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Synonyms: nomadic, roving

Antonyms: settled, permanent

Example Sentence: As an itinerant auctioneer he became well

acquainted with the Germans in the S.E.

2. IRREVOCABLE (ADJECTIVE): unchangeable

Synonyms: immutable, irreversible

Antonyms: alterable, revocable

Example Sentence: If you really love someone, then your

feelings are irrevocable.


Synonyms: contributive, helpful

Antonyms: useless, worthless

Example Sentence: This workbook is very conducive.

4. HAIL (VERB): greet

Synonyms: welcome, salute

Antonyms: dishonor, disparage

Example Sentence: She hailed me so well that I became very

much overwhelmed.

5. HERETOFORE (ADVERB): formerly

Synonyms: previously, before

Antonyms: currently, presently

Example Sentence: The license was heretofore granted to him.

6. ADO (NOUN): fuss

Synonyms: confusion, stir

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: "Now, please, without further ado, explain,"

he said, in an attempt to control the


7. HAPLESS (ADJECTIVE): unfortunate

Synonyms: unlucky, hard-luck

Antonyms: blessed, favored

Example Sentence: The hapless victims of tragedy were

sanctioned compensation by the


8. HAMPER (VERB): obstruct

Synonyms: impede, clog

Antonyms: unclog, unplug

Example Sentence: The growth of population has hampered

economic progress in India.

9. GLUT (NOUN): overstock

Synonyms: oversupply, excess

Antonyms: lack, need

Example Sentence: As there is economic recession, there is a

glut of luxury goods in the market.



Synonyms: honest, genuine

Antonyms: artful, clever

Example Sentence: Shabeen is so guileless that she will believe


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1. GIMMICK (NOUN): trick

Synonyms: artifice, ruse

Antonyms: reality, truth

Example Sentence: The reservation policy is just a political


2. GIGANTIC (ADJECTIVE): huge in size

Synonyms: gargantuan, giant

Antonyms: small, little

Example Sentence: The road is bordered by gigantic rocks.

3. HEGEMONY (NOUN): controlling

power or influence over others

Synonyms: dominance, dominion

Antonyms: impotency, weakness

Example Sentence: Both America and China are trying for

hegemony in Asia.

4. PENCHANT (NOUN): strong inclination

Synonyms: affection, affinity

Antonyms: averseness, aversion

Example Sentence: He had strong penchant for playing cricket.


Synonyms: lever, creative

Antonyms: dull, foolish

Example Sentence: She devised an ingenious scheme to

hoodwink the police.


Synonyms: inferno, damnation

Antonyms: heaven, paradise

Example Sentence: He alleged that the film would lead young

souls into perdition.


Synonyms: fading, dwindling

Antonyms: energized, refreshed

Example Sentence: Sense of winning seems to be flagging in the


8. DECELERATE (VERB): slow down

Synonyms: brake, slow

Antonyms: accelerate, hasten

Example Sentence: She decelerated her car

9. JUBILATION (NOUN): rejoicing

Synonyms: happiness, joy

Antonyms: sadness, sorrow

Example Sentence: The victory of Indian hockey team was

celebrated with jubilation.

10. IMPUGN (VERB): criticize, challenge

Synonyms: assail, tar

Antonyms: agree, allow

Example Sentence: The lawyer impugned the witness's story.

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1. MENACE (NOUN): danger

Synonyms: threat, hazard

Antonyms: safety, comfort

Example Sentence: Terrorism is a potential menace to the

integrity of the country.

2. INANE (ADJECTIVE): stupid

Synonyms: absurd, asinine

Antonyms: bright, intelligent

Example Sentence: He always had an inane grin.


Synonyms: up-to-date, sleek

Antonyms: coarse, rough

Example Sentence: In the current scenario, streamlined business

methods are the best methods.


Synonyms: invigorate, rejuvenate

Antonyms: kill, desiccate

Example Sentence: When my father was on the ventilator, the

doctor was unable to resuscitate him.

5. SCOURGE (NOUN): plague

Synonyms: curse, bane

Antonyms: boon, blessing

Example Sentence: Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our


6. UPBRAID (verb): admonish

Synonyms: chide, castigate

Antonyms: laud, praise

Example Sentence: Daniel upbraided him.

7. PITHY (ADJECTIVE): concise and full

of meaning Synonyms: aphoristic, apothegmatic

Antonyms: pleonastic, redundant

Example Sentence: The essays created by Pratik sir are pithy and

profound in their meaning.

8. PERPETUAL (ADJECTIVE): everlasting

Synonyms: ceaseless, continual

Antonyms: intermittent, periodic

Example Sentence: Neither joys nor sorrows are perpetual in


9. GAINSAY (VERB): deny

Synonyms: contradict, combat

Antonyms: accept, acknowledge

Example Sentence: Nobody can gainsay the truth of my



Synonyms: affable, sociable

Antonyms: unfriendly, cold

Example Sentence: My brother faiz is a very gregarious boy.

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1. GIST (NOUN): essence

Synonyms: summary, point

Antonyms: outside, surface

Example Sentence: Please write the gist of the paragraph.


Synonyms: flashy, glittering

Antonyms: simple, modest

Example Sentence: He wears garish clothes which don’t suit



Synonyms: mean, avaricious

Antonyms: generous, lavish

Example Sentence: He is extravagant but his wife is


4. PERUSAL (NOUN): careful study

Synonyms: scrutiny, inspection

Antonyms: ignorance, neglect

Example Sentence: I am sending a copy of the agreement for

your perusal.

5. PREMISE (NOUN): hypothesis

Synonyms: assumption, presumption

Antonyms: fact, reality

Example Sentence: Since Gauri’s premise cannot be confirmed,

her entire theory is worthless.

6. MEEKNESS (NOUN): humility

Synonyms: modesty, timidity

Antonyms: arrogance, boldness

Example Sentence: Raghav is a man of transcendent meekness.

7. ETIOLATE (VERB): weaken

Synonyms: blanch, diminish

Antonyms: vitalize, fortify

Example Sentence: The long, stressful days etiolated Christen.

8. AMENABILITY (NOUN): complaisance

Synonyms: acquiescence, compliance

Antonyms: disobedience, rebellion

Example Sentence: It’s your amenability to do the given task on


9. PENURY (NOUN): extreme poverty

Synonyms: barrenness, dearth

Antonyms: plenty, sufficiency

Example Sentence: If you don’t start to save money, you will

spend your final years in penury.


without thinking

Synonyms: ardent, impulsive

Antonyms: calm, sensible

Example Sentence: His impetuous behavior landed him in


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1. depurate (verb): to purify

Synonyms: distill, clean

Antonyms: dirty, pollute

Example Sentence: He depurated the air by using charcol.

