eviewDedicatesFrontPage To WarMemoria...

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VolunteersTrained ForBig Campaign

• II


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The Grosse Pomte War Memonal Library Fund 15-DayDrive Will be launched Tuesday, June 1 when 700 volunteersfrom all sectlOns of Grosse Pomte Will approach their neigh-bors and ask for their contributIOns.

The goal IS $525.000 0 -------------1

The hbrary \\ hlch \\ III beerected at Kercheval and FisherRoad WIll be an everlastmg tn-butI' to the ~ons and daughters ofGros~e Pomte \\ho served In um-form during World \\tar II ItWill Include a special honor rollfor thl! 113 who were kIlled In ac-tIon.

VolunteersCommunity InStep To Raise

I Alger Shelden, chairman of theI campaIgn said that by June 15 heI hoped to have every Gross" POintefamily Incl'ld"d among the act1Vesupporters of the dnve.


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Grolle Pointe'. FIRST New-paper-------------------------------------------------GROSSE POINTE 30, MlcmGAN - THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948



, I

Preliminary floor plans of the proposed half.milion dollar Grosse Pointe War Memorial Library llllset)as prepared by Derrick and Gamber, Inc., archItects. Included in the greatest of digmty Will be the shrme forour war dead and the honor rolls of those who served. Diagram at left is for the mam floor and at nght for second

floor; deSCription and dImensions may be noted on sketches.


Hundreds of relatives andfnends are expected to at-tend the solemn tribute In

which Father James D Clal'k,O.S.A., of 81. Clare of Monte-falco, will give the mvoca.tion. Dr. FranCIS B. Creamer.Rector of Chnst Church, Willoffer the benedICtIOn.

The names of those who Imade the supreme sacnficewill be read by Mr. BertWicking, preSIdent of theBoard of EducatlOn, and tapswill be sounded by a bugler

from the Alger Post, veter-\ans of Foreign Wars,

In the event of rain thesenrices W111 be held underthe portiCO at the front en-trance of the school.

h \Tallels

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In order to tra m the soil CItoTllfor the ~Iemonal Library cam-paign takmg place m GrossePointe from June 1-15th attempt-lIlg to raise $525.000 a number ormstructlonal meellngs have beenand '11,,11 be held throughout lhl.lweek.

"A goal of $525,000 IS a great •deal of money for a commumty On Monday, DIVISion Co-Chair-of our size. but I beheve the resl- mt'n ,Elmer BenZin and ~I.rvmdents believe In and want thiS Ga~kln h"ld a spt'clal meetmg orcombmed mE'monal and CIVlC their workers from the \\ oods tocenter to msure the success of distribute their matneal and givethe campaign.' final InstructIOns Grosse POInte

Fitzpatrick' YOUR CBALL~GE Fund To Use • ~~~:e;f ';~~~e~al~~~:;71~h=n~ea~~~:~ Th .. campaign orgamzatlOn ha.s ert Hackathorn were also present

U H I 3 Y PIbeE'n dIVided mto seven maJor dl- I at thIS meetlllg to rece.ve th'er

Open Letter From rges e p (AN EDITORIAL) • ear an VISIons A Special GIfts DIVISion I supplies

O Ch

IE.'<!b~' Carsten TIedeman and Har-! City ChaIrman John L Ken-

rive airman F NO. There are three-thousand, seven.hundred and T AO d D. old R Boyer WIll seek larger con- nower called hIS \~orkers togethe~ThE' follOWing letter from War Of ew fiVe forty-five mortal and inunortal reasons for Grosse 0 I fiVe trlbubon3 from a selected hst of on Tuesdav. May 25th at the

~.!Pmorlal Dm I' Chairman Alger Pointe to unanimoWlly rally to the cause of a sUltable mdlvlduals. Included In thiS dl- ~elghborhood Club He outhnedSheldE'n I' Included on a brochure Leo Fltzpatnck, ChaIrman of memorial to her men and women who served in World At aU of the instruction meet- VlBlon are two special teams of the I r speCIfic terntorll's and

th d

t.b h h h b Co t k _.J. k ~{ Ed dB' h planned campaign strateuv ",thon e propose .. tary ...W lC IS I e Pu lltlty mmlt ee wor hg> War n. mgs for workers m the Grosse wor ers ... rs war anm as ,,-bemg SE'nt to everyone m the com- on the Grosse Pomte "'ar Memo- ,rt'Crulted a small committee to 1\S- hiS D1stMct Chairmen and Zone

N f'tt' t 1 d Ii' t'b t uld POInte War Memonal LIbrary t h h th f Captains

mUlut\- thiS week _ r'al 1.lbrar~ campaIgn expressed 0 more 1 mg perpe ua an vmg rt u e co ISIS er In approac mg ~ &In!- .Dear Fellow Grosse pOlnlers: hJm"~lf as "I'll pleased "lth the be selected than the proposed Grosse Pointe 'Vat Mem- campaign, to he held June 1 to lies of the 113 servicemen who • .

At last each and E'VI'f\'one of us cooperation shO\\"!1 by the maJor orlal Library. The drive to make it financially pOSSible 15th. the workers have been 1m- I were kIlled In actton The Rotary The workers from the Park DI.IWill haw an opportuml\' to dem- publtclt\. resourr,,~ In the rommu- pressed WIth the Importance of Club of Grosse POInte has also' VISion under the Icadero;hlp of F.

~!Ccnr~11 lth the news of the onstral" how deeph WI' appre(lal~ nlt\. a- the campaIgn prepared to starts next Tuesday. Between the first and fifteenth of I d I t f th: Clifford Ford Jr hl'ld their traIn-\1 I L _ I ~ J hb'11 11 d f asking for contnbutlons on a three IorganIZe a specla earn or e h h~mona Ibrary Fund s the great sacnflces that 'I "re made open Jun! 1 . Certamly the week une, your nelg ors Wl ca at your oor or your soliCitatIOn of a select group of I,ng

session t IS evenmg at t .,t thr Relle", pays tnbute to for us by our O""!I hl'roes of thl'; I) ne"spapers have done a splen- pledge. year basiS prospects. PH~rce school113Gros'e POInte sons who last war Our \\ar record was one did Job 10 bnngmg the campaign 0 nd • On Friday evemng. Mar ~8, Co-thm hves m World War II, of the ftnl'st In th"se UnIted 10 thl' attentIOn of local reSidents ne-hu red and thirteen from this community The five POinte commumttes IchaIrmen Carsten Tiedeman and

olhm nught live Slates It IS all together fItting Citizens are urged to consult them gave their hves in the semce of their country •.• that In hiS InstructIOns G en era I' have been dlVrded Into f,,'e dIVI- Harold R Bo~ er have Invited all.bert Slenhen Allard that we should record thiS Let us each week for additIOnal announcl'- "our way of hfe" might contmue. Everyone who ChaIrman Alger Shelden pomteo II slOns. 15 dlstncts and 112 zones Iworkers on their Spec,al GlfUu':ena\ Derby Alhngton, Jr. make e\'ery effort to see that thIS ments about the campaign and Its served gave up da""s, weeks, months, years. " • tune ",th five or SIX \\orkers In each Committee to a 6 30 pm meetmgam, Em B J out that not many familles can I'zone for the geographIC campaIgn' at the Grosse POInte Club In order

, eroon a)ne proposed War Memonal Llbra~ progress" that cannot be recaptured for their llves. ff d I h t b t. '" B"n' bo"m" a ~ah',' ",m.mb". • a " a .,g. ,.. ooPn u ,uP'", ~aohmg ""l' huu"hu," Th. ,'" .mp'a"., <b. ,mr",'auoo "'IcbolasBentas every penny contributed slavs In The PubbCll\' Committee has Never in the history of this community has a more one year. even though the contn-I success or faIlure of the campaign the work of the speCial gIfts so-UlS F Berendt Grosse POinte and w111 serv~ you prepared a sp~clal brochure de- challenging cause been laid on the doorstep of every butlOns to the Library Fund are WIll depend almost entIrely upon 11ICItors"TenceBo~g-I'ss and your chIldren ~ children. You scrlbmg the drive and ItS purposes man, woman and child. deductible from mcome tax CIII-I the work of thiS crew of sohCltors I •," BreltmeHr can help bv enthuslastlcallv lend- \\hlch IS bemg mailed to every and the receptIOn they receIve !':ext Tuesday eH'mn::r ChaIr-

cbardHo\\ani BrIdge mg a5slsta:nce to those \\:ho are address in the Pomte. Matenal for The cost of the proposed War Memorial Library zens are urged to conSider their Ifrom their neighbors, accordmg to man Wilham Roney of the Farms'k \\ B k III . I htl h If 11 d 11 T tt' th t proportIOnate gift to the Fund as' ChB.lrman Shelden. I DIVISIon WIll meet With h,s d,s., rO()'S alumptmg to maKe dll" dr.ve a I ,>,c..ker- ha~ a.l50 h"en prepared m IS S 19 yover a a ml Ion 0 ars. 0 a am a sum, I I:'mt.hB""," m,"" Yuu<ora' ~ h.,p bY'''' ,,,dO' <bID<b" m,hgtb. .bh- tu I some must give a la,ge amount ot money. l'm all uf a <b'" ,.., p,.dg.. p., .bI. um • In,e .. d ,"PO I.. d", plu," "k.

,'\~ns De...trr Brown mg money The three year pav 1answer the questIOns for contTlbu- the Pomte's ten-thousand, families WIll be able to give that length of time I eO's ro np..n the dnve OffiCIally 111!'0 i R En dg-es plan has been chosen so ) ou can lors !>rrs ~I ~I. Sheaffer and Jean the Farms,)~1Ii ", ,.0 B rt • I Ih I large sums. But, surely no one WIll say "no" to thiS The smaller amount to be paId T I h l d th I d' -----

.....OJr, rynae g"lve lJberallY Let liS not ,al o~e The mHchants of the commU- a~ or ave aecep I' e ea ..r-, 1\ Bn r~ \\ ho did not fall us Grosse poInte mt\ have sho\\"!1 theIr cooperation cause. In each of three) ears Will permIt ship of the pubhc and pTlvate L.Isf N a m e s,:w 5 Ej\1 ard Caldwell rcmembJ;rs her 0\\71 bV' a"rN'mg to display wmdo\\ A Memorial Library was selected as the most fit- manv morl' reSIdents to make I School~ Dl\'lslon Because the cam- •tl~n LP1 Carr \ t'~ sinct'rl'ly, c~rds" urgmg the people to con- b f d be f larg;r contrlbutlon~ In conclUSIOn I palgn comes 50 close to the end of

,lam L (,hambers Algf'r !i\Jlt'ldt'D trIbutE' A movie traIler has been tmg tn ute, only after two years a stu y, cause 0 hI' cltcd the ""ample of one mdl-I the school Year, It IS expected thiS Of F d'1M" F chanE'v Jr. <"Jlalrman preparE'd to be shown m t'ach of its dlgmty. usefulness and perpetual mamtenance. (It \'ldual ftndm~ It eaSll~r to pledge diVISion \\,11 not complete Its as- un sam St, ohen Cole the four Pomte theatres for the I will be operated, mamtamed and staffed by the School $15 per year for three year" than ~lgnment ulltll some time In therk r0',,-~ Temporary Memorial t"E'xt two week< The a.sslstance of DistriCt.) to make a cash contnbutlOn of if all when school has reopened and Chaolrmen• aor, The nag Com~ay Ihe thealr .. mana~E'r~ madE' thl~ I ~45 Iactl\'1t1es have been resumed In-,

