Executive Development Programs (EDP)

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Executive Development Programs (EDP)

www.fhyzics.com | cs@fhyzics.com | 900-304-9000 | 900-305-9000 | 900-306-9000



About EDP

Fhyzics - a global leader in business analysis - offers business consulting, business analysis, business analytics, process improvement, product development and supply chain services to organisations in India and abroad. Today’s businesses are under tremendous pressure to adopt to the changes in regulatory framework, constantly changing customer preferences and disruptive business models. This mandates the business leaders to continuously upgrade their knowledge in various areas that could potentially help or affect their businesses. Keeping this in mind, Fhyzics has launched One-Day, Case Study Based Executive Development Programs, where the business leaders can upgrade their skill and can implement in their organisations. These programs are designed after intense research on international best practices.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Acquiring & Retaining Clients

This program is designed for the professional service providers such as Doctors, Lawyers, Auditors, Consultants, Financial Advisers etc. The professional service space has seen a tremendous change in how they acquire and retain clients in the recent years. This change emanates from factors such as increased competition, appreciable knowledge of the customers and high expectation from customers. In the past, there was professional services and the clients were tied-up with some sort of loyalty, which is gradually getting eroded, hence retaining a client becomes tougher and tougher. This program introduces the participants to plethora of techniques on acquiring and retaining clients in this information age.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Analysis Program for SMEs

SMEs undergo paradigm shift in their operations as they progress through growth milestones. Business Analysis Program for SMEs, prepares the senior leaders of your organisation with the necessary framework and techniques to lead the process of aligning organisations’ vision, goals & objectives, business strategy, business model, business processes, projects, products and services. Business analysis is all about understanding the organisation (structure, policies & operations), identifying the bottlenecks of growth and recommending the right solutions. Fhyzics' business analysis programs are designed in alignment with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®) released by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®), Canada. For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Model

The Business Model Canvas was initially proposed by Alexander Osterwalder based on his earlier work on Business Model Ontology. A business model canvas describes how an enterprise creates, delivers, and captures value for and from its customers. The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and lean start-up template for developing new or documenting existing business models. Business model canvas is equally popular both in established companies and in start-up. A business model canvas describes how an enterprise creates, delivers, and captures value for an from its customers. During this webinar we will unravel the nine building blocks of business model canvas such as key partnerships, channels, key activities, customer segments, key resources, cost structure, value proposition, revenue streams and customer relationships.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

New Product Development

New Product Development (NPD) and Continuous Product Improvement are the two lifelines of any product based organisation, for sustainable profitability and leadership in the industry. Though there is a great debate within the product development community, whether a good product creation is an art or science? it has been proved by companies like Apple, 3M, IBM and several others that instilling a sound product development process and best practices ensures the creation of better and better products. This empirical evidence demonstrates that good product development processes, best practices and suitable organisational culture is the success formula behind these global brands. Fhyzics represents the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA), USA in India and through this affiliation brings the product development global best practices to Indian industry.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Case

A business case is the justification to decide a certain course of action in an organisation. As business analyst we always ‘recommend solutions’ to help the organisation to reach its goals and objectives. Through business case, we present a 360 degree view of a given solution to enable the management to make a decision. During this webinar, we will review the various elements of business case such as need assessment, desired outcomes, assess alternatives and recommended solution. We will also discuss the typical format of a business case document.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Mastering Lean

A process is defined as a set of activities that are carried out in a pre-determined order to deliver value to the customer. Process is a capability and a differentiator for an organisation in today’s competitive market. Process-centric organisations are able to deliver consistent goods and services, to reduce the dependancy on human skills, to standardise the activities within the organisation and to improve the safety of their employees as well as customers. Lean is a process improvement methodology or philosophy developed by Tachii Ohno of Toyota Motors in 1940’s and is a time-tested framework to improve processes within organisations. Lean brings a set of tools and methods to understand the current state of the organisation and to take it to the future state.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com