2. STOLID (ADJECTIVE): apathetic

Synonyms: impassive, blunt

Antonyms: aware, interested

Example Sentence: The stolid police detective did not blink

when he saw innumerous dead bodies across

the road.



Synonyms: anarchy, ruckus

Antonyms: order, calm

Example Sentence: There was pandemonium in parliament over

the objectionable remarks made by a member

of the opposition party.

4. PARAGON (NOUN): outstanding


Synonyms: apotheosis, epitome

Antonyms: flaw, imperfection

Example Sentence: Sita is always depicted as a paragon of ideal

and virtuous woman.

5. NASCENT (ADJECTIVE): incipient

Synonyms: beginning, germinal

Antonyms: Dying, withering

Example Sentence: The rapid growth of this commercial

organization in its nascent stage is


6. NOMADIC (ADJECTIVE): wandering

Synonyms: meandering, roving

Antonyms: settled, established

Example Sentence: Nomadic tribes of Rajasthan are found in

every major Indian city.

7. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): difficult

Synonyms: burdensome, exhausting

Antonyms: easy, effortless

Example Sentence: The task assigned to him was arduous.

8. SEGREGATION (NOUN): separation

Synonyms: isolation, disunion

Antonyms: connection, fellowship

Example Sentence: Some democratic countries do not believe in

racial segregation.


Synonyms: visible, apparent

Antonyms: obscure, hidden

Example Sentence: His zeal and energy met everywhere with

conspicuous success.


Synonyms: fear, disappointment

Antonyms: peace, repose

Example Sentence: His decision caused consternation among his


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1. RUMMAGE (VERB): search

Synonyms: forage, poke

Antonyms: arrange, organize

Example Sentence:

The dog will rummage through the garbage

for food when it gets hungry.

2. WINTRY (ADJECTIVE): cold, snowy

Synonyms: bleak, chilly

Antonyms: warm, pleasant

Example Sentence:

The weather was too wintry for me to go


3. BLEMISH (NOUN): flaw

Synonyms: bruise, blot

Antonyms: blank, clarity

Example Sentence:

Debra’s wedding dress is free of the

slightest blemish, which is why it cost

James so much money.

4. SANCTIFY (VERB): hold in highest


Synonyms: glorify, purify

Antonyms: condemn, degrade

Example Sentence:

The priests have to sanctify the holy water.


Synonyms: adventurous, bold

Antonyms: afraid, careful

Example Sentence:

The millionaire earned his fortune by being

an audacious player on the stock market.

6. PARSIMONY (NOUN): stinginess

Synonyms: frugality, miserliness

Antonyms: generosity, kindness

Example Sentence:

To save money, the parsimonious old

man always bought used clothes.

7. PURSUIT (NOUN): Search

Synonyms: hunt, seek

Antonyms: retreat, surrender

Example Sentence:

She left home in pursuit of happiness.

8. DISSEMINATE (VERB): distribute

Synonyms: advertise, circulate

Antonyms: hide, conceal

Example Sentence:

It took years to disseminate information

about Aids.

9. REFRAIN (VERB): stop oneself from

doing something.

Synonyms: withhold, abstain

Antonyms: allow, continue

Example Sentence:

You must refrain from all interference.

10. NOISOME (ADJECTIVE): immoral

Synonyms: baneful, dangerous

Antonyms: upright, moral

Example Sentence:

The dog’s noisome act is making me

feel ill.

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1. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): horrible in manner

Synonyms: stern, horrid Antonyms: pleasant, comforting Example Sentence: The grim experience of the film, was devastating

for their morale.

2. CALLOUSNESS (NOUN): absence of

interest Synonyms: nonchalance, aloofness

Antonyms: compassion, sympathy

Example Sentence: His callousness shows how careful is he.


Synonyms: typical, regular Antonyms: irregular, unique

Example Sentence: He is a conventional kid and he loves playing.

4. TOIL (VERB): work hard

Synonyms: strive, moil Antonyms: relax, idle

Example Sentence: You should toil for attaining success in life

without losing enthusiasm.

5. CONTRAVENE (VERB): go against Synonyms: defy, negate

Antonyms: endorse, ratify Example Sentence: We must never contravene our parents.

6. SPAWNED (VERB): produce

Synonyms: procreate, hatch

Antonyms: destroy, kill Example Sentence: We must protect every seed spawned by the farmers of our nation.

7. CONTEND (VERB): compete Synonyms: grapple, skirmish Antonyms: comply, retreat

Example Sentence: We must contend for the post.

8. VALOUR (NOUN): boldness

Synonyms: gallantry, hardihood Antonyms: irresolution, cowardice

Example Sentence: The qualities of a good combat pilot are

“valour” and “quick-thinking”.

9. AMBIT (NOUN): extent

Synonyms: bounds, extension Antonyms: midpoint, spotlight Example Sentence: The ambit of the bullet was enough to cause


10. FATHOM (VERB): measure the depth

(of feeling) Synonyms: comprehend, penetrate Antonyms: neglect, misinterpret

Example Sentence: It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the death

of a child.

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1. DEPURATE (VERB): to purify

Synonyms: distill, clean Antonyms: dirty, pollute Example Sentence: He depurated the air by using charcoal.

2. STOLID (ADJECTIVE): apathetic

Synonyms: impassive, blunt

Antonyms: aware, interested

Example Sentence: The stolid police detective did not blink

when he saw innumerous dead bodies across the road.



Synonyms: anarchy, ruckus Antonyms: order, calm Example Sentence: There was pandemonium in parliament over

the objectionable remarks made by a member of the opposition party.

4. PARAGON (NOUN): outstanding


Synonyms: apotheosis, epitome

Antonyms: flaw, imperfection Example Sentence: Sita is always depicted as a paragon of ideal and virtuous woman.

5. NASCENT (ADJECTIVE): incipient

Synonyms: beginning, germinal

Antonyms: Dying, withering

Example Sentence: The rapid growth of this commercial organization in its nascent stage is


6. NOMADIC (ADJECTIVE): wandering

Synonyms: meandering, roving Antonyms: settled, established

Example Sentence: Nomadic tribes of Rajasthan are found in

every major Indian city.

7. ARDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): difficult

Synonyms: burdensome, exhausting

Antonyms: easy, effortless

Example Sentence: The task assigned to him was arduous.

8. SEGREGATION (NOUN): separation

Synonyms: isolation, disunion

Antonyms: connection, fellowship

Example Sentence: Some democratic countries do not believe in racial segregation.