;l)O':tIhr lng- Readied. For Day outlE't pOSSible. accordmg to Fltz'l The need for an ad~uate hbrary for the commu- dlcatlOns are that the school I....., ( n "nnav k nity has been a long-felt desire of our CItizens. The loc- ~I"anllhlle \\h,lp ~I'ographlc SO-IchIldren are anxlOU~ to take an I Persons s"ehlng addltlOral In-1:1' _ Den))\ Jr ~Iemonal Da\ sef\ 1('''< \\111 'lee pll1nc -'. atlOn of the MemonaL Fisher and Kercheval, is central hCltor" are ""peeled to r"ach e\- actl\ e role In thc support of the fom1atlOn regardl'lg' the \\ ar "fe-1\ ' ,~ 'I I", nZle DewE'~' the Temoorllrv Hnnor Roll lItnac-1 In ad'ht,on th .. Comm.t!i'e hR~ I to all of the Pomtes and Will serve the entire commu- en home In th .. Pomtell a~h:ng drn I' monal Llbrar) campalg-" are Ie-{;.>- :' L I lor Do\\"nE'Y turf' freshl\' pamli'd Rnd

lthl'l m~' preparell <tr"E't banner~ t" bf'9 't for th,'lr cnnlnbutlOn ., I~ hoped ~ < Llo\, d G Hooker and que;;teJ 10 cnnta, t the Fund 3

\I 'I, I~-\,rlal" medlRte pounds <lIIlan \ ~nn- nl y a number of nnn-re~lrlellts \\111 • tr. h j 6° 0 K h I


h 1"Ia\'erl Rt malor pomts of ent. " • .' GO'or!t"eElI~orth\ a..< co-chairmen ea, quarter> 1 ,,4 cr~ elaC.' ',_ (, \ r E\ans ~raped thanl.s to a har ,wor mg and e"lt mto the POll1te commun-" l'\OW. at last, each citizen of the commumty has an \\Ish to parclclpal" The'll ma\ do , . Tt' ~.7400J' "0 bv ma'hn<> theIr contrIbutIon o. thO' dn 1510n so\.cltmg club con-

_ .\. F~ll rl commIttee Itle_ opportumty to show his appreclatlOn for the sacnflce 0 ~ 8 trlbutlOns ha\" all'eadv a )proach' I \ olunteer~ \\ ho \\ nu!<i ilkI' toG- 'z. p . ., r' Fmk Jr. C'lt~ Cl"rk ~orbert P ~ej'f ~IlP' I > h ort on the I ... and to help honor our own heroes \ l~ campaign headqullrtE'r5 16 4u I'd a number of local o'rgan~Iza'lon" a~,,,t m the campall::n ~hollid co'!-

am \ F 'her ' O'I\1sed n1O\ml': the _tructur .. from In con(' Ilum.e; I~ reI' • • • . I<l'rcheval or b" gl\"mg- th ..lr con, " h rlft'" H ' ',h Jr the Fl",her-'Iaumee Slle to the artl\ It ~~ of hIS commIttee Fltz- 'I The mcentlVe to give generouslv. could be no t Ib t r I an auth I~cd cam and not on I\' 'ecured club glft< tact t I'lr 1\ ISlnn cha,rmanr ~ bl t r u '0 0 y or ~ - bllt al~o -n'rolled a number of Follo\\,n!!: are the namrs anti

Da\ 1 B ~ 7patrlck presf'nt location on Kerche"lIl patrIck pomtprl out that pu 1('1) I greater. Grosse Pointe should honor her own. palgn \\orhl'f I' , d~ f th F d df h

"t ma" be "Ill never .. or'ers for the drl\ I' a <1re~srs 0 l' un 5 lstnct

(""wn_j ~I , \\hlCh Will be the sIte 0 I e pro' 1>:00" a~ I .. I h bee d I ~ n.• ~I ra'<e fundo for anv Cllll'f' •The I The opportunity to give generous Y as n ma e. lard dl\ ISlon chalrmt'nJD"~h\1 ~ ,', v p05E'd \\'ar ~temonal Llbra~- . r b h 1 h h d rs an plit • ParI. On l"lon: F Chfford Ford,), , , B-, h F'. rd '.'•• tf dl"n t ,~top ~lIpef\ lo\on IInttl peoplf' \\ III ('ontr.but" to thl. ('am- easy Y a tree-year pay P an In W IC ono c s

, , ,,_ u t ed 'b It I" ~nt ,rf'l\ po~slble. accordml! ,Jr Chairman 103~ B,~ho[l D.'t.

~ ,,. ] ',r -cAlln the la"t brll"h ~lrAke "ad bpen I1ftl"n becauol' the" bell .., r 10 I I and space their pi ge contn utlOn. ,. Leo Fltzpatr

ck a~ PubliC 1\_ , __, ' ,,, " tf :"orbert P :-':I'ff vlCf"lhalrmar. ..,. 1 Jam,,< F :'>fcPnrnt'll IO,b Berh-

I' " L • _ Harrl- ta' -n n ~l\lr~ thr temnorsf\ a'Hi 8r~ al\are that Gro~-" POIntf' Certall1ly, the amount gl"en. re<:Tardle"s of size. WIll C'h hit d hr '0 "r," • ... u o~ tht lampa\gn that man\ for- airman a_ ,omp I' " < malo ~h'rr DI~t ~ John 01" \1 Jr (1\\)

r ,P,. H'alh nlrmoflal " fre-h rnat of paln~ d "~)~~; p-~~~(~tll. ~~1(l;~~~Rhel!;'~l'~ be small compared to the tremendous saCrifiCes out' mer r,'~Hlrnt' of Glo~se POInte or a~"g-nment of nrepar'l12; pUhll Ei;:en.ont 1'" '3 I ~ "1~ ,t.H ~hal' IAnd.cap,ni7: \\8" a.' )m~l' l' d h d Ilnlll<l b.' mte'e'teo tl1 the 'u('l~" ('1'\ matenal Pa'il ~Inr 1~1 d a< P ','man "1,;; Th',,:'-1. 1)1 \p',

f \ crnl re,l1lnrl"r of their patnotlc or youn~ men an women ave ma e.• P II 'HI' thrnui7:h

the (nlltre'\ n In ' 1 t d mo~t worth. .>f th ~ elr H Crrta nlv thr re]a- Chalrm'.\n nj thA -\ud.t Dl\ ."''1 11,"t t Earl I H .'ran ~5 D\ar, " dllt\., Thlg Il'\ our commumt.v g arge~ an "_, "' Hunter, Jr R PePr'n- I It" '" d fl .n,l, of Gro.<' Pnmt and Trps<llrer of th~ G'o"~ Lane

Ii 1,,\ • - whtle POinte-wIde undertaking. Success hes In your er- ).. 1I••1l 11 oen .e" "nulrl I hI' an Po.nt" \\'11- \l,'monal L brRT\ (11\ Th\l~",n. J'11 r. h. n-T~r..,h'l hands. np>ortumt' to ~l\e to th ~ me, FIl'1,1 ha~ prepar"d ,'ff ClAn: ,wi n(\I.'r 16~11 \ lla~" 1,11' jl ,to

I h' 'on In Me m o'y 1 mOrlal In ai'llt'n- a ;:ood man) adeqllatr _afe"uard' fnr th" all- 1 Ed. J Hltr.°\ ITI .;7 R\l"i.1, 11Nh l' of the Gro,~e Po nle ~en'lceme'1 dltll1!: o( all fu-do; ",1\", t"d and. Bh I P,ot ~ Han ,'\ \ t-.< h,'r,

Kl'll' p....OCamatlon .....ho ar" no lonj( ..r 1l\I'lg here are 1'\ "ntual tra'!<fer 10 th" Grn~"(' 551 F"hH D"t ., Ed T 1\, <,'oj Lamb JlIme' A ~alll?:h'o" John D.wn !'nowdav " rartltlilarly Int"reste_d In thl~ POInt" S('hool D,'trlct wh"n blllld- JI 16!l36 SI P'.\ul \\, 11.,t 4,

R" hard A StAhlKphen\nll"'plh('~ar~:t,~h:,;nhan1 ",lhlln1 B SIan die\" RE~IDE~'TS OF GROSSE dunng thiS penod and to give _p_r_nJ_e_('_t '_n_~~~~>p_e-_r_a_t_lo_n_-_l':"_(>_t_u_n_d_er'ft__ a~ i :,>{r.'a~nnfa..r ~I K..,llnO~\\20, F(:"'R

rr '\.

\\ 111 Ani T FttPWllrt III .. \1 10. I ~ .., , ,Gcorge'\" '\",>e ",ll am (' <;tonl' I POINTF. please t~ke notice unspanngly of hiS time and. "~W Ob D if 'r.rl"bute 4\ Pro\i'n,al Cha,rman n ,t J..Bernani In,crh 0:"" I Th 'n1a< P Rlllll\an . that the Grosl'\e Pomte War I money. thus insuring the suc- Y.L' 'Serves '(lV 0 .L J ~tr' L~<" - R'lll ,," "v".~ 1,1t.l r. O<h<' n \11 ," T31lhr ~Iemorlal Llbrarv Fund WIll ('efl."I of thl~ laudable under-I .., 1.,,-' \ P T'h)o1~ Jr lhl' -\1-Brr r. PAr<' < lr R,,::'r fora'," T"",<r ] 1- t k f h h reh t Th. G.n r \ a' \ ('01 F ,r .. e,r.s:r THo~ Ir \\,11 h~ the' -d p,' ~ \1- Jnhr K \\0- \,1""1


( l'~" h. 1 \,'h',r <C- T~n~ll~ Jr. I from June 1 to ,une .) ('011- a 111~0 W IC we a ear - ,,0 \1 r- I " "1 - ], <' \\- R_r ,,~' f f d 1 f \11:,,,,I'>'t\"\\ ,"lllnll'lhllrrn't,r"I't'\ halrnan\,,'hRlthHern"-' 1'1" 0- • duct a campalJi{n or un SlY III a\or I \11,,1 H" I ,rt l'lan~ tn, h,,'h "I • P h f th (~~-I'~" \ 1,_ '7\ H 1'. \l ,[

('•••>'_" (h~" {, rh"lp' Jr F I'" i , Tnmh~' b 1.1 f H C F' t h P k " er '" npp~ C alrmRn or r • •T,h, F Tr"\\ T- for the tit lling 0 a war omf'r. n sc ,ar 'h~ rnl'r\ P" < ]', ,~r"n al d lh" -'."'\,11 ,-\ \ \\ \ 1 H ~ .. 2\ 'I. h. ,'.\'r"-' T 1'1' p' '\"rrl~- I:oh'" \ c


T1lrr memOrial IJbral\ Thl" strtlc- PrE"5. nh<, nal" of "~mnrJa' flR\ \ l'Rr"d, "ro1 \lel11nrJal 'e


\ 'hI'''''' O", ..,nn ~ ,. g, ~l'

1~" , 1 I'h ." (~'1'1 I~ \ ~-\a~",r Jr. turE" \\111 In II (lignifIed ann AlolS A. Ghel'\qUlere, .\11 11l d~\ 01' nrr <,,,~tl ;: R' II'" \\\11 he held ~I~) ,n ~' !,,~ 'I "''''' ['h .'1" (',11" •R t'~.d' 1''''' '\ I "" \\ ' ,_ h h P \\. od It ,0 a n ~t th, Algff (Inn 'I<>", .1,RII<0,f'II01 Rt ":l'1 '''''0 I r:. ,..,,,r' H, ~~''1 -r " H .. c-

I,.rt'h \\ >Tn Re 1aui ~ r ~ • 1 h useful mannf'f onor t oS€" rf'S , 0 l'\ ,..Harn h. \\ ,,,-ner III room< 1.1 I. Sf Pa 11 \I III b~ Cemeten at 9 ",(J a 111 anrl at th~ '\'o-re (0 Ch, -ma

}'r'.r Rn\'l"II"n Jo~,"ph H Webber 'who sel"\'ed us 50 well m Ralph B Nettmg, J,:l\en h\ th" Au"har\' dUrinI': Gro~e Pomte Cl'metrn at 11 ~ \\nod .. Th" ....m. ~f.'-\1n (;~<,,-.

