Excuse me ??? I need..., Where can I go for...,Please help me to find…

Post on 25-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Excuse me ??? I need..., Where can I go for...,Please help me to find…

• Excuse me• ??? I need ...,

Where can I go for...,Please help me to find…

Top 10 Reasons to Top 10 Reasons to Learn Spanish Learn Spanish

Buenos días


1. To speak with over 400 million people around the globe who speak Spanish.


2. To help you develop better critical thinking skills - being bilingual means seeing the world through more than 1 lens; a skill that can help you in many areas.

3. To expand cultural horizons and increase professional skills and abilities

4. Because bilingual people are more marketable and have more career choices.

5. To enjoy traveling throughout Mexico, Spain, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panamá, Honduras, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and República Dominicana.

6. Because learning Spanish is fun! It's a chance to experience new music, food, movies, & much more.

7. Learn Spanish to improve your knowledge of your own language.

8. Learn Spanish to prepare for study abroad opportunities

9.Learning Spanish makes acquiring the next foreign language easier

10. To increase global understanding.

"No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive." - Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian nationalist and spiritual leader