Synonyms: visible, apparent Antonyms: obscure, hidden

Example Sentence: His zeal and energy met everywhere with

conspicuous success.


Synonyms: fear, disappointment

Antonyms: peace, repose Example Sentence: His decision caused consternation among his colleagues.

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1. ADRIFT (ADJECTIVE): without

purpose Synonyms: afloat, loose

Antonyms: stable, tied down Example Sentence: India’s neighbourhood policy is clearly adrift.


in power Synonyms: predominant, superior

Antonyms: humble, inferior Example Sentence: It is difficult to see Delhi pushing for official dialogue, especially with the

military on the ascendant once again.

3. PORTENT (NOUN): warning

Synonyms: caution, threat Antonyms: doom, lot

Example Sentence: The results have gone the way of the

Mahinda backed party could be a portent of his future reelection.

4. FORAY (NOUN): attack

Synonyms: raid, inroad Antonyms: idleness, laziness

Example Sentence: The next problem is the impact of China’s

unprecedented forays into each of these countries.

5. ARRAY (NOUN): an ordered series Synonyms: batch, display

Antonyms: individual, one Example Sentence: China opened up an array of alternative

trade and connectivity options after the



Synonyms: diehard, unjust

Antonyms: fair, unbiased Example Sentence: Delhi is being shown up as unfeeling and


7. TACTIC (NOUN): an action or strategy Synonyms: ploy, gambit

Antonyms: ignorance, inaction Example Sentence: The Left must consider new tactics for alliance building and popular mobilization.

8. SWAY (NOUN): control

Synonyms: clout, dominion

Antonyms: inability, inefficiency

Example Sentence: India should be expected to hold greater

sway over each of its neighbours.

9. INFILTRATION (NOUN): illegal entry

Synonyms: aggression, intrusion

Antonyms: retreat, evacuation Example Sentence: The theory of the subsequent infiltration of the gold is that generally accepted.

10. IRE (NOUN): anger Synonyms: fury, rage

Antonyms: calm, joy Example Sentence:

General Bipin Rawat’s tough talking last week about immigration has drawn ire


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Synonyms: faithful, dedicated

Antonyms: disloyal, unreliable

Example Sentence: Karan is steadfast towards his work.


Synonyms: puzzle, bewilder

Antonyms: orient, balance

Example Sentence: Vimal is disoriented about Ravi’s query.

3. REPRESS (NOUN): Apprehension

Synonyms: anxiety, worry

Antonyms: assurance, composure

Example Sentence: She had some kind of trepidation in her



(ADJECTIVE): Indecorous

Synonyms: brutish, callow

Antonyms: decent, delicate

Example Sentence: Laura remarks about Donald, however

indelicate but carried the truth.


Synonyms: damaging, injurious

Antonyms: beneficial, harmless

Example Sentence: China opened up an array of alternative

trade and connectivity options after the



Synonyms: brusque, abrupt

Antonyms: polite, gracious

Example Sentence: When Frieda is angry she only gives terse



Synonyms: stimulating, inspiring

Antonyms: boring, monotonous

Example Sentence: His act was stirring.


(ADJECTIVE): Indifferent

Synonyms: insouciant, disinterested

Antonyms: concerned, anxious

Example Sentence: Arpita is a nonchalant girl.


Synonyms: mere, insufficient

Antonyms: adequate, ample

Example Sentence: There was scrimpy room to sit.


(NOUN): Confusion

Synonyms: perplexity, bewilderment

Antonyms: clarity, assurance

Example Sentence: She gazed at Rita in stupefaction.

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1. MORDANT (ADJECTIVE): sarcastic

Synonyms: rancorous, bitter Antonyms: kind, nice Example Sentence: He describes the situation with mordant


2. NARCOTIZE (VERB): anesthetize Synonyms: deaden, desensitize

Antonyms: enliven, revitalize Example Sentence: He prescribed a medicine that does not heal but merely narcotizes.

3. ERUDITE (ADJECTIVE): scholarly

Synonyms: educated, learned Antonyms: unintellectual, absent-minded

Example Sentence: Ella is one of the erudite students of the


4. SPUNKY (ADJECTIVE): spirited

Synonyms: energetic, courageous

Antonyms: inactive, lethargic

Example Sentence: Amelie is a spunky girl.

5. UNDAUNTED (ADJECTIVE): fearless Synonyms: steadfast, undeterred Antonyms: coward, timorous

Example Sentence: David is an undaunted man.

6. APPEASE (VERB): pacify

Synonyms: soothe, satisfy

Antonyms: aggravate, irritate

Example Sentence: Every political party tries to appease the

minorities to create its own vote bank.

7. GENUFLECT (VERB): kowtow

Synonyms: bow, kneel Antonyms: disrespect, disregard Example Sentence: I just genuflect before almighty.


(ADJECTIVE): irreproachable

Synonyms: Blameless. Impeccable

Antonyms: Impeachable, culpable

Example Sentence: He is a man with unimpeachable.


Synonyms: barbed, hateful

Antonyms: friendly, kind

Example Sentence: There stood a very spiteful person in the

corner of the room.


(NOUN): apprehension Synonyms: anxiety, worry

Antonyms: assurance, composure Example Sentence:

She had some kind of trepidation in her mind.

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Synonyms: heroic, daring

Antonyms: meek, afraid Example Sentence: Mona is an unblenching lady.

2. DELICT (NOUN): breach

Synonyms: lawlessness, misdeed

Antonyms: obedience, kindness

Example Sentence: Given evidences showed the sheer delict of all the norms.

3. UNTOWARD (ADJECTIVE): inappropriate

Synonyms: unexpected, unanticipated Antonyms: appropriate, anticipated Example Sentence: Let us take a pledge that no untoward event

will disturb this meeting.

4. GOOF (NOUN): err

Synonyms: mistake, flub

Antonyms: correct, fix Example Sentence: He admitted his goof.

5. AMELIORATE (VERB): improve

Synonyms: alleviate, help

Antonyms: aggravate, injure

Example Sentence: Unless we ameliorate the condition of the working class, we cannot expect the

prosperity of the country.


Synonyms: cantankerous, contentious

Antonyms: agreeable, good-natured

Example Sentence: Madan is gladiatorial by nature.

7. GLOAT (VERB): exclaim triumph Synonyms: relish, crow

Antonyms: be sad, commiserate

Example Sentence: I gloated over my victory.

8. GUZZLE (VERB): drink down fast

Synonyms: gulp, swig

Antonyms: abstain, sip

Example Sentence: James would guzzle his ale.

9. PARCH (VERB): arid

Synonyms: bone dry, sear

Antonyms: moisten, dampen

Example Sentence: The blistering summer sun parched the earth.


