Evolution powerpont

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evolution powerpont

I want to speak and to express my opinion about this story and about these things. I think that marriage between two people belonging to different religions is a normal thing and I don’t find any dangerous and criminal in it, no matter whether you are Christian or Moslem or Mohammedan you must listen to your heart instead of thinking that it might seem not natural as when there are people of different way of thinking different traditions different believes in one family> This thoughts and fillings shouldn’t control over them. Those are trivial things which shouldn’t prevent family members from establishing good relations in the family and maintain their family union. Love and mutual understanding and respect should be laid in the basis of family conception and we must remember that there are millions of people in the world who are very different and consequently they possess different moral ideology and mindset so every human being is unique unit, so in the human relations we must take them as it is putting aside judgments and respect every body’s own way of thinking. It is useless to dispute on this matter instead we should remain to differ. In general all this religions confirm and acknowledge God’s existence, only with they are named differently by different nations, God, Jesus Christ, or Allahh and so on. What concerns world making origin opinions naturally differ

The Human evolution

True or false?

are organs molecules in space. In good conditions these organisms can arise in life which is typical for

slow development of the internal modifications. Maybe there are galaxies that are devoid of molecules. We believe that there is a supernatural force inwards,

which has created all this. However, since we have no evidence in this area and unfortunately we cannot find. And then ask you to give us the evidence, because you seem to know more and more evidence than we have,

and if we happen to make the discussion more interesting oppose you. Numerous attempts have been

made to identify the origin of man. The scientists believe that man is a product of evolution. Evolution of

the space is a very slow process. The origin and evolution of human nature take a small part of the universe. However, studies in our area opened the

curtains, which are close to the ancient past. The space is in the process of evolution. Active phenomena were

taking place in the past, present and future. Life in space appeared to be randomly. There

The so-called exploded nuclear galaxies, which are easily

decomposed under the influence of the powerful X-rays, are turned into

simple atoms and elementary particles. Our galaxy during its existence did not live in such an

explosion. But it is possible that a very distant future, such a

phenomenon occurs in our Galaxy as well, especially when it is, as its size and mass is considered to be medium to large, almost giant galaxy. So the appearance of a natural phenomenon

in space first of all is a result of certain physical processes. And what about the emergence of life on the

Earth, yes, it is a random phenomenon. Just like every day there are car accidents, natural

phenomenon, accident, and that can happen to my car, is an accident.

The human being is the result of evolution. Process is the development process which

consists of a gradual change, with no abrupt change. Often when we speak about evolution we mean the biological evolution. Biological evolution living historical development of targeted and permanent nature which is accompanied by changes in population

genetics, adaptation design, animal design and disappearing Parallel evolution of future

generations to come on their properties, which are the result of mutation or change of genes

between populations.

This Documentary has been created by Komitas and Sona, class 10²