDA with -; telephone conference with N. Dahl regarding L4OA; telephone conference with _; weekly appraisers' conference call; telephone conference with _ regarding Paisley Park reporting; review invoices of other counsel in connection with petition for fee approval. Work on inventory project with P. Davis 700 from Comerica. Conference call with IP appraisers; 3.90 conference with attorney regarding appraisals; review L4OA documents; telephone conference with N. Dahl; conference with attorney regarding Boxill litigation TRO enforcement and delivery of recordings; telephone conference with J. Boyarski regarding - agreements and

agreement; correspondence to- ; conference with attorney

regarding estate tax return; telephone conference with A, Aycock and A. Bruce.





Fredrikson & Byron, RA. Attorneys 84 Advisers RO. BOX 1484 Minneapolis, Minnesota


main 612.492.7000 fax 612.492.7077

www.fredlaw.com Tax 1D No. 41-0971937

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, EA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 22 Comerica Weatth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/25/17 P. Seul Review and revise - non-disclosure 380 1,406.00 agreement; review proposed changes to

non-disclosure agreement; draft non—disclosure agreement for—

05/26/17 E. Summers Attention to document review. 2.10 682.50 05/26/17 M. Greiner Preparation for and conference call with 2.40 1,560.00

court and counsel; conference with A. Aycock and A. Bruce; conference with S. Silton.

05/30/17 E. Summers Attention to document review. 090 292.50 05/30/17 H. Roston Prepare for and attend meeting with 120 630.00

appraisers regarding valuation status, valuation issues and related matters.

05/30/17 H, Roston Prepare for meeting with appraiser 0.40 210.00 regarding valuation and follow up.

05/30/17 K. Sandler Team lead status conference; conference 5.10 242250 Steinert call with accountants; attention to requests

from appraisers; email regarding_ 1 use of intellectual property; attention to ;

conference regarding real estate appraisals; conference regarding estate tax projections; emails regarding

05/30/17 L Friedemann Team meeting; follow up discussions 1.50 88500 regarding P. EIIis-Lamkins and-

05/30/17 M. Greiner Conference with attdrneys re ardin 3.60 2,340.00 status update; review “; correspondence to UMG counsel; conference with attorney regarding real estate appraisal; telephone conference with A. Bruce regarding - and administration of estate; attention to PRN email correspondence; preparation for meeting with S. Silton, T. Kane and J,

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 6124927077 PO. Box 1484 Communications concermng d‘spmed debts mcmdmg an mslrumem tendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as fun sauslacuon of a 0501 are Io be sem to Frednkson & Byron PA, Ann

Credn Department, 200 80t vth Street. Sui‘e 4000 aeapolls, MN 55402 Tax [D No, 41—0971937 55480‘ ‘| 484

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10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson JUXQEEPEM'L ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 23 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Bruntjen regarding estate motion on rescission of UMG agreement.

05/30/17 M Stortz E—mail correspondence regarding -. 0.10 30.50 05/30/17 M. Yevzelman Meet with real estate appraisers regarding 2.00 1,020.00

timing of appraisal drafts and issues relating to valuation

05/31/17 E. Summers Conference with K. Steinert; attention to 2.90 942.50 document review.

05/31/17 E. Unger Prepare documents for J. Cassioppi in 200 740.00 anticipation of attorney fee motion; analyze redactions to invoices necessary for same motion with J. Cassioppi and M. Williams; search documents for correspondence regarding prior WBR agreements.

05/31/17 H. Roston Prepare for and attend site inspection with 2.50 1,312,530w 05/31/17 K. Sandler Weekly appraiser conference call; review 4.30 2,042.50

Steinert materials for appraisers; conference with J. Cassioppi regarding collection matters; conference with L. Friedemann regarding rights clearance issues; telephone conference with M. Williams regarding review of bills for fees petition; teiephone conference with ;coordinate signature of Ina” regarding accountant for ; telephone conference regarding independent contractor agreements email to A. Batchelor regarding II

05/31/17 L. Friedemann Telephone conference regarding 0.30 177.00 clearance needs for .

Fredrikson 84 Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. BOX 1484 Communvcahcns concerning dlSPUIEd debts. mcludmg amns‘rumenttendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnefima as iuh EaUMMJKIH a! a debl ENC to be SCH! l0 Hedflksou & Byron PA AH.”

Cred]: Department 200 Souln Sixth Struet, Smlc 4000 Manncapuls MN 55402 Tax I D N or 41.097193? 55480.1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredriloncs 8: BYRON P A


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o AngeIa W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 24 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/31/17 M. Greiner Meeting with S. Silton, T. Kane and J. 3.30 214500 Bruntjen; conference with attorney; telephone conference with J. Boyarski regarding _ and-

; correspondence to heirs counsel; conference call with appraisers.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612‘492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO, BOX1484 Communcalcns ccncermng dlspuled debls, cludmg anmsérumcnnmdered WWW fredlaw com MinneapoHs aesota

as m ratwshclmn n: a dam are In be sent Io Frednkson & Byron PA Ann mm [Jopaflment 700 South smh Street me 4000 aeapolls MN 55402 Tax ID No, 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson - 8x BYRON. EA.

..I.NVQ.|9E.,PEIA!L,,,, , ,, ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 25 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Costs and Other Charges

05/01/17 Federal Express 673.99 05/01/17 PACER Service Center US Courts - Usage charges from 15.10

01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017 05/22/17 Travel Kimberly S‘ Williams - Miieage - Mileage to/From 15.84

Paisley Park for Inventory Project 05/23/17 Travel Kimberly S. Williams - Mileage — Mileage to/From 15.84

Paisley Park for Inventory Project 05/24/17 Travel Kimberly S‘ Williams — Mileage — Mileage to/From 15.84

Paisley Park for Inventory Project 05/25/17 Travel Kimberly S. Williams — Mileage ~ Mileage to/From 15.84

PaisIey Park for Inventory Project 05/05/17 United States Treasury - 77376.0001 - Fee for obtaining 150%

copies of returns for 1993, 1997 and 1999. 05/19/17 Karen Sandler Steinert — Other — Tickets for appraisers to 860.00

tour Paisley Park — 8 tickets x $100 + facility fee 05/23/17 Dining Delivered, LLC - 82178 - 5/23/17: Special treats

88.95 requested for Comerica/PRN Heirs' meeting

05/25/17 Kimberly S, WiHiams — Local Meals — Mileage to/From 41.57 Paisley Park for Inventory Project — Patrick Davis, Shawn N/A eDiscovery Hosting Fee 1,150.00 MN E-File — Electronic Filing / Service Fee 21.00 Photocopy Charges 7.40 Telephone Charges 15‘22

' ‘

L H - Total‘ For Costs and Other Charges: ‘

_ ? 3,086.59

Total This Matter: - 167,601.59

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.4927000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 6124927077 PO. Box 1484

Commumcahuns cuncermng drspuled debls. :ncludwg anmslrumemkendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapoiis Minnesota as lull satisfaction of a dam are to be senl lo Frednkson 8 Byron PA Ann Cred” Departmem 200 South Sixth Szreei Snue 4000 aeapohs MN 55407 Tax {D N O. 411-0971937 55480~ 1 484

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10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 26 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0002 Regarding: Estate Tax Return Preparation

05/01/17 C. Seybolt Continue analysis of legal and practical 2.70 1,444.50 issues surrounding

work on memorandum. 05/02/17 0. Seybolt Work on memorandum regarding estate 2.40 1,284.00

tax filing and payment; continue review of applicable authorities.

05/03/17 C. Seybolt Work on anal sis of— 1.20 642.00 d; continue preparation of memorandum

05/04/17 C. Seybolt Continue analysis of 1.30 695.50

; work on memorandum.

05/05/17 C. Seybolt Continue analysis of estate tax payment 0.40 21400 and deferral issues,

05/08/17 (3‘ Seybolt Work on memorandum; work on - 3.40 131900

05/09/17 C. Seybolt 2.40 1,284.00

; continue preparation of memorandum; continue preparation _; conference with M. Greiner and K. Steiner‘t.

05/10/17 C. Seybolt Continued analysis of tax issues. 0.30 160.50 05/25/17 A‘ Gyurisin Update estate tax return asset list to 0.60 12600

highlight and determine outstanding items needed.

05/26/17 A, Gyurisin Update estate tax return asset list to 090 189.00 highlight and determine outstanding items needed.

05/30/17 A. Gyurisin Review asset items listed on the estate tax 5.90 1,239.00

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A.

main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box ”I484

Communzcauons concerning dxsouled debls. Including aninsnumenflendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as luH satrslachun L)! a debt, we to be sent to Hednkson & Byvon PA mm Crodu Dopatlmum 200 Suulh Slxlh Slreut Sulle 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41-0971937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

- 6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

,,,!,,NV°|CE, DETAIL

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 27 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760002 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

return and match supporting valuations or support to the items. Review asset descriptions as listed on the estate tax return. Add new information received for assets to the estate tax return.

05/31/17 A. Gyurisin Review asset items listed on the estate tax 6.50 136500 return and match supporting valuations or support to the items. Add new information received for assets to the estate tax return. Prepare draft of the Minnesota estate tax return.

05/31/17 C. Seybolt Work on Section 6166 Election. 0.30 160.50

*rJ/TOtélffbr Fees: ‘


Total-This Ma'ttéfflifi 313:10323.00;

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P‘O, Box1484 Communications concermng disputed debts Includwng an mstrumenltendered www‘fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sahsfacluon a! a debt are to be soul lo HL-dnkson 8. Byron PA, Atln.

Credn Deparlmem 700 South Sixth Street Sum: 4000 acapons MN 55402 Tax ID N 0. 410971937 55480 - 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. P.A.

, lflYOEEDEIAU: ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 28 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0100 Regarding: Employment

05/12/17 I. Culp Review existing independent contractor 0.70 364.00 agreement for T. Guy and K. Johnson; confer with K. Steinert regarding same.

05/19/17 I. Culp Draft Independent Contractor Agreement 1.90 988.00 for T. Guy and K, Johnson; confer with K.

Steinert regarding samel 05/30/17 I. Culp Exchange emaiis with A. Bruce and A. 0.30 156.00

Aycock regarding Independent Contractor Agreements.

05/31/17 I. Culp Finalize Independent Contractor 1.00 520.00 Agreement for TV Guy; prepare Independent Contactor Agreement for K. Johnson; exchange emails with A. Bruce and A. Aycock regarding same.

-* .T'O’tal ,fOr Fee,» Ii"..72'.fi0:2'8400"

i; ._Lf2;028.00 7 _

: WTOtal This Matt/err}

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612,492.7077 RO. BOX1484

Commumcahons concermngdlspuzed debls mcludmg amnsuumenllendered www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as luH satrsfachon of a dub| am m be sem m Hcdnksun & Byvon PA mm 0mm Dupamncul, 200 Smith wlh sum. Sude 4000 aeapolls MN 55402 Tax ID N 0 ‘ 410971937 5 5480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. PA

,,,!NY9J9§EETNL.. ,, . ,. .

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 29 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previousiy Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0200 Regarding: Real Estate

05/05/17 B. O'Malley Preparation of power of attorney in 0.50 15500 connection with the sale of 2178 Red Fox; review proposed deed and discussion regarding the same.

05/05/17 M. Ranum Office conference regarding telephone 0.70 416.50 conference titIe company regarding deed and power of attorney regarding sale of home; emails regarding same

05/08/17 M. Ranum Telephone conference G. Snover 0.20 119.00 regarding —.

05/09/17 L. Lindenfelser Telephone conference with closer 0.40 112.00 regarding deed for 2178 Red Fox Circle; letter to closer regarding same.

05/23/17 M. Ranum Office conference regarding appraisals. 0.10 5950 05/25/17 K. Staack Review notice of lien; email 0.30 85.50

correspondence with CT Corporation regarding order state and federal tax lien search.

05/25/17 M. Ranum Office conference regarding tax liens. 0.20 119.00 05/30/17 M. Ranum Meeting regarding estate updates. 1.10 654.50 05/31/17 K‘ Staack Email correspondence with S. Jacoby 0.10 28.50

regarding status of lien search. 05/31/17 M. Ranum Emails to G. Snover regarding caretaker 0.20 119.00


Fredrikson & Byron, PVAV

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 6124927077 P.O. Box1484

Commmcanons Concernlng mspumd debts Including amnsrmmennendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Mlnnesola as full sahsfammm of a deb! are m be sem m Frednkson 8 Byron PA mm Credxl Deparlmem 700 Scum Slxlh Slresu SUME 4000 aeapohs MN 55407 Tax [D N 0‘ 41.0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. RA.

,,|NV°!9,E DETAIL,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 30

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760200 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Costs and Other Charges

05/09/17 Federal Express 1213 05/26/17 Prof Serv Old Republic National Title - 71166269 - ORBIT 22.00

Invoice ‘

f ‘fifl i -Totafli-For?Cdstjsg1éh’difOifieriCfiéféés,

,_; res»: agar-(sta-l-T‘Hiézmaue _,

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A.

main 6124921000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 6124927077 P.O.Box1484

Communications concernmg d<sputea dems Indudlng an mstrument tendered - . .

asfuilsahsmcuonoladebl arelo be senlto cnksonés Byron PA Ann www.fredlaw.com aeapohs, M'nnBSOta Tax ID NO. 41—0971937 554804484 Crcdll Department. 200 South Sxxlh SeCL Suite 4000 MIHHOGPOIIS MN 55402

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN


Fredrikson INVOICE.DEIAIL,.,,. . .. , ..

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 31 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W, Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.0201 Regarding: Paisley Park Real Estate

05/01/17 K. Staack Respond to emails regarding title for 0.20 57.00 Paisley Park.

05/01/17 L. Lindenfelser Review title commitment and vesting 1.40 39200 deed; office conferences regarding issues related to deed; telephone conferences with J. Kivett at Old Republic regarding deed issues; further office conference regarding same and provide copies of relevant white pages standards; telephone conference with B. Gilmore at Old Republic regarding issues related to deed; office conference regarding same.

05/01/17 M. Ranum Office conference regarding deed for 0.80 476.00 property; telephone conference T, Phelps regarding same; office conferences regarding same.

05/02/17 L. Lindenfelser Office conferences regarding corrective 0.90 252.00 deed needed; review corporate filings for grantor; determine correct name of personal representative; prepare corrective deed; draft email to B, Gilmore regarding same.

05/02/17 M. Ranum Review emails/correspondence; telephone 1.70 1,011,50 A, Aycock; conference call with H. Weinshanker; conference call with clients; office conference regarding deed.

05/03/17 L, Lindenfelser Revise deed to incorporate comment 040 112.00 received; email exchanges regarding deed and additional documents to be recorded with deed.

05/04/17 M. Ranum Telephone conference G. Snover 0.20 119.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PA‘ main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Commumcamm cancenung dispuled dcblé. mmmng anmstrumenllendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as M” sahsfachun of a debx are m be sent lo Frednkson & Byron PA Ann

Cred‘t Depaflmenl 200 South Sixth Street Sune 4000 aeapohs MN 5540? Tax {D No} 41.0971937 55480" 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.

,lNl/QJEE DETAIL ,, ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 32 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760201 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

regarding next steps regarding-- 05/09/17 M. Ranum Attention to corrective deed; meeting 1.10 654.50

regarding strategies regarding — _. 05/10/17 L. Lindenfelser Office conference regarding issue related 0.10 28.00

to deed for 7801 Audubon. 05/10/17 M. Ranum Email G. Snover regarding corrective 0.20 119.00

deed. 05/11/17 L. Lindenfelser Request certificate needed to clear title. 0.10 28.00 05/11/17 M. Ranum Telephone conference G. Snover 0.20 119.00

regarding corrective deed. 05/15/17 L. Lindenfelser Give instruction regarding recording of 010 2800

documents. 05/19/17 M. Ranum Review letter to 0.20 119.00

05/19/17 T. Fleming Review A. Bruce e—r-nail regarding draft A. 0.60 354.00 Mueller letter; review K. Ste-inert emails to Stimson with attached Stinson e—maH and A. Aycock regarding

05/22/17 L‘ Lindenfelser Follow up regarding informationVneeded to 010 28.00 complete title transfer,

05/22/17 M Ranum Office conference regarding letter to A. 0.20 119.00 Mueller.

05/22/17 T. Fleming Phone conference with M. Ranum 0.50 295.00 regarding revisions to A. Mueller letter; review A. Aycock and K. Steinert e-mails

05/23/17 T. Fleming Review A‘ Bruce and M. 'Ranum 1.20 708.00 comments and revise letter to I

05/24/17 T, Fleming Revise draft A. Mueller letter and send to 2.50 1,475,00 Comerica and Fred team; phone

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & AdviSOIS

fax 612.492.7077 RO‘ Box1484 Commumcahonsconcerningdlspmeddebls.indudmgamnslrumem‘endered www.fred|aw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as M snusfanhnn 01 a debt an [0 be :0m to Hcdllksun & Bymn PA, AHH

Cred” Deparlmem 200 South smh suem Sun-2 4000 aoapohs MN 55402 Tax {D N Q, 41-0971937 5 5480" 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, RA.

lNVOlCEPEE'kw , ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 33 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760201 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd FIoor Detroit, MI 48226

conference with J. Stout; review F. Bennett and M. Storz e-mails regarding Paisley Park Facility, LLC; phone conference with K. Steinert regarding same; draft e-mail to J. Stout regardin -; review A. Bruce e-mail with edits.

05/25/17 T. Fleming Review G. Snover e—mail with _ 160 94400 ; review A.

Bruce letter with comments; revise and forward same to Comerica and Fredrikson teams; phone conference with J. Stout regarding - and draft e—mail to A Bruce and A. Aycock regarding samev

05/26/17 K. Sandler Telephone conference with appraisers 0.80 380.00 Steinert regarding

05/26/17 T. Fleming Review A. Mueller and J. Stout e—mails 0.40 236.00 regarding revisions to A. Mueller letter and revise A. Mueller letter. ‘

05/30/17 L, Lindenfelser Respond to questions regarding recording 0.20 56.00 of deed and title clearance documents for 7801 Audubon Road.