Synonyms: bubbly, yeasty

Antonyms: flat, oblate

Example Sentence: She beats the eggs until the mixture become


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1. CLEANSE (VERB): clean

Synonyms: disinfect, purge

Antonyms: dirty, corrupt

Example Sentence: To cleanse your clothes, you will have to use


2. TAINT (NOUN): corruption

Synonyms: blemish, stigma

Antonyms: advantage, blank

Example Sentence: I will not hear it from your lips, and with the

taint of your wickedness upon it.

3. STRAY (VERB): deviate

Synonyms: diverge, divagate

Antonyms: stay, reversion

Example Sentence: We must never stray from our path.

4. PERSIST (VERB): carry on

Synonyms: endure, persevere

Antonyms: discontinue, halt

Example Sentence: The soldiers persisted on carrying on the


5. ASSAULT (VERB): attack

Synonyms: assail, charge

Antonyms: retreat, regroup

Example Sentence: Whenever we assault, we destroy our enemy.

6. FLIMSY (ADJECTIVE): light, thin

Synonyms: feeble, shaky

Antonyms: healthy, sound

Example Sentence: Shipra is flimsy.

7. SCANTY (ADJECTIVE): inadequate

Synonyms: insufficient, meager

Antonyms: enough, full

Example Sentence: The dinner was scanty.

8. DICHOTOMY (NOUN): division

Synonyms: disagreement, split

Antonyms: unity, consensus

Example Sentence: We must remove the dichotomy between the

warring employees.

9. WITHER (VERB): decline

Synonyms: shrink, languish

Antonyms: develop, enlarge

Example Sentence: Intellectuals are withering and self-claimed

foolish masters are ruling the world.


Synonyms: sole, lone

Antonyms: sociable, combined

Example Sentence: We must combat the enemy using our

solitary units.

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Synonyms: laid-back, placid

Antonyms: clamorous, turbulent

Example Sentence: We must work in a serene environment.

2. RHETORIC (NOUN): long speech

Synonyms: discourse, oration

Antonyms: quietness, conciseness

Example Sentence: Sir Martin Luther King Jr was a man of

inspirational rhetoric.



Synonyms: prevalent, authoritative

Antonyms: trivial, inconsequential

Example Sentence: The British had a predominant belief that

they are the most superior in the world.

4. SPLENDID (ADJECTIVE): luxurious

Synonyms: baroque, beautiful

Antonyms: bad, common

Example Sentence: This is a luxurious hotel.


Synonyms: clear, delicate

Antonyms: opaque, thick

Example Sentence: This is a chiffon sight.


used to

Synonyms: acquainted, habituated

Antonyms: unaccustomed, unusual

Example Sentence: We must get accustomed people to get the

job done.

7. KIOSK (NOUN): booth Synonyms: stall, rotunda

Antonyms: brick and mortar shop

Example Sentence: She bought the cellphone sim for her mother

from a kiosk.

8. DENOUNCE (VERB): condemn

Synonyms: castigate, vilify

Antonyms: applaud, laud

Example Sentence: Nuclear explosions must be denounced by

the world powers.

9. GORGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): beautiful

Synonyms: attractive, bright

Antonyms: awful, bad

Example Sentence: She is a gorgeous lady.

10. DENSE (ADJECTIVE): compressed,


Synonyms: heavy, solid

Antonyms: easy, soft

Example Sentence: I crossed through a dense street.

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1. PROD (VERB): incite

Synonyms: nudge, press Antonyms: discourage, repress

Example Sentence: He was prodded to complete the tasks.

2. RAIL (VERB): scold

Synonyms: upbraid, berate

Antonyms: praise, compliment

Example Sentence: The kid was railed by the teacher for his



Synonyms: impractical, unrealistic

Antonyms: practical, pragmatic

Example Sentence: Having a moon top experience in an all new

Honda city is a chivalrous situation.

4. HUBBUB (NOUN): a confusion of

voices and other sounds. Synonyms: bedlam, clang

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: The children filled the room with hubbub.

5. DECIMATE (VERB): destroy

Synonyms: annihilate, exterminate

Antonyms: build, create

Example Sentence: She was trying to decimate my evening


6. PIOUS (ADJECTIVE): dedicated

Synonyms: devout, righteous

Antonyms: sinful, impious

Example Sentence: I have a pious feeling in my mind.

7. TEEM (VERB): Overflow

Synonyms: overrun, full

Antonyms: lack, need

Example Sentence: The sagas teem with references to the


8. ANGUISH (NOUN): pain

Synonyms: affliction, desolation

Antonyms: euphoria, delight

Example Sentence: The patients admitted to safeguard hospital

were in anguish.

9. STATUTORY (ADJECTIVE): sanctioned

Synonyms: lawful, judicial

Antonyms: illegitimate, illicit

Example Sentence: Major Ranveer Singha is on a statutory


10. GUILE (NOUN): trickery

Synonyms: artfulness, artifice

Antonyms: honesty, forthrightness

Example Sentence: He is involved in a guile.

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1. GRUELING (ADJECTIVE): extremely

tiring Synonyms: arduous, fierce

Antonyms: facile, gentle

Example Sentence: The grueling six-day march of nearly 200 km

from Nashik to Mumbai by thousands of


2. REMARKABLE (ADJECTIVE): extraordinary

Synonyms: noteworthy, curious

Antonyms: average, common

Example Sentence: The aim to gherao the Maharashtra

Assembly was remarkable.

3. REFRAIN (VERB): abstain

Synonyms: theme, burden

Antonyms: silence, calmness

Example Sentence: You should refrain from alcohol.

4. MYRIAD (NOUN): multitude

Synonyms: infinite, endless

Antonyms: bounded, measurable

Example Sentence: Disrupting the lives of other citizens is not

how India’s myriad protesters typically


5. PERSUADE (VERB): convince

Synonyms: influence, prompt

Antonyms: dissuade, prevent

Example Sentence: The farmers were persuaded to complete the

final leg of the march.

6. NEGOTIATE (VERB): consort

Synonyms: arrange, confer

Antonyms: confuse, unsuit

Example Sentence:

The government emissaries could negotiate

with their representatives.

7. CONTEND (VERB): struggle to a

difficulty Synonyms: argue, resist

Antonyms: agree, comply

Example Sentence: Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan have had to

contend with new policies.

8. CAVEAT (NOUN): warning

Synonyms: caution, admonition

Antonyms: neglect, ignorance

Example Sentence: The demand that caveats to the State’s loan

waiver scheme be dropped so that genuine

small farmers are not excluded.

