Exam Questions Foot Bones

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Exam Questions Foot Bones

QuestionsFoot Bones

The highlighted bone is called the

1 Navicular

2 Calcaneus

3 Talus

4 Cuboid

5 Lateral cuneiform

Question 1 – foot bones

The highlighted bone is called the

1 Navicular F

2 Calcaneus F

3 Talus F

4 Cuboid T

5 Lateral cuneiform F

This is the cuboid

Question 1 – foot bones

Inversion of the foot is effected by:

1 Tibialis anterior

2 Peroneus tertius

3 Tibialis posterior

4 Gastrocnemius

5 Peroneus longus

Question 2 - foot bones

Inversion of the foot is effected by:

1 Tibialis anterior T

2 Peroneus tertius F

3 Tibialis posterior T

4 Gastrocnemius F

5 Peroneus longus F

Peroneus tertius, longus and brevis are all evertors of the foot. Gastrocnemius can neither invert nor evert the foot.

Question 2 - foot bones

The following structures attach to the highlighted bone

1 Long plantar ligament

2 Flexor digitorum brevis

3 Plantaris

4 Peroneus brevis

5 Flexor hallucis longus

Question 3 - foot bones

The following structures attach to the highlighted bone

1 Long plantar ligament T

2 Flexor digitorum brevis T

3 Plantaris T

4 Peroneus brevis F

5 Flexor hallucis longus F

This is the calcaneus.The long plantar ligament is a long flat band that extends from the plantar surface of the calcaneus and attaches to the cuboid and bases of metatarsals 2-5. The ligament stabilises the tarsal bones and maintains the longitudinal arch of the foot.

Question 3 - foot bones

In the foot, the navicular articulates with:

1 talus

2 calcaneus

3 cuboid

4 the base of the first metatarsal

5 lateral cuneiform

Question 4 - foot bones

In the foot, the navicular articulates with:

1 talus T

2 calcaneus F

3 cuboid T

4 the base of the first metatarsal F

5 lateral cuneiform T

Question 4 - foot bones

Concerning the talus

1 it is the largest bone in the tarsus

2 it has no muscles or tendons inserted to it

3 it articulates with the navicular

4 it forms the roof of the sinus tarsi

5 it is the tarsal bone that most commonly undergoes avascular necrosis

Question 5 - foot bones

Concerning the talus

1 it is the largest bone in the tarsus F

2 it has no muscles or tendons inserted to it T

3 it articulates with the navicular T

4 it forms the roof of the sinus tarsi T

5 it is the tarsal bone that most commonly undergoes avascular necrosis


The calcaneus is the largest bone in the tarsus.The sinus tarsi is a bony tunnel between the neck of the talus and the upper surface of the calcaneus. The lack of tendinous/muscular attachments is believed to be an important factor in the talus’s particular susceptibility to avascular necrosis.

Question 5 - foot bones

With regard to the navicular

1 It articulates with the lateral cuneiform

2 It articulates with the medial cuneiform

3 Tibialis anterior is attached to it

4 Peroneus longus is attached to it

5 Tibialis posterior is attached to it

Question 6 - foot bones

With regard to the navicular

1 It articulates with the lateral cuneiform T

2 It articulates with the medial cuneiform T

3 Tibialis anterior is attached to it F

4 Peroneus longus is attached to it F

5 Tibialis posterior is attached to it T

Tibialis anterior and peroneus longus attach to the medial cuneiform and the base of 1st metatarsal.

Question 6 - foot bones

Concerning the metatarsal bones

1 the 2nd metatarsal is normally the longest of the metatarsals

2 the peroneus longus tendon is attached to the base of the 5th metatarsal

3 the tibialis anterior is attached to the 1st metatarsal base

4 the 4th and 5th metatarsals contribute to the lateral longitudinal plantar arch

5 the navicular articulates with the base of the 1st metatarsal

Question 7 - foot bones

Concerning the metatarsal bones

1 the 2nd metatarsal is normally the longest of the metatarsals


2 the peroneus longus tendon is attached to the base of the 5th metatarsal


3 the tibialis anterior is attached to the 1st metatarsal base


4 the 4th and 5th metatarsals contribute to the lateral longitudinal plantar arch


5 the navicular articulates with the base of the 1st metatarsal


Peroneus brevis, not longus, is attached to the base of the 5th metatarsal.The navicular is separated from the metatarsal bases by the three cuneiform bones. 

Question 7 - foot bones

Concerning the bones of the foot

1 the cuboid articulates with the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals

2 the calcaneus is common both to the medial and lateral longitudinal plantar arches

3 the talus articulates with the calcaneus, navicular and lateral cuneiform

4 the sustentaculum tali is a bony projection which articulates with the talus

5 the undersurface of the cuboid is grooved by the peroneus longus tendon

Question 8 - foot bones

Concerning the bones of the foot

1 the cuboid articulates with the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals


2 the calcaneus is common both to the medial and lateral longitudinal plantar arches


3 the talus articulates with the calcaneus, navicular and lateral cuneiform


4 the sustentaculum tali is a bony projection which articulates with the talus


5 the undersurface of the cuboid is grooved by the peroneus longus tendon


The cuboid articulates with the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsals.The talus articulates with the navicular and calcaneus but not with the lateral cuneiform.

Question 8 - foot bones

Structures attached to the highlighted bone include

1 plantar aponeurosis

2 tendo calcaneus

3 medial collateral ligament of ankle joint

4 lateral collateral ligament of ankle joint

5 peroneus brevis

Question 9 - foot bones

Structures attached to the highlighted bone include

1 plantar aponeurosis T

2 tendo calcaneus T

3 medial collateral ligament of ankle joint T

4 lateral collateral ligament of ankle joint T

5 peroneus brevis F

This is the calcaneus viewed from the medial aspect.The calcaneo-fibular band of the lateral collateral ligament is attached to the lateral surface of the calcaneus.Peroneus brevis is attached to the styloid process on the base of the 5th metatarsal, not to the calcaneus.

Question 9 - foot bones

Concerning movements of the ankle and foot

1 tibialis anterior is a dorsiflexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot

2 peroneus brevis is a plantar flexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot

3 peroneus tertius is a dorsiflexor of the ankle joint and evertor of the foot

4 tibialis posterior is a plantarflexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot

5 soleus is a plantarflexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot

Question 10 - foot bones

Concerning movements of the ankle and foot

1 tibialis anterior is a dorsiflexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot


2 peroneus brevis is a plantar flexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot


3 peroneus tertius is a dorsiflexor of the ankle joint and evertor of the foot


4 tibialis posterior is a plantarflexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot


5 soleus is a plantarflexor of the ankle joint and invertor of the foot F

Peroneus brevis is indeed a weak plantarflexor of the ankle but it is an evertor of the foot.Soleus is a plantar flexor of the ankle joint; however it can neither evert nor invert the foot.

Question 10 - foot bones