05/30/17 T. Fleming Prepare e—mait to A. Aycock regarding I 1.00 590.00 _ and review her response with comments; draft final draft letter to A. Mueller and

; review K‘ Steinert e-mail with attached —

and A. Aycock and A, Bruce responses.

05/31/17 T. Fleming Review A. Mueller initial reply to letter on 0.10 59.00

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O. BOX 1484 Commumualmns cuncummg duspwed debts. Including an inszrumenl |endered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnegota as M salxsiachon 01 a deb! are In be sent ‘0 Frednksm 8 Byron P/\ mm

Cream Department 200 South Snxm Street Sulle 4000 Mumeapnhs MN 55402 Tax I D N 0. 4170971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 34 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760201 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, Ml 48226

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 6124927000 Attorneys 81 Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 RO‘ Box 1484 Communications concermng dxsputed debts indudmg an mslrumem tendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sauslac‘ion of a deb! are Io be sent to Frednkson 8. Byron PA. Aim

Credu Departmem, 200 Scum Smn Street Sune 4000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ta x ID N 0‘ 41‘0971937 55480 .1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

84 BYRON. P.A.

Fredrikson JI:!!9!§EP.ETAIJ=, ,, ., u ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate invoice: 1423333 C/O Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 35 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0202 Regarding: Paisley Park Real Estate Tax Protest

05/05/17 A. Jones Review and incorporate into pleadings 100 250.00 notice of case filing and notice of hearing concerning Paisley Park parcel (7801 Audubon Rd); update matrix; review and organization of materials, communications as to status and upcoming scheduling conference, assist in preparations.

05/05/17 H. Roston Review notices of hearing and scheduling 0.20 105.00 conference; follow up with County attorney and correspondence.

05/05/17 M. Yevzelman Review court order; confer with H. Roston 0.20 102.00 regarding next steps; review emails between H. Roston and P. Conness and with Court.

05/08/17 H. Roston Correspondence regarding hearings; 0.20 105.00 follow up with court; letter to Court to confirm hearings.

05/09/17 A. Jones Review communication to court confirming 0.30 75.00 rescheduled scheduling conference before the Honorable K. Eide, confirm setting on MNC¥S and assist in preparations

05/15/17 M. Yevzelman Confer with M. Greiner regarding _ 0.20 102.00 -; begin preparing August 1 Rule letter. 05/17/17 A. Jones Review statute and work on request for 0.10 25.00

statutory disclosure information

Total for Fees: 764.00 ‘

f Total This Matter: 764.00

Commumcahons Concerning dispmed debls. mcludmg an Instrument Iendered

main 6124927000 fax 6124917077

www.fredlaw.com as hm satnsiacllon of a debl are in he sent In Fredrrksrm 8 Byrnn PA mm Cram Deparlmenl 700 Souln smn Street Smle 40m] Mmmeapnhs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0‘ 41~0971937

Fredrikson & Byron, PVA.

Attorneys & Advisors P.O.Box1484 Minneapolis, Minnesota


10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 do Ange|a W. Aycock

Vice President Page: 36 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A.

main 612,492,7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

Ccmmumcahons cancernlng dlspuled debts. vr‘cludmg an msuument tendered ' - ‘ ' , asq sahsfachonofadem arelu be sentlo Fvednkson<§ Byvon, PAAtln www.fredlaw.com MH‘HWBBDOIW, MIHFIBSOKd

Cledll Departmenl 200 Suulh Sum Shae: Sullu 4000 Mumoapouc MN b.5402 Tax ]D No‘ 4170971937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

,LNYEIEEPEIAIL, ., ,. , ., ..

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 37 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0203 Regarding: Galpin Blvd. Real Estate Tax Protest

05/05/17 A. Jones Review and incorporate into pleadings 1.70 425.00 notice of case filing and notice of hearing, one for each petition/property, concerning Galpin Blvd parcels (6921 Galpin Blvd, 7141 Galpin Blvd, xxxx Galpin Blvd [256900020], xxxx Galpin Blvd [256900030] and 7021 Galpin Blvd); update matrix; review and organization of materials, communications as to status and upcoming scheduling conference, assist in preparations.

05/05/17 H. Roston Review notices of hearing and scheduling 030 157.50 conference; follow up with County Attorney and correspondence.

05/05/17 M Yevzelman Review court orders; confer with H. 0.20 102.00 Roston regarding next steps; review emails between H. Roston and P.

Conness and with Court. 05/08/17 H. Roston Correspondence regarding hearings; 0.20 105.00

follow up with court; letter to Court to confirm hearings,

05/09/17 A. Jones Review communication to court confirming 0.30 75.00 rescheduled scheduling conference before the Honorable K, Eide, confirm setting on MNCIS and assist in preparations.

05/17/17 A. Jones Review statute and work on request for 0.10 2500 statutory disclosure information.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 RO, Box1484 Colmmlnlcblmns cunLemmg mspuxeu dams mclud‘mg anmsnumennendered www fredlaw com Minneapolia Minnesota as lull sausfacllon O! a deb' are to be sent In Fredflkfinn 8, Byron PA Ahn

Cred" Department 200 Sam 3.x": Sueel Smte 4000 Minneapolis MN 55407 Tax ID No. 41.0971937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 , Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 38 Matter No: 0773760203

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226


Costs and Other Charges

05/31/17 Travel Howard A. Roston - Mileage - Attend site inspection 21.40 with — at Galpin property.

Jict'aI, For CbStsand-Other Charges;

* i :L‘Tb‘tal This; Matter: :

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 P.0VBox1484

Communmatmrs cancemmg disputed dents mcludmg an mswument Iendered www fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as full satisfaction of a deb! are to be sent «a Fredrikson & Byron, PA Atm

Credit Department, 200 Sam vm Slreel, SUNS 4000 aeapolls. MN 55402 Tax ID N 0, 411—0971937 55480~ 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 39 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0205 Regarding: Galpin Blvd. Real Estate

05/11/17 K, Staack Review Galpin Road title commitment and 0.10 28.50 email status‘

05/11/17 M Ranum Office conference regarding title status. 0.10 59.50 05/12/17 K. Staack Review title for Galpin Road properties; 0.20 57.00

internal email correspondence with M. Ranum regarding status of title.

, Total This Mattier':

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484 Communications concermng d‘spuled Gems induding an msuumenl tendered , ‘ - - -

asfu'lsahslaction Mademarelo besentlo Fredrukson&Byron PA Ann www.fvedfaw.(,om aeapo'ls’ M'nnesom Credn Deparlmenl 200 South S>><|h Sweet, Suite 4000. Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax [D N 0, 41— 0971937 5 548031484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.

,.,,!NVO!9§,PEIA[L,,,,, ,, , ,, ,, ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Angeia W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 40 Comerica Wealth Management 411 WV Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbiiled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.0300 Regarding: Corporate

05/16/17 M. Stortz Attention to corporate records request. 0.30 91.50 0’5/1 8/17 M. Stortz Attention to status of PRN !P 0.20 61.00

organizational documents and e—mail

correspondence regarding samel 05/19/17 M, Stortz Attention to L4OA, LLC, invoices from P. 0.20 61.00

Uran; attention to e—mail correspondence regarding same.

05/24/17 F. Bennett Locate written actions regarding Paisley 0.30 18600 Park facility and provide advice regarding authorization to T‘ Fleming and J. Stout.

05/24/17 M. Stortz Attention to e-mail correspondence 0.20 61.00 regarding entity officers; circulate minutes appointing entity officers.

05/25/17 M. Stortz E-mail correspondence regarding L4OA, 1.40 427.00 LLC, and Love 4 One Another Charities memorandum; assess and revise memorandum; send revised memorandum to K. Steinert.

05/26/17 M, Stortz Attention to corporate records and reIated 1.00 305.00 documents from secure files.

05/31/17 M Stortz Follow—up email regarding PRN 1P entity. 0.10 30.50

Tot'ar-fo'rrFees: 3: 1 ,


TotalThis Matter: -_ i 31,223200

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Communicauons concerning dispwed debts. Induding an unstrumenl tendered * ' '

< ~

as M sausvmm n! a debl are to be son: an l—vednksnn & Byron PA Atln WWW' fredlawfiom aea 90! 'S' M' n ”65’013 Crerm Deparlmenl 700 South 3.xm Street Smile 4000 aeapohs MN 5540? Tax I D N 0. 410971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 41

Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0303 Regarding: Paisley Park Enterprises, Inc.

05/01/17 M. Stortz Telephone message from K. Steinert and 0.50 152.50 telephone call to M. Ranum regarding Paisley Park Enterprises entities; review memorandum of corporate records for Paisley Park Enterprises entities; telephone conference with M. Ranum; prepare corporate records for review by M. Ranum and send same to M. Ranum.

05/03/17 M. Stortz E—mail correspondence regarding certified 010 30.50 documents for Paisley Park Enterprises.

" 1:17 Tofa'I'forI-‘Feéé‘:



Costs and Other Charges

05/05/17 Unisearch, Inc‘ — 050517/114 - Obtain certified copies from 93.00 California Secretary of State for each of PRN Music Corporation: Certificate of Amendment filed 11/20/1989 changing name to Paisley Park Enterprises and Paisley Park Enterprises: Certificate of Dissolution filed 5/9/1999

‘ ‘

Total For Costs'and Other Charges: ‘



TOtal‘This Matter; ‘


‘ 276.00

Fredrikson & Byron, RA, main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484 Commumcal‘cnsconcermng dxsputeddebts mclud’ug anmslrumenltendered wwwfredkawcom Minneapolis Minnesota

as hfl sahslachun 0‘ a debt we to be sent (a Hcdmkscm 8 Byron PA [\Hn C(CUH Depanmunl 200 Scum Slxih 3mm Sum: 4000 aeapahs MN 55407 Tax IO N 0. 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrilcson 8: BYRON, P A


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 42 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0400 Regarding: Litigation General Estate

05/01/17 E. Unger Draft letter to Joshua Essex enclosing 030 111.00 parentage questionnaire; review demand for notice filed and claim sent by Court; review response in support of motion to determine heirship and file same.

05/01/17 J. Cassioppi Assemble materials in preparation for 6.20 2,666.00 meeting with Stinson regarding UMG; prepare for and meet with S. Silton and T. Kane regarding heirship and UMG; research and draft response in support of heirship determination; email correspondence regarding obtaining bond in I, Boxill matter; review oppositions to heirship motion; attention to new claim filed related to Purple Rain.

05/02/17 J. Cassioppi Assemble materials in preparation for 790 339700 meeting with Stinson regarding UMG; prepare for and meet with Stinson regarding UMG; draft response in

opposition to motions to quash subpoena to L. McMillan; draft revised rescission agreement and email correspondence regarding the same; meet regarding litigation strategy; email correspondence regarding T. Carter subpoena; email correspondence regarding L. McMillan subpoena; email correspondence with Holland & Knight regarding fee claim; review letter from A. Silver and email correspondence regarding the same.

05/02/17 L. Anderson Conference regarding litigation status; 190 465,50

Fredrikson & Byron, P.AV

main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612492.7077 RO‘ 80x1484

Commumcahons concemlng dlSpUled debts mcluc'mg amnslrumentlendered www.fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as {w sausfachon of a dem. are :0 be sent Io Fredmkson 5; Byron. PA. An"

Crecn Depanmem 200 $0t Sixth Street, Suite 4000 aeapoks. MN 55402 Tax 10 No‘ 41 ~0971937 55480 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 43 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760400 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

begin preparation of master chart of estate litigation matters; email communications regarding same.

05/02/17 L. Friedemann Meeting to coordinate litigation extranet, 0.60 354.00 calendar and document practices.

05/03/17 J. Cassioppi Finalize and file response in opposition to 1.80 774.00 motion to quash subpoena; email correspondence regarding request for T. Carter deposition; attention to securing motion to rescind UMG agreement; email correspondence regarding adviser agreement; review I. Boxill order; review letter from Warner Bros. regarding UMG agreement and telephone conference and email correspondence regarding the same,

05/03/17 L. Friedemann Draft weekly update. 0.20 118.00 05/04/17 J. Cassioppi Email correspondence and telephone 1.40 602.00

conferences regarding motion to rescind UMG agreement; email correspondence regarding reply in support of heirship motion; email correspondence regarding I.

Boxill supplemental declaration; email correspondence regarding status of Jobu matter; attention to motion to rescind UMG agreement.

05/04/17 L Anderson Assemble and organize pleadings from all 2.90 710.50 litigation matters; research regarding same.

05/05/17 J. Cassioppi Email correspondence regarding May 31 0.80 34400 hearing; prepare motion for approval of rescission agreement; attention to securing bond for l. Boxhill matter; review and edit bond indemnity agreement.

05/07/17 J. Cassioppi Travel to and meet with - 050 215.00 regarding obtaining hard drive; email

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Commumcahcns concerningdxsouled debts mcluding amnsvumenl‘enderec www‘fredlawAcom Minneapolis Minnesota as um suhsfachon of a deDL ave 10 be sem lo Frednkson & Byron PA Ann

Cram Dcpanmunt 200 Soul!) Sixth Skeet. Suwle 4000 aeapohs MN 55432 Tax ID N O. 41~ 0971937 5 548041484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN




Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/08/17 J. Cassioppi

05/08/17 L. Anderson

05/09/17 E. Unger

05/09/17 J. Cassioppi

05/10/17 E. Unger

05/10/17 J, Cassioppi

Filed in First Judicial District Court 6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Pagez44 Matter No: 0773760400

correspondence with counsel for C. Koppelman regarding the hearing. Email correspondence with M. Seelig; 4.10 1,763.00 email correspondence w Koppelman; finalize and

ith counsel for C. file appellate

brief; review reply in support of motion to quash subpoena to L. McMillan; review correspondence regarding L. McMillan and draft response to the same; telephone conference with N. Dahl regarding correspondence with the Court; attention to securing bond for l. Boxill matter; telephone conference wi th 8. Edelman regarding rescission agreement; attention to rescission agreement. Continue assembly and organization of 2.60 63700 pleadings from all litigation matters; conference with atty. J. Cassioppi regarding status of same; revise master Chart of all litigation matters. File response to letter and prepare and file 3.60 1,332.00 motion to file response under seal and supponing documents; prepare documents for J. Cassioppi for hearing. Prepare for hearing on motion to dismiss 5.60 2,408.00 B. Nelson complaint, mo subpoena to L. McMillan

tion to quash , and to determine

heirs; finalize and file letter to the Court regarding L‘ McMillan; email correspondence regarding Jobu lawsuit; prepare for oral argument on _. proposal. Begin drafting motion to redacted letter regarding with court. Prepare for and attend h

CommunicatiOfls concermng disputed debts Indudmg an Instrumsm Iendered as full sansfachon of a debt are to be sem to Frednkson 8. Byron, PA Ann

Credn Department 200 South 3mm sweet. Sung 4000 elneapulls MN 55402 Tax |

rescind; re—file 1.00 370.00 McMillan NDA

earing on motion 7.40 3,182.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PVAV

main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO, Box 1484

www.fred|aw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota D No, 4170971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela WV Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 45 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0400 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

to dismiss B. Nelson complaint, motion to quash subpoena to L. McMillan, and to determine heirs; email correspondence regarding documents in I. Boxill matter; email correspondence regarding NDA for L. McMillan.

05/11/17 E. Unger Draft motion to approve rescission of UMG‘ 3.50 1.29500 agreement.

05/11/17 J. Cassioppi Email correspondence regarding NDA with 3.70 1,591.00 LY McMillan; email correspondence regarding Billboard article; email correspondence regarding finalizing UMG rescission agreement; email correspondence with S, Edelman regarding hearing with the Court and rescission; research and draft motion to approve rescission agreement; email correspondence and telephone conference with M Dahl regarding proposed order; telephone conference with counsel for L. McMillan regarding Billboard article; review letter from counsel for L. McMillan and email correspondence regarding the same.

05/12/17 E. Unger Continue drafting rescission motion; 7.40 2,738.00 prepare summary of pending litigation matters for S. Nystrom.

05/12/17 J, Cassioppi Research and draft motion to approve 4,50 1,935,00 rescission agreement; email correspondence regarding call with the Court; finalize and execute rescission agreement; email correspondence regarding media coverage and L.

McMillan; email correspondence regarding _. related proposal. 05/13/17 E. Unger Identify and prepare exhibits for Affidavit of 380 1,406‘00

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisers

fax 612492.707? P.O. Box 1484 Ccmmunicauons concernmg dxsputed dams mc‘udmg an wr'suumunt tundumd , ' ' * ‘

asmtlsahslachonoindam amm be sentro Freunkson8 Byron PA Ann www.fredlaw.com MIDHGBDOIIS, MH’H’IehOIH

13mm Unparlmcnl you Snum smh SUEEI Sung 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID NQ, 41.0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 46 Comerica Wealth Management

Matter No: 0773760400 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

J. Cassioppi in support of motion to rescind UMG Agreement; draft same affidavit.

05/13/17 J. Cassioppi Draft and revise motion to rescind UMG 1.40 602.00 agreement; prepare documents and analyze redactions.

05/14/17 J‘ Cassioppi Draft and revise motion to rescind UMG 0.50 215.00 agreement.

05/15/17 E. Unger Revise rescission brief in response to edits 490 1,813.00 from A. Bruce; prepare redactions to brief; prepare and redact affidavit and exhibits to motion.

05/15/17 J. Cassioppi Draft and revise motion to rescind UMG 0.80 344.00 agreement and prepare supporting documents.

05/16/17 E. Unger Finish redacting exhibits to motion to 8.40 3,108‘00 rescind UMG agreement; review same with M. Greiner; begin preparing motion and supporting documents for filing; draft motion to file under seal and supporting documents.

05/16/17 J. Cassioppi Draft and revise motion to rescind UMG 0.50 215.00 agreement.

05/17/17 E. Unger Finalize and file redacted and under—seal 760 2,812.00 versions of motion to rescind UMG Agreement and supporting affidavit and exhibits and motion to file same under seal; correspondence and phone calls with McMillan's counsel regarding access to unredaction motions.