9. EFFICACY (NOUN): ability to produce

a desired result

Synonyms: adequacy, ability

Antonyms: failure, idleness

Example Sentence: Demonstration of the efficacy of precision

bombing is seed there.

10. CONSTRICT (VERB): become


Synonyms: restrict, contract

Antonyms: enlarge, expand

Example Sentence: No institutional reforms are undertaken to

free constricted agricultural markets.

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1. SLING (VERB): throw

Synonyms: hoist, hurl

Antonyms: receive, keep

Example Sentence: When she tried to do it with the sling on, she

lost my balance.

2. VISTA (NOUN): glimpse

Synonyms: look, sight

Antonyms: blindness, darkness

Example Sentence: Sweeping lawns and landscaped vistas were

seen on the way.

3. GENOCIDE (NOUN): the deliberate

killing of a large group of people

Synonyms: massacre, slaughter Antonyms: birth, creation

Example Sentence: People were seeking shelter in different

places from genocide in East Pakistan.

4. FRONTIER (NOUN): border

Synonyms: bound, limit

Antonyms: inside, interior

Example Sentence: The distance to frontier ranking score is


5. REINFORCE (VERB): strengthen

Synonyms: bolster, buttress

Antonyms: decrease, diminish

Example Sentence: The Budget reinforced the correction of IDS.

6. FILLIP (NOUN): stimulation

Synonyms: boost, charge

Antonyms: hindrance, deterrent

Example Sentence: These sectors could get a fillip due to raised

customs duties.

7. INSTANCE (NOUN): an example

Synonyms: occurrence, precedent

Antonyms: denial, refusal

Example Sentence: For instance, you may also apply for it.

8. MEAGRE (ADJECTIVE): inadequate

Synonyms: scanty, limited

Antonyms: adequate, enough

Example Sentence: He can’t buy this article because he earns

meagre salary.

9. SQUABBLE (NOUN): minor fight

Synonyms: argument, quarrel

Antonyms: harmony, agreement

Example Sentence: There have been a minor squabble about

phone bills.

10. SUPERVENE (VERB): follow

Synonyms: pursue, supersede

Antonyms: retreat, precede

Example Sentence: When you see your leader like that, you

supervene his notions.

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Synonyms: discordant, strident

Antonyms: mild, subdued

Example Sentence: He is interrupted by a raucous yell.

2. PERSECUTE (VERB): crucify

Synonyms: ill-treat, victimize

Antonyms: console, protect

Example Sentence: He was persecuted by his landlord

3. ADDLE (VERB): to cause (someone) to

think unclearly

Synonyms: muddle, confuse

Antonyms: arrange, be in order

Example Sentence: I suppose the shock had addled his poor


4. MENDACITY (NOUN): insincerity

Synonyms: deceit, deception

Antonyms: truthfulness, honesty

Example Sentence: He cannot find employment at a bank

because of his mendacity.

5. HIDEOUS (ADJECTIVE): very ugly

Synonyms: grotesque, horrible

Antonyms: delightful, gentle

Example Sentence: I saw a hideous crone on the way to the


6. ANIMUS (NOUN): enmity

Synonyms: animosity, antagonism

Antonyms: affinity, adoration

Example Sentence: Why is there an animus in your mind against



Synonyms: contagious, deleterious

Antonyms: harmless, innocuous

Example Sentence: No matter what I do the pestilent squirrels

keep invading my garden.

8. AFTERMATH (NOUN): the outcome

of an event

Synonyms: effects, result

Antonyms: source, cause

Example Sentence: The aftermath of the war is inexplicable.

9. GUSTO (NOUN): great enthusiasm

Synonyms: fervor, relish

Antonyms: apathy, hatred

Example Sentence: He plays football with gusto.

10. CONTINUANCE (NOUN): duration

Synonyms: extension, protraction

Antonyms: ending, cessation

Example Sentence: She will get all the privileges during his

continuance in the service.

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Synonyms: wise, skillful

Antonyms: imprudent, irrational

Example Sentence: A judicious selection of books is essential

for success.

2. ARRAIGN (VERB): incriminate

Synonyms: accuse, indict

Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate

Example Sentence: Before Len was set to arraign, the judge

liked to carefully review each case.

3. ALTERCATION (NOUN): a heated


Synonyms: quarrel, wrangle

Antonyms: agreement, peace

Example Sentence: I had an altercation with my peers.

4. PERPETRATE (VERB): be responsible


Synonyms: carry out, commit

Antonyms: halt, stop

Example Sentence: why would he perpetrate such a complex



Synonyms: endemic, primitive

Antonyms: modern, new

Example Sentence: The aboriginal inhabitants of Africa had an

important influence on their colonial history

6. PROSCRIBE (VERB): forbid

Synonyms: condemn, outlaw

Antonyms: permit, allow

Example Sentence: Indecent films should be proscribed by the


7. PALL (NOUN): Dismay

Synonyms: gloom, melancholy

Antonyms: happiness, excitement

Example Sentence: Shilpi watched in pall as images of the war

were shown on the screen.

8. ANACHRONISTIC (ADJECTIVE): no longer in use

Synonyms: untimely, wrong

Antonyms: appropriate, timely

Example Sentence: In a wider sense, all historical writings are


9. PARRY (VERB): avoid

Synonyms: dodge, bypass

Antonyms: confront, encounter

Example Sentence: Kiran put on her sunglasses to parry his

probing eyes.


Synonyms: omnipresent, common

Antonyms: uncommon, rare

Example Sentence: Corruption is a pervasive issue that touches

all communities.

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1. MAGNITUDE (NOUN): volume

Synonyms: significance, eminence

Antonyms: insignificance, tininess

Example Sentence: The recent finding indicates the magnitude

of the crisis.

2. OVERWHELM (VERB): overcome

Synonyms: crush, defeat

Antonyms: encourage, fail

Example Sentence: The production of plastic has overwhelmed

government’s move.

3. DISCARD (VERB): get rid of something

as no longer useful

Synonyms: abandon, cancel

Antonyms: accept, choose

Example Sentence: The elements of articles discarded by

consumers are seen here.

4. CONTAMINANT (NOUN): pollutant


Synonyms: impurity, toxin

Antonyms: blessing, antidote

Example Sentence: Polypropylene and polythene are

contaminants for atmosphere.


acquisition of something

Synonyms: accretion, inflation

Antonyms: decrease, reduction

Example Sentence: The river became almost blocked by the

accumulation of this obstruction.

6. INDUCE (VERB): succeed in persuading

to something

Synonyms: urge, prompt

Antonyms: destroy, discourage

Example Sentence: These chemicals can induce immune


7. STAGGER (VERB): move unsteadily

Synonyms: teeter, dither

Antonyms: carry on, continue

Example Sentence: The problem is staggering due to eight

million tons of waste.

