Evolution of Democracy in Athens. Draco (Before the Persian Wars…struggles between aristocrats and...

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Solon Reforms outlawed debt slavery could bring charges against wrongdoers created a jury!

Transcript of Evolution of Democracy in Athens. Draco (Before the Persian Wars…struggles between aristocrats and...

Evolution of Democracy in Athens

Draco(Before the Persian Wars…struggles between aristocrats and commoners)

issued new law code w/ VERY harsh penalties

draconian – something very cruel and severe


outlawed debt slavery

could bring charges against wrongdoers

created a jury!


citizenship expanded to all free males born in Athens

The Golden Age(480 – 430 BCE)Pericles – led Athens after the Persian Wars

3 Goals:Strengthen democracyBuild Athenian Empire (expand

land)Glorify Athens (buildings and


ArtPhidias - Sculptor

Statue of Athena in Parthenon

Greek Sculpture






Slapstick/crude humor

Aristophanes – wrote comedies

Tragedy Serious – love, hate,

war, betrayal

Sophocles – wrote tragedies

Theatre at Delphi


Between who?

Peloponnesian War Athens continues to expand

(uses $ Delian League)

Sparta forms Peloponnesian League and declared war on Athens (Macedonia joined with Sparta)

Peloponnesian War

TWO MAJOR EVENTS: Plague hits Athens (1/3 – 2/3 ppl die) 415 BCE - Athens sends a huge fleet

(27,000 soldiers) that is defeated

After 27 yrs of war, Athens lost its empire, wealth, and power