05/17/17 J, Cassioppi Finalize motion to rescind UMG 0.70 301.00 agreement; email correspondence regarding the UMG agreement.

05/18/17 C, Pham Prepare case summaries and status 1.00 40500 updates for master litigation spreadsheet; communicate with T. Fieming and L‘

Fredrikson 81 Byron, P‘A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 CommunicationsconcernmgdlspfieddeblsIndudmganm5trumem19ndered www.fredlaw.c0m Minneapolis Minnesota as full SHUSfaClIOH 0! a dc an: to be 50m In Hcdnkson 2; Byron PA, Ann

Ora-dd Depanmem 2m) Somh s‘xm Street Slum 40m) ampohs MN 55402 Tax [D N O) 411—0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Anderson regarding same. 05/18/17 E. Unger Update litigation matter summaries for S.

N strom; draft— ; prepare partially redacted motion to

rescind and supporting exhibits for UMG and send same to S. Edelman.

05/18/17 J. Cassioppi Telephone conferences regarding motion to rescind UMG Agreement; email correspondence regarding request for unredacted copy of motion papers; tele hone conference regarding proposed h agreement; telephone conferences and emafl correspondence regarding tolling agreement.

05/18/17 L. Anderson Finalize master litigation summary; multiple email communications regarding same.

05/18/17 L. Friedemann Draft and send weekly update regarding pending 1P litigation matters‘

05/19/17 E. Unger Review court order regarding heirship; email court order re ardin attorne fees to client; email draft“ to client and to S. Edelman; review letter filed by N. Dahl.

05/19/17 J. Cassioppi Telephone conferences regardin motion to rescind UMG A reement and d; telephone conference with counsel for Warner Bros regarding UMG rescission motion; email correspondence with counsel for UMG regarding request to move hearin date; review and finalize ‘ and email correspondence regarding the same.

05/19/17 L. Friedemann Edit summaries of litigation matters for S. Nystrom.

main 612.4927000 fax 61249247077

Communications concerning disputed debts. including an ins‘rument tendered as {UN sausfacnon of a debt, are to be sent to Fredrikson 8. Byron, PA, Atm www.fred|aw.com

Credik Depanment. 200 Scum Sxxln Street, Swle 4000, aeapolis‘ MN 55402 Tax ]D N o ‘ 41‘0971937

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 47 Matter No: 077376.0400















Fredrikson 8: Byron, RA. Attorneys 8L Advisers P.0. Box 1484

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8i BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/21/17 J Cassioppi

05/22/17 E. Unger

05/22/17 J, Cassioppi

(35/22/17 L. Anderson

05/22/17 L. Friedemann

05/22/17 M. Williams

05/23/17 E. Unger

05/23/17 J. Cassioppi

Telephone conference regarding response to request for extension of hearing date. Conference regarding research in connection with — with M. Williams; review UMG'S draft brief in support of motion to rescind; prepare and file amended notice of motion in response to request by heir for more time to respond to motion. Telephone conferences and email correspondence regarding UMG rescission hearing; attention to obtaining new hearing date; email correspondence and telephone conferences regarding Bremer letter to the Court; review order on preliminary injunction; email correspondence and telephone conference with Comerica regarding UMG responses and reply; meeting regarding P.

Ellis Lamkins; research in support of UMG rescission motion. Email communications with any E‘ Unger regarding new litigation matter; email communications with team regarding same. Review new pro se lawsuit and send email regarding same to Comerica team Review and research— Review lette'r filed by Bremer; discuss legal research findings with M. Williams; legal research regarding_— Review filing from Bremer and telephone conference regarding the same; draft letter in response to letters from counsel for L,

main 6124927000 fax 612.4927077

Communications concemmg {Inspmec deo‘s Inciudlng an mstrument \endered ,

as full sellsfachom 09 a debt are us be sem to Hednkson & Byron PA. Ann www.fred1aw.com Credll Deparmvem 200 Somh wm Slree| Suite 4000, Minneapulrs. MN 55402 Tax ID N 0, 414 0971937

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Pagez48 Matter No: 0773760400

















Fredrikson 84 Byron, PAY

Attorneys & Advisors P,O.Box1484 Minneapoiis, Minnesota


10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 8: BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 49 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760400 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Londell McMillan and SNJ; analyze additional filings regarding UMG rescission agreement; meet with Comerica regarding status; review Court order and email correspondence regarding the same; email correspondence regarding hearing on rescission motion.

05/23/17 L‘ Friedemann Telephone conference with S. Nystrom 0.70 413.00 regardin status of- fl; emails to S. Nystrom with requested information.

05/23/17 M. Williams Research —, 5.40 1,431.00 05/24/17 E. Unger Revise and file letter to the court 0.70 259.00

responding to Nelsons‘ and McMillan's letters.

05/24/17 J. Cassioppi Email correspondence regarding final 1.70 731.00 hearing time on UMG rescission motion; finalize and file letter with the Court; email correspondence regarding Warner Bros‘ binder of agreements; email correspondence regarding confidentiality of UMG hearing; email correspondence regarding Friday call with the Court and response deadline on motion to rescind UMG agreement; prepare for Friday call with the Court.

05/24/17 L‘ Friedemann Draft weekly summary of IP litigation 020 118,00 matters.

05/24/17 M. Williams Conference with K. Steinert regarding I 1.20 31800 _. 05/25/17 J. Cassioppi Prepare for call with the Court; telephone 2.80 1,204.00

conference and email correspondence regarding WBR records; review letter from C. Tayback and email correspondence and telephone conference regarding the same.

Fredrikson {9 Byron, PA. main 612.4927000 Attorneys 81 Advisers

fax 612492.7077 P~O.Box1484 Commumcahons concerning disputed debts mcludmg aninstrumenllendered www.fredlaw COH'] Minneapoiis Minnpsma

as (UH salvslaclxon 0' a debt eve m be sen! IL) Fvcdrxkson & Byron PA Ann Cream Depanmem 200 South bzh Sllcul Sum 4000 aeanohs MN 5540) Tax ]D N 0» 4170971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN



Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/25/17 MWEHiams 05/26/17 E. Unger

05/26/17 J. Cassioppi

05/26/17 M Williams

05/30/17 J. Cassioppi

05/30/17 M. Williams

05/31/17 J. Cassioppi

Filed in First Judicial District Court 6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Pagez50 Matter No: 0773760400

Continue redacting invoices. 350 92750 Send motion to rescind to J. Bruntjen; 0.10 37.00 confirm service of same on heirs‘ counset, Prepare for and conduct call with the Court 240 1,032‘00 regarding WBR agreement and confidentiality; telephone conference with Comerica regarding status; telephone conference with C. Tayback regarding call with the Court; telephone conference with E. Edeiman regarding call with the Court; telephone conference with L, Kramer regarding call with the Court; email correspondence with A, Silver; telephone conference with J. Bruntjen regarding rescission motion. Continue redacting invoices from 100 265.00 February-May. Telephone conference regarding status of 1.20 516.00 litigation matters; email correspondence regarding UMG rescission; email correspondence regarding Roc Nation lawsuit; analyze potential responses to UMG rescission motion. Continue redacting invoices February- 080 212.00 May. Prepare for and meet with counsel for O. 4.60 1,978.00 Baker and A‘ Jackson; analyze responses to rescission motion; telephone conference with counsel for WBR; email correspondence with counsel for the heirs regarding WBR binder; attention to redacting invoices to remove confidential and attorney—client privileged information; email correspondence with Comerica regarding UMG rescission; email correspondence regarding—

Commumcahons concerning disputed debls mcluc‘mg an mstrument mndered as lull sahsfacuon 0? a debt, are {0 be sen! lo Frednkson 8 Byron PA. Ann

Credn Deparlmem 200 Soulh Sixth Sueel Sane 4000 aeapohs. MN 55402

Fredrikson & Byron] RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492‘7077 P.O.Bo><1484 www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tax ID NO. 41-0971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management


Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 51

411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226



proposal. L. Friedemann Telephone conference with — 1.40 826.00

regarding potential claims. M. Williams Continue redacting invoices; meet with J. 3.00 795.00

Cassioppi regarding same.

Costs and Other Charges



Telephone Charges

PACER Service Center US Courts - Usage Charges from 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017 Prof Serv TransUnion Risk and Alternative Data Solutions Inc. — 572387—May17 — Public records searching. Color Copy Charges eDiscovery Hosting Fee MN E-File - Electronic Filing / Service Fee Photocopy Charges Photocopy Charges Postage Charges Research via Westlaw


{7,1'fz-‘Tbtél,FOr-ICOStS and Other’Charg‘es: '

* Total This} Matter: ‘ “

Matter No: 077376.0400



20.00 25.00

530.00 2.40

432.00 24.18

340.00 5.58

' ~ 1‘ 1,389.:‘55:


Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 COWWUHICZIIOHS concermngdnspuleddebts mcludmg aninstmmenllendered www.fredlaw.com Minneapoiis Minnesota as lull sausiacuon 013 debt. are to be sent lo Frednkson & Byron PA Ann

Cledlt Deoavlmem 200 Soulh Slxlh Street, Snue 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax 1 D N 0. 41~ 0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 52 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0401 Regarding: Jobu Litigation

05/01/17 T. Fleming Review C‘ Vlahos e—mail regarding forum 0.10 59.00 selection provisions and discussion with C. Pham regarding

05/02/17 0 Pham Conduct document review regarding 2.70 1,093.50 —; communicate with Litigation Support regarding same.

05/03/17 Litigation Execute searches and update datasets in 1.00 195.00 Support discovery review system. Consulting

05/03/17 C. Pham Conduct document review regarding 1.70 68860 ; review and analyze

communicate with T. Fleming regarding same.

05/03/17 T. Fleming E—mails to J. Cassioppi regarding C. 1.30 767.00 Vlahos request; review EA Unger e—mail

with —, and follow up with J. Cassioppi‘

05/04/17 T. Fleming Phone conference with C. Vlahos 0.30 17700 regarding venue and prepare e-mail.

05/08/17 T. Fleming Review memorandum supporting motion 0.90 531.00 to quash subpoena to L McMillan; review motion to allow unredacted memorandum to be filed under seal, memorandum in support and proposed order; review N. Dahl Ietterto Judge Eide regarding informal motion and L. McMillan; confirm date Answer due.

05/09/17 T. Fleming Review subpoena to L. McMillan and 1.40 826.00 Memorandum opposing Motion to Quash

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P,O.Box1484 Communxcanons concermng d1sputed dams xnczudmg anmstrumennendered WWW “6d com aeapohs Minnesota as mu sallsmdlon o! a deb! are to be 50m (0 Hedvuksun & Byron PA. Ann

Cred” Depavtmont 200 8mm 3v SlreoL Suite «can NIIuneapcllS. MN 55402 Tax 10 N O, 41. 097 ’l 937 55480 .. 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.

INVOICE,DETAJL,, ,, Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 53 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760401 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

L. McMillan subpoena. 05/10/17 T. Fleming Review Baker, Jackson, Nelson 5.60 3,304.00

memorandum opposing motion to quash L. McMillan subpoena; review T. Kane affidavit and exhibits in support; review Baker and Jackson supplemental objections to Bremer‘s discharge from liability; review 8. SiIton affidavit and exhibits in support; review affidavit of V. Millette with exhibits; review L. McMillan reply memorandum in support of quashing subpoena; review L. McMillan declaration.

05/11/17 T. Fleming Review R. Williams letter to Judge Eide 050 295.00 with exhibits and motion to file under seal, memorandum in support and proposed order.

05/15/17 C. Pham Revise 1.00 405.00 ; draft case summary;

communicate with T‘ Fleming regarding same; communicate with Jobu's counsel, C. Vlahos, regarding extension for serving/filing Answer to Complaint.

05/15/17 T. Fleming Review due date for answer and discuss 0.40 236.00 extension with C. Pham; review C. Pham e-mails to C. Vlahos confirming extension.

05/17/17 T4 Fleming Emails with J. Cassioppi regarding D. 050 295,00 Crosby request; phone conference with D.

Crosby; draft e—mail to D‘ Crosby. 05/19/17 T. Fleming Review C. Vlahos e-mail with 0.20 118.00

acknowledgment of service. 05/22/17 C. Pham Communicate with C. Vlahos, counsel for 0.50 20250

Jobu, regarding Notice and Acknowledgment of Service By Mail; communicate with T. Fleming regarding Answer to Complaint.

05/22/17 T. Fleming Respond to C. Vlahos e-mail with 0.40 236.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124927077 P.0‘Box1484 Communicahonsconcernmgdxspuleddebts.mcludmganmslrumennenderec www.fredtaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota

as In" sensfachon of a debt. are to be senl |0 Freduksuu <3 Bylon PA, Ann Cred" Departmem 200 South Slxsh Sweet, Sum: 4000 aeapohs, MN 55402 Ta x [D N 0_ 41~ 0971937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June ‘12, 2017 Vice President Page: 54 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760401 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

acknowledgement of service and scheduling phone conference; arrangements regarding acknowledgement of service.

05/23/17 C. Pham Communicate with T. Fleming and C. 0.20 81.00 Vlahos regarding NY lawsuit

05/23/17 J. Beitz m 0.30 5550

Costs and Other Charges

eDiscovery Hosting Fee 500.00 ‘

L ’ ' ° Tot‘al‘For‘Costs and Othér, ChargéSfiVfi -:_~"27:‘§ 500.00g

'_ .

‘ - I , ~TOta|This M’atte'r‘: f}: 7Er,_a110,065,003,

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612.4927000 Attorneys 8: Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 RO‘ BOX1484 Communacahonsconcerningdxsputeddebls,includmganInstmmenllendered www‘fredkawymn Minneapoiis Minnesota

as luH suusfaclmn o! a dobl are to be 50m to Frednksofl 8 Byron PA mm Cream Depavhncm 200 South Sixth Sheet Sulle 4000 aeapohs MN 5540? Tax I D N o_ 4 1 . 0971937 55480. 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 55 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0402 Regarding: Bergonzi Litigation

05/01/17 L. Friedemann Send update to A. Bruce and A. Aycock 0.20 118.00 regarding case status.

05/04/17 L. Friedemann Emails with A. Bruce and R‘ Trotter 0.10 59.00

= _ row: {or F‘exés;

, Totalms‘ Matter;

Fredrikson 8: Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.BDX1484 Communications uonucmmgdxspumu debts mdudmg amnslrumcntIrmdcmd WWW hedlaw com Minneapolis MgnnPSOIB as Ml satisfaction of a debl are (0 be sent to Frednkson 8 Byrcn PA Arm

Credit Depamnem 200 South 8‘t Sweet Suite .1000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0, 41 ~0971937 55480314811

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 1


Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Page: 56 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.0403 Regarding: Brandon Litigation

05/19/17 L. Friedemann Continue to review and edit reply briefs for 0.50 29500 motions seeking attorney‘s fees and costs; circulate same for approval; email edited drafts to local counsel.

Costs and Other Charges

05/01/17 PACER Service Center US Courts — Usage charges from 14.40 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017

' ” ‘ ‘ L

5: ”'Tota! FOrCo’sts and;0thé_r Ch’aiges: ,1: i

5' (-7 313:7

_, ,:,}_;'{14;4Q'

, Tomi-This Matterti, ,: , :__,3_,o,9.40,

Fredrikson 84 Byron, PA. main 612.492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 P.0‘Box1484 Commumcauans concerning disputed debls Incmdlng an mslrumem Iendered . ' '

as(ullsanslachunofadebl arelu be scnttohudnksonéi Byvon PA, Aim www.fred|aw.com Mlnnedlls’ MlaSOKa Cvcdll Depavtmcul 200 South Slxlh Sheet Sung 4000 aeapulxs MN 5540? Tax }D N 0, 41-0971937 55480 —1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson ,,!,NYQ',¢§BEIA!!,-,,, ,, , ., , .

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 57 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0404 Regarding: Roc Nation Litigation

05/01/17 A. Rondoni Begin drafting objection to subpoena; 2.70 783.00

05/01/17 A. Yates Review and respond to inquiry_ from A 060 82.50 Rondoni Tavernier regarding—

05/01/17 L. Friedemann Finalize letter to J Siev responding to 0.10 59.00 proposed settlement framework

Communication with team regarding same Discuss production with S. Lee, including 5.10 1,479.00

05/01/17 S. Lee

05/02/17 A. Rondoni Tavernier

; finish objection letter to Spotify subpoena

05/02/17 L. Friedemann Emails regarding 330 1,947.00

; draft letter to J. Siev and C. Hoffman regarding Notice of Deposition of Troy Carter;

2.60 572.00

Fredrikson & ByrorL RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8x Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 90. Box 1484 COHHWLIIIICBUOHS conccnmg (hspx ted dams Inrmdzng an mslmmem tendered - - ~

as lul! sanslaction oiadebl are m be sent ‘0 Frednksoneifiyron PA. Aun' www.fredlaw.com aeapOhS' M'nnesom Credll Department 200 South wm Stree| Sune 4000, aeapohs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0. 41~0971937 55480.1 484

05/02/17 S, Lee

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 58 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/03/17 A. Rondoni Strategize on .

610 1,769.00 Tavernier

incorporate final edits to the Spotify subpoena objection letter; review correspondence with opposing counsel regarding discovery schedule.

05/03/17 L‘ Friedemann Emails with counsel for Aspiro defendants 160 944.00 regarding deadline to respond to requests for production; circulate proposed response to Notice of Deposition of Troy Carter, and finalize same; review and edit objections to sub oena to Spotif .

05/03/17 S. Lee 2.30 506.00

Meeting regarding same.

05/03/17 8‘ Lee Meeting regarding document collections 1.00 220.00 and review and case task deadlines.

05/04/17 A. Rondoni Collaborate with litigation support staff on 2.20 63800 Tavernier

05/04/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding changing document 040 236.00 designations pursuant to request from Aspiro counsel; email to J. Siev and C.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 6124917077 PO. Box 1484 Communications concerning dispuled debts Inctudmg anmslmmemtendereu www.fredlaw‘¢;om Minneapolis, Minnesuta

ab lull sahslacllun 0! a debt. are to bx:— senl |o Fredukson 8 Hymn PA Ann Cvedul Department 200 Soulh Sodh Slreel SAME 4060 aeapnlxs MN 5540? Tax ID N 0_ 41.0971937 55480 71484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 59 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Hoffman foliowing up on protective order and requested hold letters.