8. DEBRIS (NOUN): scattered pieces of


Synonyms: rubble, trash

Antonyms: possessions, neatness

Example Sentence: There is now even the Great Pacific Garbage

Patch of plastic debris.

9. DURABLE (ADJECTIVE): long lasting

Synonyms: enduring, stable

Antonyms: temporary, fragile

Example Sentence: Banning single use of bags pay a significant

amount for the more durable ones is a

feasible solution.

10. CONSENSUS (NOUN): a general


Synonyms: harmony, unity

Antonyms: opposition, refusal

Example Sentence: There is consensus that this is the way


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1. OVERTURN (VERB): invalidate

Synonyms: reverse, repeal

Antonyms: approve, permit

Example Sentence:

The Ministry of the Ministry of

Environment, Forests and Climate Change

has overturned the NGT verdict.

2. INTENT (NOUN): intention

Synonyms: preoccupied, resolved

Antonyms: unfixed, unstable

Example Sentence:

It signals the intent to support centres of


3. NURTURE (NOUN): breeding

Synonyms: care, feed

Antonyms: deprivation, starvation

Example Sentence:

The observatory symbols the background to

support many people in need.

4. SERENITY (NOUN): composure

Synonyms: calmness, patience

Antonyms: agitation, disturbance

Example Sentence:

The riverside view is filled with serenity.

5. PROXIMITY (NOUN): nearness

Synonyms: closeness, adjacency

Antonyms: remoteness, distance

Example Sentence:

Do not operate cell phones in close proximity

to television sets.

6. CONSENT (NOUN): agreement

Synonyms: approval, sanction

Antonyms: denial, dissent

Example Sentence:

The green signal is conditional on getting the

consent from the government.

7. PROPONENT (NOUN): advocate

Synonyms: defender, backer

Antonyms: antagonist, detractor

Example Sentence:

Side stepping the requirements by the

project proponents is not the ideal way.


not recognized as having attained an

acceptable standard

Synonyms: authorized, certified

Antonyms: unofficial, unauthorized

Example Sentence:

The agreement was not done by the

organization because it was known as

unaccredited agency.


Synonyms: reasonable, logical

Antonyms: unreasonable, illogical

Example Sentence:

The details of the meetings were submitted to

the people who have a plausible stake in the


10. PRECEDENT (NOUN): an exemplar

Synonyms: paradigm, model

Antonyms: non standardization, imperfection

Example Sentence:

There are substantial precedents for using

interactive media in training

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1. DENATURE (VERB): debase

Synonyms: deteriorate, depreciate

Antonyms: improve, upgrade

Example sentence: The excessive use of pesticides denatured

the land.

2. COVERTLY (ADVERB): clandestinely

Synonyms: surreptitiously, secretly

Antonyms: openly, publicly

Example Sentence: It was a covertly done attack.


Synonyms: establish, compose

Antonyms: destroy, disperse

Example Sentence:

The law incorporated new mandate.

4. PROSCRIPTION (NOUN): prohibition

Synonyms: censorship, embargo

Antonyms: approval, sanction

Example Sentence: There is a proscription on alcoholic drinks in

his house.

5. INTENDED (ADJECTIVE): deliberate

Synonyms: intentional, wilful

Antonyms: unfixed, unplanned

Example Sentence:

It was an intended response from her.

6. ENDOW (VERB): afford

Synonyms: dispense, provide

Antonyms: receive, deny

Example Sentence: The ATM endowed the money.

7. SLEW (NOUN): abundance

Synonyms: aggregation, bunch

Antonyms: little, need

Example Sentence: There was slew currency notes in the bank.


(ADJECTIVE): harmless

Synonyms: innocuous, pleasant

Antonyms: damaging, malicious

Example Sentence: She reacted in a unoffending way.

9. STOW (VERB): hide

Synonyms: cover, lurk

Antonyms: superficial, unimportant

Example Sentence: Why his identity was stowed?

10. MEDICATION (NOUN): analysis

Synonyms: cure, regimen

Antonyms: disease, harm

Example Sentence: The best medication is not given to the poor.

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1. CONCUR (VERB): agree

Synonyms: approve, accord

Antonyms: disapprove, deny

Example Sentence:

In less than an hour, the judge he had been

able to concur on the defendant’s guilt.


accomplished fact

Synonyms: irreversible act, undeniable fact

Antonyms: reversible act, deniable fact

Example Sentence:

Until the auctioneer’s gavel comes down for

the last time, your rival’s bid is not a fait


3. REFRAIN (NOUN): avoid

Synonyms: resist, curb

Antonyms: continue, keep on

Example Sentence:

The treaty was signed when both world

leaders agreed to refrain from building

nuclear weapons for many years.

4. WRECK (NOUN): collapse

Synonyms: debacle, ruin

Antonyms: construction, creation

Example Sentence:

Because they arrested Abhay before he could

hurt anyone else, the police were able to

wreck the serial killer’s plans.

5. DOLE (NOUN): allotment

Synonyms: allocation, division

Antonyms: whole, lot

Example Sentence:

One result was the unemployment dole, at

first a necessity, but afterwards a hindrance

to a return to normal life.



Synonyms: disdainful, imperious

Antonyms: humble, modest

Example Sentence:

I attempted to speak to my teacher about

extra credit, but she was dismissive of my


7. SPRING (VERB): jump

Synonyms: bound, leap

Antonyms: allow, let in

Example Sentence:

Rohit sprang out of bed.



Synonyms: elemental, primitive

Antonyms: complex, intricate

Example Sentence:

You need to have at least a rudimentary

understanding of technology.



Synonyms: indisputable, irrefutable

Antonyms: disputable, refutable

Example Sentence:

No one imagined the unassailable beverage

company would one day be purchased by a

some other bigger entity.

10. PURPORT (NOUN): gist

Synonyms: intent, idea

Antonyms: meaningless, insignificance

Example Sentence:

I do not understand the purport of your


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1. OVERRIDE (VERB): abrogate

Synonyms: annul, nullify

Antonyms: sanction, validate

Example Sentence:

The president has decided to override his

advisors’ decision.


Synonyms: devotion, divinity

Antonyms: impiousness, irreverence

Example Sentence:

The strongest statement regarding

the inviolability of many dogmas is

mentioned in his book.

3. POSIT (VERB): suppose

Synonyms: assume, consider

Antonyms: neglect, ignore

Example Sentence:

Since no other venue is available, I will posit

my condominium as a place for the company

holiday party.



