Evolution of Global Health Landscape – its architecture and governance.

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Evolution of Global Health Landscape – its architecture and


What is Global Health?

“Health issues where the determinants circumvent, undermine, or are oblivious to the territorial boundaries of states, and are thus beyond the capacity of individual countries to address through domestic institutions. It focus on people across the whole planet. It recognizes that health is determined by problems, issues and concerns that transcend national boundaries.”

Global Health involves all partners from government, communities, to foundations, NGOs and private sectors.


Global Health and International Health

International Global Health

Scope Conventional Health Care issues

Extend to Social Determinants of Health, Trade, Climate change, Security

Actors Government health sector technocrats

Extend to other sectors, Private Sector, NGOs, GHPs Foundations, Academia

Influencing Instruments

Constitutions, Regulations, Conventions

Other soft laws, financial and trade,Social and intellectual

Four major challenges on GH structures

• Globalization – freer flow of people, investments, goods and services and information

• Emergence of new actors - especially other sectors, NGOs, private sector and GHPs competing with existing IGOs, even normative functions

• The shifting geopolitical order including the formation of regional bodies and likeminded clubs, e.g. BRICS, FPGH, ASEAN

• Funding structure – more donors’ influences6

Five metaphors about Global Health

• GH as foreign policy – trade, democracy, economic growth, image, destabilize countries

• GH as security – bioterrorism, pandemic, AMR, MDR, HIV

• GH as charity – fight poverty, philanthropy

• GH as investment – economic development – Medical tourisms, infectious diseases

• GH as public health – maximize health effect – FCTC, IHR, UC, HR migration, AMR, MDR TB, HIV, etc

Global Health Players - not only WHO



• Foundations: BMGF, RF, CMB, Wellcome Trust..

• INGOs: MSF, Oxfam, Clinton foundation..

• Global Health Partnerships: GAVI, GF, …

• Private Sector – drugs, foods, tobacco, alcohol…

• Emerging MICs – more than 100 countries, 5/7 of pop

Crowded Global Health Landscape


Who influence Global Health Partnerships – Northern Global Actors and private sector?? (analysis of 298 board seats of GHPs)


(Little contribution but high representation)

(so small?)

Influence of WHO as compare to private sector and BMGF????

(mainly BMGF)


Global Health Financing – two decades

Global FundThis is only 6% of total national health spending and 26% in low income countries

Direct Bilateral




WHO budget: assessed and voluntary contribution 1998-2013

Top ten WHO donors (voluntary contribution) 2010-2011


Donors Non earmarked % Earmarked % Total

1. Gates 0 0% 446,161,801 100% 446,161,801

2. USA 0 0% 438,285,683 100% 438,285,683

3. UK 41,009,718 14% 247,942,675 86% 288,952,393

4. Canada 0 0% 154,147,294 100% 154,147,294

5. Rotary 0 0% 116,565,898 100% 116,565,898

6. Norway 47,925,896 42% 65,963,666 58% 113,889,562

7. UNDP 0 0% 109,890,218 100% 109,890,218

8. GAVI 0 0% 98,782,852 100% 98,782,852

9. Australia 28,717,115 31% 63,097,757 69% 91,814,872

10. UN CERF 0 0% 90,809,419 100% 90,809,419

Strengths1.Social Credit as Global Normative Bodies2.Unlimited access to the best global experts3.Extensive networks of WHO Regional and WROS4.Only legitimate body for PHEIC (like Ebola)Weaknesses1.Bureaucratic Systems – vertically and inefficient2.Increasingly politicized3.Outdated regional structures4.Changing budgetary structures5. Loss of global PH spirits – loss of good people


Strengths and Weaknesses of WHO

Concrete examples

• Brazil appoints their Chief of Global Relation in the MoPH from DDG level of the MFA

• SA has two health attache one in DC and the other in Geneva

• Most developed countries has health attache in many strategic countries

• Many donors now have ‘Health Ambassadors’ and also Global Health Policies/Strategies, division in MFA