05/05/17 Litigation Execute searches and update datasets in 100 195.00 Support discovery review system. Consulting

05/05/17 A‘ Rondoni Finalize 4.40 127600 Tavernier

; correspond with L.

Friedemann regarding future meetings with

Prepare draft outline for letter to opposin 100 500.00 counsek

05/05/17 J, Kemnitz

; Confer with Ms. Friedemann regarding same.

05/05/17 L. Friedemann W 2.10 1,239.00 ;edit

objection to Spotify subpoena and email same to Spotify counsel; confer regarding

05/05/17 M. Stortz Analyze and confirm 1.00 305.00 —; e—mail correspondence with K‘ Steinert regarding same; telephone conference with K. Steinert; anal ze

; inter—office

conference with K. Steinert regarding same.

05/08/17 A. Rondoni Review correspondence with 2.30 667.00 Tavernier

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Cummumcahons concerning G‘spuled debts. mcludmg aninstmmennendered www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, MiHDGSOla

as mu sausmcuun u! a deb! we to be sum lo Hednksun is By‘on PA mm Credit Uoparlmenl 200 Scum Slxth Sheet Smle 4000 aeapnhs MN 55407 Tax 1 D N o, 41— 0971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W, Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226









Commumcahom cuuccrnmg dlEDUlCd dobls. mdudmg an msmmmt Iendered as M sausfacnon of a debt are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Aim

Credu Deparlment 200 South Sixth Street Suite 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402

L. Friedemann

A. Rondoni Tavernier

J. Kemnitz

L. Friedemann

Litigation Suppon Consulting A. Rondoni Tavernier

J. Kemnitz

L. Friedemann

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 60 Matter No: 0773760404

: discuss— with L. Friedemann and potential

future strate for the lawsuit. Emails with regarding 1.80 1,062.00

0.70 20300 list; review correspondence

with regarding ; draft and edit document preservation log. Prepare draft letter to opposing counsel objecting to redactions made in initial production and responding to confidentiality claims made under Cayman Islands CIDL. Edit letter to C. Hoffman regarding redaction of information under Cayman Confidential Information Disclosure Law,

Meet with S. Lee regarding outstanding discovery tasks, including

1.50 75000

0.10 59.00

3.00 585.00

2.50 72500

; review correspondence re arding

Review and revise draft letter to opposing 0.50 25000 counsel objecting to redactions and responding to confidentiality claims under CIDL; Incorporate comments from L,

Friedemann in connection with same. Confer regarding Aspiro's document requests and strategies and issues with

0.30 177.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. Attorneys & Advisers PO. Box 1484 Minneapolis, aesota


main 612.4927000 fax 612,492,7077

www‘fredlaw‘com Tax ID No.4110971937

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. PA


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 61

Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

respect to response to same. 05/10/17 S. Lee Review files for upcoming document 1.10 242.00

collection. Communication with team regarding same.

05/10/17 S. Lee Team meetings regarding client document 130 286.00 collections and upcoming document review for production.

05/11/17 A, Rondoni Strategize regarding document collection 1.90 551.00 Tavernier

; review and anal ze documents

05/12/17 A. Rondoni Correspond with several. individuals 2.70 783.00 Tavernier regarding

; review particular emails for '

conduct initial review of opposing counsel‘s discovery production.

05/12/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding strategy with respect to 020 118.00

05/12/17 S. Lee Commfinication with Team and Litigation 1.60 352.00 Su ort re arding

05/12/17 S. Lee Download opposing production. for 0.60 13200 processing. Communication with team regarding same,

05/15/17 A. Rondoni Review documents produced by Roc 4.10 1,189.00 Tavernier Nation; discuss

Fredrikson & Byron, PA. main 612,492,7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124927077 RO‘ Box 11184 Communications concermng disputed debts. Including an mslrumen: (endeted WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as v'uu sausiacuon 0! a deb! are I0 be 56M ‘0 Frcdnksnn 8 Bymn P/\ mm

Crerm Depaw tmem 200 South s‘xm Shea Smie 4000 Mumeapolm MN 55407 Tax ID N n, 41’ 097 ‘| 937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 81 BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 62 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W, Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 —; confer with support staff

on moving forward with upcoming document production.

05/15/17 L. Friedemann Analyze defendants' discovery responses 210 123900 and deficiencies in same; confer re arding

05/16/17 A. Rondoni Confer with L. Friedemann regarding 2.20 63800 Tavernier objections to defendants' discovery

requests; work to obtain and load documents that will be produced to defendants.

05/16/17 L. Friedemann Discuss strategy for 4.20 2,478.00

draft responses and objections to discovery requests from Aspiro; emails to

05/16/17 S. Lee Communication with team regarding 0.80 17600 document processing and database fields. Collect documents for possible production.

05/16/17 S. Lee Meeting regarding document collections 050 110.00 and document review for upcoming production. Correspond regarding 2.80 812.00 05/17/17 A. Rondoni


; review discovery responses from Roc Nation. Telephone conference with 1.60 944.00

; confer regarding

Fred rikson & Byron, PVA.

main 6124927000 Attorneys 8: Advisers fax 5124917077 RO. BOX1484

Commumcnhms concerning disputed uebls mcludlng an Instrumem (endered »

as M sausfachon ofadebt are (a be sent to r'redrykson&8yron PA Ann WWW‘hEdIaW'COm Minneapolis, MIHHESOta

Clem DeparlmenL 200 Scum Sxxm Street. Suite 4000. aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID N 0, [VI-0971937 55480—1484

05/17/17 L. Friedemann

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 0/0 Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 63 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 - and document collection; analyze

letters from Defendants regarding subpoena to Spotify and request to depose Troy Carter and consider response to same.

05/17/17 T. O‘Shea Confer with s. Lee regarding - 0.20 89.00

05/19/17 L. Friedemann Confer‘regarding additional documents for 0.70 413.00 production to Aspiro Defendants,

05/19/17 N. Datzov Draft ar ument re ardin 2.30 862.50

05/19/17 S. Lee . 080 176.00 05/19/17 S‘ Lee Search and review 280 616.00

. Communication with team * regarding document collections.

05/22/17 A. Rondoni Conduct preparation for document review 660 191400 Tavernier and review documents for responsiveness

to Aspiro‘s requests and confidentiality desi nations; prepare for and meet with I

05/22/17 J, Kemnitz Review letter rebly from Mr‘ Hoffman; 1.50 750.00 Prepare outline for draft response to same; Confer with Ms. Friedemann; Review and revise— -; Confer with Ms. Friedemann regarding revisions.

05/22/17 L‘ Friedemann Review and consider correspondence 1.90 1,121,00 relating to Defendants' redaction of documents; edit

; confer regarding letter to Defendants' counsel regarding non—

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Commumcauons concerning dispmed deb‘s wciudmg an msuumenl tendered ' - ‘ ‘ ¥ , asIuHsansfachonofademareto be senHo Fvednkson&Byron. PA Aun. www.fred!aw.com Minneapolis, MlnnesLnd

Cred): Depanmem 200 South Snxlh Street. suue 4000 Mvnneapchs. MN 55402 Tax ID NO, 410971937 55480» 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 Clo Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 64 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

compliance with ESI protocol. 05/22/17 S. Lee Review ctient files and database 210 462.00

documents for —. 05/22/17 S. Lee Communication with Litigation Support 080 176.00

team regarding . Communication

with team regarding documents for review ' for upcoming production.

05/22/17 34 Lee Revise — 020 44.00 05/23/17 A‘ Rondoni Review documents for responsiveness to 4.40 1,276.00

Tavernier Defendants' request and confidentiality designations.

05/23/17 S‘ Lee Search for, review and collect various files 160 352.00 for possible production Communication with team regarding same.

05/24/17 A. Rondoni Finalize document review to be produced, 460 1,334.00 Tavernier including confidentiality designations;

strategize regarding upcoming discovery tasks with L. Friedemann; review correspondence regarding

05/24/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding document production to 1.00 590.00 Aspiro defendants; continue to draft ,

objections and responses to requests for production.

05/24/17 S. Lee Team meeting regarding upcoming 0.30 66.00 discovery responses and document production,

05/24/17 S, Lee Call with 030 66.00

05/24/17 S. Lee Communication with team regarding 0.70 154.00 review and finalizing set of documents for upcoming production. Review documents regarding same.

Fredrikson 81 Byron RAV

main 6124927000 Attorneys & AdviSOrs fax 6124927077 RO‘ BOX 7484

Communications concerning d<spuled debts Inc‘uding an msnwr-«gul |cndercd , ~ ' ~

asmllsallsfactmnnfauebl arelo be senlto Frednkson&Byvon PA Aim WWW‘fFBdIdWfiOHW Mlnneapo‘ls' Minnesota Cred“ Depaflmem 700 Scum 8:t Street Suns 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax {D N 0, ALI-0971937 55480~ 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN



Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 65 Matter No: 0773760404

05/24/17 S. Lee Prepare for witness caIL Summarize call 1.20 264.00 notes for team. Communication with team regarding same.

05/25/17 A. Rondoni Finalize document production for delivery 1.80 52200 Tavernier to defendants, including final spot check of

confidentiality designations; correspond with

05/25/17 L. Friedemann Revise objections and responses to Aspiro 0.80 47200 document requests; emails relating to same; confer regarding litigation hold letter requested by Defendants.

05/25/17 S‘ Lee Review final set of documents for 0.50 110.00 production.

05/25/17 S. Lee Communication with

Communication with

1.00 220.00

Litigation Support team regarding same. 05/25/17 S. Lee Finalizing documents for production. 050 110.00

Communication with team regarding

05/26/17 A. Random Comn'wunicate with — 3.80 1,102‘00 Tavernier _; finalize and send out document

production; discuss content

with L. Friedemann; continue reviewing production of documents received from defendants.

05/26/17 L. Friedemann Emails relating to 030 177.00

05/26/17 S. Lee Communication with 070 154%

Communication with team regarding same.

05/29/17 A. Rondoni Review documents screened out as 3.10 899.00

Communications comcemlng disputed Gems. Including an Instrumen! tendered as full salusfartmm of a deb! are lo be Sen: {0 Flednkson is Byron PA NIH

C(erm Departmem 700 Smnh wlh Sires: Suule 4000 MuirmapnhS MN 55402

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612.4927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 61218927077 RO‘ Box1484 www.fred|aw‘com Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tax ID No. 410977937 654804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 81 BYRON, P.A.

JNYQIQEP.§Ifl_'=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,. 7

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 66 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Fioor Detroit, MI 48226

Tavernier privilege for designating privilege type and creation of a privilege log.

05/30/17 A. Rondoni Follow up on correspondence relating to I 0.20 58.00 Tavernier — and other document

collection. 05/30/17 L. Friedemann Draft letter to J. Siev regarding request to 1.10 649.00

depose T. Carter; emai! to T. Carter regarding same.

05/31/17 A. Rondoni Coordinate obtaining files from 4.00 1,160.00 Tavernier ; review

priviteged documents for responsiveness and confidentiality designation for privilege logs.

05/31/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding collection of documents 0.60 354.00 from -; revise and finalize letter to J,

Siev regarding notice of deposition for Troy Carter; telephone conference with

; emails re arding

05/31/17 S. Lee Team meéting regarding status of 0.10 22.00 document collections and discovery responses.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 81 Advisers

fax 6124927077 P.O. BOX 1484 Conwuumcahom cunccrrung disputed oebls wd|1dmgamnstrumem tendered WWW frediaw com Minneapolis M”) “88018

as M sausfacnon of a debl are to be sem to Frednkscn & Byron. PA Attn: Cream Deparlment 200 Somh 3t StreeL Suite 4000 aeapchs MN 55402 Tax I D No. 410971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 81 BYRON, P.A.

., [NMQEEEETAELMivflufi Wwwiv

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 67 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760404 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Costs and Other Charges

05/01/17 PACER Service Center US Courts — Usage charges from 0.80 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017

05/01/17 Prof Serv TransUnion Risk and Alternative Data Solutions 10.00 Inc. - 572387-May17 - Public records searching. eDiscovery Hosting Fee 300.00 Research via Westiaw 180.00 Telephone Charges 3.08


f 7,,w‘fsf,LQT‘otai, For Costs and-Otheiiéi’harg‘e 7


Fredrikson 84 Byron, P.A.

main 612,492,7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 6124927077 P.O‘ Box 1484

Communlcauuns concermng d‘spu‘ed debts Indudmg anms‘rumenflendered WWW fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as fun satisfaction oi a dam are to be sem |o Frednkson & Byron PA Ann C(edd Departmem 700 South Ssxm Streel Sulle 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax | D N o. 41, 0971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN


Fredrikson BYRON. P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 68 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

CIientAccount#: 077376.0405 Regarding: Heirship Appeals

05/01/17 E. Unger Continue drafting appellate brief in 4.20 155400 opposition to Brianna Nelson.

05/02/17 E. Unger Finish draft of appellate brief in opposition 6.00 2,220.00 to Brianna Nelson and send same to J. Cassioppi for review.

05/03/17 E. Unger Revise appellate brief in opposition to 540 1,998.00 Brianna Nelson and add record citations.

05/03/17 J. Cassioppi Draft and edit B. Nelson appeal brief. 1.10 473.00 05/03/17 8, Olson Analyze approach to issues in B. Nelson 0.30 121.50

appeal; assist in Iocating documents. 05/04/17 E. Unger Revise appellate brief in response to edits 1.30 481.00

from J‘ Cassioppi and T. Kane, 05/04/17 J. Cassioppi Draft and edit B. Nelson appeal brief. 1.50 645.00 05/05/17 E. Unger Edit appellate brief in response to Brianna 0.40 148.00

Nelson. 05/08/17 E‘ Unger Format and prepare appellate brief for 4.00 1,480.00

filing; confirm permission to file with co- counsel; file and serve same‘

05/08/17 8. Olson Assist with finalizing and filing 0.30 121.50 respondents‘ brief in B. Nelson appeal.

Fredrikson 84 Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 61211917077 PO Box 1484 Commumcahonsconcelnmg dlspuleddems \ncludmg an Instrument \endered www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as “M sahsfachon of a dam are to be sen! lo Fredmksnn 8 Byron PA mm Crew Depanmenl 200 South Sixth S’reei Smte 4000 aeapolxs MN 5540? Tax [D N 0‘ 41.0971937 55480" 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrilcson 81 BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 69 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760405 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Costs and Other Charges

05/09/17 Metro Legal Metro Legal Services, Inc, — 3006551 — Delivery 64.00 of Brief to Court of Appeals Photocopy Charges Photocopy Charges Postage Charges Research via Westlaw

-- :‘_“To_tal For. CQ'SfS'arid‘: 1t 39?

:: :a-i‘i-vf "‘TotéliThifslilMéité


Fredrikson & Byron, P.AV

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 6124927077 PO. Box 1484

Commumcauons concerning disputed debts. inctudmg an instrument tendered WWW fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as ful! sahsfactwn of a deb! are lo be sent to Frednksun & Byron. PA Aun Credll Depamnem 200 50q Sum. Sheet, Sulle 4000, Mumcapohs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0_ 41, 0971937 55480. 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON. PA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 70 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, Ml 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0406 Regarding: Dixon v. NPG Music Publishing & NPG Records Litigation

05/01/17 A. Rondoni Analyze Plaintiff's reply to the vexatious 0.50 145.00 Tavernier litigant motion.

05/02/17 A. Rondoni Read and discuss Mr. Dixon‘s filings in his 0.70 203.00 Tavernier litigation against Bank of America with-_

05/03/17 A. Rondoni Review Mr. Dixon‘s filings in his lawsuit 0.60 174.00 Tavernier against Bank of America for

05/04/17 A. Rondoni Analyze arguments made in both Plaintiff's 3.00 870.00 Tavernier response to the motion to dismiss and

vexatious litigant motion and begin outlining possible replies.

1 05/05/17 A. Rondoni Review docket for upcoming deadlines. 0.20 58.00

Tavernier 05/08/17 A. Rondoni Begin research for reply brief on motion to 4.40 1,276.00

Tavernier dismiss, including research on

; review Dixon‘s first complaint against Bank of America for

05/08/17 A. Willemssen Determine completeness of documents 1.20 222.00 received from Los Angeies County for A4

Rondoni Tavernier 05/09/17 A. Rondoni Research Minnesota law on 1.70 493.00

Tavernier , for use in the motion to dismiss

reply‘ 05/10/17 A‘ Rondoni Research 090 261.00


Fredrikson 84 Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys 8: Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 RC. BOX‘1484 Commumcauons concernmg G‘sputed debts. including an Instrumem tendered , - , ~ -

asml sallsfachunufadem arclolm 50m toHednkson8Hymn PA mm WWW‘fFBCHdWJZQm Minneapolis, aesota Crezm Dupavtmem 200 South S‘xlh sweet. Suule 4000 aeapnhS MN 5540; Tax ID N 0‘ 410971937 55480 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.

,fl!9l£§2§1&!!—,,_ .

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 71

Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760406 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 _ and

analyze for applicability to motion to dismiss.

05/10/17 A. Willemssen Determine comp|eteness of documents 0.50 92.50 received from Los Angeles County for A, Rondoni Tavernier

05/11/17 A. Rondoni Begin drafting responses for the vexatious 4.60 1,334.00 Tavernier litigant motion and motion to dismiss;

strategize with L. Friedemann regarding general approach and any necessary research.

05/11/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding reply briefs for motions 0.40 236.00 to dismiss and to declare Mr‘ Dixon a vexatious litigant.

05/12/17 A. Rondoni Draft response to Dixon’s opposition on 3.50 101500 Tavernier the motion to dismiss.