Benchmark studies are conducted to compare organizational practices against the best-in-class practices. Best practices may be found in competitor enterprises, in government, or from industry associations. The objective of benchmarking is to evaluate enterprise performance and ensure that the enterprise is operating efficiently. Benchmarking may also be performed against standards for compliance purposes. The result from the benchmark study may initiate change within an organization.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Strategy

Peter Drucker said, “Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right”. His “Doing the right thing” refers to the strategy and “Doing the thing right” refers to effective implementation. Both Strategy and Effective Implementation are equally important, but the former is more important than the latter. If an organisation sails a ship with wrong strategy (wrong direction), it will never reach the destination. Strategy is the one that connects the organisation’s vision with its operations. Strategy is the ‘Master Plan’ for an organisation to succeed in the market place. Strategy gives a unique approach for an organisation to conduct its operations. During this one-day program, the participants will be able to understand what is an effective strategy, identify the current strategy of their organisation, evaluate the alignment of the vision, strategy and operations and redefine the strategy for greater success.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Focus Groups

A focus group is composed of pre-qualified participants whose objective is to discuss and comment on a topic within a context. The Participants share their perspectives and attitudes about a topic and discuss them in a group setting. This sometimes leads participants to re-evaluate their own perspectives in light of others’ experiences. A trained moderator manages the preparation of the session, assists in selecting participants, and facilitates the session. If the moderator is not the business analyst, he/she may work with the business analyst to analyse the results and produce findings that are reported to the stakeholders. Observes may be present during the focus group session, but do not typically participate.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Analytics for Managers

Business Analytics is all about transforming the data to information and then using that information for effective decision making. Small and large organisations have loads of data, but don’t know how to use them? The data is being collected for the sake of collecting, but forgotten over the period or no one has the time to mine it for opportunities. All organisations has two types of opportunities, one, the visible opportunity and the other is hidden opportunity. Most organisations are doing good on the visible part of the opportunity, but completely clueless about the invisible opportunity. This invisible opportunity is very much lying dormant within the organisation, one need not have to find it elsewhere – that is the data what we have in our organisations. For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Analytics for Managers

Today, most of the business analytics programs are tools based and doesn’t delve into the principles of data science. Even if I have an Aladdin Lamp and don’t know where to rub, it is useless in my hand. Hence knowledge of a tool without understanding the principles of data science will not be very helpful. I would rather recommend 'Master Microsoft Excel’, which all of us know and try to mine the data what you have in your organisation. Because most of the time, I find people embark on business analytics are misdirected to mastering a tool or two and completely loose the focus on the very foundation of how to interpret a data or information?.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Project Management

How do we differentiate between a project and operations? Project has a definite start and end and has an end objective. On the other hand, operations are on going activities. In that sense, all managers will have a set of projects and defined operations in their portfolio. For the operations part, a manager need to intervene whenever there is a guidance needed from his followers. But in a project, he should be in the frontier to lead the team as it is not a routine one in his organization, hence not many are knowledgeable on this. The success factors that determine whether a project delivered its objective are project planning, resource allocation & management, stakeholder communication, measurement on progress, risk assessment, course correction and handing over. This one-day program will prepare the managers to lead their projects successfully.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Mastering Six-Sigma

The origin of Six Sigma can be traced to Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), who introduced the concept of the normal curve. But the credit for coining the term “Six Sigma” goes to a Motorola engineer named Bill Smith [“Six Sigma” is a federally registered trademark of Motorola]. Six Sigma as a process improvement methodology was well popularised by Jack Welch of General Electric Company. Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology to bring a leap of changes in the organisation. To achieve Six Sigma levels, a company must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. The Six Sigma methodology uses fives stages – Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control (DMAIC) to improve a process. During this one-day program, the participants will develop a thorough appreciation of Six Sigma principles and tools and will be able to lead Six Sigma initiatives in their respective organisations.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Process Mapping