Synonyms: bizarre, exceptional

Antonyms: regular, common

Example Sentence:

The Internet has erased distance and given

people unprecedented access to each other.


Synonyms: urbanite, city boy

Antonyms: immigrant, foreigner

Example Sentence:

Many city dwellers live in rented apartments.

6. BYSTANDAR (NOUN): observer

Synonyms: onlooker, witness

Antonyms: participant, associate

Example Sentence:

As the drivers’ argument became physical, a

bystander had to intervene.

7. CHICANERY (NOUN): deception

Synonyms: trickery, duplicity

Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness

Example Sentence:

He is up to his old chicanery, blaming all

democrats for the recession.


Synonyms: churn, concuss

Antonyms: calm, soothe

Example Sentence:

As his younger brother is a troublemaker, he

likes to agitate his sister by hiding her dolls.


Synonyms: solemn, august

Antonyms: unimpressive, unceremonial

Example Sentence:

The tribe has different ceremonial dance for

each ceremony.


Synonyms: exhausting, laborious

Antonyms: easy, facile

Example Sentence:

In between work and school, the medical

student managed a very grueling schedule.

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1. HYPOCRITE (NOUN): Bluffer

Synonyms: fake, cheat

Antonyms: honesty, truth

Example Sentence: He is a hypocrite, who has himself roused

the people to riot.

2. UNVIABLE (ADJECTIVE): unfeasible

Synonyms: unsuitable, untenable

Antonyms: suitable, feasible

Example Sentence: The board has devised an unviable plan.

3. CRUX (NOUN): problem

Synonyms: crisis, trouble

Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence: She helped me at the time of crux.

4. FORAY (NOUN): attack

Synonyms: intrusion, violation

Antonyms: obedience, surrender

Example Sentence: Indian Army troop made a foray over


5. UPPERHAND (NOUN): advantage

Synonyms: dominance, leverage

Antonyms: disadvantage, subservience

Example Sentence: Having Mishika in their group proved an

upper hand for their team.

6. BACKED (VERB): approved

Synonyms: sanctioned, settled

Antonyms: disapproved, discourage

Example Sentence: Anil backed his family.

7. TRANCHE (NOUN): a portion of


Synonyms: chunk, excerpt

Antonyms: entirety, total

Example Sentence:

I deposited my first tranche of the education


8. PERIL (NOUN): jeopardy

Synonyms: hazard, insecurity

Antonyms: certainty, safety

Example Sentence: You could well place us both in peril.

9. INNUENDO (NOUN): suggestion

Synonyms: connotation, indication

Antonyms: reality, truth

Example Sentence: My innuendo regarding this short film is that

you should have it critically acclaimed first.



Synonyms: accidental, forgetful

Antonyms: attentive, witting

Example Sentence: We are anxious to rectify the unwitting

mistakes made in the past.

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1. DISSUADE (VERB): thwart

Synonyms: divert, prevent

Antonyms: help, aid

Example Sentence:

The purpose of the fence is to dissuade my

neighbours from trespassing on my property.

2. FEAT (NOUN): accomplishment

Synonyms: triumph, victory

Antonyms: failure, forfeit

Example Sentence:

The man was honored when the king learned

of his feat.



Synonyms: regardless, remiss

Antonyms: careful, improved

Example Sentence:

Thanks to several volunteer organizations in

our community, many derelict areas have

been turned into stunning gardens.

4. WOE (NOUN): suffering

Synonyms: anguish, misfortune

Antonyms: contentment, blessing

Example Sentence:

Because the witch was angry about being

excluded from the festivities, she promised a

lifetime of woe to the prince’s parents.

5. ACQUISITION (NOUN): acquirement

Synonyms: achievement, attainment

Antonyms: lack, failure

Example Sentence:

After appearing on a travel show, the small

hotel was experiencing an acquisition of




Synonyms: receptive, prone

Antonyms: insensitive, resistant

Example Sentence:

Dress your children warmly because they are

very susceptible to illness after being

exposed to cold weather.

7. EXODUS (NOUN): leaving

Synonyms: departure, retreat

Antonyms: arriving, coming

Example Sentence:

Because of the exodus of so many refugees,

the town’s public shelters were filled to


8. PLIGHT (NOUN): dilemma

Synonyms: predicament, quandary

Antonyms: advantage, benefit

Example Sentence:

Most wealthy people are unaware of the

plight suffered by people who are hungry and




Synonyms: stereotypical, hackneyed

Antonyms: atypical, unique

Example Sentence:

Gospel reveals the archetypal realities.

10. CHRONIC (ADJECTIVE): incessant

Synonyms: persistent, continual

Antonyms: halting, ceasing

Example Sentence:

She has been dealing with chronic pain for

several months.

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1. GNARLY (ADJECTIVE): different

Synonyms: extraordinary, unique

Antonyms: normal, ordinary

Example Sentence: Ronit is my gnarly fellow.


2. SET OFF (VERB): redeem

Synonyms: compensate, propitiate

Antonyms: disagree, spoil

Example Sentence: After realizing his mistake he proposed to set

off immediately.

3. CONTEMPLATE (VERB): observe

Synonyms: study, scrutinize

Antonyms: neglect, ignore

Example Sentence: Hiten contemplated his presence in the office.


Synonyms: diligent, fastidious

Antonyms: careless, dishonest

Example Sentence: He is a punctilious entrepreneur.

5. EXULTATION (NOUN): extreme happiness

Synonyms: bliss, ecstasy

Antonyms: sorrow, woe

Example Sentence: She laughed in exultation.

6. GRAVELY (ADVERB): severely

Synonyms: deeply, seriously

Antonyms: lightly, calmly

Example Sentence: Each and every passenger in the bus was

gravely injured.


(ADJECTIVE): lightweight

Synonyms: flimsy, gauzy

Antonyms: opaque, thick

Example Sentence: She was wearing a gossamer necklace.

8. DIRT POOR (ADJECTIVE): insolvent

Synonyms: penniless, penurious

Antonyms: wealthy, affluent

Example Sentence: The PM’s yojya was proved helped to

the dirt poor villages.


(ADJECTIVE): miserable

Synonyms: calamitous, deplorable

Antonyms: cheery, happy

Example Sentence: 1. Why are you living such a dolorific life?


Synonyms: filthy, soiled

Antonyms: clean, spotless

Example Sentence: Don’t touch my dress with grubby hands.