\\ l\ham F.<li7:arRlltherford 1W 1.1 W II d 11 "I C tG"orJ<:" B \\ ,ckprham I or 1I ar an WI give l'I ayor. I Y ~ta" 27-28,20 for the memb<'r< of m \\lth ~ef\lct'S ('o~cl"ct"d ;" .,1 :;; O"f,'r, I ha r,.,,, l- r r

('onn\4'I" Ftar\l< Jr bl d th t GEt C Putm n P tht' Po.t anrt Allxlllan \\ ho \\ 111 PMt ('C'lm01anrler L J Pohnr..... P n71'1 -62 I' h'1'1 r (' ('h, rRo\ (;Mr~e Sthott Alger R \\ e<lvkl' tangt e eVl ence a .ros,.<;e mE's. a. res., ' , • on ' -P011lt(" rf'mf'mht'I'" hE"r own Rhorel'\ h. < 11'1e: t' '1'1"1, ~. \ ~f10U' c,nr, \\ Ilh Chaplam Frank ,,\,'a'o- 1 ~n T)" I G. -.::. R.l 1 ha ~ 1'.

1:.113' I fo; "',hun\.. 1~.' P \\I~"h.' n." (,.n T I''\, \\"'" " .... \en 'h" \""11l1'\ p., .. "11' ['"n'n \h71l "-t1lhn ]1, 2 '1,-,'1'11H''''h''' T'JI"I' ,,,\ulI EI(,1\(iI17(,I1I"urgf'dtod"" Jame"K\VatkI11R.PreS, \ll.I~, .. I'I"H l\\al~h'.lforch\\llhChar.a.IA"lcBa<h b1 \ "" 11

'I '1F' "'11 ,,~ Alber:" Zauner llllay the l:mted States flag I Jo'arms be ll\ ,ha'l;c 01 thl. ..1.1Iocr, anJ man. I L'.i\ I::, BJJ. " ,3J1 V....

eel'll (;,)1 g"n :'01. h

In Memory


y ~ouof ALL ROflIM

\pral:e roinu " GratiotGrosse TwPS.

Grosse Pomte w111 pay tribute to Its war dead, Sunday,

ratIOn Day. IThe Grosse Pointe Honor Roll Association will hold the iI ~Iemonal Day services Sunday at 12.30 p.m , at the I

Honor Roll .llte near the comer of Fisher Road and IKercheval Avenue.

eviewDedicatesFrontPage To War Memoria ILibraryFundrOSSe Pointe Paysemorial Day Tribute

World War Heroes



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bome Slipcovers cust<lm 11 Ide :

lO-DAY SERVICEKirSCh - Traverse drapery hardw:ue u.se<l e\( 11l,'lIey

Flex-a.lum Blinds. COCn1ceBoards. Custom madl 01 p Cv;Materials aLso sold retaU by yal d

Open Thurs., FrI, Sat Eves.

Cash andCarry

1U 1-1600




CHAP.~PT CLeanersThe M~st M~dernly Equipped


\'F\\, (',()XVE!Io""TIOX I:\lore than 5.000 members of the :

Veterans of Foreign Wars and I

their ladles, from nearl)' everylI11chlgan commulllt)', WIll Jam Ul'

to POI1: Huron, June 10 to 13, forthe 29th annual state encampmentof the VFW.

•.. Notttn.....

15401 Eut ...... rson

•••••••••Smooth, dependable car per.fonnance depends greatly 011 -a~rate ignition.Our new Distr1butor Strooo.S<Xlpe pennits us to restore theoriginally perfect ignition of)'our eat. This amazing ma-chine qUJ(:k1y:• Regulates the automd;csl"'. 10 cor,eel /ir"'l pos..t,on.It also:• PUIS the finger tm shorletlM u'~ak COIf, or eo"densersu Inch pfer ent slff'tmg orc/lUSes "/'1ft)'" {iring.And it.• Insures hot. fat spa,ks ,"eedetl for complete &ombus-t_

It Will spot:• B"f'''' 0.. «Of''' Jnl,.;b.torPOints and me4$Uf'e the cam.elton for peT/cel synch,.o."lSmAnd ....hen: •• Ii U0,." J"fNb"fof' shaft •((Jf' bush",g) CaUse' ",'erm,', •tent lif'",g th" trouble' It •

promptf) fo,,,,,,d ""d co,-..uled •Our nc" Stroboscope' •• l:J,mmaJe' ..JJ gueH uo,k •, .. ,.el,mmg JlSf"b"tof's - a •,,,mmon ,""uce 0/ POOf' engine •i'erfof'm""ce. •Come In and ", ...tel, thc op- •erator ~tore the oe!' and •power of )our engIne. •

••1r@[M] OO@V[Q)a




M"k at l.Jncnter


For Dress or SportsFor Decoration Day!



[ttbnl~1t!i~ens CUlear

Handsomely tailored slacks inbeautIful gabardines. tropl-cals and Bedford cords. WIdeselectLOll of colors .•. stnpes,checks • • • solids.

Complete YOUT


Sport Coats • CudlgansSport Jickets • Sport Shirts

\\ r~Tn ....

Q " r


q 0 t ... ..,

T}-lIT' 1..- <.."


TU. 2-6588... ' r r ...... \1

Week-End Sale


We Call For and De!Jver-Z0916 )IACK AVE.-

ope. ,-, InIly r.u~pt Tn ••• ,.-!!.",,,.,, ...

• 3 SIC' :\P9r 'lodf'ls to fh()(J('>(' From• L1Mral Trade-In Allo"anc('

Thrm ..gh these alert young bUSiness men,THE REVIEW lS endeavor,ng to give youdeliver,! ~ero.lce ON THE DAY OF PUB-liCATION at y.:.ur dJcrService Irregula.rlbe!l MI.:!,'Be Remedied by Callmg

The Review - VA. 2-1162 or VA. 2-4558THANK YOU

A ..~ l 1 .....

ElectrDzDne Applillnce

NOTE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERSPlease do not uk ~'our carner to return lIOm8 otherday when he comes to collect. Most of our carriershave .arge routes. and If he Is forced to return anextra tune to collect. It meanR a gTf'at Ileal of extrawork for him Please cooperate VI Ith hm1 b)' paymg"romptly. he'll appreciate It.

HCtOllER ,r~~£lJE)1Authoriud Dealer


NL %717

LImited Amount 01 O\,pr Mock~SldII"'rs .•. S~lal While thn La~t


CLASSICAL ALBUMS, Values to $5$2.1&


Mothers' Health "1 ICivic League IIt's A Hobby With DoctorsWANTED-A MULESKINNER I I I ~ Pt. What They p

Council Elects ,Na m e5 New \Y~en the ~~~ p~~~ p1escrJbed "This day dll' ~~~~

New Officers lUul the office doors al<) dosed for prone to fOlg ..t lh Lt' ')'c

C ·tt the day a doctor'. thoughtll hobby l!ke thl~ '. II , IMra Basil J Cunl\1ngham or omml ees usuall~' t~rn to his hobbv. tuatlon," hI' I., I, I "t,~S to

Blahop Road. nl'wly ell'ctE'd presl' This 18 not unusual because phy- Ald.dE'nt of the Donllnlcan HIg'h Moth. The Directors of the Graue 1I1Clanll advocate that all profM- Dr. Tapel t b~Il"('rs ClUb, announces the followmg Pointe Woods CIVICLeague met at Sional workers S h 0 u I d have should not be I (j 1\ I \slate of officers as her aides and the Club Lido ~londay and after a one In which the~' h:lve to llse principal • nd( d\ 0' H J a

Iassistants for the coming ne\l general diSCUSSion on villagr af- their bands and get somc phyalcal think a mailman <Ii Jill 0:;dub ~'('ar: f&lrs the followlllg committees CKe-rCISE'. and a banker pi", 'II I '

I Alumni VIC!' Pl'1'sldent. Mrs were appOinted. The doctors practice what tbey , S b 'B Brothers 0 ear thl~ ,

I Robert Cody SenIor Vice PreM- CIVIC AffaIrs: en . preac.h. tin hdent. Mrs ('has Cullen: Junior Franldln Dougherty, and Arnold Accordlng to a recent article in Ie your p ySl( III

"Ice PreSident, Mrs LoUIS Koemg, Llebold. Membelshlp' Russ stan- thE' Detroit Prce Press a high per.' to ~et T~w~~D f) ,Sophomore VIce President. 1\11 S kraUlf, LawrenLe "'rstervJI!c Mrs. centllogeoof the m"dlcal soctety IS spe e- Oc

h .. d Th Black bb he preachl'sAnthony Sporer. Frcs mall ~ Ice Fran Nutto an omas - dE'E'ply U1terested In one ho y orPreSident. Mrs Lawrenc(' Blel. \\ood an other.man. Recording SecrrtalY 1I1rs Program and Pllbllclty' GII One E'xample clt"d Is Grosse KI\\A:\I .... 11"1t.\Terrance Barden. Correspondmg Hanna, Howard Gamlclot -and AI Pomtc's Dr. Julius C. Tapert, of I Grosse Pomt, 1\ l '\' I

Secretary. !llrs Cornelius ~llgan. Slegnand. Palks and RecreatIOn, Devonshire Road. whe IS among Tracy ~l. Doll I" \" t r

FinanCial SecrE'tary, MIS Stephan Sanl Barr, Lmcoln Maire, How.ru the many phYSICians who have Greatcr Dctloll \.J "'llligorr TrrasUlrr, ~lts Ed- Gandclot and Howard Davenport. turnLd to art as an avocatIOn. CIO CounCil dl••lU'd Otto By Laws Harry PI att, Rex Dr Tapert 11 a wood sculptor. Tuesday ewnJl\~ It

Also. hstE'd arc the followmg • Johnston, Bill Kaiser, Arnold H," commented that medlclllC Early Amerlcal1 I

chairmen of !:ltandlllg Commlt- , DlE~smg and AI Beaver should be a blendmg of sCience Mack AVE'nu- IIt,'es WaY1 and ~lrans ~lrs Leon A :e~ular meetlllg IS s(heduled Iand art. . "Labor ReldtlOlhVl'rhaeghe. ~(t'lllber~hlp. ~11~ J. fOl \\ ednesda), JUlie 16.Bruce Costa SOCial Mrs V Xor- I ----- ----------------------bert Deary. Recl'phon 1\11s. John IDeFever. Program, l\lrs AlolS Rites Held ForEmheuser. Publlclty. ~Irs Bruno Paul H. SutherlandA DePolo. House. MIS JosephFerriS Paul S u the ria n d. 45. of 90

The facultv of the school pnter- Colomal Road died Monday III

talned both.' the new and retll'lng Harper Hospital after a short 111-members of the board. at dmner npss He was preSident of thcand receptlon on Thursday, May I Sutherland.Avery Lumber Co

20th at thE' sLhool ~rrs Stephen I-r-'-.-.-'-'-'-.-'-'-'-'-'-.-.-.-.-'-.-'-'-'-'-'-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-", I ServlLes Were held WednesdayRoach. the retIrIng prrsldE'nt \\ a. itll the WJll1am H Hanlliton (hapel Ipresented \\Ith a small token of i L t t B BUl'lal was III Bellevlcw, OhIO I

4. Do they follow up th:Jl, chents to check the result l1bPerPsreclatlonby her board mem-I e e r 0 X He IS SUrvived by hiS Wife, Janr Iof their sel'VlCe? IE. a son, E. Ritchie Sutherland

