‘Excellence in Education in the Outback’ ‘COOEE’ 4th December.pdf · Baba Marta is a...

Post on 07-Feb-2018

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Transcript of ‘Excellence in Education in the Outback’ ‘COOEE’ 4th December.pdf · Baba Marta is a...

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 1

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

    CLONCURRY STATE SCHOOL P-12 Excellence in Education in the Outback


    ADMINISTRATION: Principal: Christine Norton Deputy Principal: Brendan Baillie Head of Department: Tracey Hill Head of Curriculum: Elizabeth Rainnie

    P&C EXECUTIVE: President: Simone Sprenkeler Treasurer: Karen Mc Gee Secretary: Elizabeth Rainnie P&C QLD Representative: Simone Sprenkeler

    Principals Pen


    Cloncurry State School in Partnership with QMEA

    Christine Norton | Principal


    Wishing one and

    all a Very Merry

    Christmas and may

    you all have a safe

    and enjoyable


    Congratulations to everyone on a very successful year of learning at

    Cloncurry State School P-12. Reports are being finalised and will be

    placed in the post on Friday. It is fantastic to see the progress of our

    students with many of them surpassing expected benchmarks!!!

    It is with a touch of sadness that I farewell all families and staff who are

    leaving Cloncurry. I thank you for your contributions to Excellence in

    Education in the Outback and may the road that you travel always be

    kind to you. I wish our highly valued staff the very best that life can

    offer in your next adventure and may you always hold a special place in

    your heart for Cloncurry State School Miss Katrina Madigan, Mrs

    Clarie Battaglia, Miss Emma Wiggins, Ms Hannah Warren, Mrs Nijole

    McClafferty and Mrs Robynne Hutchins.

    In saying goodbye to our outgoing staff we welcome the following new

    staff to our School Team for 2015.

    Ms Laura Swan ( Blue Class Year 4)

    Mr Gene Hervey (Red Class Year 5)

    Mr Noel Curran (Physical Education)

    Mr Benjamin Landers ( English / Art)

    Mrs Erin Armstrong (DRT)

    I wish you all a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing and

    working with you in 2015.

    P&C Calendar

    Cloncurry State School

    P-12 P&C Spirit of

    Cloncurry 2015 calendar

    has arrived. These

    calendars can be

    purchased at Niverak

    Smash Repair &

    Chaplains Newsagency.

    The cost will be $15.00

    each. The calendar

    showcases 13 beautiful photos from around of wonderful town.

    Please remember to take photos throughout 2015 for next years Spirit of

    Cloncurry calendar.


  • Thursday 4th December 2014 2

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

    Head Lice

    Keep a Look Out, As Lice are About

    Stay Aware, Please Treat with Care

    Lost Property Lost property is now located in the Meet & Greet room with Miss Patsy. Items include lunch boxes, drink bottles, jumpers/jackets, pants and hats. If parents or students would like to have a look please see Miss Patsy.

    Pre - Loved School Uniforms If you have any pre-

    loved uniforms that no

    longer fit or are

    required and would like

    to donate them to the school. Please

    drop these off at the front office.

    SWPBS ~ School Wide Positive

    Behaviour Support

    Keep your Hands and feet to

    yourself in all learning and

    playground areas

    School News

    Yes, believe it or not parents, the preppies have made it to the end of Term 4. This year has certainly flown and holidays are nearly upon us and personally and professionally, what an amazing year it has been. Watching the shy, quiet preppies who arrived at the beginning of the year transform into energetic and enthusiastic learners ready to move onto Year 1. Sadly, this is my last newsletter as I am leaving this amazing school. My remote service has come to an end, 2 years in Birdsville and 3 years in Cloncurry, and now I am heading for the big smoke Townsville. It has been a wonderful few years, with the people I have met and the adventures I have had. In particular I would just like to add that during my time here in Cloncurry and at the school, I have had the best time and I have grown as a teacher and learnt so much myself. To end off, I would just like to say thank you to the students, parents and families for giving me such a wonderful year and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope that you all have a safe, happy and restful holiday.

    I have also penned a little poem, I trust that you will enjoy reading it.

    Thank you to everyone and all the best to you all. Mrs Nola McClafferty

    Cloncurry State School

    We are students from Cloncurry, And our name is Rainbow A,

    We have 21 in our class, And we have a lot to say.

    Prep Year 12 is our school, It is a very happy place,

    Where everyone is so cool, And there is a lot of space.

    Our uniform is yellow and grey, And this we all wear with pride,

    The whole school wears it everyday, With our smiles a mile wide.

    The ground is dry and hard, The sky is always blue,

    There are no flowers in our yard, There is no rain, thats true.

    We like to swim in the dam, Theres always lots to do,

    Climbing trees and riding bikes, You should try it too.

    Cloncurry School is really great, We had to let you know,

    It is a very special place, A place to Learn and Grow.

    Around the Classrooms

    School Magazine

    In 2014 our

    school magazine

    will be available

    to purchase for

    $15.00. Please

    see the attached

    order form or

    see the ladies in



    Office to pick one up.

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 3

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

    Welcome to week 9, the final week of school for 2014!