05/15/17 A. Rondoni Finish drafting response to motion to 4.00 1,160.00 Tavernier dismiss reply; draft response to vexatious

litigant reply. 05/16/17 A. Rondoni Draft responses to motion to dismiss and 2.30 66700

Tavernier vexatious litigant replies. 05/16/17 A. Rondoni Finalize responses to motion to dismiss 4.00 1,160.00

Tavernier and vexatious Ntigation replies. 05/17/17 A. Rondoni Correspond with local counsel regarding 0.30 8700

Tavernier reply brief filing timing and logistics 05/18/17 L. Friedemann Review and circulate reply briefs in 0.30 177.00

support of motions to dismiss and to declare Mr. Dixon a vexatious litigant.

05/22/17 A. Rondoni Finalize reply briefs and send to local 1.30 37700 Tavernier counsel to be filed‘

05/24/17 A. Rondoni Review Mr. Dixon's sur-reply; confer 080 232.00 Tavernier regarding next steps with local counsel

and L. Friedemann. 05/24/17 L‘ Friedemann Email update to A. Bruce and A‘ Aycock 0.10 59.00

regarding Dixon filing and next steps.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612,492.7000 Attorneys 8; Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 P.0V Box 1484 Communications concerning dzspuled debts «vcludflg an wslmmm-t tevvdcred - - -

asiuusaustaclmn Madam, areto he senHoFredsonti Byron PA Ann wwwiredlaw‘com aeapohs. Minnesota Credit Deparlmenl 7003mm Sxxrh Streel sme 4000 aeapons MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41-0971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.

,Jflvglcfi PETA|L,,. ,, .

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 72 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760406 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Costs and Other Charges

05/01/17 PACER Service Center US Courts — Usage charges from 7.10 01/01/2017 to 03/31/2017

05/25/17 Documents in Rameses Mercury v. Prince Roger Nelson 23680 05/01/17 Prof Serv Lexis Nexis — EA—711950 ~ Documents in 297.75

SCV19675 — Ramses America Mercury v. Prince Rogers Nelson [court document] Research via Westlaw 50.00

9,3": _

I} 159313551



Fredrikson & Byron, RA‘ main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Communmatlufls Concerning dlsputeddcbl: Indudmg anInstvumcntlcndclcd www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota as full sahsfactlon of a debl are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Aim

Credit Department 200 Scum Sxxm Sweet Sum; 4000 aeapolls MN 55402 Tax (D N 0. 4170971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrilcson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 73 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

CIientAccount#: 077376.040? Regarding: Mixed Blood

05/04/17 T. Fleming Review J. Cassioppi e—mail and respond to 0.20 118.00 Carver County clerk e—mail regarding pretrial conference.

05/09/17 T4 Fleming Review J. Bazis e—mail regarding 0.80 47200 accepting service of process of Amended Complaint; discuss with J. Cassioppi; prepare e-mail to S. Nystrom requesting authorization; review her response and reply to J. Bazis.

05/11/17 0 Pham Communicate with T, Fleming regarding 1.20 486.00 upcoming Rule 26 Discovery Conference; review correspondence with other counsel regarding same; review and analyze Barron's Answer and Cross Ciaim against the Estate; draft Rule 26 Discovery Plan.

05/11/17 T. Fleming Review J. Bazis and K. Wetherille e—mails 0.40 236.00 regarding Rule 26 conference next week and draft response.

05/12/17 0 Pham Prepare draft Rule 26 Joint Discovery Plan 0.60 243.00 for discovery conference with other counsel; communicate with T. Fleming regarding same.

05/12/17 T. Fleming Review J. Bazis e—mail regarding Rule 26 150 885.00 conference on Monday and review Rule 26.06 requirements; review J. Bazis e-mail with Amended Complaint.

05/15/17 C. Pham Prepare 080 324.00 draft case summary;

communicate with T. Fleming regarding same.

(35/15/17 0. Pham Prepare _ 150 607.50

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492‘7000 Attorneys 81 Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Communications concernmg msputed dams :nc‘udmg anrnsvumentiendered WWW fredfiawxzom Minneapolis‘ Minnesota as full salislachon of a debl are Io be sent to Fredrlkson & Byron PA. Ann own Depaltmenl. 200 Scum S‘xlh Slreel Sune 4000. aeegmhs. MN 55402 Tax |D No_ 410971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 74 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760407 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 _ draft case summary;

communicate with T, Fleming regarding same; review the Court's Scheduling Order; prepare for discovery conference with other counsel.

05/15/17 T. Fleming Prepare for and participate in Ruie 26 0.80 472.00 conference with J. Bazis and counsel for Barron.

05/16/17 0 Pham Strategize with T. Fleming regarding 0.30 121.50 Scheduling Order.

05/16/17 T. Fleming Review Barron Answer and Crossclaims, 1.80 1,062.00 Mixed Blood Complaint and Court Scheduling Order; review J. Bazis e~mails regarding Stipulation to Amend and D.

Crosby response; prepare response to J‘ Bazis and review her reply‘

05/17/17 T, Fleming Review J. Bazis and Judge Van de North 1.90 1,121.00 e-mails regarding _; review Mixed Blood Theater Summons and Amended Complaint; revise- _ and forward aiong with Barron‘s Answer and Crossclaims and Scheduling Order to Comerica; review 8. Mattingly and J. Bazis e—mails with Mixed Blood Theater's Rule 68 settlement offer.

05/18/17 C. Pham Review and analyze MBT's Amended 2.60 1,053.00 Complaint; review and analyze MBT'S discovery requests; review MBT‘s Rule 68 Offer of Settlement; update case overview and status; communicate with T. Fleming regarding same,

05/18/17 T. Fleming Revise summary for Comerica; review 0.60 354.00 Mixed Blood Theater's Offer for Judgment and discovery requests.

05/19/17 T. Fleming Review Mixed Blood Theater's amended 0.40 236.00 first set of discovery requests to

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 RO. BOX1484 Ccmmumcanonsconcernmg dwspmeddebls mcluc‘nganmstrumennendered www.fredlaw,com Minneapolis Minnesota

as [L1H salesfachon 01 a deb! are to be Sen! (0 Frednkson & Byron PA. Altn Credit Deparlmenl 200 South SSXC'W Street Smle 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID NO. 41~0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson .JNVQIQEDETA'L 7

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 75 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.040? 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

defendants and first set of discovery to Barron.

05/22/17 C. Pham Communicate with T. Fleming regarding ‘

1.50 607.50 -, and discovery plan and strategy; review and analyze J‘ Bazis's Confidential Rule 408 Settlement Communication; review and analyze the proposed Joint Rule 2606(0) Report and Discovery Plan; draft Answer to Barron's Crossclaim.

05/22/17 T. Fleming Review Mixed Blood Theater Offer of 0.50 295.00 Settlement, and review— and discuss strategy regarding same with C. Pham.

05/23/17 C. Pham Communicate with K. Weinstine regarding 5.60 2,268.00

communicate with T. Fleming regarding proposed Joint Rule 26 Report and Discovery Plan; draft/revise Answer to Barron's Crossclaim; communicate with T. Fleming regarding same; review files and documents relating to MBT and Barron‘

05/23/17 T. Fleming Review J. Bazis e—mail with proposed 0.10 59.00 discovery plan.

05/24/17 C. Pham Communicate with other counsel 5.80 2,349.00 regarding Rule 26 Report and Discovery Plan; revise same; draft Stipulation to Modify Scheduling Order; communicate with other counsel regarding same; communicate with Lit. Support regarding preparing dataset for document review; conduct document review in connection with preparing Answer to Barron's Crossclaim; revise Answer to Barron‘s

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Communucnums coflcmmngdlspu‘fio new: mcmdmg amnsnun‘enuendered WWW {FBCHBW com Minneapolis Minnesota

as MI sausfachon of a debt are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Am Credit Depadmem 200 South S‘xm Street Sune 4000. aeapolys MN 55402 Tax |D NQ_ 41~0971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226






T. Fleming

0 Pham

C. Pham

T. Fleming

C. Pham

Crossclaim; communicate with T. Fleming regarding same; develop discovery strategy and discuss same with T. Fleming. Phone conference with J. Bazis office and draft e—mail to her regarding Rule 26 report; review C. Pham draft Rule 26 report and Stipulation and Order. Communicate with other counsel regarding Stipulation to Modify Scheduling Order and Joint Ruie 26 Report and Discovery Plan; prepare same for filing with the Court; communicate with counsel for Barron regarding Answer to Barron's Crossclaim. Conduct legal research regarding_

; prepare correspondence to Estate team regarding same; communicate with T. Fleming regarding same; review and analyze proposed Protective Order. Review C. Pham e—mail regarding extension to answer Barron crossclaims and update project summary; review Mixed Blood Theatre Rule 68 Offer of Settlement and draft e-mail to Comerica team regarding same. Communicate with _ regarding Rule 26 Initial Disclosures; revise same; communicate with T. Fleming and L.

Friedemann regarding revise Answer to Barron's

Crossclaim; revise Answer to MBT's Amended Complaint; draft Rule 68 Offer of Settlement; correspondence with Estate team regarding same.

main 6124927000 fax 612.492.7077

Commumcamns concernmg mspmed debts mcludmg an Insxrumenl tendered as M satusfachon 01 a debt, are to be 55m l0 Fredukson & Byron. PA Ann www.fredlaw.c0m

Credwt Deparlmem 200 South Sixth Stree‘ Suxte 4000 Mmmeapolls MN 55402 Ta x ID N 0, 41~0971937

invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Pagez76 Matter No: 077376.040?











Fredrikson 84 Byron, RA. Attorneys & Advisors P.O. Box1484

Minneapolis, Msrmesota 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 77 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.040? 411 WV Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/30/17 T‘ Fleming Review C. Pham 0.40 236.00 regarding initial disclosures; review

05/31/17 0 Pham Communicate with T. Fleming regarding 6.40 2,592.00 Rule 68 Offer of Settlement; revise Rule 26 Initial Disclosures and communicate with T. Fleming regarding —; revise Answer to Barron's Crossclaim and Answer to MBT‘s Amended Complaint; communicate with K. Johnson regarding interview; correspondence with opposing counsel regarding Initial Disclosures.

05/31/17 T. Fleming Review draft Offer of Settlement to Mixed 1.20 708.00 Blood Theatre; discuss strategy with C, Pham and arrangements regarding service; review draft initial disclosures; discuss additional witness disclosures with C. Pham; draft e—mai! to J. Cassioppi regarding _ and discussion with J. Cassioppi regarding same.


- Total for Fees: ‘ _


, 271547960“

Costs and Other Charges

05/16/17 Prof Serv Larson King — 67175 — Discussion with Mediator 337.50 John Van De North, Jr, eDiscovery Hosting Fee 425.00

L ' I

' ‘

Total For Costs and Other Charges: 762.50

Fredriksnn & Byron, RA, main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 11184 Communmatmns Concenung\Jlsputcrfdml)ls Indudmg amns|rument{ondered WWWJFBCHBW‘COFH Minneapolis, Minnesota as iuJI sansfacnon of a deb! are to be sent :0 Fredrikson & Byron. PA Aim

Credu Departmem 200 South 5‘t Street Sune 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax ID No. 41—0971937 55480* ‘I 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. RA.


Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 78 Matter No: 0773760407

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Commumcahons Concerning dispuled debls mcludvng aninstrumenllendered www fredkaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as m” sahsfachon of a debt are to be sem Io Frednkson & Byron. PA Ann

Credit Depanmenl 200 South Sixth StreeL Surte 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax | D N 0. 411-0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0408 Brianna Nelson v. Paisley Park Facilities Litigation Regarding:

05/01/17 J. Cassioppi

05/03/17 E. Unger

05/04/17 E. Unger

05/04/17 J. Cassioppi

05/05/17 E. Unger

05/05/17 J‘ Cassioppi

Review opposition to motion to dismiss and analyze reply in support of the same. Draft Reply brief in support of motion to dismiss. Research and continue drafting reply brief in support of motion to dismiss. Draft and edit reply in support of motion to dismiss. Finalize and flies reply brief in support of motion to dismiss Finalize and file reply brief.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017

Commumcahons concerning dispuled debts mcluding an Insvument tendered as {an salxsiachon 01 3 Gem, are to be sen! Io Frednksom & Byron PA Afln‘

Credit Department 200 Scum Sixth Street. Suite 4000, aeapohs MN 55402

Page: 79

0.80 344.00

130 481.00

7.20 2,664.00

0.40 172.00

0.40 148.00

0.50 215.00

Total for Fees: .1 2.”: _

'f‘ 3:4“,0241007';

“1 Total This Matter: 1551, 1 {4024-00 -

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. Attorneys & Advisors PO. Box 1484 Minneapolis, Minnesota 554804484

main 6124927000 fax 612.492.7077

wwwirediawcom Tax ID No, 410971937

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 80 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0409 Regarding: George Ian Boxill Litigation

05/01/17 A‘ Wessberg Review and provide comments to L. 0.60 300.00 Friedemann regarding-

05/01/17 L. Friedemann Continue to prepare for hearing on motion- 8.10 4,779.00 for preliminary injunction; argue motion; send email update; draft proposed response to email inquiry from C. Brown

05/02/17 A. Wessberg Review correspondence from regarding correspond with General Counsel to successfully take down "Deliverance”.

05/02/17 L. Friedemann Provide updates about hearing on our 0.90 531.00 motion for a preliminary injunction; confer regarding - and response to inquiry about continued distribution of Detiverance; review proposed communication to presumptive heirs regarding press stories about reality Show

1.30 650.00

05/03/17 Litigation Collect electronic discovery from internet 2.00 390.00 Support and social media, Consulting

05/03/17 A‘ Rondoni Search for and review potential 0.30 87.00 Tavernier employment documents regarding Mr.

Boxill. 05/03/17 A. Wessberg Coordinatewith- 040 200.00

regarding review amended TRO.

05/03/17 G. Fairbairn Correspond with T. Zeuli regarding 040 198.00 recordings and process for exchanging the hard drives; analyze the order modifying the temporary restraining order.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.4927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 6124927077 P.O. 80x1484 Commumcahons concernsr‘g dxsputed debts mcludmg an mslmment tendered WWW fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota

as full sahsfacnon 0! a dam. are to be senl l0 Fredrxkscn & Byron PA, Aim Credn Department. 200 South Sixth eeel Suxle 400C: aeapms, MN 35402 Tax I D N 0, 41 0971937 55480} 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN



Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Fioor Detroit, MI 48226

05/03/17 L. Friedemann

05/04/17 A. Wessberg

05/04/17 G. Fairbaim

05/04/17 L. Friedemann

05/05/17 L. Friedemann 05/06/17 G. Fairbairn

05/06/17 J. Cassioppi

05/06/17 L, Friedemann

05/08/17 A. Rondoni Tavernier

05/08/17 (3‘ Fairbaim

Filed in First Judicial District Court 6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 81

Matter No: 0773760409

Review order renewing and modifying 0.70 413.00 TRO; emails to team regarding same; communicate regarding bond. Review e-mails from

Attention to emails from confer regarding

0.90 450.00

; correspond with regarding coordination of

and 1.20 594.00

; correspond with T. Zeuli regarding process for exchanging the hard drives. Analyze materials provided by _ 1.80 1,062.00 and consider strategy with respect to same; confer regarding needed research; confer regarding response to Boxill's counsel regarding delivery of hard drives; confer reiardini strateii for- Receive hard drives from Boxill‘s counsel. 0.20 118.00 Attention to correspondence from T‘ Zeuli 0.20 99.00 regarding return of recordings. Email correspondence regarding obtaining 020 86.00

; email correspondence regarding I. Boxill hard—

drives. Confer regarding hard drives received 0.20 11800 from Boxill, Search for Deliverance on various 0.30 87.00 streaming outiets, including Tidal and Apple Music. Attention to correspondence with T, Zeuli 050 24760 regarding defendants‘ motion to dismiss

Commumcalwons concerning disputed debls. mcludlng an InsKmmeni tendered as M! Sahsfadmn 01a debt are to he sent Io Frednkson 8 Byron PA Arm

Credu Deparlmem ?()0 Soulh Slxm Street Sung 4000 Mumeapohs MN 55407

Fredrikson & Byron, PAA.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota Tax ID No. 410971937 554801484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, PA


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 82 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

and motion to supplement the preliminary injunction record; confer regarding motions.

05/08/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding — 2.30 1,357.00 ‘

email to T. Zeuli regarding intended motion to supplement record; serve objections to Spotify subpoena; analyze Boxill's motion to dismiss and consider needed research to respond to same.

05/09/17 A. Wessberg Review opposing brief; advise regarding 0.50 250.00 response concerning

O5/O9/17 G. Fairbairn Analyze motion to dismiss from 1.30 643.50 defendants; confer regarding —

attention to correspondence with T. Zeuli regarding motion to supplement the preliminary injunction record and delivery of hard drive.

05/09/17 L. Friedemann Review and edit _; 1.90 1,121‘00 meet and confer with T. Zeuli regarding intended motion; analysis of- — and confer regarding same; edit and finalize

; send emails to regarding collection of

relevant documents and E81.

05/10/17 G‘ Fairbairn Continue analyzing motion to dismiss from 1.30 643.50 defendants; attention to correspondence regarding emails involvingI ; confer regarding

and strategy with respect to same.

05/10/17 K. Sandler Review and comment on 0430 142.50 Steinert

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Commumcahons concerning disputed debts mcludmg anmslmmentlendered www.fred!aw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sahsfaclvcn oi a deb! are to be sent Io Fredflksun & Byron PA Ann

Credit Deparlmenl 200 Scum Slxlh Street Sum: 4000 Mumcapons MN 55402 Ta X 1D N 0‘ 41:0971937 55480 — 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikso 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 83 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/10/17 L. Friedemann Meet and confer with T‘ Zeuli regarding 4.50 2,655.00 motion to supplement record; emails with team regarding same and recommended approach; discuss edits to

, emaii to

telephone conference with J. Boyarski regarding

05/11/17 A. Rondoni Confer with L. Friedemann regarding 040 11600 Tavernier research required onI

05/11/17 G. Fairbaim Continue analyzing motion to dismiss from 460 2,277.00 defendants; confer regarding outline for opposition to motion to dismiss; analyze cases cited by defendants in brief; confer regarding response to BoxiH's request to supplement the preliminary injunction record.