Littl Th tr and a daughter, Sally HIS par-5. Will you be glven several personal interviews? e ea e : , n••••••~ cntll, the Rev and Mrs E, a

d th Readers of The Grosse Pointe Review are invited.. Sutherl&lld of Deland, Fla., aLso6. Do they cooperate with other agencies or 0 ey Group To AI.d survIVe.to send their thoughts on questions of public interest

playa "lone hand"? for use in the Pointe Letter Box. The wrIter's name7, Does their advertising literature claim possibie but Disabled Vels I and address must accompany each letter, but will be

improbable results? The Little Theatre Group Of' WIthheld on request,8. Do they sell their clients a product as a result of Anterlcan Women Volunteer Serv-

Ices 15 sP911sorlng a la\\ n party a.ttheir guidance? the Detroit Boat ClUb on June 9

from 2 to 5 P m for the bene1itAre the charges excessIve? of Disabled Veterans TO THE EDITOR: TO TIlE EDITOR:

. tra t Mary Morgan of CKLW acting Why advocate a ralse In fare I announce my candIdacy for IInvestigate very carefully if asked to Slgn a con C. as mIstress of ceremomes WIll In- for ~eshore Bus Comp&llY when re-election to the United States".k the Better Business Bureau of Detroit. 819 troduce a program of top-lllght they fall to give wbat they prom- Senate, I am. mdeed most grate-AIt entertamment. lsed when the 1&lit RUle wu ful that my colleague, the semorTransportation building, telephone RA. 7566, to give The program Will mclude Ar- granted? We are not lLSllUredthey Senator from Michigan, Arthur Hyou information concerning the agency in question. thur Murray dancers, Jay N. Fro- wll! glVe any better service than Vandenberg, Is the fint to Sign I

man. DetrOIt Conservatory of 1IIu. we got now. 18 cent fare Is too such II, petition for my renomma--I SIC, baritone, and a fashion ..show bOD.

Mr. Froman WIll offer a medley high from the Park area. Let me I'11 of songs written by ~trs Arthur recount 8. few d.eficlences. The experience gained In serv-

B. McWood, a member of the As many lLS three buses dump. ing &8 Senator from the State of ILittle Theatre Group ing passengel"ll at the limitll for Michigan In our national Senate II It has geen reported that \'t'WJ- west bound buses in all kinds of for the past !lIX ~ears has given

I TV will take pictures of the pre. weather, If thiS IS to contmue they Ime an tnslght mto the problcmsI sentaotlon for a teleVIsed news shoUld proVIde shelter, stop buses and needs of our State and :"a-program on Friday, June 11 at parkmg after they unload, women. LIon whIch wlll bp most helpful


7:20 p. m. and I have had the experience of II In carrying through the manylItrll. Wl!8on E Wardell, Is gen- stepping thru water pUddles to lmportant dubes assigned to me.

I eral chairman of the program, f lh k

1asalsted by MesdameJI Grant lite- board a bua becaulle 0 IS par - 1 &In deeply grateful to the peo-

I Donald, Fred COUSlill5, and C. D. mg, no one should be compeUed Ipie of Grosse Pomte who haveHl1ell to step out mto the street to board supported and encouraged me dur-

The Little Theatre Group. or- a bus. ing these cntlcal times.gantZI'd solely to aid Disabled Vet- While all the new buses have I Senator Homer Fergu!lODI crans, plan to present a play next SlgIlS on them prohibiting eonver- _

I falL lIatlOn With the driver, no atten- I:11 tLon IS paid to the signs, the bus I

[I 0 fL C d drIvers are flagrant ....Iolators, I


ver OW roW! rode one bus yesterday where the: I • dnver forced the convel'llatlon all

IAt*Dntis R lte.'S the way to town and \Vlth a De.I I £~ trait traffiC offIcer, I have beenI A TIT tis C'l~ h on buses when in the peak loadSlilt ... , 00 nurc II they had to stop qUIck throwtngIt passengers standmg, off balance,'I An overtiow crowd attended the and m every case a dnver wasII dedication se~'1ce Sunday at I talking to a passenger, \11th aI I GrollSe Porntp "ood/! Presbytenan Ih d tl t d it' h &.rd.I \ Church .~ack at Torrey Road It ea par y urne IS allI marked the first SerY1Ce to be I ous and It only takes a second

held In the new building 1 WIth onE' mind off dnYUlg or offRev Andre.... F Fauth, muuster, the road for a serious aecldent

I offered the benedlctlOn and Dr Ito occuur.Frank Fltt of GrosseI' POUlte Me. ThIS law should be rigidly en-morlal Church gave the sermon. forced It could be slopped If the •

IChtoral groups o1Iered vanous II bus companv had commentent In-

se ec Ions - IThe new bUlldmg IS the first of spector~I ha\'e only enumer~t'd

three units to be erected by the two of many things wrong ne Icongrega.tlon. It IS the first per. Ior two m!lOlent and nasty dnvers Imanent church bUlldmg III the Imake It bad for all, most of the I

\vl1lage dmlers are courteous but the run-

I' BeSides Sunday's cpremomes an Imng conversation and tt}'1ng toI I entire \\ eek of dedication acuvI-1 dnve where the safety of pas-:11 ties \\ pr.. schedul ..d, mcludlllg sengers are at stake do not JeU ••I I meetings an~ pa~l~s_ I I CO:SSTA~""TBroER








II Your Carrier Boy Is\,Now Collecting for the:1 Month of May

Grosse POinte ReView carner bo)/s start c~l-!ecttng the Voluntary charge for thiS papern:.w for the month of May

• He ha.! O!1lcttU ReCeipt Book• He WIn gllle you 81gned receipt• May Recetptll are P""ted Oft Grcefl, Pape-r.

OffIce at 15121 Kerche\'al between Ma.ryland and Lakepointe"The Only Weekly Newspaper Coyertng All ~e ~ome8

in Grosse Pointe and Gratiot TownshipsL. B. OLDHAM . . ....••........• ,. PublisherCHARLES MANOS ....••......•....... EditorPAUL J. BLACKBURN .••• Advertising ManagerROBERT P. OLDHAM .,., ..•. , .... AdvertisingDEE HEBERT Clasaif'led Ad\"JOHN J. BROWNE . _ CIrculation Mgr.Subscription Rate.';: B~ Mall $200 per ye-ar, 5c per copy.

Pubhshed Every Thursday by The Gro5Se Pointe Printing Co.VAlley 2-1162 - 2.1163 - 2-4558 - 2-4559

DON'T BE MISLEDIt has been called to our attentJon that many unrehable

agencIes are taking money from young people without giv-mg sen'ice m return. They are fly-by rught concerns withuntramed workers posmg as experts who charge excessivefees and do counse1J.ng by mall. Before choosing an agency,you should know the answers to the following questions:

1. When was the agency establLshed?

2. How long has the agency been m the same locatlon?

3. What kmd of training and expenence bave the ad-VlSOrs had?

t'qe J.'wo

L I,



\ tI


was in the

- - :;£==----==---



You Order EverythingComplete Delicatessen

A member ot the Grosse PointeKlwafils Club, the decl'ued III sur-VIved by hIS Wife, Mrs LaVernLavers, one son, Gordon; twodaughters, Mrs Virginia SUer &114Mn Bermce Moore and 12 grand-thlldren

"Services WIll be from Ray KaulFuneral Home, E Jefferson atMartm, Saturday. May 29 at 1.30pm Burial WIll be at White,Chapel cemetery.

25 Years ExperIence

"Friendly Insurance Service"VE. 8-1221


DriversBUY, M~DERN

Beautifully Decorated and Roasted

• Chicken Pies • Turkey Pies• Meat Pies • Potato Salad• Cole Slaw • Baked Beans etc.

Please Place Orders In AdvanceTo Avoid Disappointment


Let Us Suggest ThatYou Need From OUfDepartment!

*Roast TurkeyComplete with Stuffing aDdG'-i* Baked HAM



AVERACE RATE for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth$5,000 /$10,000 Public Liability .••.•....•••.. $3.38$5,000 Property Damage ..•......•••••••••• _. $2.88

I Fire It Theft . . . ......•.....••••••••••••• $1.50$50 Deductible Collision ., ...•.••••.••••••.••• $5.50$1,000 Medical Reimbursement .........•.•••.. $1.50Road Service (up to $10 per call) ..•.••• ,. _. • • . .75

Quarterly $15.51or Annually $62.00


Henry C. Lavers DiesH' nry C LaVLr~, GrO~SL Pointe I entenng public office

Township Clerk, succumbed to a Insurance field.heart attatk at hl~ hom" 867 Ros.lyn Road "arly WuJnc<,(Jay morn-Ing He wa.~ 61

Mr Lavers ....as Town~hlp Clerksince 1943 PrIOr to that h" servtdas commiSSioner In Grosse POinteWoods.

A native of England, hewas a reSident of Grosse POintefor 50 years, takmg an active partIn the CIVIC development of thecommumty.

HIS prlficlpal enCleavor before





Local High

15 Lb.Average

,IPark Joins/ I

/ II Farms ForINew Radio

Grosse Pomte Park Councilvoted to go along with GrossePomte Farms towards installing apollee radiO system to be Jomtlyowned and operated by the fivePomtes

The Farms COWlcl1 took thiSaetlOn after It was recommendedby a special Village commItteethat the present system ownedand operated by the Townshlp bereplaced.

Letters have been sent to theShores, Woods and City offiCialsby the Farms admmlstratlOn m.forming them of the plan. Thecouncils of these mWllclpalltles Iare also expected to report favor- \ably.

Meanwhile the Farms and Parkco un c II 15 have notLfied CarlSchwelkar~, Township supervl~or,to WIthhold any maor capital ex-penditures for new radiO equip-ment.

Township offiCials have beencontemplatmg the purchase of newequipment to begm the changeover to F M. frequency from A.M

The Federal CommiSSion re-qUires that thl3 change over bemade by 1950. The estimated costIII $20,000.

A committee of Park Couums-slOners McMl11an lUld Goddard andPark Manager Lane was appomt-ed by PreSident Fritsch to meetWIth Mr. Schwelkart and poSSiblyrcpresentatlves from tbe otberPOlntes for further study of thematter.


-------------- ------


Ham in Tin89•.

Heavy Plump6th & 7th Rib Land 0' Lakes FRESH Direet from Whitefish

WeU Aged.




49c 59lli. 89tb. 19l1i. 59lli.lb.

Daney'. IKosher Style


Qt. OLIVES 29cLibby'sBABY FOOD 3 jars 29cSaratoga-in Tomato Sauce

MAXWELL HOUSE Pork & BealS __• _ 2 ~~~31e Gonsomme

COFFEE 51c Ca1. Pack-LightMeat. Madril8ll8 _. _.. - 2 oaa 31.Ib TUIA - - - - - . - - . - - 1.1 39c H t H

Smucker's • McMillan's Extra Lar~f' Dried TOOIAOlT1Sf'OES .11 •APPLE SAUCE 2 _ 250 Salta Clara PRUIES pkg. 1ge •. - - • - - •Tf"xsun, 46-Oz. Tin Ar~f'ntina Lar~t' FloridaGRAPERUIT ..UICE 2 'O~3&c CORIED BEEF .. __ Ii. 49c GRAIIES - - - - - - 2 doL ...


..t IRt'1- Ol-trolt Stlll'f'-4RIO" 'Ie:\lcho!< ReI -us 1-6700






'rt ~OU tr'I!..,.,. :roB A Prices Effective: Thurs., Fri., Sat.,U' .L~ DI~IU' May 27.28.29

.DocorcltionlaY IfiCDic




Walter Schwelkart, preSident ofthe Lake Shore Coach LInes,wIDch IS seekmg a raIse ill busfares, stated that speedier servIceWIll be aval1able after schoolsclose next month.

