Examples of Social Media use in Higher Education & Student Affairs (2014)

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(More here: http://paulgordonbrown.com/category/spotlights/spotlight-socialmedia-use-in-highered/) Semi-weekly, I try to highlight innovative and interesting uses of social media in the higher education and student affairs space. The following is a review of all those highlighted in 2014.

Transcript of Examples of Social Media use in Higher Education & Student Affairs (2014)

2014Year in Reviewwww.paulgordonbrown.com

14Examples of Social Media use in Higher Education and Student Affairs

A summary of 2014’s


2014Year in Reviewwww.paulgordonbrown.com

Boston College’s Viral Video: Happy

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Fraternity Brothers of Transy Viral Video: Shake it Off

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Lehigh University Professor’s Read Mean RateMyProf Reviews

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Columbia College President’s Madden NFL Game Challenge

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University of Houston & Northwestern’s Athletic Scholarship Surprise Video

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Cornell University’s Admissions Blogs

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The use of first-person student blogs on admissions websites isn’t new, but Cornell University has given broad latitude to its student bloggers to share their uncensored experiences.  From the blog landing page, one has links to student blogs on independent platforms including Tumblr, Instagram, WordPress, and others.  It’s a refreshing take on student admissions blogs that break out of the usual university template.

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University of Michigan Snapchat

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Snapchat is an odd social network/chat app to be using for engagement with your students, but a couple of institutions are trying it out.  Most recently, the University of Michigan joined the University of Houston beginning efforts in this uncharted territory.  With Snapchat being one of the most popular apps for students in the 18-24 year old demographic, it makes sense.

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Loyola University Maryland Facebook Cover Photos

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Loyola University of Maryland started this very simple effort to promote their institution and develop a sense of community and belonging amongst their students.  By creating pre-formatted Facebook cover photos, they are making it easier than ever for students to show their pride.  Check out their landing page. Images are updated yearly for incoming classes and provide a range of options.

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Mississippi State University’s Social Study Abroad

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The study abroad space is ripe for social media efforts.  With students dispersed across the globe, communication is easier through social media.  Additionally, with these once-in-a-liftime opportunities come some great photos and stories.  Media that can aid in getting other students excited about a study abroad experience.  Mississippi State University held photo and blogging contests form 2009-2011 to get their students sharing about their experiences.  They also game-ified them through voting to add an element of competition. It includes a “Bulldog Radar” map of where students are.

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Northeastern University’s Online Tours

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This isn’t a social media example, per se, but it is a great example of deploying digital technologies to offer opportunities for guests and prospective students.  Northeastern University utilizes a platform from YouVisit to power it’s virtual video tours.  They’re engaging and feature a real tour guide.

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University of Houston’s Engagement Efforts

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The University of Houston is a leading institution in engaging with their students on social media.  Check out the page they label “Why Follow UH?” which gives a number of great examples of how they’re engaging their students.

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Oregon State University’s Benny on the Move

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Oregon State University encouraged students and alumni to post pictures of a cut out of their famous "Benny the Beaver" mascot in various locations and tag them on Flickr with the hashtag #BennyOnTheMove.  It's a great way to spread pride, a little bit of joy, and increase brad recognition.  Of course, although OSU used Flickr, you could also replicate campaigns on Instagram and other social networks.  It might also be a great idea to send your study abroad students off with a mascot to showcase your school's international efforts.

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Harvard University’s Social Media Directory

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More and more institutions are beginning to create “social media directories” or landing pages that catalog all of the different social media presences of their departments and offices.  Harvard takes this one step further with their creation of a multimedia landing page that incorporates video, audio, photos, iTunesU podcasts and audio all into one page.  It creates a hub for all sorts of content that can be shared and reused on webpages and accounts.  An excellent opportunity for collaboration across the institution to cross-promote each other’s work.

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Yale University’s Admissions video…

2014Year in Reviewwww.paulgordonbrown.com

In 2010, Yale University produced this highly slick and fun admissions video to highlight the many features of its campus.  They used the highly shareable strategy of creating a “musical” about their college.

Followed by Harvard’s response…

Yale University’s Admissions video…

2014Year in Reviewwww.paulgordonbrown.com

In 2010, Yale University produced this highly slick and fun admissions video to highlight the many features of its campus.  They used the highly shareable strategy of creating a “musical” about their college.

Followed by Harvard’s response…

2014Year in Reviewwww.paulgordonbrown.com

New spotlights every Monday.

Examples of Social Media use in Higher Education and Student Affairs




Paul Gordon Brown