05/11/17 L. Friedemann Further analysis of emails from I 4.00 2,360.00 - and decide strategy with respect to same; telephone conference with

re arding draft

and circulate same for comment; consider strategy; send email update.

05/11/17 L. Friedemann Telephone conference with Patrick J. 0.50 295.00 Thomas Agency and file bond for preliminary injunction; file same.

05/12/17 G. Fairbairn Continue analyzing cases cited in 5.00 247500 defendants‘ motion to dismiss and confer regarding research rebutting arguments; draft outline for opposition to motion to dismiss; confer regarding response to Boxill‘s request to supplement the

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 6124917077 PO. BOX 1484 Communicahons concermng dxsputed debts inc‘udlng an Instrument tendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as MI sansfacuon of a dew. ave Io be senl lo Frednkson 8. Byron PA Alln

C(cdu Depavlmcryl, 200 South vlh Sheek Sune 4000, aeapuhs MN 55402 Tax |[) N 0, 41.0971937 554804 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 84 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

preliminar in'unction record. 05/12/17 L. Friedemann Revise h emails relating 4.50 2,655.00

to Defendants‘ intention to supplement the record; analyze settlement proposal from Defendants and draft proposed response to same; telephone conference with T. Bender regarding bond for TRO.; telephone conference with T. Zeuli regarding foundation concerns with email from M Jensen; telephone conference with regarding

05/15/17 A. Willemssen Research and retrieve cases re arding 080 148.00

for C. Pham. 05/15/17 G Fairbaim Continue analyzing cases cited in 3.00 1,485.00

defendants' motion to dismiss and confer regarding research rebutting arguments; continue drafting outline for opposition to motion to dismiss; attention to response to settlement demands from defendants,

05/15/17 L. Friedemann Finalize and send response to settlement 030 177.00 proposals from C, Brown.

05/16/17 (3. Fairbaim Continue analyzing cases cited in 460 2,277.00 defendants‘ motion to dismiss; continue drafting outline for opposition to motion to dismiss; analyze authority for I.

05/17/17 A‘ Wessberg Confer with L. Friedemann regarding 0.10 50.00 - and potentially— Draft introduction to memorandum 6.00 297000 opposing defendants' motion to dismiss; continue researching

05/17/17 G. Fairbairn

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612,492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 RO‘ Box1484 Commumcahnns concernmg mspunen tts Indudmg an msh’umem tendered www frediaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sausvacnon of a debl are m be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Ann

Credit Department. 200 South wm Slzee‘ Sulle 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Tax ]D N 0_ 41« 0971937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON. RA.

,INV°|CE,|3_.EIAll-,,,, ,, ,., ,,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 85 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/18/17 G‘ Fairbairn Continue drafting introduction to 770 3,811.50 memorandum opposing defendants‘ motion to dismiss; draft sections regarding Rule 12(b)(6) motion as

05/19/17 G. Fairbaim Draft fact section for memorandum 400 1,980.00 opposing defendants' motion to dismiss; continue drafting introduction and sections regardin Rule 12 b)(6 motion as to

5.00 247500 05/20/17 G. Fairbairn Continue drafting introduction to opposition to defendants' motion to dismiss and sections regarding Rule 12(b)(6) motion as to

4.10 2,029.50 Continue drafting sections of opposition to defendants‘ motion to dismiss for

05/21/17 C3. Fairbairn

continue researching

Fredrikson 8x Byron, RA. main 617.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124917077 P.O. BOX 1484 Commumcahons concernmg duspuled debls mchm‘mg amnslrumentlendered www.edlaw‘com Minneapolis, MiHHeSOQB as fun sahsfactlon 00 a debt. are to be sent to Fredflkson 3 Byron. PA Attn'

Credit Deparlmenl 200 Soulh Sixth Sweet Surte 4000 Minneapuhs MN 55402 Tax ”3 No, 410971937 55480‘1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. P.A.

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W4 Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 86 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/22/17 Litigation Stage data and apply early case 100 195.00 Support assessment search strategies to client Consulting collection.

05/22/17 A. Rondoni Review order on preliminary injunction. 0.00 0,00 Tavernier

05/22/17 A. Wessberg Review Boxill Order to determine scope of 050 25000 future enforcement. Continue drafting introduction, factual background,

sections of opposition brief; analyze order on preliminary injunction motion.

05/22/17 L. Friedemann Conferregardin analysisof_ 1.00 590.00 i; telephone conference with A. Bruce and A‘ Aycock regarding expiration of TRO; analyze order granting motion for preliminary injunction in part; circulate email summarizing same. Research

05/22/17 G. Fairbairn 5.50 2,722.50

05/23/17 G. Fairbairn 3.80 188100

; continue drafting introduction, factual back round,

sections of opposition brief‘

05/23/17 L. Friedemann Consider strategy for 2.10 123900 ; email to A. Bruce

answering questions and recommending approach; edit brief opposing Plaintiffs' motion to dismiss.

05/24/17 (3, Fairbairn Continue drafting factual background, 3.80 1,881.00

Fredrikson 8: Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 CUHHTrUHlCalIUHS concermng UlSpUlUd doms, mcludmg an \r‘slrumunl tendered , ‘

- . ~ ‘ ~ _ . ,

as iull salxsfacuon ofadebt areto be senllo Frednkson& Byron PA Aim WWW'frEdIdW‘CO(n MlnHEdDOMS’ Mlnnesou’ Credn Department 200 Scum Slxlh Sueel Smle 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID No, 410971937 55480w ’i 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 87 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 - continue researching

confer regarding research on motion to dismiss ; confer regarding analyze

05/24/17 L. Friedemann Meet with A. Bruce and A. Aycock 170 1,003.00 regarding case strategy; email to C‘ Brown regarding contact with heirs; email to Defendants‘ counsel regarding compliance with preliminary injunction order.

05/25/17 G. Fairbaim Analyze research on 1.00 49500

section of opposition brief; attention to

05/25/17 L. Friedemann Confer regarding 1.60 944.00 and

settlement strategy; email to A. Bruce and A. Aycock regarding same; revise memorandum in opposition to motion to dismiss and circulate same for comment.

05/26/17 L, Friedemann Edit brief opposing motion to dismiss and 0.80 472.00 oversee filing of same; confer regarding

05/31/17 C. Perera Researched 290 565.50

Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 RO. BOX1484 Commumcauons cancemmg dxspuled dams mc‘udmg an msirumem tenrlcmd 1

v , _

~ \ >

_ , , as full sauslaction of a debt are Io be sent to Fredrukson 8 Byron PA Ann WWW' frecHaw.L0rn Mm neapohs, Mm "650w

Credn Department 200 South Sxxth Skeet Sane 4000 aeaoohs MN 55402 Tax ID No. 41.0971937 554807 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. PA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 88 Comerica Weaith Management Matter No: 0773760409 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Costs and Other Charges

05/01/17 Travel Lora Mitchell Friedemann — Parking - Parking to 10.00 attend hearing on Preiiminary Injunction

05/09/17 Court Reporter Lori A. Simpson — 050117 - Transcript of May 54.90 1 hearing Research via Westlaw 1,740.00 Telephone Charges 8‘09 "" _.

" " "

f-Chargeiéir’f ~*1‘-,8\1,2’.999:

- ‘FTotéiiTfiis Matterr ‘

i. ‘ *


Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484

Commumcanonsconcermng disputeddebts mdudmg an rnskrumem tendered www.fredlaw‘com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sahsfacuun ol a dam are (0 DC 50m to Hednkson 8. Byron PA Ann Crcdll Depanmcm 200 Scum S4><lh Sheet Suuc 40% Minneapolis MN 5.5402 Tax | D N 0, 410971937 55480.. 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 89 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W, Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.0500 Regarding: Intellectual Property

05/01/17 J. Pickerill Exchange correspondence with client 0.70 32900 regarding license agreements; revise agreements accordingly; draft response.

05/04/17 L. Friedemann Telephone conference with 0.40 236.00 regarding

05/05/17 L. Friedemann Emails regarding 0.20 118.00

05/11/17 C. Thompson Discuss clearance p'roject for _ 030 91.50 - with A. Wessberg; correspond with A. Bruce regarding agreement matrix.

05/16/17 J. Pickerill Review correspondence from client; 0.20 94.00 contact opposing counsel for NPG to discuss.

05/17/17 C. Thompson Agreement, 1.30 396.50 including

05/19/17 0. Thompson 0.30 91.50 for agreement with .

05/23/17 C. Thompson Correspond with attorney representin 0.30 9160

0531/17 L. Friedemann Draft and circulate weekly update 0.30 177.00 regarding pending IP litigation matters.


Total for Fees: - 15,625.00

Total This Matter: 1,625.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PAY

main 612.4927000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484

Communications Concerning disputed dams u‘cludlng an Instrument lendered www fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as fun sansfacuon of a deb! are to be Sent Io Frednkson & Byron PA Arm Credrl Depanment. 200 Scum Sixth Street Sulle 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID N o_ 41 0971937 55480 .1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.


Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Pagez90

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Devofl,Ml48226

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A.

main 612.492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

Communications concermng dzsputed debts Indudlng an Instrument lendered I

~ ' '

ashlll sallsfacnonolsdcht arclobc Scnlto Hednkwné; Byron P/\ Nm www‘fredlaw‘com aeapOhs‘ aesom mean DPpanmnm m Soulh s‘xm Slreol Sun? 4000 aoapons MN 55402 Tax 10 N 0’ 41. 0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 91 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.0600 Regarding: Entertainment

05/02/17 J. Stout Attention to matter; 050 297.50 attention to meeting.

05/03/17 J, Stout Attention to — contacts and 030 178.50 meeting.

05/04/17 J. Stout Pre ared for meeting with — 1.70 1,011.50 ; met with WI

regarding and Prince organization of

Estate opportunities. 05/05/17 J. Stout Brief review of —; 2.00 1,190.00

telephone conference with A. Aycock regarding meeting with_ regarding — and other Estate matters; began outline of memorandum to A. Aycock regarding


Detailed review of — 5.00 2,975.00 Agreement; begin preparation of list of vafious

; telephone conference with T. Fleming regarding issues related to

; reviewed J‘ Boyarski emails and emailed J. Boyarski regarding ;

telephone conferences with and — regarding same. 05/07/17 J. Stout Reviewed and revised — 3.00 1,785.00

memorandum draft; dictated additional sections pertaining to certain—

05/06/17 J. Stout

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘AV

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO.BOX1484

(.lommumcabuvw cuncemmg dispuled deb|5. mdudmg an Instrument tendered , '

35qsansfachonofadem aretobe semm Fredriksnn88ymn PA Ann www.1‘redlaw‘com M‘nneapm’s' aesma Cred‘t Depanmem 200 Souln Sum Sheet Sulle 4000 Mmeapms MN 5540? Tax [D No, 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 92 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760600 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

and opportunities; reviewed and revised entire memorandum.

05/08/17 J. Stout Attention to — 3.70 2,201.50 memorandum; office conference with M. Greiner and K_ Steinert regarding same; emails to A. Aycock and regarding Tuesday meeting; office conference with T. Fleming regarding

review of emails to

regarding conference call with and information regarding

; email to regarding

05/09/17 J. Stout Attention to

Aycock regardin same; telephone

reviewed ; met with T. Fleming, M. Ranum and K. Steinert regarding and

; conference call with

; met with K, Steinert, A.

AiCOCk and M. Greiner regarding- and

05/10/17 J, Stout Attention to-event; brief 1.50 892.50 conference with A. Aycock regarding same; attention to transaction; brief review of contract; attention to

05/11/17 J. Stout Reviewed emails; considered - 070 416.50

7.00 4,165.00

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 617.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. BOX T484 Communmahons mncemmg mspmen’de‘ms Incmdlng anms|mmenmendered www.fred|aw.c0m Minneapolis Minnesota

as full sausiacnon of a debl are 10 be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA, Aun Credit Depanmem, 200 Sot S‘xm Street Suns 4000 Mlnneapolls MN 55402 Tax | D N 0' 410971937 55480. 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 93 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760600 411 W, Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

attention to - plans andI

Estate opportunities. 05/12/17 J. Stout Reviewed emails; telephone conference 0.70 416.50

with A. Aycock regarding response and conference call with Ed T. Carter regarding

05/13/17 J. Stout Reviewed A. Wessberg comments 0.30 178.50 regarding -; reviewed J. Bo arski comments regarding response to

05/14/17 J. Stout Attention to emails; emailed L. 0.20 119.00 Friedemann and JA Cassioppi regarding

05/15/17 J‘ Stout Reviewed and considered emails; 0.80 476.00W 05/16/17 J, Stout Office conference with J. Pickerill 1.90 1,130.50

re ardin reviewed emails regarding

conference call regarding

05/17/17 J. Stout Conference call with 3.60 2,142.00 regarding-

including the Estate and ; telephone conference and emails to A. Aycock regarding same; telephone conference with T. Fleming regarding ; telephone conference with regarding-

05/18/17 J. Stout Telephone conferefice with A. Aycock 240 1,428.00

Fredrikson 84 Byron, RA. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6114917077 PO. BOX 1484 Commuucauons Concenmg disputed debt: Hmludmg LU mnumem Xendvrcd .

~ ~ ~

asiullsatisfactionoiadebl aralo be sentlo Fredrxkscn3Byron PA Atln' www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota Credn Department 200 South wm Slree! Suue 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax |D No. 410971937 55480-4484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8c BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 010 Angela W, Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 94 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.0600 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

regarding meetin with - regarding matters, T, Fleming letter regarding "all hands" meeting in June and agenda and participants regarding same; telephone conference with T. Fleming regarding - letter; telephone conference with M. Greiner regarding update; telephone conference with I

regarding_ 05/19/17 J. Stout Participated in conference call with A. 4.00 2,380.00

Aycock, A. Bruce, T. Carter, and regaw With regarding preparations and ; considered assets under Estate control and possible

05/23/17 J‘ Stout Reviewed and 1.40 833.00 telephone conference with regarding same; prepared email to

re arding interview pertaining to and emails regarding

same; atte ntion to matters regarding 1

; office conference with P, Seul regarding - Non Disclosure Agreement.

05/23/17 P. Seul Review and revise - non—disclosure 0.80 296.00 agreement,

05/24/17 J. Stout Called _ regarding I matters; 1.20 714.00 reviewed letter regarding '

telephone conference with T. Fleming regarding same; brief attention to- - matters and — matters;


Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612,492,7077 PO. Box 1484 CDmnmahons ConCErnmnSpuled dents Indudmg anms|rumentlendered www‘fredlawxlom Minneapolis Minnesota as tull sausfachon 0| 3 dew are to he sent to Freduksun 8. Byron. PA Ann

Cred" Departmem 700 Scum Sxxrlw Shed SUIIE 4000 acapolls, MN 55402 Tax ]D N 0, 411-0971937 5548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. PA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 95 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760600 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

office conference with A. Aycock and A. Bruce regarding same.

05/25/17 S. Helland Analysis of 0.70 346.50 and business

context. 05/26/17 J. Stout Reviewed and responded to emails; 120 71400

telephone conference with- re arding Agreement and

; telephone conference regarding

05/27/17 J. Stout Reviewed‘emails; telephone conference 3.00 1,785.00 with regarding

; reviewed email from and telephone conference with

; telephone conference with I regarding

and release of

Attention to emailé; attention to - 250 1,487.50 and telephone conference with I

and regarding same; emailed to A. Bruce; telephone conference with

05/30/17 J. Stout

; telephone conference regarding

regarding ; participated in review and status of outstanding matters with M, Greiner et al.

05/30/17 S. Helland Analysis of for 2.90 1,435.50

Fredrikson & Byron, PA, main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Communcahons concerningdspuleddebts mcludénganmslruvnenttendered www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as m samraclmn ni a debt are to be sent lo Fredmkson 8 Hymn PA (\Hn

Cred" Deparlmenl 700 Soulh Sxxih Sheet Suns 4000 Minneapolis MN 5540? Tax ID No‘ 41-0971937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Angela W, Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 96 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760600 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

and proposed_ Attention to


; telephone 2.30 1,368.50 conferences with

05/31/17 J. Stout

; reviewed materials; telephone conference with J. Boyarski regarding-

emails with I and telephone conference with A.

Aycock regarding meetings in Minneapolis the week of June 5; prepared update regarding status of Estate matters requiring attention

05/31/17 S. Helland Analysis of progress on Analysis of proposed new

0.80 396.00


Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612,492,7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Cutmnurucatmm concemmg disputed dams. muludmg an mahumcul lcndmud

asfullsatisfachon ofadebl are |obe senno Frednkson&8yron PA Ann wwwfredlawvcom Minneapolls. MlnneSOta Credn Departmenl 200 Scum SIXIh Sires! Sune 4000 aeapons MN 55402 Tax ID No. 410971937 55480w 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W, Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 97 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.0605 Regarding: PRN Licensing

05/01/17 A. Wessberg Review report from Stinson regarding 0.30 150.00

05/01/17 A. Yates Follow—up e—mail to - regarding 0.30 49.50 incomplete proposal request and request for further information for consideration of license proposal‘

05/03/17 A. Wessberg Review question and article from A. 0.30 150.00 Aycock regarding —; advise regarding same

05/04/17 A. Wessberg Review e—mail correspondence and an 1.20 600.00 regarding — request for -; advise regarding same; review correspondence with - regarding song request; advise regarding same.

05/05/17 A. Wessberg Review request from _; research 1.10 550.00 and correspond regarding same; review response regarding Prince's use of -; provide to J. Pickerill in his reviewing -; review and respond to J. Bo arski

05/05/17 A. Yates Analyze status of third—party license 0.20 33.00 request received from

05/05/17 A. Yates E-mail communications with A. Bruce 0.20 3300 regarding status of licensing request chart

05/06/17 A, Yates Review and analyze license requests from 3.00 495.00

requests regarding

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A‘ main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisers

fax 6124927077 P.O. Box 1484 Commumcahons concerning mspuled debls mcludmg an .mslrumem tevmered WWW fredlaw com Min neapolis Minnesota as hm sansfacnon of a deb‘, are to be sen! to Frednkson 8 Byron PA. AMn

Cream Depanmem 200 $0t 8»t Streel Suue 4000 aeapohs. MN 55402 lax ID No, 410971937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, RA.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 98 Comerica Weaith Management Matter No: 0773760605 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

; record request details into master license request log in preparation of reporting of same; finalize preparation of updated master license request log containing status of license proposals received to date; e—mail same to A. Bruce and others

05/08/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond to e—mails regarding 0.10 50.00 license agreements and potential licenses.

