Example Of Children And The Media (Critical Research)

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Example Of Children And The Media (Critical Research)

Children and the Media!Critical Research Project!

Key Concepts!

  children as audiences!

  conventions of media which children consume!

  media industries and children’s media!

  how childhood is represented!

Sample Project!

  anxieties about children and video games!


  how are videogames classified ?!

Example from Web !


  what does media coverage say about children and videogames?!


  what games do young kids actually play!

  what do they and their parents think about them ?!

Example from Primary!

  survey by questionnaire of 40 parents of 5-8 year olds revealed 85% were concerned about the games their children play!

  in-depth interviews with groups of parents revealed more complex and subtle reasons for this concern!

Forms and Conventions!

  what are the conventions of the games aimed at kids!

  what conventions are there in games they actually play ?!

Textual Analysis!

Wider Context!

  historical analysis of video games!

Example from Book!

Children and the Media!Critical Research Project!