There is a common thread across all process improvement methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, Benchmarking and TQM, that is process mapping. In all the process improvement methodologies, the process expert need to define the current state as well as the future state for the given process that need to be improved. Process improvement is to identify the list of activities, the sequence of their execution and achieving the objective with the minimal resources. Process mapping is an indispensable tool in the hands of process experts for process improvement. During this one-day program, the participants will understand the process mapping principles and the method of process mapping. Also they will learn Microsoft Visio, a leading process mapping tool from Microsoft.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Paper Prototyping for Application DevelopmentPrototyping is a favorite technique of inventors and it is as old as the early human inventions. Prototyping is very popular among mechanical and civil engineers. Many product development companies in the Information Technology industry adopted the prototyping technique and achieved great success in developing sound and superior products. But even today, these successful companies are just outliers. A majority of the companies have not yet reaped the benefits of prototyping. The reasons are two fold. One there is not much awareness about prototyping. Second, prototyping is seen as an added cost to the project. Of course prototyping doesn't come free-of-cost. I would call this cost as a preventive cost rather than an additional cost. The cost of not doing prototype far outweighs the cost of doing prototype. For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Developing Standard Operating Procedure

At times, we ignore something good, but because it is not so fancy! Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is the one that fits this statement very well. SOP is a wonderful process improvement tool, that is ignored by most organisations in the world. One need not have to implement any sophisticated software or change the organisational structure or run costly events to implement SOP. To streamline an organisation’s processes SOP is the first step. SOP development involves the following key stages (1) Create a stakeholder group (2) Identify the primary, secondary and management processes of the organisation (3) Map the current state of those processes (4) Develop the future state of the processes (5) Document the future state and (6) Train the relevant stakeholders.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Product Development Life Cycle

Product Development Life Cycle (PDLC) is composed of distinct stages such as enterprise analysis, business analysis, systems analysis & design, project implementation, testing, launching and continuous improvement. In a product company speed is very important, but not at the cost of poor process that leads to a poor product. How to balance these twin goals – speed and quality of execution? The participants will learn the PDLC stages and will be able to improve their processes within their organisations.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Supply Chain Design

The scope of the term Supply Chain here includes, sourcing, processing, finished goods, warehousing, distribution, retail and reverse logistics. With the advent of eCommerce, supply chains have received a new fillip for providing better and timely customer service. This program will introduce a methodical framework to analyse their supply chains to find opportunities for improvement and to optimise to deliver better customer service.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Finance for Non-Finance Professionals

When you reach the middle or top management, the financial knowledge becomes very important as almost all of our decisions are tied-up with the finance domain. Hence the understanding and appreciation of financial management in your organisation becomes crucial for your success. The need for financial understanding grows further as one reaches higher and higher levels in an organisation. During this one-day program, the participants will be able to gain sound understanding on accounting and financial principles that are used on daily basis within an organisation.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Sales & Marketing Strategy

Today the traditional Sales & Marketing (S&M) Strategy has outlived its usefulness and organisations are finding it more and more difficult to expand their market share or acquiring new customers. The S&M Strategy program will introduce time-tested scientific methods being practiced by some of the worlds leading companies to achieve remarkable results in their sales and marketing efforts.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Consumer Protection Act

Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted in 1986 to protect the interests of consumers in India. It makes provision for the establishment of consumer councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumers' disputes and for matters connected therewith. Originally the act was covering only the product companies, but subsequently even the professional services were brought into the ambit of consumer protection act. The purpose of this program is to develop an appreciation of the act and to review the areas that need to be strengthened within your organisation.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Creating Business Plans

The keyword “Business Plan” and its variants are being searched in the internet within India for almost 5,07,600 times in a year. As a Business Consulting firm, we come across lots of enquiries on daily basis on “How to create a business plan?”. Many entrepreneurs approach us for a ready-made business idea along with a business plan. We humbly refuse it, as it is not good for an entrepreneur. Both the business idea and the business plan should come from the entrepreneur himself/herself, as ‘PASSION’ is the most important ingredient for a successful business than anything else. A business consulting firm like Fhyzics can help entrepreneurs in the process of creating and fine tuning the business plans, but it should not be outsourced. For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Research Methods for Managers