05/09/17 A. Wessberg Introduce J. Pickerill to — 0.50 250.00 ; review and advise

regarding review and advise regarding

05/10/17 A. Wessberg Telephone cofiference with J. Boyarski 0.30 150.00 regarding

review and respond regarding licensing opportunities

05/10/17 A. Yates Record additional details regarding 0.70 115.50 pending — request into master license request log; review and anal ze license request fromd record request detaiis into master license request log.

05/10/17 J. Pickerill Revise _ and 0.20 94.00 forward to client.

05/11/17 A‘ Wessberg Review and request clarification regarding 1.20 600.00 approval of ; respond to

regarding intent to license; request license agreement from C, Thompson; draft response to J.

Boyarski to

05/11/17 A. Yates Review updated status regarding 030 49.50

Fredrikson 8: Byron, RA. main 612,492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612492.7077 PO. BOX 1484 Commumcahons concernmg dwsputed debts indudmg anmslmmennendered www.fred|aw.com Minneapolis Minnefiota as mu sahsiaclmn 015 dom, are to be sent [0 l-reduksou & Byron PA Ann

Credit Deparlmenl 200 South Sixth Strccl 5a 402m acanohs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0, 41.0971937 55480“ 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8x BYRON. RA.


Prince Rogers NeIson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/12/17 A. Wessberg

05/12/17 A. Yates

05/12/17 C. Thompson

05/12/17 J. Pickerill

05/16/17 A. Wessberg

05/16/17 A. Yates

_ license proposal; record additional details of same into master license request log. Coordinate agreement for -; correspond with J. Bo arski and advise J.

Review u dated status re ardin

additional details of same into master license request log; review and analyze multiple license requests from Universal Music Publishing Group reiarding multiple

ro osals received from and- a; record multiple request details into master license request log in preparation of reporting of same; finalize preparation of updated master license request 109 containing status of license proposals received to date; e—mai! same to A. Bruce and others. Draft re‘ease and authorization form in connection with

; draft license agreement for Review corres ondence from client; finalize and forward to client. Review u dated comments regarding- i; inquire regardin same; advise A. Bruce re ardin

Review and analyze license requests from Universal Music Publishing Group

main 612.492.7000 fax 612.492.7077

Communications concerning disputed debts, nnduding an mslrumenl tendered as full satisfachon of a debl‘ are to be sent to Fredrikson & Byron‘ PA, Ann: www.fredlaw.com

Credit Departmem, 200 South wth Streel‘ Suile 4000, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Tax {D N o . 4‘] «097 1937

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 99 Matter No: 077376.0605













Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

Attorneys 81 Advisers PO. Box 1484 Minneapolis, Minnesota


10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8c BYRON. P.A.

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 100 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760605 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, Ml 48226

warding requests from— ; record multiple request details into

master license request log regarding same; follow-up on contract terms to record additional details into the master license request log.

05/16/17 A. Yates E—mail to A. Bruce regarding status of - 0.10 16.50 —. 05/17/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond to inquiry from K. 0.10 5000

Steinert regarding categories of goods and services the Estate would not approve.

05/17/17 A‘ Yates Review status of pending license requests. 0.60 99.00 05/19/17 A. Yates Review and analyze license requests from 1.70 28050

Universal Music Publishing Group re ardin proposals from— “; ecod mumme request details into master license request log in preparation of reporting of same; finalize preparation of updated master license request log containing status of license proposals received to date; e—mail

same to A. Bruce and others. 05/22/17 A. Yates Research and confirm status of various 0.80 132.00

pending license proposals and record additional details into master license request log; e-mail communications with A. Bruce.

05/23/17 A. Wessberg Review new master use license 0.80 400.00 agreement; correspond with Av Bruce regarding same; coordinate with A4 Yates regarding master license chart info.

05/23/17 A. Yates Review Estate documents related to 2.70 445.50

, per K‘ Steinert. 05/24/17 A. Wessberg Review new request from _ 0.30 150.00

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisors

fax 6124927077 RO. BOX1484 Commumcahms Cm‘mewnlng dxspuled debts wcludmg amns‘mmennendered www.fredlavv.com Minneapohs, Minnesota as fun satisfachon of a debt, are to be sent lo Frednkson (3 Byron PA Aim

Credit Depanmem. 200 South Smh Street Sune 4000. aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID N o, 41-0971937 5548011484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 101 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773760605 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 - and coordinate denial with I

05/24/17 A. Yates Researéh agreements per K. Steinert. 2.60 429.00 05/25/17 A. Wessberg Coordinate request for — from I 0.30 15000

; review and respond to e—mail

from A. Bruce regarding NPG license. 05/25/17 A. Yates Review Estate documents related to 1.40 231 ,00


, per K. Steinert. 05/26/17 A. Yates Review and analyze license requests from 280 462.00

Universal Music Publishing Group regarding _; record multiple request details into master license request log in preparation of reporting of same; finalize preparation of updated master license request log containing status of license proposals received to date; e-mail same to A. Bruce and others.

” TOtaI‘for‘Fe'e‘sy‘ :5 7,726.00

fTo‘taI‘ThistMatteh '


_ = . 7,226.00;

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 6124927000 Attorneys &Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.O.BOX1484

COW'WUHICBIIOHS concernmg o‘ sputed dents Inc-udlng an mslrumem tendered - ' \ '

as full saustaction oladem. areio be sem m Hednkson8Bymn PA Ann www.fred!aw.com MlnneapOl’b’ aeSOta Credn Departmenl 200 South 8mm Street Suns 4000 aeapohs. MN 55402 Tax ID NO. 41»0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson ~ & BYRON. P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 102 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31. 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1000 Regarding: Trademarks

05/03/17 A. Wessberg Consider various strate ies 0.80 400.00 ‘; provide direction to A. Yates regarding preparation of new applications.

05/03/17 A. Yates Prepare proposed goods descriptions in 1.50 247.50 preparation for US. trademark filin s; anal ze issues concernin

Review comparable legacy estate 2.40 1,200.00 trademark filings; review and revise description of goods and services to be used across new trademark application filings.

05/04/17 J. Pickerill Review correspondence from client 2.40 1,128.00 regardin Trademark License Agreements

05/04/17 A, Wessberg

research and revise- ;exchange

correspondence with client and make additional revisions; be in revising- ‘; draft correspondence requestin further information; prepareh -.

05/05/17 A. Wessberg Review and revise universal trademark 2.20 1,100.00 descriptions to be used with whole portfoiio; advise A. Bruce and T. Carter regarding strategy behind same; advise regarding limitations on protecting titles.

05/07/17 A. Wessberg Review trademark issues concerning 0.50 250.00 licensing — and advise

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisors fax 612.492.7077 F’.O. BOX 1484

Communicalions concerning disputed debts. includmg an instrument iendered www.fredlaw.com Minneapotis, Minnesota as full salxsfaclion of a deb\. we to be sent to Frednkson & Byron, PA, Aun:

Credil Departmenl, 200 Scum Slxm Street, Sui‘e 4000‘ Minneapofis, MN 55402 Tax | D N 0' 41I0971937 55480~ 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 103 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773761000 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

regarding same. 05/09/17 A. Yates Analyze filing U.S. filing strategy in 3.10 511.50

preparation for filing of new trademark applications; draft U.S. trademark applications for: Review inquiry from A. Aycock regarding 1.00 500.00

; begin draft 05/11/17 A. Wessberg

response to same;

05/12/17 A. Wessberg Review response from A. Bruce; direct 0.20 100.00 preparation of

05/12/17 A. Yates Review and analyze 3.70 610.50

05/15/17 A. Wessberg Finish drafting response to A. Aycock 0.60 300.00 regardin

; review and revise comparison chart of —; advise A. Bruce regarding same.

05/15/17 J. Picker“! Exchange correspondence with client; 1.80 846.00 draft responses; forward trademark licenses to opposing panies; exchange communications with opposing counsel; draft trademark license agreement for- — and forward for feedback;— begin reviewing

05/16/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond regarding followup 0.30 150.00 question regarding ‘

05/17/17 A. Wessberg Review and revise correspondence to A, 0.30 150.00 Bruce, requesting review and signature for

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 5124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 PO. BOX 1484 Commumcauons concemmg dlSDUled debls mcludmg an mstramenl tendered www‘fredlawfiom Minneapoiis Minnesota as luH sahsfacnon of a debt are to be senl (a Frednkson & Byron. PA Ann:

Credn Depamneni 200 Scum Sixth Sweet Sula 4000 aeapohs MN 56402 Tax I D N O, 41 >097? 937 6548071484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, P.A.

Jug/pics DETAIL

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 104 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773761000 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 F

05/19/17 A Yates Finalize and electronically file six 1.50 247.50 trademark applications for the marks NPG in Classes 14, 15 and 21, and PAISLEY PARK in Classes 14, 15 and 21.

05/22/17 A. Wessberg Review approval from A. Bruce regarding 030 15000 several new trademark applications; provide specific direction to A, Yates regarding preparing same.

05/26/17 J. Pickerill Review correspondence from client and 0.40 188.00 colleagues regarding trademark issues; review documents and research status; draft correspondence providing feedback.

05/30/17 A. Wessberg Exchange information between team 1.20 600.00 leaders; review e-mail inquiry from A. Bruce regarding renewal correspondence and advise regarding same.

05/30/17 J. Pickerill Exchange correspondences with client 090 423.00 and A. Wessberg; review materials regarding issues with

; research status of competing marks; contact opposing attorney to discuss; begin reviewing license agreement; review response from opposing attorney and client; follow—up with both and provide additional information.

05/31/17 A. Wessberg Provide further input into preparation of 0.30 150.00 new trademark applications,

05/31/17 A. Yates 3.00 495.00

05/31/17 J, Pickerill Review follow—up correspondences ffom 0.20 94.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PVAV

main 61211927000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484

Commumcauons concernmg msputed dams induding an mslrumenuendered WWW frediaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as mu sahslacllon 0! {I dun are In be sent to Hodnkson 8. Byron PA, Ann Credll Uepaflmem 2m) Soulh Sum Strenl Sum: 4000. acapolvs. MN 5.5402 Tax ‘D No_ 4170971937 55480. ’i 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredriknso 8: BYRON PA

,LNVOICE,DEIAJ,':,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,V ,, ,,

invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017 Page: 105 Matter No: 0773761000

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

opposing attorneys for NPG; discuss agreement terms.

Fredrikson & Byron, RA, main 612.492f'IOOO Attorneys 81 Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 RO. BOX1484 Commumcahnns concerning dispuled dams. mcludmg amnstrumacndemd WWW fredlaw com Minneapoiis Minnesota as m sanslacmn of a debt are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Ann

Creml Depanmem 200 South Sixth SIree\ Surte 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 ' Tax | D N 0_ 4170971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN



Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W4 Aycock Vice President Page: 106 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1001 Regarding: Copyright Matters

05/02/17 A. Wessberg Telephone conference with A. Bruce 0.70 re ardin

; confirm

05/02/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 2.40 registrations.

05/03/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 0.40 registrations.

05/10/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 4.80 registrations.

05/11/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 2.30 registrations.

05/12/17 A. Wessberg Confer with K. Steinert reiardini r 0.30

05/12/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 3.80 registrations.

05/15/17 A. Wessberg Finish draftin res onsetoA. A cock 0.60 regardingH respond to follow-up regarding same.

05/15/17 J. Witt Research verify, and inventory copyright 3.90 registrations.

05/16/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond re ardin follow-up 0.70 question re ardin review

Communicahons concerning dispuied dams, including an insvumem tendered as M satisfaction of a debl‘ are to be sent to Fredrikson 8 Byron, PA, Atm

Credit Departmem, 200 South wth Skeet. Suile 4000, Minneapolis MN 55402

regarding same regarding duration

Filed in First Judicial District Court 6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12,2017

; follow up











Fredrikson 8! Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 RO. Box1484 www.fredlaw.com Minneapolis, Minnesota

Tax ID No. 4143971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson '


,JNYQIQE DETAIL, ,, , ,, , ,

Prince Rogers Neison Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W‘ Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 107 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.1001 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

05/16/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 7.30 620.50 registrations.

05l17/17 A. Wessberg Review Prince song and album inventory 0.70 35000 and copyright registrations; advise K.

Steinert regarding same. 05/17/17 J. Witt Research, verify, and inventory copyright 3.20 272.00



Costs and Other Charges

04/18/17 Prof Serv Clarivate Analytics (Compumark) Inc. - 665.00 2017019070 - Professional services associated with obtaining a certified copy of the Exclusive songwriter agreement between PR. Nelson and NPG Music Publishing LLC from the US. Copyright Office

1.5T0tal For COstsandOtherChaxg‘es‘:- _» * 665.001»:

' ‘

, ~~‘_TotalThi_é"Matter: _- :-_~4,553-.-5.o;..

Fredrikson & Byron, PAA.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 6124927077 P.0‘ BDX1484

Commumcmlons Concernmg dlspuled dams, mcxudmg anmslmmcnt tendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lul! salrstacuon of a dem are to be sen! to Frednkson & Byron PA Aun' Credit Departmem 200 Soulh sum suee‘ Suxle 4000 aeapchs MN 55402 Tax “3 N 0. 41V 097 ‘t 937 55480» 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.

JNYOIQE, P,EIA!L,,,,,,,,,W_.V

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 121 2017 Vice President Page: 108 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1002 Regarding: Domain Names

05/02/17 A. Wessberg Correspond with A. Aycock, advising 0.20 10000 regarding

05/03/17 A. Yates Review and énalyze multiple watch 1.00 165.00 notices received for the mark NPG, PAISLEY PARK, Prince Symbol, PRINCE, and PURPLE RAIN for possible enforcement action.

05/04/17 A. Yates Review status of backorder for domain 0.40 66.00 _ provide status regarding same.

' Ti JflTbtéLfOf F’eés:f"7f_

Tota‘rrh‘is Matter: '3: "33‘1‘.’00€

Fredrikson & Byron, PVAV

main 612.492‘7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 6124927077 P.O. Box 1484

Commumcahnns concerning drspu|ed debts mcludmganms|rurncm “mauled WWW fredlaw COm Minneapolis Minnesota as m“ sahsvaclion of a deb‘ are to be sem Io Frednkson & Byron PA Ann Credn Depanmenl 200 South Smh S‘reel Sane 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41~0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

8: BYRON. P.A.

Fredrikson "VINYQIVCEPETA!L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,W,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 C/O Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 109 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1003 Regarding: Enforcement

05/01/17 A‘ Wessberg Review links to additional merchandise 1.40 700.00 infringement and coordinate with MarkMonitor; correspond with Warner Brothers regarding enforcement of clips; advise A‘ Bruce regarding song list for enforcement.

05/02/17 A. Wessberg Coordinate with MarkMonitor regarding 0.20 100.00 enforcement and portal training.

05/03/17 A. Tareen Review Mark Monitor addendum for 1.50 660.00 addition of anti—piracy services, review related provisions under MSA and revise addendum with proposed changes to clarify and expand scope; send redline to A. Bruce at Comerica with internal comments/questions flagged.

05/03/17 A. Wessberg Advise A. Bruce regarding 0.80 400.00

correspond further with A,,_ Bruce regarding

05/04/17 A Tareen E~mails with A. Bruce regarding 0.50 220.00

, further revise Addendum for Ad Hoc services and send to D. Hughes at Mark Monitor with comments.

05/04/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond to WebSheriff; attend 1.20 600.00 anti—piracy portal training; follow up regarding same; forward new enforcement requests to MarkMonitor,

05/04/17 A. Yates Attend MarkMonitor portal WebEx training, 0.80 132.00 05/05/17 A. Tareen Review changes received from Mark 0.40 17600

Fredrikson & Byron, PA, main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 90. Box 1484 Conunumcauons COIICCer‘xg dxspmed dams Indudmg amnstrumentiendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapoiis Minnesota as (uil salislactinn of a debt are to be senl m Frednkson 3. Byron PA Ann

Credll Department 200 South Sixth Street Suite 4000 Minneapolis MN 5540? Tax | D N 0‘ 4'}. 0971937 55480. 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON. PA


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 110 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 077376.1003 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

Monitor to addendum for Ad hoc services and e—mail to A. Wessberg regarding scope and alignment.

05/07/17 A. Wessberg Review tip regarding upcoming program 0.20 100.00 regarding Prince; advise A. Bruce regarding same.

05/08/17 A. Tareen Attention to changes to addendum to 0.50 220.00 MarkMonitor agreement with A. Wessberg and send comments and recommendation to A. Bruce for execution of agreement.

05/08/17 A. Wessberg Review revised Ad Hoc Enforcement 0.30 150.00 agreement charges from MarkMonitor and provide comments to A. Tareen‘

05/10/17 A. Yates Review and analyze multiple watch 1.30 214.50 notices received for the mark NPG, PAISLEY PARK, PRINCE, Prince Symbol, and PURPLE RAIN for possible enforcement action.

05/11/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond to question from 020 100.00 MarkMonitor regarding enforcement policy‘

05/15/17 A. Yates Advise A. Wessberg regarding potential 020 33.00 enforcement actions,

05/16/17 A. Wessberg Review request from A. Bruce regarding 0.20 10000 _; provide direction to C. Thompson for follow up regarding same.

05/16/17 A. Yates Review and analyze multiple watch 030 49.50 notices received for the marks PRINCE and PAISLEY PARK for possible enforcement action.