Meanwhile POinte offICIals arestudymg the fare mcraese.

Barry O. Salton, son of Mr.and Mrs. Fred Salton ofMaryland Avenue Will begraduated from the U.S.Naval Radio School at Nor-folk, Va., on June 19. Hisparents are plannmg to at-tend the ceremorues and VIS-it WIth their son before heis transferred. Barry at-tended Grosse Pomte HighSchooL




122 W. ELIZABETHOne Block North of

Taller Hotel

FlowersTU. 2-6020


Downtown Trainand Camera Shop

CAMERAS., $&..__, to $190

Tv.'o cars were senously lm-p8.ll'ed and one person was hurtwhen a motonst fal1ed to stopfor Vernor H1ghway at Devon-shIre.

Park pobce sllld they issued aticket to Frank H RIgle)', of De-trOIt, for falllng to stop. He wastreated for mIDor IDJunes at BanSecours HOSPital. I

The second auto was driven by 1IIIJ. Ballard of },It. Clemens.







Despite the efforts of GrossePomte offiCials to curb pollU-tion m Lake St. Clare, Dr. TS DaVies, Tov,'TIsh1p HealthCommiSSioner. mdlcated that hefeared the strong posslbl1Jtythat SWlmmmg would be re-stricted agam thls season. HeIs expecting to receIve wordfrom the State Health OffIcebefore takmg any action.

Macomb County offc18ls havepromised Murray A. Smith. Farmsengineer that they W1ll makeevery effort to keep their sewageflow out of Lake St. Clair.

Last season's heavy rainfallovertaxed Macomb County's sew-ers forcing the overflow rnto Lakest. Cllllr. Th1S ovetilow was amajor factor In the pollution ofthe lake, cuttmg short the bath-Ing season .

One early VISItor s.t the FarmsPier was very optlmistlc aboutswlmmmg In the pOlntes' tb1syear.

He said. "Officials have madedefllllte progress towards assur-mg safe season-long swunnunghere thiS year and WIth a l1tt1ecooperation from the weathermanwe should get It."

PhillIp F. Allard, Woods clerkdisclosed tha.t the Lakefront ParkW1ll be open from noon to 8 p.m.during the ho1Jday week-end. Adally schedule W1l1 be announcedafter schooJs closed later In June.


I The five GrotmC Pointemunicipal parks will be Offi-Icially open Sunday, Decora.tion Day. However, non~ ofparks will be aVallablf' forswimmmg until later m June.

Providmg they get the nod'from the Board of Health,Grosse Pointe City, Farmsand Shores officials expect tohave their beaches ready foruse by June 15. I

Grosse Pomte Park and Woodsare rushmg to completion the in-stallatlon of new chlonnatmg sys-tems In the bathmg areas. Theyare expected to be ready late thiSmonth er early In July.

The Farms IS also lfistalllng &11Improved chlormatmg system.

\G.P. ParksITo OpenISunday

Education" In

21-Inrh ArlJ\l~table Cut: 12 H P. Powerful, ~'etLIght 111 \\ eight

Reo RoyalePower Lawnmower

Lingeman's17009 Kercheval


LF.GAL HOLIDAYSchools, banks and mUlllclpal

offlcl's In GroSSi' Pomti' \\ III bedosed Monday, May 31. Dec'oratlOn Day.


Army CitesDr. W. Kamm

o---- ~---------------------------------------


FRANK W. LEAMONWINDOW SHADE CO.13912 Char1t'\ oix \. A. 2-0239 I i

Bet~een Lak!'\ l(\\ and Eastlawn


Ex)'X'rth C' ,reel nC'p"rC'd andR( rf~\ ..eo

FrC'(' p"." up 11](1 IX llt!"\ II

EstImate's Wl houl ooll:a'j<ln


Prom\lt Pick.~p andll~ll\'ery Service

15029 Kerchevalnear Maryland

.2.3000 VA.2.7055

Fully In ..... ed

Sealed Storage

Imperialleaners & Dyers

\!uk and~ottmgham

•"1 suppose she 5 anxIous to putpomle In shape," remarked

.dent Fl'ltseh as the Parkctl conSidered the request of

daBrandau, eorsetlere. Her re-st 10operate here was demed•Dale BeauvaiS, who was verypuIardurmg his first year all,tlc director at the Park'sefront park \\"111be back this

n He v.as seen in the v111ag~ceMonday conferring With his

of 1Jfeguards ••"pomte WIth Pnde" Is the 510-

o! the "~ar Memorial Librarydwh1chgets underway June 1.•The Park Councl1 agreed to pur-

a 1948 l'a ton dump truckShener's, local Ford Dealer

bid of $2,200 was low. HeDllSe8dellvery in 45 days

A Grosse Pointe audiencediscussed "Family Educa- I

lion" in an mteillgent andopen manner durmg a com-munity meetmg held at thePierce School audItOriumMonday evemng. Clo~eto 500parents and chIldren attend-ed. I

Mrs Helen R Sherman, <-halr-man of the Family Life Educa.tlOn Comnuttee of Gro~se Pomteactmg as moderatol, mtroducedseveral autholatlve ;peaker'>

Among them was Mr H LeRoySelmeler, of the local pUblicschool system, who stated thatWith the support of the parents,the boaru of education pr(Jposed Lt Colonel Wilbur F Kamm,to mstall a "Io'amlly EducatIOn' RL"erVl', wa~ presented the Armycourse in the high behool next CommenditlOn Ribbon for merl-Spetember. tonou~ achievement from June

Other speakers ~tressed the 1943 to Dec 1945, by Brig Gen.need of family educatIOn III the eral Joseph A Granston, m Gen-school for the parent as well as eral Cranston's office m the Fed-the chIld. eral BUlldmg Monday

Mrs. MarJorie Cos~rove, who Lt Colonel Kamm, who llves athas been a maJor factor III suc- 714 Lmcoln Road. with hiS famll)',

I~ employed by Parke DaV1s as 8.cessfully mstallmg a 'FamIly Research Chemist, where he firstEducation" program m Highland Jomed the Research Department mPa.rk Schools" urged the parents 1916 D th F t W Id Wto take steps now to foster a bet- h udrJnthgAe Irsas orL ut ar.e Jome e rmy a Ie en-ter understandmg of famIly prob. ant, and Research Chemist. Helems between the child and the \ \\ as call~d to duty as a Major mpa,:e~t. . the Chemical Warfare Service

\\ e must go slow but we must' (now Chemical Corpsl in Julymove," sRld Mrs. Cosgrove. 1912 In 1945 he was promoted to

Her comments were shared by the rank of Lt. Colonel, returmngMrs Helen Jenkms, of Pershmg to Parke DaVIS ill March of 1946.High School, Detroit. M DaV1d Although Colonel Kamm IS em-Treat, of Clara ELIZabeth Fund, played as a Research Chemist forFlmt; MI'. Carl Bachman, of Parke DaVIS, a large percentage ofWayne Elementary School De- hiS tmle IS devoted to research fortraIt, and the Rev John C. Ryan, the Army.of the ArchldlOcese of DetrOIt In addition to developing the

FolloWlfig the speakers, a gen- 1101.5omtment mentioned In Coloneleral dISCUSSion was heard III Kamm's Citation, the Colonel waswhIch members III the audience responsible for developmg the fol-offered theIr favorable opmlons lowmg pl'eparabons: ProtecbveIncluded In thiS group were John Items for horses, mules, &11ddogs,R. Barnes, Supermtendent of PreparatIOns for RId In gas bumPubllc Schools; Dr. T. S DaVIS, wounds, Antl-fiash pro t e c t 1V eTownshIp Health CommIssioner, Items, Anb-msectlclde prepara-Remmgton Purdy, PreSident of tlons and Impregnitls.the PTA CounCil, Leslie Young, -----

II;; 'g City Judge, George Elworthy, •

I Neighborhood Club director; the Dcd,./O/Jte New10nmtmbtr ? Richard PTA, Mothers' Health ~,,,"'"

._I\_~_ • COWlCl1, G pHS Mother's Club

~ i and Dads' Club V b D · 'nA20 YEARS AGO Mrs. Sherman wa~ very pleased .l.\.er " ~tamO ~..

GrossePOl.llte Memorial Church WIth the interest shown il)' the .the scene ot a Junior-Senior parents. The new KIrby Ball park,et of Grosse pointe H1gh "We feel that we have started Kerby near Mack, WIll be dedi-I Siudent. off on the nght foot towards cated Sunday, May 30 at 1 p.m.

Resldentsfrom this area were I solving a de1Jcate problem." she Wlth colorful flag-raIsmg ceremo-on"'[Ichlgan's delegates to the remarked. mes

Euchanstlc Congress m ClU- The parents el'couraged the ~I:ar.~.ng the occasion WIll be aD' Hurto school board to mstall the course I dedlcatl!ln speech by James Kin Ve r

15 YEARS AGO In the high school npxt faU and to Watkms, Farms preSIdentG"OssePOl.llte HIgh School add- contmue Its studY on the matter A drum and bugle corps has I A ·d tDew teachers to Its fa.culty by adoptmg the followmg resolu- been mV1ted to partlclapte 1Il the nee I en

Th h h hI' h soc. ceremomes,e Ig sc 00 s onor - tlon: FollowlIlg the ceremOfiles, a

beld Its annual PiCniC at Belle W'hereas thIS Commumty Meet-I baseball dOUble-header WIll bee. • mg has been called for the pur. I seen Grosse Pomte Post W1ll

TE~ l.'EARS AGO I pose of dlscuss.ng a proposal to meet N Y Central Post m the~ record numb~r of 139 stu-, maugurate a pl. of FamIly Life I fIrst contest and St Paul H1gh"ts were graduated from the EducatIOn m the Grosse Pomte, School Will face St, Ambrose.al p~:~~~~o~GO School System, and, whereas, It 1S Accordmg to OffiCIalS the new

. believed that such a plan WIll be diamond IS far superior to the oldLxal reSIdents were malung generally benefiCIal and Will Kerby Park It Includes 800 square.:'J preparatlOn for su."Ilmer eJt- strengthen famllv hfe: [ " tl' laced sod and a

'0"8 abroad the Put-In-B'l.v feet a recen J P~mer School Classes were Resolved that thIS Grosse Pomte ntw backstop.

",duled to start on June 18. CommWllty )Ieetln~ respectfully Offlclats plan to acfd other rec-requests that the Grosse Pomte reatlOn facilltles to the park.Board of EdUcatIOn contmue ItS -----investlgatlon of plans for Family YOUXG S1Io'lPERSLite EducatIOn III the Grosse Park Pollce confiscated two alr-

I Pomte Schools, w1th thl' \"11''11' of I rilles from a pair ot village boysa.doptmg a plan a"ld puttmg It I \\ho were usmg them to take pot,

I mto effect at the earliest pOSSible I shots at youngsters passmg by ondate." blc)-cles.