    What a fantastic year 2014 has been for the class of Rainbow B. The students have

    all grown and progressed in so many ways. Congratulations on your achievements

    in 2014. Keep working hard and strive for your goals; academic and personal.

    Thank you to all the wonderful parents and members of the community for such an

    eventful, busy and amazing year. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and

    wonderful and safe holiday. See you all again in 2015!

    Miss Bischof

    To all our dear Cloncurry Families

    The end of another year!!! Well done to all our ex-Green Class kids!!! On their way

    now up the bright yellow stairs to Year 4! I wish them all the very best for the

    year ahead. I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday session and will see you all

    again next year.

    Warm regards

    Miss Lizzie (Elizabeth Keim)

    Welcome to the final week of school for 2014!

    What a fabulous year of learning it has been in our Blue Class Learning Centre. I

    would like to take this time to congratulate students on all of their hard work and

    dedication to achieving their personal best this year. I look forward to hearing

    about their learning journeys and achievements as they move into year 5 and


    It is a very sad for me to be leaving Cloncurry after 4 wonderful years, but Im also

    looking forward to being back with my loved ones in Brisbane. I look forward to

    visiting the great North-West and also hearing about all the wonderful future

    happenings at Cloncurry State School and the wider Cloncurry Community. Thank

    you to all students, staff, parents, friends and members of the community who

    have made my time in Cloncurry so memorable and feel like a home away from

    home. Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break and a magical Christmas

    season. Keep in touch!

    Much love and best wishes!

    Miss Katrina Madigan

    It is with great sadness that I report that this will be my last letter to you! As most

    of you would now know, I am moving back to the Sunshine Coast at the end of this

    week to begin my journey in a new school. I want to thank every single person who

    has made my time in Cloncurry so enjoyable and has offered me support and

    kindness along the way. My time with the students at our school will forever be

    treasured. They have continually made me smile and I am very proud and honoured

    to have had the chance to be a part of their lives for the past three years. I wish

    everyone the very best and a very happy Christmas.

    Kind Regards

    Claire Battaglia

    The week that was.

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 4

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

    It is the end of Term 4 and the end of a wonderful year. The holidays are here

    WOOOOOOOO. Please have a wonderful, refreshing and safe holiday.

    I would just like to thank the students, parents and guardians for a fabulous and

    one of the best years I have had. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to get to

    know you all. Also, a big thank you to our teacher aides Miss Feryl and Mrs Tapp for

    all your hard work and support.

    Enjoy the break. Happy holidays

    Mrs Dearne Hodgetts

    Junior Secondary

    What an exciting time of the year! All assessment has now been finalised

    and students are now looking forward to presenting their Celebration Stalls to the

    community on Tuesday 2nd December in the Junior Secondary classrooms.

    The guiding question that the students were asked to research and answer was:

    What is the significance of your chosen festival or celebration from around the


    Here are some of their responses:

    BULGARIA Dayle Asquith

    Baba Marta is a holiday celebrated all throughout Bulgaria. Baba Marta is a day that

    symbolizes good health and well-being through the entire month of March. Prior to

    the day the exchange of Martenitsa is a way of showing your appreciation.

    A Martenitsa is like a wrist band made out of red and white thread. These are worn

    throughout March until the wearer has seen a tree in first blossom or a stork. The red

    thread symbolizes life/ birth and the white thread donates anew/on clear ground.

    Together they represent newborn rebirth and a new beginning. Those who are given a

    Martenitsa are being wished for good health and a fresh start.

    U.S.A. Bianca Murr

    Independence Day is remembered as the day America became its own nation,

    separated from the United Kingdom (Britain). Independence Day is only celebrated in

    America annually on the 4th of July, all day, throughout America.

    Thank you for the support and appreciation you have shown me this year. Have a

    safe break and I will see many of you again, in 2015.

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 5

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

    Year 10 Transition Day

    To celebrate the end of their compulsory schooling and entering into Senior Schooling, year 10 students were invited to attend a transition day on their last day of school. The day included a morning session of Lawn Bowls, following by a delicious lunch and an afternoon session at PCYC, enjoying laser tag and other games. The day started off well with all students getting very competitive at lawn bowls. I believe Coby Walker was one of the strongest players. Mr Bailey and Emma-Jade Molloy didnt get off to a good startonly scoring 2 points. Well Done to Kelly Davis and Brodie Mazlin for their amazing efforts in winning the competition. We were lucky to have Ashley Pardon and Roy from the Bowls club show us how to play. Ashley was impressed with our students skills, even saying that they should sign up Kyharm McDonald. All in all the lawn bowls session was fantastic. Thank you to the Bowls Club for having us and serving a lovely lunch. After lunch, we made our way to PCYC for some laser tag. Even though, it was very hot the students still ran around trying to win. Thank you to Emma and the PCYC team for allowing us to visit. Congratulations to all year 10 students on completing their compulsory schooling. However, we look forward to welcoming you all back in 2015 for Senior Schooling. Enjoy your holidays. Miss Hill

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 6

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 7

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au

  • Thursday 4th December 2014 8

    Daintree Street Cloncurry QLD 4824 PH: 07 4742 8333 Fax: 07 4742 8300 School Watch: 13 17 88

    Email: admin@cloncurryss.eq.edu.au Website: http://cloncurryss.eq.edu.au