One of the Roles of Managers is to support the management in making key decisions. Managers support the management in certain key decisions such as which equipment to buy? Which software is suitable? What could be the better process? Root cause of a customer problem? Etc. by providing vital facts. Many a times, managers resort to provide opinion based information to management, which has a very low chance for success. But when managers provide validated facts through research, the decision based on that fact will fetch better success rate than the former. This program will equip the managers with both primary and secondary research methods.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Mind Mapping for Managers

Tony Busan is credited with the popularisation of mind mapping. Mind mapping is used to articulate and capture thoughts, ideas and information. During this webinar the participants will gain a complete understanding of mind mapping and its elements such as main topic, topics, sub-topics, branches, keywords, colour and images. We will also make a mind map using cloud based software for greater understanding.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Continuity Management

History and contemporary records demonstrate that sometime an ultra-low frequency events create a huge disruption for an organisation. Business Continuity Management is a management process that identifies risk, threats and vulnerabilities that could impact an organisation's continued operations and provides a framework for building organizational resilience and the capability for an effective response. Today, organisations lack both in understanding the types of risks that could cause these disruptions and also doesn’t have any plans when it strikes without warning. This program is to sensitise the business leaders about this impending risks where everyone has almost equal likelihood for it to happen. The program delves into the various types of risks that doesn’t come under the radar, but organisations should be watchful about it.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard originated by Robert Kaplan and David Norton is used extensively to measure and improve performance in both governments, private and non-profit organisations. It provides a framework for strategic planning and management of organisation and to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organisation. Today balanced scorecard has the equal reputation as that of lean and six sigma in process improvement. During this webinar we will discuss the various elements of balanced scorecard such as learning and growth dimension, business process dimension, customer dimension, financial dimension and measures or indicators.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Innovation for Market Leadership

In its purest sense, “invention“ can be defined as the creation of a product or introduction of a process for the first time. “Innovation,” on the other hand, occurs if someone improves on or makes a significant contribution to an existing product, process or service. In the business world, we have a question on what makes a company a leader in their industry? Very hard to answer this question as there are several factors responsible for this. But if we narrow down to a question, what that one factor that all the leaders have in common? Then it is innovation. This program will prepare the business leaders to understand the fundamentals of innovation, best practices and organisational culture.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Bionics for Product Developers

Bionics refers to the design of engineering systems that were adopted based on systems in nature. Jack Steele is credited for coining the term bionics. The hypothesis behind bionics is, if nature has evolved a solution over 1000's of years then it must be the best solution that man ever could find it. The lightest bullet proof vest is designed based on the spider web and the underwater communication devices derive their science from the communication method of dolphins. This program is exclusively designed for product developers and machinery creators to create an appreciation of the natural systems both in living and non-living, found around the world, which will be of helpful to solve or to better design their engineering systems or products.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Communication for Managers

A person is judged by both content and communication. Content without communication and communication without content doesn’t fetch the due interest. The word ‘content’ refers to the subject matter and ‘communication’ refers to one’s ability to make the other person to think what he/she thinks. In an organisation, the business leaders are expected to do better on verbal communication, written communication, teaching, public speaking and facilitation. Business communication is an absolute skill set meaning no one can claim they have reached the zenith of communication skills, but rather everyone need to continuously improve. This program will prepare the participants to understand the various facets of business communication and methods to make it stronger.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy is about creating a new market rather than fighting in a highly crowded market. Blue Ocean Strategy stresses upon identifying an unmet need in the market and design products or services to satisfy that unmet need. This one-day program prepares the leaders of your organisation on the various steps involved in conceiving, developing and deploying a blue ocean strategy.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering is a process of creating innovating products not by inventing, but by improving the existing products. Reverse Engineering is a completely ignored technique in India’s product development community. This program aims to bring out the benefits of reverse engineering in product development and the reverse engineering techniques.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing is essential in today’s world. With both competitors and potential customers constantly online, digital marketing is one of the important channels a business cannot afford to ignore. For a small and mid-sized business digital marketing may sound intimidating. But the current trend shows the online market has double digit growth in various sectors year-over-year. This program unravels the various avenues of digital marketing, design elements and organizational strategy.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Warehouse Management