Everybody Wants Fosmoe!!As was reportl'd earller m the Fo~moe has truly gamed 81 fine

REV!EVw' Bob Fo~mol', a semor reputatIOn for himself m schoolat Grosse Pomtt' H'gh School, was actlvltles He IS a three-year vet-

Iawarded a scholarship to the Um. eran of the VB.I'S1ty SWImming LIONEL I: AMERICAN nYER

Iverslty ot "hchq~an along l\"1th squad, and presently IS the treas- TRAINSthre" othcr studE-nts from the urer of the stUdent go,,,mment,same schoolSince then Bob has been of- and active In many other after-fered scholarshiPS t<> Yale and school actiVIties.Prmceton rmwrslt\" He IS a~.yet undecldeLl as to \\ h'ch one hc\1\"111accept IFar-ms E';pl~yee-s- IReceive Pay Hike

Grosse pomte Fan,,- vlllag:t'mployt'rS rerrl\ rei a 21

~ per.cen,mcreas!' In S:\lflnps t'(>troarllve toMarch 1. It \\11$ appro\"d b) the IFarm!! counCil Mondav

It mrrea.r. thr annual ~"llIaJ.:'epay-roll bv ~Q 000 ~n,i \)OMt. thr\ .,~". !'Ia\' or r~rh emplo,re

I. (.. ~~nf)t'am:,~" fr()n1 ""0 to. _

=-====---- ------


b¥ The pOintertorv ot the Revlew'8

l,t\Ire S • k"P' dlolt,'r ot the Wee ap-san InSide page thISon allThe hOllored youngster 18£<\S81l 16.year-01d pitcher

S" pOinte Post team.~ Gros• •

b PTA WIll meete Ker I, June 2 at 7 :30 p.m. to~sda);s for the ensumg yearo1l'lce f -\merlca m Music"

fIlgT&Il1 0 dbI presented by 4th. 5th &11


at optlnllsts attended theAnnual Convention of the

p(b l at st Joseph. Michl-D15(r!c •saturda\ Among thOle frompOInte Club attendmg were

, Tuttll and Past-Prexytden

pler •bUSI mall thest' days 18 JamesAlIJIa.~ Bt,1 Irs servlfig on the

CO\l.'1l1 !Ill' McMIllan has

h arsmg With the chorus ofr< e ,oF II "d eJuJ1\orLeague 0 les, u

tM~[USICHal~ on June 2, 3 &11d

1111Grosse POInte Congrega-,al Churc~ plans to build a newurcll m the Farms However.,ClalS are delaymg any definiteo~unlll they get the complete'-of-Ila) from the village a.d.tratlOn.

y, )laY 27.1MS

~ Teach


Tt' 20320

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Order In Ad \ al Cf

SPECIALPush-Up Permanent

Wave. Guaranteed tolast 6-8 months. $5.00

Phone TU. 2._For Complete Dmoprs

Featuring Roast thicket!We Delner



HELEN HERNALSTE:~In the Woods for 10YEaTS21023 Mack - TU, 1-530%

Grosse Pointe Woods




You're maklllg a '1."IseInvestment .....hen \.ou let us Inst,lljnew Oldsmobl1e engme III your car It's surpnsmil:l- 10\\ ,ncost-less than. major overhaul IAnd It'' available tlO'lr OD

our easy B~get Plan r In addlbon. this factory-lU8J'8Ilteedengme-preoSlon-tooled with new matel'lals throughout-assures you of mcreased operabng economy and lowtr mainte-nance expense_ Call today for an early installation appomtmcr:t-


PARTICULAR PEOPLE"I.nterior &nd Exterior Paintillf _ Quick Service

"Not the Che&pest, But One of the Best"MILLER DECORATORS

5104 HolcotDb OL


A St.a.j'-At-Home Camp for Boys and GlrL5Ages 2 Years to 10 Years

June 28th to August 6thLImited Enrollment




8111",'f PIt/iI,!~ ':' \

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15218 I. Jeft.-yA.. 1-5000


Gardens Open To Publi




Decoration Day Special

l!:~TURKEY... 77~."'I!~~ Ran A Sha~h VaIJf'T Farm~. I IiJj In(', Tastv Sui Rrandi':Ordor bi~:~;~;;~'1oS••

t) I 12922 E. Jefferson .t Dickerson~.






They are, MISS Eleanor Pil1ll.bury Buell, da.ughter of Mr. andMnF. J. Laurence Buell of 69 Ven-dome Road, MISS Cara Tiedeman,daughter of Mrs. Mary D. TIede-mill of IS6 KenWOOd Road, andMiBB Dorothy Walton, daughter ofMr and Mrs. Howard D, Waltonof 171 LewiBton Road,

In Rites AtSmith College

The junfor ushers will carry theIvy cham and are chosen on thebasi, of academic standing andactivity in college afl'&lrs.

Among the members of the jun-ior c1aaI at Smith College fromGroSH Pointe Farms, are threeWho have been appointed juniorushers at the 70th commence-ment to be held on June 14.

Luncheon reservations shouldre&Ch Ml'll. Hastings by noon,Monday, May 31.

Install, FeteOfficers of1812 Colony

Mrs H~ld M. H&.stlngs. ofIroqUOIS Avenue. chalrman.na- Itlonal of mountam schools. wasInstalled u the new persldent ofGen. AI!'xander Macomb Chapter,US Daughters of 1812, at th!' re-cent annual meeting of the cha.p- Iter a.t the home of the chapter Iparllanlentarlan. Mr.. Henry B IJoy Installed With her « by thecha.pl&ln, All'S LoUIS G&.scOlgne),were the other officers elected 111IMarch, "'ith the f'xcl'pllon of re-cording sccretary Mrs WilhamG Nelson. of Philip Avpnue. wasnanl('d to that office. to succ", d 'Mrs Charles L Bartlett. rl'moved I

to Flonda. slOce hllr electIOn Anhonored guest at the annual meet.109 was 1'>Irs Frederick C Pew.honorary state preSident of Cah.fornia. and chalmlan of hIstoriC IIa.ndmarks

!\Irs. Hastmgs Will entertam herchapter officers at a luncheon ather horne on Wednesda.y, June 2,at twelve noon FolloWlng lunch-eon. plans WIll be outlmed for thecomlllg cha.pter sear.






Wood..,. Clt:anel's~I. 4800


TU. 1~100

Your Valuable tura, and all your fa.DU1y's wintergarments. belong in MOlll'DRY CGlcI StoIqe Vaultsover the hot summer months.Get cOltlplete protection from heat, dampness,.moths, fl1'e and theft in our bank...safe vaUlts Coolmoth-free au- at just the right temperature andhutn1d1ty will keep your winter clothes looklng new.Set your m1nd &t ease - make sure ~ and allOUk>f-selU!o.n garments are safely stored In MON-DRY Re~erated Vaults located at 375 Fisber RoadGI'OSlIe Pomte. •


PJum~ us lor an Ap/'O;ntmmt with ourD~Cordtor in YOUT Hom~

16726 E. Wuren-3 Bfocks East of Outer DriyenSJr rs nr 00 10:" 6TtlDro aT

16726 East Warren :f~':::~

8__ "ord


Page FourI

Thl' prl'sses are read}' to roll <;0 here III the iatest .. At.I.SCHOOL.F.LECTIO:-;S wer" held last wJek and here are the newofficers of th" S. A a.nd the senatol'll for the SChool term September1948 Pl'l"'Ol'nt. BERRY MUNROE, V P TED LAtTNER Sec SALLYA.'I;DRlJS. and Tres ANNIE CANDLER Good luck ~d may youcarryon as "'ell as thiS years offIcers To the senate 12th gradllROB PHILLIPS, 11th. BOB HAFER, lOth. DAN DAVIS. 9th DANDAN \\EBB. 8th DAVE TERRIS, and 7th grade LEE CLANCY.CongratulatIons you "ere ..Iected by the whole schOOl and WI' knowyou \\111 <'fie the "hole school wl'll Honors to thl'se the newlyeh"'C'ted" It!

Nt'xt on ~hc menu the last S A Dance and one of the mostsu('ces",lul Thanks to the co-chlllrmen. JOE FROMM and TED0515 The ,qua.re dancmg W&.sthe best event of the evenmg, wha.ta ",hlrl and e\er~ body enJo\cd It The laller led e\'en one Into sortof a I'ral d march and what a merry nuxup Even" though It W!ll:o

<;() \','f\ \\ arm It wa< loads of fUll Saw Lou Clerre n Sue CrUikshank,G<>orgeBeranek 'n I\lary Ann Wagnor. Bob Bolo 'n Nan Plerrot, Ronny!llllner 'n Gery Rounds Jel'l') I\lecklOZle 'n Mary Ann Mann. .Joe:f.'ron'll1 'n Corky Sch\\eIl1, Dan Guy 'n JUlie Bowman, Hugh DIll 'nJ"anne Do\\'Zer , BirdIe Spurrier 'n LoiS Buck, Terry Thomas 'n FeliceThrope. BIll Treuter 'Il Barb Mann. Ja.ck Corefleld 'n Pat Mann JimHoskmgs 'n Peggy HatLh Gary Lallgcth 'n Amue Candler. BlIi De-Graw n Russ Dlesu'g Dick Augustme n Mal'\' Ellen Antrlll1 Jim!o'lom 'n Carol Chad\\"Ich. Bob Ruck 'n Saly M~rshea U Don LeWiS'n Martie Falrll'BS, Bill McBride 'n AlIce NeVIl, Bob Peters'on 'n JanlceSkillman. Bob C&ll 'n Jane Worley. Jerry Ewart 'n lIIanlyn WalteMia.nd more and marC' and more of the popular HIgh crOWd.

Before the dance MILTON SETZER gave a swell dmner partyand the lucky klds who enJoyed the r.ffaJr, were Milts date POLLYWll..TON, Bill PIerce 'n Suzy Johnson, HIll Pierce 'n Belay Walbotand Bob Bord"n 'n Jeann!e Webb They Wer!' In a fme mood When

they came to the dance aIter areally deliCIOUS dllUler.

Here IS some important newsand If you don't already knowthere IS stIll time to arrange yourFnday Night date to at~nd "THESPR.IN'G CO:'\CER'I"' given by theGROSSE POINTE HIGH SCHOOLBAND FrIday NIght, May 28 atthe Pierce aUditorium. We had a.preview of the ewell program Inall school assembly last week, andwe are all looking forward to thatblues solo by Henn Von An, andthat trombone rendered by Eldenl\farweed. U your wile YO'll willspend Fnday e~ning at Pierceat that Band Concert P S. TheSWing Masters will be thsre.

Over hUl and dale we hit thethe tnal out at ROCHESTER lut Sunday afternooll at the TUXISannual plcmc. All the g&nJ were there IIWimming with their jeanson, eating and eating the picnic lunches, playing bueball and jtJ.thavtng a good time. Ken Venderbush 'n Maryanna Larson, BllI Webb'n Carol Sharrer, Bob Van Haltem 'n Joan GhellqUlre, Dick Bracken 'nSally s=tlL John Cavanaugh 'n J.targe Schute, Sparky Farquar 'nBarb Baumann, Jerry Streck 'n Sally Carr, J1m Stonr 'n Janice Turn-bull, Dick Mltehell 'n Sharon Arnold, Phil Robertson 'n Kathy Streck,Bob Stntzinger 'n Ginny Granae, Jon Walton 'n Barb Orph&l, KikeKerwm 'n ShIrley Dam, Art Beck 'n Merrie BaWl1&llJ1, Tom Wllaon'l1 Manon RennIe, Frank swartz 'n Jeannie JonJted were Just a few.,ho had a real swell day of plcmc and the Wlld wOOd&.

On Sa.turday after noon PEGGY TERRY entertalned a group ofher friends at _ lovely tea at her home on Harvard:. She and herclIarming hoateSlll!s, Bev Bolin, Mary Ellen Antrim 'n Janet DalrympleIerve4.the scrumpo~ food. Her table waa set buffett with the pret-tist Spl'1ng f1owel'll as decorstion. Pe,ggy and her hostesses wore w!ul.erudlmas. The girll had a lovely time from 3:00 Ull 5:00 llportingtheir newly aqulred. tan ..

Last Sunday afternoon MARILYN BOWER 'n CAROL BRIGGSentertamed at another fine tea The girIll were wearing their newestSpriDg frockl and, were JUst the beat Of hollteSllel, as were the FrIllthey chose to pour etc. Barb Gregorr, Mary Whitcomb, Peg McCarten,and :Manlyn Mathewson. Almost all the gtr1ll were there and had• 81'&nd time at thi! Senior Tea.

