Example of a Student work that was an outcome of the integration of technology The key learning...

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Example of a Student work that was an outcome of the integration of technology The key learning...

Example of a Student work that was an outcome of the

integration of technology The key learning focus was spatial concepts, language development (making sentences by giving directions) and speech (pronunciation of words) aimed particularly at four students with speech difficulties

Aim of the ActivityUsing the computer software to formally introduce spatial concepts and to link these to the real world by orally giving directions to others in a fun way.

Technology Implemented

• Age appropriate software with games about directions

• Digital camera to record and assess children’s speech and interactions

• Laptop and networked computer

• Data projector

Steps of the Sequenced Learning Activity1. Introduced a puppy dog called

Houdilli. Explained that she was a lovely yet sometimes naughty puppy who needed to learn commands and be trained to follow directions. Houdilli was then passed around and hugged by all of the Prep students. I explained that she had a brother called Houdini who was very well behaved and that we would visit him soon on computer as he lived inside it.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity2. The next day Houdilli

came to school and she was upset because she had to leave her dog house at home and she had nowhere to sleep at school. So the children decided to make her a dog house for school. They designed it and selected a box to paint.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity

3. The program containing the computer dog Houdini was then introduced to the whole class on the laptop using the data projector. We had a go at it altogether with different children placing Houdini in the right spot. Houdilli watched as well to make sure that she understood what kind of training she would be in for.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity

4. The following days involved the children playing the program on the computer in pairs with Houdilli. This encouraged the children with speech difficulties to listen and speak to others while “playing” on the computer They began informally playing with Houdilli and the dog house in real life giving each other verbal directions about what to do with Houdilli and following these directions.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity

5. We labeled the dog house and talked about written words that we use for each of the directions as these were also on the program they were playing.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity

6. We then had a whole class discussion on training Houdilli and the children decided that to train Houdilli properly we could show her how to follow the directions. Of course someone had to give the directions (the child who wears the clown hat) and someone had to move Houdilli.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity

7. We weren’t sure if Houdilli understood the directions clearly and decided that if dogs couldn’t speak that we probably needed to show her ourselves by acting them out with our own pretend doghouse. Then she would pick up the words by following the things that we did.

Steps for the Sequenced Learning Activity

8. Houdilli now works on the computer as a buddy to the children. She still needs lessons on dog obedience and the children are now encouraged to use clear spoken instructions with her such as “Houdilli go over the dog


Outcome of Using Technology

The whole class has transferred their knowledge of the spatial concepts and speech into their everyday play particularly in the playground and on the obstacle course. The four students with speech language difficulties have gained confidence and have begun to overcome speech language difficulties enormously since the technology accompanied with Houdilli, Endo and Houdini have been introduced. We also use Houdilli and the computer program in a cognitive development program. This program has been enhanced since the introduction of learning episodes with the

computer and 3D play. Therefore the example of student work that is an outcome of the integration of technology is their improved

confidence and ability to speak clearly and correctly.