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1. SWAY (NOUN): strong influence

Synonyms: power, authority

Antonyms: inefficiency, powerlessness

Example Sentence: The CEO of a company holds sway over all of his


2. SLANDER (NOUN): defamation

Synonyms: aspersion, calumny

Antonyms: praise, compliment

Example Sentence: The magazine is known for its habit of creating false

articles that slander celebrities in order to increase


3. PROPAGANDA (NOUN): disinformation

Synonyms: doctrine, brainwashing

Antonyms: truth, reality

Example Sentence: Voters should listen to facts and not to the

propaganda distributed by the media.


Synonyms: vigorous, influential

Antonyms: ineffective, insignificant

Example Sentence: It only took one shot of the potent antibiotic to cure

the infection.

5. CRUMPLE (NOUN): wrinkle

Synonyms: ruck, crinkle

Antonyms: smoothness, levelness

Example Sentence: By folding your clothing neatly, you can help them

stay ironed and crumple free.

6. EVOLVE (VERB): expand

Synonyms: develop, grow

Antonyms: stop, lessen

Example Sentence: Our Company has evolved into a major furniture


7. PRICKLY (ADJECTIVE): irritable

Synonyms: grumpy, fractious

Antonyms: nice, calm

E Example Sentence: Maithili was all tired and irritable.

8. 8. MANDATE (NOUN): command

S Synonyms: decree, order

Antonyms: request, demand

Example Sentence: When mother and I are away from home, my

teenage sister has the mandate to supervise the

rest of the family.

9. IMBIBE (VERB): absorb

Synonyms: guzzle, ingest

Antonyms: abstain, refrain

Example Sentence: 1. If I imbibe too much cold-drink, I find that I am

troubled with extreme bouts of hiccupping.


Synonyms: acerbic, caustic

Antonyms: gentle, kind

Example Sentence: Her body is witnessed of the corrosive effects of

salt water.

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Synonyms: crazed, maniacal

Antonyms: rational, sensible

Example Sentence:

Army went berserk with an arsenal of



Synonyms: comatose, sleeping

Antonyms: active, wakeful

Example Sentence:

Why do you look so dormant all the



Synonyms: timid, sheepish

Antonyms: brave, confident

Example Sentence:

Sia is a kind of diffident person.


Synonyms: pricey, steep

Antonyms: cheap, moderate

Example Sentence:

The case had taken up an inordinate

amount of time.

5. EGRESS (NOUN): Departure

Synonyms: emanation, exiting

Antonyms: entrance, arrival

Example Sentence:

They hinted at the direct means of

access and egress for passengers.

6. ENGROSS (VERB): Bewitch

Synonyms: captivate, enrapture

Antonyms: disenchant, disgust

Example Sentence:

Yesterday Priyanshi engrossed

everybody at the party.



Synonyms: effective, energetic

Antonyms: lethargic, lifeless

Example Sentence:

Vishal has a very dynamic personality.

8. DEBACLE (NOUN): Catastrophe

Synonyms: beating, collapse

Antonyms: attainment,


Example Sentence:

When the movie was released, it was

called a debacle by the audience.

9. BEFOUL (VERB): Defile

Synonyms: dishonor, pillage

Antonyms: honor, praise

Example Sentence:

Many graves were befouled.

10. DEMUR (VERB): Object

Synonyms: refuse, dissent

Antonyms: support, help

Example Sentence:

She demurred enter into the new

business deal.

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1. MAR (VERB): spoil

Synonyms: ruin, impair

Antonyms: repair, mend

Example Sentence: They tried to marred her image.

2. MANNED (ADJECTIVE): defended

Synonyms: barricaded, guarded

Antonyms: unprotected, unguarded

Example Sentence: It was a manned villa.


Synonyms: flammable, explosive

Antonyms:, non-combustible, non-explosive

Example Sentence: Don’t touch that bag it has a combustible material in


4. DEPLOY (VERB): expand

Synonyms: unfold, extend

Antonyms: withhold, not use

Example Sentence: Their campaigns are deploying volunteers to the cities

to encourage people to vote.

5. LAPSE (NOUN): mistake

Synonyms: error, a slip

Antonyms: correction, perfection

Example Sentence: Letting off the accused murderer, the citizens felt

there was a lapse in justice.

6. OVERLAY (VERB): superimpose

Synonyms: cover, coat

Antonyms: strip, uncover

Example Sentence: Mysterious domain of smoke overlay the whole space

in front.

7. RAGING (ADJECTIVE): violent

Synonyms: furious, turbulent

A Antonyms: calm, mild

E Example Sentence: Moving swiftly down the raging river, drowning

Mukul tried his best to stay afloat while fighting

the strong current.

8. TRITE (ADJECTIVE): drained

Synonyms: exhausted, worn-out

Antonyms: fresh, new

Example Sentence: She did not finish the novel because the story’s

plot was trite and uninspiring.

9. RELAY (VERB): pass on

Synonyms: hand over, deliver

Antonyms: hold, keep

Example Sentence: In an attempt to relay updated information to all

of the guests, the bride-to-be sent out a mass

email with the new venue address.


Synonyms: impromptu, instinctive

Antonyms: deliberate, intended

Example Sentence: He never plans anything because he is

extremely spontaneous.

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Synonyms: sharp, stinging

Antonyms: blunt, mild

Example Sentence:

Some chemicals have a very pungent smell.


Synonyms: brash, audacious

Antonyms: afraid, fearful

Example Sentence:

Kanika is an extremely cheeky girl.

3. PARAGON (NOUN): apotheosis

Synonyms: epitome, exemplar

Antonyms: imperfection, flow

Example Sentence:

Kritika’s nature is paragon to everyone.

4. PARASITE (NOUN): barnacle

Synonyms: bloodsucker, deadbeat

Antonyms: benefactor, supporter

Example Sentence:

Ruffians are parasite to their family.

5. KEN (NOUN): purview

Synonyms: acumen, apprehension

Antonyms: misconception, misinterpretation

Example Sentence:

The politics in the office is beyond my ken.


Synonyms: indecent, bawdy

Antonyms: decent, respectful

Example Sentence:

Satyen always cracks smutty jokes.

7. DEARTH (NOUN): paucity

Synonyms: scarcity, deficiency

Antonyms: plenty, affluence

Example Sentence:

There is a dearth of evidence.


Synonyms: serene, tranquil

Antonyms: agitated, disturbed

Example Sentence:

Placid surroundings of Manali enthralled



Synonyms: disturbing, pathetic

Antonyms: soothing, pleasant

Example Sentence:

Gauri has come across many agonizing

experiences throughout her life.

10. PENURIOUS (ADJECTIVE): economical

Synonyms: penny-pinching, expedient

Antonyms: wasteful, improvident

Example Sentence:

Laura is pretty much a penurious girl.

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Vocabulary Words- 31.03.2018

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