Grosse pointe s 1110st beautiful Alger Museum .. " Tal" ,gardens on pllvate estates will be Comfort statIOn 8" "1 ,I hopen to the publlc <luring the garuells, roses. lol I f J

Garden Pilgrimage here on June wood. ' ,10 and 11, from 2 P III to 8 pm. !.Irs Standish Bd' h" ,")ram or shme Shore. Beautiful I ll~ I 'h' f

The pligrunage IS sponsored by gardens, magnltll, III I, ,I 0

the DLllolT GJ.lden Clnter as a other material. . S

IIIlaJlS of developlllg a wluer 1'1- Mr and Mrs FI' d, " I (1

tel est III home gardens Hostesses 1005 Yorkshire. Me,lIull 'J\\111 be on dutv to answer hortl. ural garden, outdoOl I r.

1ze- raCecultural problems terestlng tool hou~, l- lad

Prolceds Will go tOI\ ards f1nanc- shrubbery for scrl', n lJ )., U!tIIIg the Garden Center's Hortlcul-


!\Ira. Fred T. MUI) 1'1 1'6~tUle Library s.t Belle hie Jeft'erson Formal. I th,'slde

G.1rden ViSitors are ll.l>ked not den.to brIng aJlllllal P{ts I Mrs B E Blll" 1'1"

Followmg are the names and La.kels.nd Old !,:dld '1h .'Daddl e~ses of persons II' ose gar- Signed, vallety ot 111' " al

oens Will be open to the pUbll(". Mrs. Alexander 0' lJl.JI'i'E 10 ..1 • !lIIorRoa .... and Mrs G"u,' r \

.!Ill' and !illS John N LaId. 2J5 of Beacon HIli are ,'" I 1,TO_laule Road Beautiful bIte. ' J Id'l1,trees. lOlling landscape

!Ilr and !illS George Black. 286, UODEL ST' IHToulamc Rhodouenurolls, c.zaleas I B b G II \ I

!ill'S Wessel Booth 226 Proven- ar ara 0 a, '1 J. Ile'cal Formal gardens.' beautlful dc- I Ha.rold G GoUa, Br, ] ~" H,Sign \\ Ol)d l\lt:> (hJ III

Mrs RtlS~ell Algel, 2cl2 PrOHlI- thp models who dPlca!. French deSign. old l"rench Style Show gll ell \\'"

statuary beautIfully laid out and May 26 10 thl IJ [1 f)Jp

planted' Walwood Hall by 0 I

Busy promoting the pencil business at Pierce School are from left to right Nancy :'11 and ?Irs Wchard Jacksoll, Gamma organlzatlOll (DIbble, 1121 Beaconsfield; Vermto SIIllth, 862 Ballenger; Crystal Gregory, 1984 Haw- 124 Mell'meather Enclosed gar- M1<.hlgan College LO "thorne; 1.015 Auchmutey 1377 'Vaybw'1l and John Brabb, 1321 Berkshire. The group den, very SlUall, charlnutg off La h.~bel t th Pi P '1Co Mr. and Mrs. William Barbour, of the program

Expected to attend W111be hon- ongs 0 e erce enCl mpany, organized by the faculty as a means of ):eaching 43 Oldbrook Lane (off Grosse Pte. banquet.orary chapter presidmtl!. Mrs the pupl1s all of the many details conc erned with the successful operation of a B1\d) New garden, delightful.Lloyd DeWitt Smith, Mrs. Marvm business.-See story. I ' Mr. and Mrs Ed ....m B. Barbour,L Hoag~d, },Irs Dorman L 147 Lake Shore. EUen ShipmanRogers. firs Gordon W Kmgs. BUY, SE LL PENC ILS Garden, exqUisite matenal and de-bury, Mrs. Sidney C Probert, Mrs I ------------- sign American and English bolt-C. Clayton LanIer; and present of- p - P -Is TJ C .'lIRL wood.ficera, Mrs. Milburn E Rice. Mrs. ,erce un, .C'orm omnanv • Ml. and Mrs George Zimmer-Kenneth Landis, Mrs Frank A. T r. ",/ man. 12;) Kenwood, Many varle-Rose.l\lrs Nelson, Mrs. Horsce J. Le'/7rn 'V r:r' ,{ B . S.'•••'T ties of groWld covers!.lcGregor, Mrs Willism R. Hutch- K ..I.\..now ..rJ.OW OJ uszness Mrs. BenJamlll S. Warren, 6;);)inson, Mrs Edward J. Savage, ~". ~ La.ke Shore. Unusual beech alee,Mrs Louis Gascoigne, Mrs. Roy When thE' members of the ence that It pays to advertise Wlth 1. II:. ~ mterestlng matel'lal, old and \\eUW. FItch. Mrs. Henry B Joy. and Blgher A 1'1 t h met I c classes at Inovel Ideas. established garden.dlrectol'll. Mrs Edward A Davy. IPI 'rce JUOlor High reorgaOlzed The company wi.11 function un- Mr, and I\lrs John French,Ml'll Edward H Elchelzer and the Pierce PenCil Company thiS tll the sale of all the penCils at '--=:--:::,.---"-"'-" __ -=- ,.,...-. 936 Lake Shore. Ro"'" garuen"" IMra. William F Turnbull. week, It was deCided to introduce which t'me the activity \>;'1))be 'l'I1e Grosse Pomte GIrl Scout lock garden

a. new Ime of pencils which would termInated and dIVidends Will be I CounCil a.nnounces electIOn of new rrXE 11TH Ibe of partlcula.r Interest to grad- declared. Iofficers for 1948-49: District chaIr- Mr and Mrs. Rob"rt Stoepel, Iua.tmg 9A's TIlls new line of man, Mra. E. G. Klaver; V1ce- 437 La.keland. Small, fornlal, 10\ e-'pencils is known as the Blue Devil FOILO" -l:P chairman. Mrs. Watson Ford; sec- ly trees, deSign, unusual peomespencil and IS dated 19111 ft'r the I Board members and offlcers of retary, Mrs. Remmgton Purdy; Mr. and Mrs. Dexter )1. Ferr~', Ipresent SA's. as thiS IS the year the company plan to VI81t the De- 'I Treasurer, 1011'SJ R. Ha.rdmg 17100 E Jef!erson Garden m sec"which will be theIr graduatmg trolt Stock Exchange as 110 follow- At a tea held m the home of tlons, mformal sprmg garden, tel'-year from the senior !ugh school up (}f this a.ctlvlty and to diSellSS Mrs J. R Harding 692 University I race and formal garden, vegetable

FOR~ BOABD their observations upon their re- on May 18, Mrs, Sldn~y Morgan. Igarden, IMembers of the board of dlrec- turn W1th their fellow classmates. I Who ha.s been district chairman Mrs. Ralph Booth, 315 Washmg-I

tors are' Joa.nn~ Johnson, James It Is hoped that the members Ifor the p&.!!t two years, handed ton Road. Formal garden, shady IReindel, Crystal Gregory, Joy of the H1gher Anthmetic classes over her duties to the new chalr- hillSide \\Ith mterestlng shade ma-,Chamberlin. Barba.ra Ion, Wilham Will have a greater appreclat!on man. Mrs. Klaver. The council terlaI.'Medley Ross Marl' and Tom Stein of how a company is organIZed presented an attractive set of 'Ir and 'I R d D ', . d th 1ft k . al d t .... rs. aymon y....e-

After applications were recelv- an e mean ng a 8 oc certifl- cor an urquollll! earnngs to ma, 410 Lakeland. Informal,-Ied from prospective applicants for ca.~es, dlV1dends. etc ActiVIties of Mrs. Morgan gll.I'den to be llved Ul.holdmg offIces of the company, this kmd are stimulating as they The retiring cha.irman hasthe following stUdents were hired motivate the class and create In- served In scouting for 4 years,by mt!"rVJews. Mary Ann Hagg, terest In subjects WhiCh might workmg as a leader pnor to h!"rpresident. Joy Chamberhn. V1ce othel'\V1Se be meanmgless or dull pOSitIOn as head of the coubcu.president In charge of sales; ------- •Joanne Johnson, Vlee-presldent In C II JI K t - The leaders' ass:>c1atlon also an-charge of advertlsmg and publi- a If.J.ee,ng nounc(l,'!l election of new officerscity; Barbara Ion, secretary for h for 1948-49: ChaIrman, Mrs. LeroyMiss Hollins' Branch Office; Joan At It aca, Mich. Allen; Vlce-chi¥rman IlJ\!I Pro-Hemme, Treasurer for tha.t offIce; gram chairman, Mrs A F' Lip-Carolyn Dill, secretary for Mr fior 1812 Boa~ :J pitt; Mrs W H Peet, re-electedJackson's (Teacher) Branch Of- I U secreta.ry and treasurer.flce; Marian Vlletlnck, treasurer , •for that office. and George Mrs Marvin L HoaglanCl, of Troop 703, Richard Schoo" re-Holme WII.S hired as auditor. Dearborn (formerly of Detroit), centty was presented wl~a an

SF.LL STOCK has called a. meeting of the state Amel'1oan flag by the La.dIfe,i.'Au •One-hundred f ft sh f I executIVe board of Michigan Chap. xihary of the Veterans of Foreign

I y ares 0 t U t d St D ht Wars~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s~ck_re~w~a ar~~ ~ me ~M ~g ersof ,- 10f 10c each. Ea h uP 1812 for Thursda.y, .June 3, at the BrowOlP Troop 304, Kerby

titled to bu ' one csh:r:P of ::k en~ home of Honora.ry State Presl- I School, rivals the bUsiest bees. I

SUb9CrlPtIO~ at the pa I ~ dent, Mrs Lynn T. MUleI', In IThey have made dolls and beanremalmng stock was ;Ol~a:te'auc~ Ithaca Michigan. bags for ChIldren!' Hospital. vis-tlOn at various rices d endl Followmg 8. noon luncheon, Ited ~e Alger Mu~eum and theupon the supply Pa.nd dem~nd. ng I plans W1I1be made for state work DetrOit News, and hiked to Farms

Rad dunng the comm"" year Mrs I Pier for picnics Mrs J E Lof-10 announcements over the '" t .....

pUbhc address system has added Hoaghmd W1ll report to her of. s rom and Mr~. M. B. nutchlnsontll the pUblicity "and a display in flcers on ,the business transac~ed lead this active troop.the corl'1dor has attracted m ch at the National Board Meetmg •favorable comment. u followmg the Associate Council The Girl Scout swimming pro-

recently held In Washmgton, D.C. gram is over for this yes.r 169QI'!Z SHOW Expected to attend from De. glrls registered and received in-

Earlier m the yea.r the Pencil trolt area are' state officers Mrs structlOn dunng the 24 weeksCompany sponsored a ra.dlo quiz I Charles S LeWiS, Mrs Alb~rt E T Wing Scouts completed theshow at assembly, the title of Stewart, Mrs SIdney C Probert. Semor life-saving course; 13 gJrbwhich was "The Pencil Box" At Mrs. Kenneth Lani!, Mrs. Erich A. fInished Junior lIfe-SIlver requlre-t1Jts show prIZes of penCils were Ja.~trow. Mrs Mllbum E Rlce, ments. swimmer badges w111 begwen to contpstants who partlclp- Mrs ~enry B Joy; Mrs. Lloyd awarded soon to the 26 girls whoated in the show by trymg to ans- DeWitt Smlth. honorary pre81- qualified.wer questions pUlled out of the Ident-national 1I.Irs Gordon.W Thanks go to swimming in-penCIl boxes on the stage KingsbUry, honorary sta.te pre81- structor Mrs Hazel Chateau and

Several llII.lesmen prepa.red red dent, Mrs Harold 1'>1 Hastings. her assIstant. Mrs Munel Cralg.and yellow bell-hop hats and car- chairman-natIOnal of mountalO Also to Mrs Delbert Bilhet for --=:::::rled boxes as venters and have schools. a.'l well as new preSident superVJsmg In the shower foomsold pencils before class!"s m the of Gen Alexander Macomb Chap. •mornings and at noon. Nancy ter, DetrOit. The ~Iothers' ClUb recently rE'n-Dibble, Crystal Gregory. Lois ----___ dered fmancial &ld to the Grosse

, Auchmutey and Vemlty Smith Pomte Girl Scouts, the sum to be,carned out thiS plan Wlth wry I Four Pointers Join used as the Scout counCil deemssuccessful sales rpcords 3Jl eVld-1 Ph' K Ph' necessary. I

I appa I 'I • IPhilip B. Thomas Robert J }frs L H Orebaugh ha.'1 been!