Warehouses play a critical role in matching product demand with supply across different tiers of a supply chain. Today warehouses function not only as centres for storage but also as centres for value-addition. This program deals with the functions of warehousing, corporate strategy, warehouse locational factors and warehouse operations planning.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Customer Service Management

Walt Disney once said about movies, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” The famed animator’s quote can also be applied to customer service. If a business treats its clients well and keeps them satisfied, they will maintain a relationship with the company and will recommend the company to their friends. Companies need to remember that without someone to buy their goods and services, they will not survive. This program explains the fundamental principles of customer service, customer profile, personas, customer blueprint etc.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Business Analysis for Civil Servants

Business Analysis Program for Civil Servants prepares the senior bureaucrats with the necessary framework and techniques to lead the process of aligning government’s vision, goals & objectives, governance strategy, government processes, projects and services. Business analysis is all about understanding the organisation (structure, policies & operations), identifying the bottlenecks of growth and recommending the right solutions. Fhyzics' business analysis programs are designed in alignment with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®) released by International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®), Canada. In summary, this program helps the participants to map the current state of the organisation, to define the future state of the organisation and then come out with the right solution (a set of needed capabilities) that bridges the gap between the current state and the future state.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Designing Forms & Checklists (Paper & Web)

Forms played a crucial role both in government and private organizations to gather structured information in transactions. But so far no organizations have attempted a measure to standardize or to improve the form functions. The same flaws what we had in paper-based forms were literally now transferred to the web-based forms. Next, checklists are wonderful tools to ensure the completion of mandatory activities in any transaction. Though, we have used lots of forms and checklists in the past till now there is no framework to design forms and checklists. This program aims at introducing a framework in designing forms and checklists.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Fundamentals of Packaging Technology

Packaging is a service function that cannot exist by itself; it needs a product. Packaging serves technical and marketing functions such as contain, protect, preserve, measure, dispense, transport, communicate, display, inform, promote, sell and motivate. This program delves into packaging functions, recent trends in packaging and technology.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Disaster Management Strategy

Natural and man-made disasters are becoming more frequent, growing more severe and affecting more people than ever before. According to a statement released from the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters and the United Nations in January 2009, the average number of natural disasters reported each year increased more than 60 percent. How to fool-proof your organization from these disasters? Man-made disasters are fully preventable with necessary procedures and systems in place. On the other hand, natural disasters may not be preventable but a well prepared organization would certainly be less affected than others. The purpose of this program is to immerse the participants in the disaster management framework which will help them to develop strategies to deal with both natural and man-made disasters.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Strategy to Keep the Organization Flood Proof

2015 and 2016 is a year of El-Nino, a global whether phenomenon that had its impact all over the world. The affected regions either had torrential downpour or faced a drought like condition. Chennai a south Indian city, suffered a heavy rainfall, a highest in last 100 years and most of the rainfall lashed the city in just 3 days. Unfortunately many organisations were not prepared to handle this. This led to lots of business loss and operation disruption for several months. Now the question is, are we prepared better for the next one? These change in whether patterns are going to stay for a longtime to come. These situations will repeat more often rather than go away. This program prepares the business leaders with strategies to keep their organisation as flood safe both in terms of personnel and property.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

Understanding the Advertisement World

Today the biggest challenge in advertisement is Where to advertise? What medium to choose? How to evaluate the efficacy? All these questions are becoming tougher and tougher day-by-day as the options are ever increasing. Many a time, as a person responsible for advertisement, I don’t have a yardstick to measure and which results in disappointing results. Managers who issues advertisement for their organization are at the mercy of the advertisement sales professional and his hopeful words. The root cause of this problem is the lack of understanding of the advertisement world. This program brings out the facts of the advertisement world, processes involved, how to evaluate the suitability etc.For more details about this Executive Development Program, please visit www.fhyzics.com

www.fhyzics.com | cs@fhyzics.com | 900-304-9000 | 900-305-9000 | 900-306-9000

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