Example one - Web viewIndividualism: In this scene, Anna and the King are discussing her living...

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Transcript of Example one - Web viewIndividualism: In this scene, Anna and the King are discussing her living...

Hofstede Six Dimensions of “Anna & the



Mr. Stephen Trinder


Afrah Alradhi


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Table of ContentsExample one................................................................................................................................................3

Power Distance:.......................................................................................................................................3


Example two................................................................................................................................................4

Power distance.........................................................................................................................................4


Example three..............................................................................................................................................5


Example four...............................................................................................................................................6

Long term orientation:.............................................................................................................................6


Example Five...............................................................................................................................................7

Power Distance:.......................................................................................................................................7


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Example one

Power Distance:

In this scene, the first moment Anna enters to the ministry to greet the Prime Minister. Immediately I

noticed the different between low and high power distance. Siamese people bowing to the Prime Minister

serves as an example of acceptance of uneven distribution of power in an oriental society. In contrast,

Anna is not bowing is an example of low score on power distance a characteristic of western culture.

From the result, Thailand has 64 of power distance and United Kingdom has 35 of power distance. This is

showing an example of high versus low PD.

Individualism: In addition, Anna is also showing an individualistic character by demanding things. In this scene Anna is

insisting on having a separate home for her (outside the palace) as promised in her employment contract.

In this scene the Prime Minister said to Anna “sir will be shown to palace quarters” then Anna said “the

King promised us a home outside the palace walls it is what was agreed upon”. Individualist cultures

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known by self-reliance, independence, and placement of self-interest over collective interest as we can

see in Anna. However, the collective cultures are known for sharing resources in a group and are ready to

give up personal interests for the collective interest of the group. The Prime Minister told Anna that she

will have a place in the palace which is in the best interest of the group (the King’s family). The reason

for this is that the teacher (Anna) will be close to the royal family to answer their requests anytime. In

addition, the King thinks by her staying in the palace he wouldn’t need to worry about her wellbeing. As

an independent woman, Anna, refused the constraints this setup will cause her. She wanted to raise her

boy in a home of her own. This problem will shape a good part of the movie and will later lead to Anna

confronting the King about it. Finally, the United Kingdom has a score of 89 on individualism which is

high while Thailand scores 20. This shows how separated the two countries are and how those striking

difference can lead to different opinions about the subject of staying or not staying in the palace.

Example two

Power distance In this scene, the King’s son is asked to demonstrate his knowledge of Siam. It is an example of Power

distance where powerful people try to look as powerful as possible and show their respect for authority.

In high power distance societies, inequality is the norm; everyone has a specific place and powerful

people try to look as powerful as possible, as we can see in the king’s son comments. He said “Siam

population 6 million, spreading across 49 bountiful provinces from Burma in the west to Cambodia in the

east. Presided over by King Maha Mongkut, lord of life whose strength and power reach everywhere”

Anna’s son responded “not in my house they don’t” the King’s son said” son of teacher is forgetting I am

son of King”.

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Masculinity:Next when the King’s son said” you will sit somewhere else” Anna’s son said” I will not” Anna said”

Louis, remember what I told you” Anna’s son said” I’m sorry mother but he started it” the King’s son

said ‘in my country, man never tell women he is sorry about anything ever. If you had a father, you would

know that”. Masculinity from the movie angle, the king’s son believes that the power is the key role to

create their own strength, and with respecting the women in the kingdom they show they representing the

weakness in their personality. In addition, masculinity cultures believe that clear and specific gender

roles. Clearly distinct gender roles as we can see that in the King’s son.

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Example three

Individualism: In this scene, Anna and the King are discussing her living arrangements. Anna said “well, your Majesty, I

am most flattered by your welcome, and I fine the opportunity to be in school an exciting one such

devotion to progress is to be commended” The King said “ reform is vital my country’s survival, as tiny

feet change so, too, will Siam” Anna said “But being in a country with so many unique customs, if I am to

raise my son to be like his father, which I very much hope he will be, then I must feel free to follow our

own traditions”. Individualism cultures know in the ideas that they hold unique beliefs. This shows an

example of individualism versus collectivism

To explain, the King wants Anna to stay with him within the palace grounds. Anna is trying hard to

improve her own situation rather than that of the group (the King and his family). The King said “it is my

pleasure that you stay in my palace”, Anna replied “But it is not mine!” In this scene Anna continues her

struggle to have her own house outside the palace so she is more comfortable and better able to raise her

son. To the King it was best for the group (his family and the rest of public) that Anna stays in the Palace.

Individualism cultures know that they like to have work but the work is separate from the personal life.

The UK scores 89 on individualism which is high. So we can see this in Anna’s independence.

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Example four

Long term orientation: In this scene, Mr. Kincaid said “you have a remarkable family, king Mongkut a remarkably large one

hardly seems fair all these women for one man makes me I were Siamese myself Ha ” the King replied

”Mycroft Kincaid of East India Trading Company correct?” ; “Guilty as charged, your Majesty” Mr.

Kincaid responded “Mr. Kincaid’s company is merely one of the ways we try to foster economic relations

with other countries, you majesty” the King said ‘ also, I think, to arrive at forefront of world in wealth

and power, yes? Still, progress through commerce is logic king find most practical and excellent topic for

discussion”. In this scene the King is building a long term alliance with the British to help preserve his

Kingdom. Here we see the King is hosting the British commissioner and the head of the East India

Company, two powerful figures. The King is trying to appease to the British in an attempt to strengthen

his position facing the French influence in Vietnam and Burma. Long term cultures believe that

relationships are important for their success. The King is recognizing the changing world around him and

he is trying to play politics to preserve his power. He is showing his British guests that he can be their

friend. He even made the dinner party follow a western style in food, table arrangement and the after-

dinner Waltz.

Collectivist:In addition, when Mr. Kincaid’s says “you have a remarkable family, king Mongkut a remarkably large

one hardly seems fair all these women for one man makes me wish I was Siamese myself Ha”. This is

another example of collectivism that low individualism cultures tend to have extended families. The king

has many children and women and a big royal family. Moreover, they are living in one place in the palace

which is another characteristic of low individualism cultures. In contrast, families in the British culture

with high score on individualism tend to be small and children leave their parents’ homes after they grow


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Example Five

Power Distance: Other examples of power distance subjects bowing to the King. In this silent moment, we see the King

stepping out and the Siamese people immediately bowing to the King. Power Distance cultures respect

authority and everyone has a specific place as we can see in this example. However, Anna is not bowing

to the king which is an example of low power distance. Moreover, low power distance cultures believe

that all people are equal. Thailand scores 64 on power distance and the United Kingdom scores 35. This is

showing an example of high versus low power distance.

Additionally, collectivist societies tend to be hierarchical and in this example the bowing subjects united

by this practice and acceptance to great power distance between them and the King.

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BibliographyHofstede: Individualism / Collectivism. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2016, from Andrews:


Hofstede: Long Term / Short Term. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2016, from https://www.andrews.edu/~tidwell/HofstedeLongTerm.html

Hofstede: Power Distance. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2016, from Andrews: https://www.andrews.edu/~tidwell/bsad560/HofstedePowerDistance.html

What about Thailand? (n.d.). Retrieved June 13, 2016, from Geert Hofstede: https://geert-hofstede.com/thailand.html

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