05/17/17 A. Wessberg Review and leave detailed message for O. 0.80 400.00 Kaplan at Warner Brothers regarding enforcing movie clips with Prince songs in

them; review notices from WebSheriff regarding counter notifications; advise MarkMonitor of same and request best

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484

Commumcahnns cnncemmg dwspuled dehls mclucmg an mslrument tendenad , w - , - -

asiullsausvaction oiadebt, arem be senno Frednksonéfi Byron PA Ann WWW'hedldW'Lom M'nnedhs‘ aesota Credn Department 202- Soulh Sl Streel Same AOCD Minneapolis. MN 55402 Tax ID No, 4170971937 55480» ‘I 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON. P.A.

,.lN¥919E,PETAlJ,-, , ,. ,, , ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 111 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773761003 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

option for proceeding; review third party application for

; briefly research advise A. Bruce regarding same,

05/17/17 A‘ Yates Review and anaiyze multiple watch 2.00 330.00 notices received for the marks NPG, PRINCE, Prince Symbol, PAISLEY PARK, PURPLE RAIN for possible enforcement action.

05/18/17 A. Wessberg Review inquiry from A. Bruce regarding 1.00 500.00 ; follow-up regarding

same; provide update; confer with C. Thompson regarding further update and review summary; review bulk update of T- shirt infringements; authorize enforcement against all.

05/18/17 0‘ Thompson Research — regarding 2.60 793.00 unauthorized use of PRN's name, image and/or likeness in connection with a

and a

; phone call regarding

analyze and provide recommendation for next steps regarding the same; draft cease and desist message to parties involved in

the— 05/19/17 A‘ Yates Review and analyze multiple watch 050 82.50

notices received for the marks PRINCE and PURPLE RAIN for possible enforcement action.

05/22/17 A. Wessberg Review inquiry from A. Bruce regarding 070 350,00 ability

; provide analysis and advice regarding same; coordinate information

Fredrikson & Byron, PVAV

main 6124927000 Attorneys 8: Advisors fax 612.492.7077 R0. Box 1484

Cnmmumcatlons concurmng dlspulud debts. Including an Instrumem tendered WWW fredlaw 00m Minneapolis Minnesota as qI Salisfactlon of a debt are Io be 59m m Frednksan & Hymn PA Ann Credit Depanmem 200 South smn Street Sune 4000 aeapohs MN 55407 Tax ID N o. 41,.0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson INVOICE DETAIL, ,,,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WWWWWW

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 112 Comerica Wealth Management Matter No: 0773761003 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

'and investigation regarding party filing counter—notification claiming authorization.

05/22/17 A. Yates Review and analyze multiple watch 0.50 82.50 notices received for the mark NPG, PAISLEY PARK, PRINCE, and PURPLE RAIN for possible enforcement action.

05/23/17 A‘ Wessberg Review and provide further advice 0.80 400.00 re ardin third party filing of- h application; foliow—up regarding same; review and respond to MarkMonitor regarding counter-notification strategy.

05/23/17 A‘ Yates Review and analyze multiple Watch 1.10 181.50 notices for possible enforcement action.

05/24/17 A. Wessberg ‘ Review and respond regarding follow up 0.30 150.00 investigation for

05/24/17 A. Yates Further communications with vendor 0.40 66.00 CompuMark regarding potentiaHy adding additional marks for international worldwide watch services.


Tbt'aiifdr Fees}; = {7290.50

Total'ThisiMat‘teréj 27390.50 ,

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 6124927077 PO. BOX 1484

Communicanong concermng disputed debis including an Instrument lendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as MI satisfaction of a debt are to be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA. Ann Credxl Depanmem‘ 200 South 84t Street Suzie 4000. aeapoils MN 55402 Ta x i D N o, 41- ()9 71937 55480-1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, PA

.JNYQEE3ELNL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Invoice: 1423333 Prince Rogers Nelson Estate June 12, 2017 c/o Angela W. Aycock

Vice President Page: 113 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously UnbiHed Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1006 Regarding: Paisley Park (museum) IP matters

05/09/17 A. Wessberg Review request from -; advise A. 0.10 5000 Bruce regarding same.

05/10/17 A. Wessberg Review follow-up request from -; 0.20 10000 follow up regarding same; respond per A. Aycock.

05/11/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond to appraiser question 0.20 100.00 regarding

05/12/17 A. Wessberg Review 1.00 500.00

; provide analysis regarding same.

TOtaIforFees I 750.00;


, _

'T*0télfThis-1M3tteri' 1

_- ; 7150.00

Fredrikson & Byron, PA, main 612.482‘7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 6124927077 PO, Box 1484 Communications couccrmng dxspmuddcms Indudmg anumuumcnllcndumd WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minneoota as full satisfactmn vi a debl are to be sent to Fredrikson 2; Byron PA Aim

Credxt Depar‘mem 200 South 8m Slreer Suns 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax {D No} 41,0971937 554801484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON. P.A.

(LNMVQEEPEIAL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 114 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.100? Regarding: Warner Brothers IP matters

05/02/17 A. Wessberg Review labels for approval and advise A. 0.30 150.00 Bruce regarding same.

05/17/17 A. Wessberg Confer with L. Friedemann regarding I 040 20000 _; review relevant agreement with respect to obligation to clear same.

05/17/17 L‘ Friedemann Telephone conference with 1.90 1,121.00 regarding ;

telephone conference with A. Bruce and A. Aycock regarding same; confer regarding contract with Warner; confer regarding materials for appraisers.

V l Tbté§ fOr Fees? 2 ; I

“ 1,471.00»


I -_ ~ - f ~ 7": 7'77'T0ffa‘lThiSimattérJ' ,w 7 [1,471.90

Fredrikson & Byron, P‘A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Adyisors

fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484 Commumcahons conccvrw‘g dwspuled debis Includmg anmslrumenltendemu WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as lull sahslaction of a debt are Io be sen! m Fredmkson & Byron PA Atrn

Credit Department 200 Soulh Slxm Slreel Sung AOOO aeapohs MN 5540? Tax ID NO‘ 41.097193? 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 115 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1009 Regarding: Bravado IP matters

05/04/17 A‘ Wessberg Review and advise regarding Bravado 1.00 500.00 strategy and creative deck; review .

comparable deck and comments from T. Guy.

05/08/17 A Wessberg Conference call with Bravado regarding 080 40000 merchandise strategy.

05/11/17 A. Wessberg Review T. Guy‘s feedback regarding 0.30 150.00 creative revisions; add feedback.

05/17/17 A. Wessberg Advise K. Steinert regarding Bravado 0.30 15000 approval process for purpose of appraiser valuation; review correspondence from Bravado creative team.

05/18/17 A. Wessberg Review summary and lists from T‘ Guy 0.30 15000 regarding designer connections.

05/19/17 A. Wessberg Respond to Bravado questions arising in 030 150.00 valuation.

' '* ”:TdtaI-for Fees; : 4,500.00


; *515:Tota|,This‘Matter: , *


Fredrikson & Byron, P.A‘ main 6124927000 Attorneys 8: Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 7484 Commumcahom concerning dISDUIEd debtsmdudlng aninslrumenuendered WWW fredlaw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as MI satisfaclxon of a debl are m be sent IO Frednkson 8 Byron, PA Ann

Credwl Deparlmenl POO Souln SQXH'I Street Smte 4000 Mmmeapolus MN 55402 Tax [D N O, 41.0971937 55480~1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8! BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock

invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017

Vice President Page: 116 Comerica Weaith Management 411 W‘ Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1014 Regarding: TM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (87119791) (US)

05/10/17 C. Thompson Draft and file Office Action response 0.40 122.00 concerning specimen of use.

fdtéifdr Fees; _f 11252500?f

TotalThasMatter ; ~ *

Fredrikson & Byron, PVA.

main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

Commumcahons concermng dlspuled debts Including amnstrumennendo/m WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis a93018 as M: sahsfachon of a debt ave to be sent to Fredlikson & Byron, PA Ann Credu Depanment 200 Scum Slxlh Street Suite 4000. aeapohs MN 55402 Tax ID No. 41—0971937 55480—1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson INVQ!9E,P,ETAIL

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Ange|a W. Aycock Vice President Page: 117 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1022 Regarding: TM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (2016083440) (JP)

05/11/17 A. Yates Review and analyze publication notice 0.20 33.00 regarding Japan trademark registration for Prince Symbol

T Dial for Fees: ,


" bfif'Th’is" Matter: y- j, j

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 RO. BOX 1484 Communucazmns concermng (hspulcddcm: Indudmg anmsuumeml tendered www‘fredlawxzom Minneapolis Minnesota as full sanslacfion of a dam are m be sent to Frednkson & Byron PA Altn

Cred” Depanmem. 200 Soum Sixth Slreel SUIKE 4000 aeapohs MN 55402 Tax {D N o, 41 ~ 0971937 55480 A 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN



Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W‘ Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 118 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1034 Regarding: TM: PAISLEY PARK (2016083442) (JP)

05/10/17 A. Yates Review status of Japan Office Action 0.20 33.00 regarding PAISLEY PARK application in Classes 9, 25, and 41.

05/16/17 A‘ Yates Confirm response strategy regarding 0.20 33.00 Office Action response for the mark PAISLEY PARK in Japan.

,"‘_,i__Tot‘al-,for‘ F965;)" 11::

V ‘

' ~Total ThiS‘Matter:v.‘

Fredrlkson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

Commumcanons concernmg disputed debts mcludmg amnslrumenttendered WWW fredlaw com aeapolis Minnesota as tuH Sahsfaclion 01 a elem, are m be sen! (o Frednkson & Byron PA Altn Credn Depanmem. 200 Soum Sixth sueel Suue 4000 aeapons MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41—0971937 55480, 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 119 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1035 Regarding: TM: PRINCE (87119773) (US)

05/10/17 A‘ Wessberg Confer with C. Thompson regarding 0.20 100.00 response to office action.

05/10/17 0 Thompson Draft and file Office Action response 0.40 122.00 concerning specimen of use and connection ofthe mark with an individual.

i. L-Tot'aiif‘or Eeééi

Total This Matter:”

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492.7077 P.O.Box1484 Commumcanons concermngdwspuxed debts. Including an Instrument tendered www.fred|aw com Minneapolis Minnesota as full sahsfacuon of a debl are In be sent (a Frednkson & Byron, PA Aun,

()redd Depanmem 700 Soulh vm Slrect Suite 4000, aeapohs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0, 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BYRON, P.A.

Luyglce DETAIL

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 120 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd FIoor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.1043 Regarding: TM: PRINCE (015717515) (EU)

05/23/17 A. Wessberg Review counter-proposal from opposer 0.60 300.00 and advise from EU counsel; advise A. Bruce regarding same with further recommendations; review authorization from A. Bruce; instruct EU counsel regarding same.


-_ , Totanh‘ié Matter: j

Fred rikson 8: Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124927077 P.O.Box1484 Commumcahons Concerning disputed debts mcludmg an ms|rument (cwdcvcd ~ - -

asluHsatvsfachonofadebl are to be sentIoFrednkson&Byron PA Aun' www.fredlaw.com M'nneapOhS’ MINDBSOIB Cmmmeparlmem 200 South SixthSlreeL Suue 4000 Minneapolls MN 55402 Tax [D No. 410971937 554804484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson & BYRON, P.A.

,,..!NWY9!§,EPETAIL,,,, ,

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Angela W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President . Page: 121 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1044 Regarding: TM: PRINCE (2016083439) (JP)

05/10/17 A. Yates Review status of Japan Office Action 0.20 33.00 regarding PRINCE application in Classes 9, 25, and 41‘

05/11/17 A. Wessberg Review response from Japanese counsel 0.50 250.00 and advise A. Bruce regarding response.

05/12/17 A. Wessberg Review response from A, Bruce; provide 0.40 200.00 instructions to Japanese counse! regarding response to Office Action and potential negotiations

05/16/17 A, Yates Confirm response strategy regarding 0.20 33.00 Office Action response for the mark PRINCE in Japan,


; Total This-'Ma‘tte'rix

Fredrikson & Byron, RA; main 61211927000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 6124927077 PO. Box 1484 Cnmnmmcanuns wncemmg dwspuled debts. mcludwng an mstrumen: tendered www.fred¥aw.com Minneapolis Minnesota as (u)! sallslachon of a debt are to h6- sen! lo Hedavksun 8. Byron PA Ann

Credn Department 700 Soulh SIXTH Sn eel Sum: 4000 augpum, MN 55402 Tax [D N 0, 410971937 55480 » 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.


invoice: 1423333 Prince Rogers Nelson Estate June 12, 2017 c/o Angela W. Aycock

Vice President Page: 122 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1048 Regarding: TM: PURPLE RAIN (86377281) (US)

05/01/17 A. Wessberg Review correspondence from co-counsel 0.20 10000 regarding advise A. Bruce regarding same‘

~ $339531 'Lr.,T5iéiI-f<5ff


Fredrikson & Byron, RA. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 F104 Box 1484 Communications concermng d15pu|9d debts Including anmsrmmemtendered www.fred|aw.com Minneapolis, aesota as (an sausiacuon 015 deb! are Io be sent to Frednkson & Byrcn PA ANN

Credxi Depaflmem 200 South wlh Streel SUHE 4000 Minneapolis MN 55402 Ta x ]D N 0_ 41* 0971937 55480~ 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8! BYRON. P.A.


Invoice: 1423333 Prince Rogers Nelson Estate June 12, 2017 c/o Angela W. Aycock

Vice President Page: 123 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.1052 Regarding: TM: Opposition of VANITY 6 (86661729) (US)

05/02/17 A. Wessberg Review correspondence from co—counsel 0.10 50.00 regarding status of opposition,

05/25/17 A. Wessberg Review and respond to co-counsel 0.50 250.00 regarding draft of settlement and advise regarding same,—

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors

fax 612.492.7077 RO‘ Box 148:1 Commumcanons concerning dispuled debts mdudmg an Instrument tendered , _

~ - -

asmu aztlsfachon ofadebt. are to be sent loFredr:kson&Byron PAAHn WWW'fiEGIdW'COW‘ aeapohs, M'nneSOta Credll Departmcm 200 Souln Slx|h Slree‘ Sude 4000 aeapohs. MN 55402 Tax ID No, 41~0971937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 81 BVRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Ne!son Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 124 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1055 Regarding: Opposition of PURPLE RAIN (40-2016-0104693) (KR)

05/16/17 A. Wessberg Provide information in support of 0.10 50.00 information brief‘

05/16/17 A Yates Provide PURPLE RAIN application details 0.30 49450 in support of information brief to C. Thompson.

05/16/17 C. Thompson Research and draft memo in support of 3.20 976.00 information brief for third party South Korean trademark application for PURPLE RAIN, including preparation of 24 exhibits and correspondence with foreign associate.

05/17/17 A. Wessberg Review and provide comments regarding 0.50 250.00 agreements and documentation to support fame of PURPLE RAIN in opposition to third party application for the mark.

j;r,:-1'f,:325.50: _

$51153 Matter} "1* if ’ f, '1,’325;505‘

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys 8: Advisers fax 612.492.7077 RO. Box 1484

Communications concermng dxsputed dams inciudmg an insxrumenl Iendered ~ - >

as lull sahsfacnon ofadebi, are Io be sent to Fredrlkson&Byron PA Atxn wvvw.fredlaw.com aeapOhS’ MinneSOta Cvcdu Uepanmem 200 Sauth wlh Slreel.SUl18 4000. Mmreapohs MN 55402 Tax if) N 0_ 41 .097 ’| 937 55480 1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.


Invoice: 1423333 Prince Rogers Nelson Estate June 12, 2017 do Ange|a W. Aycock

Vice President Page: 125 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1063 Regarding: TM: NPG (Class 14) (US)

Costs and Other Charges

05/19/17 US. Patent and Trademark Office - Government fees 275.00 associated with electronically filing a US. trademark application for the mark NPG (Serial No. 87457726) in Class 14

‘: ‘5: TofaliFariQés

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

main 6124927000 Attorneys & Advisers fax 612.492.7077 PO. Box 1484

Commumcanoms concerning dispmed debls InClUChng anmstmmenuendered WWW fredlaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as full satisfaction of a debt are to be sent to Fredrikson 8. Byron PA Ann Cred“ Department, 200 Scum SIX”! Street Sulle 4000. aeapohs MN 55402 Tax | D N o_ 41.0971937 55480 71484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.

Invoice: 1423333 June 12, 2017

Prince Rogers Nelson Estate c/o Angela W. Aycock Vice President Page: 126 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professiona! Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

Client Account#: 077376.1064 Regarding: TM: NPG (Class 15) (US)

Costs and Other Charges

05/19/17 US. Patent and Trademark Office — Government fees 275.00 associated with electronically filing a US. trademark application for the mark NPG (Serial No. 87457731) in Class 15

Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisers

fax 612.492,7077 P‘O. BOX 1484 Commumcanons concerning dxsputeddebts Incmdmg an msnumem tendered wwwfredlawcom Minneapolis Minnesota as luH sahsluchon u! a deb! are to be senl to Fredrlkson & Byron PA Ann

Credit Deparlma 200 Suulh Sixth Streel Suite 4000. Minneapohs MN 55402 Tax ID N O, 41— 0971937 55480 ~ 1 484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

Fredrikson 8: BYRON, P.A.


Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1423333 c/o Ange|a W. Aycock June 12, 2017 Vice President Page: 127 Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226

For Previously Unbi|led Professional Services Rendered Through May 31, 2017:

ClientAccount#: 077376.1065 Regarding: TM: NPG (Class 21) (US)

Costs and Other Charges

05/19/17 US. Patent and Trademark Office — Government fees 275.00 associated with electronically filing a US. trademark application for the mark NPG (Serial No. 87457733) in Class 21

Fredrikson 84 Byron, RAY

main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.OA Box 1484

Commumcahuns Concerning disputed debts Indudmg an ~nstrumenltendered www.frediaw com Minneapolis Minnesota as fun sahsiaclmn of a debt ave (o be sen! lo hcdnksnn & Byron PA Ann Cred}! Departmem 700 Soulh Sixth Street Suite 4000 acapuhs MN 55402 Tax [D N 0_ 4170971937 55480.1484

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN

10-PR-16-46 Filed in First Judicial District Court6/23/2017 5:58 PMCarver County, MN

10-PR-16-4610'PR'16'46 Filed in First Judicial District Court

6/23/2017 5:58 PM Carver County, MN