V1Ulck, Patricia Peter, and car-I made a member of the camp com-tel' Zelemk of Grosse Pomte were mlttee,among the 320 student Imtiated I •into membership In the Univermty The annual luncheon for Pomteof Mlchl"lln chapter of Ph, Kappa Scout leaders and counCil mem-Phi. national scholarShip society I beN WIll h!' held III tho> DetroitIllst wl'!'k. IYacht ClUb J11n". S at 12 30 pm,

I S\'IT\RY"TEP;;; A,nnounc('mpnt GIRL SCOPT(1r" •• e P{)'nt' \\ 1)1'1'1 will rp- ISHELVES are nO\v complete l'l

relVI' propl)oRI fnr thl' rollertlt1n all thrf'P Gro~.f' Pomtp Ilbran!'sof garb:lr:;:. and Tl'fuo!' 10 th" \"11- u-ader. &rf' urgl'd to lItlhz" thp 1lagp 01' I'll ",(Ia\ Jun~ I at 8 pm "dll('atll)nal ma.'rr,al thu'I prOVldN:l

, The ('ontra('t.....\>;'I~bl' for one} ear' for their convemence




! '


'", I,I~


washE'TS and Di5-J)OSlllls are poweredby ''2-b.p_ motors.

Ii ~uannleeli 1year. I',HOTPOIl\o"T Dish-v.ashl'TS sav(' Z5 IIhours per mnnthOl'f'r hand dish- Iwashing I


1'7\1- 11ft

Sm I th FreshmenChoose POinte GI rl

Miss Isabpi Va.n Dyck Baxter.a frpqhman at. SmIth Collf'g"daughter of ~lr and Mrs. Charlc5S Baxter or 618 RIvard Boule-vard, was honored at Float Nighton May 23.

The chosen frf'qhmen pIck aCf'ntral thpme and thf'n decoratecanoes whIch ar/' dl~palyed onParadiS/' Pond at the Float NightceremOnies.


HYGIENIC DISHWASmNG... water hotter than humanhands can stand-plU8 deter-gent,-wa.shes dishes hygienic-ally clean.FRONT OPENING • • . per-mits easier load.1ng and pro-VIdes greater vlSIblhty-evena child can see and help.T_UlLE TOP WORK SURFACE

. • (,ffers addltional 'Work:surface-576 square mches ofuseable space. No cracks orcreVices to collect dust or dirt..VERSATILE • . .washes 58dIShes in one opera.llon plusSilver. Also does pots andpa.n.s.WATER CONTROL .•• auto-mat!cally a.$sur e s properamount of water entenng tubfor wash and r1IISe actlonswithout waste.ELECTRIC-BEAT DRYING •••&fter the washIng and nnsUlgcycles have been completedthe 825.Watt Calrod heatmgtmit furnishes al:>unc1ant cleanheat for drywg •


HotpointDishwasher UnitsSeparate Hotpolnt Dish-washer umts are made mtwo models. namely Withpor<.elam enamel top anda lower model to fit undercurrent dram. InCUVlQualuT11t to p!ue In :l."lY\'"het't' IS$284 5(l Ur.der~ra.n moorlI.S 5264 ';0.

At theJunior League ShopDaTid Whitney Bide.

Junior League ShopGrosse PGiD te

Or TelephoneBirm~ham 3,"or CAdillac 6867

Reserved Seats on SaleAfter May 26 a.t Mus1c Hall

Twenty-sIX states have a four- \year term for governor, 21 a two-year term, and one (New Jersey)a three-year term.

The young couple Will repeattheIr marriage vows to M~gr JohnJ Hunt at 11 o'clock in the mom-Ing at the Church of the VISIta-tion.

Immediately after ... breakfastWIll take place at the DetrOit Ath-leltc Club. WIth a receptIOn at theDonahue home from 3 to 5 o'clockm the &fternoon.

Betty's slstt:r, Mr. Robert DRuen, WIll be her matron of honor,and brlde.nalds WIll be Mary Ellz-abeth Cox, Mary Jane Neydon andManlyn Sc.hnelder.

Sally and TImothy O'Donnell •young COUIlInSof the bnde-to-be,WIll be the dower gIrl and rlng-bearer. respectlvely. They are thechildren of Mr. and Mrs. EdwardE. O'Donnell, of Grosse De.

On the esquIre SIde, Peter A.KIrsten WIll be best man. andushers Will be Robert D. Ruen,James D Callaghan and JeromeF. Snyder,

Saturday, June 26. wIll be theweddmg day of Betty France8Donohue and John Clement Pen.nell. Betty 1ft the daughter ofMrs. Frank J Donahue, of EdIsonAve. DetrOlt. and the late MrDonahue. John 8 parents are Mr I "B08S" Ketlenng'8 new hIghand Mrs Clement Anthony Pen. I oomprf'~~lOn motor saving ga'lO-nell. of Blossom Lane, Grosse line wnsumptlOn 13 to 40 perPomte unto \'.11 g/'t ItH t1r~t pUbic bow

plObaby In 1949 Odsmobllell andCadllJacs

Miss DonahueTo RepeatVows In June

Available With Th.Hotpoint Disposall""

.Food-Waste DisposerD1SPOS.UL FOOD WASTE DISPOSER •••shreds and disposes of fOOd leftovers whllesUll fresh. Eliminates garbage contamersand odors DlSPosall is self-clea.'1l:ng Oper-a~es for lOC a month

• •• The CompletelyElectric Dishwasher - Sin"

St. AmbroseCeremony

The engagement of Margaret


Sue Hoppe to Charles BeecherCrouse, Jr. son of Mr. and MrsCharI ell Beecher Crouse, of Pro-ve ncal Road, was announced lastweek by Margaret's parents. Mradn Mrs Henry Herman Hoppe,of Warren. OhiO.

The bride-elect will graduateth1l month from the MechamcalEngmeerlng College. In 1939 shespent the summer m Scandmavlawith an exchange group of theExperiment m international Llv-lng.

She lB a memb"r of the Asso-CIated Students CommIttee. Amer-Ican Metalll Society and the Amer-Ican Society of Mechanical Engi-neers.

The prospective bridegroom at-tended St. George's School atNewport, R I. and the SouthernArizona SchoQl at Tucson.

After completmg his freshmanyear at Uruverslty of Anzona, heentered the mIlitary Iiervlce as asergeant. He spent 15 months Inthe ETO. He is now a1flltatedwith Sigma Alpha EpSIlon at U.of A., and 11 secretary of b1a chap-ter.

Ic. B. CrouseTo MarryOhio Girl

by HotpointA..to",atieAT LAST

I, :1







Since the membershIp of theMichigan chaptl'r~ of the Daugh-ters of Colonial Wars, 8.l1dDaugh-ten of Founders and Patriots orAmenca. are practically Identical,they W111hold a lomt sprlllg lunch.eon-meeting Fnday, June ., atthe Detroit Boat Club LuncheonrellervatloNi should reach MrsHenry B. Joy, by Wednesday noon,June 2.

SocietiesFix JointLuncheon

"lORE" than an appropriat4' GIFI'

A {.nT SHE WILI_ APPRf:Cf..\. n: I~


0~, :s.~~I~ ~,%;

'/, I'" rOJ l~


Beverly Brownell SetsJune Wedding Date

Beverly Brownell. daught, r of IIMr. and Mrs Charles [, Brow. ,ell: t~ brIdal party will be Max.nell, of Haw tho r n I Road lllaredt. of St Louis. ash&ll set I<'rlda.y f \' P n I n g' ~;ald of honor and as brlue,malds,June 18, as the date of hf'r lI1ar. iur~ Rob\'rt J Moffatt. Jr, ofrlare to Kerth Pollard Moffatt ar~e~ld~1. Calif, amI Mrs How-son of Mr. and Mrs Robprt J anz and !>trs Loyes O.Moffatt, Sr. of Devonshlrp Road ~eYdllOldS, of Detroit. and Marla.

al \lcKnlght of Groo;se PointeThe ceremony WIll take place I Captain Robert J "\foffa.tt f

at 8:30 In the evening at the the U S Army WIll be best m:nGrosse Pointe Mf'morlal (,hurch for hlS brother Seating theYo'1ththe Rev Flank Fill offlclat- gUl';ts WIll be Arthur C Bmr I rown- ,

, • I, brother of the bnde. Arthur C. •!lhller. of Detroit. anI! Lee S.\tcDonald. of Galesburg, lIl, andHarry Lee Moore. Jr, of LoUIS.VIlle Ky

First party In MISS Brownell's f~honor was a shower at WhICh Mrs. ~".WIlham Schenck was hos'es~ Fn-day f'vf'nmg at her home on Ken-sington Road Mrs. Arthur Esllckand Mrs Mlcha.el Moroz wereJOint hostesses at a personal9 how e r for the brlde-to-be.A surprlze tea and Mowerwas gIven at the home of Mrs.Anthony KernJack by the moth-er'! of thf' children III MillSBrownell's clB.B8at Masqn School.Mrs Henry Gardner, 6f McMIl-lan Road, IS entertammg at aKitchen Shower and Tea SaturdayAfternoon. Other parties are be-mg given by Mrs Howard ManzMrs Loyes Reynolds, and Mi~

IMarla.W8.1d McKnight.

Mrs. LoUIS M. Edgar. state Mr and M!'!I Robert J Moffatt,prelldent of the Da.ughters of' Sr, Wlll gwe the rehearaaJ. din-Founders and Patnots of Ameriea. Iner Thursday evenlIlg, June 17." ...1Il call their meeting to order SCHurr Portraitat 11 pm thlt.t mornmg. Annual The former Anne Burke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnreports of offIcers and chairmen Ieete Po.1 nte Burke of Ishpeming, Michigan and Donald Beever, son ofwIll be followed by accounts of M d M H In a ceremony held at St Am-the General Court held last month r. an 1'8. Albert Beever of unt Club Drive, Grosse brose Church Saturday, MarilynIn Washington These \\111 be d I Pointe were married at a candle light service at the Grosse Ann Bursluck and John Charlesgiven by Mrs. Joy, honorary na. B ri e_E e ct Pointe Memorial Church at 8:00 p.m., May 21. Staudt, Jr., were umted 111 mar.tional president; Mrs Charles -------------- ' nage.Horton Metcalr. national coun- D'Onaltl Bet~er T4ake.'SBrl.(le The bnde is the daughter of MrBrIde-elect Marva MachrlB Wlll d 'I Ed .1 ''I B k fcilor; Mrs Albert L Hart. ?tIrs an .. rs warU"> urslc 0be feted on Saturday evening, B ck gha r ad 'I Staudt'Edward H Elch6'-er. '.lrs 0 D "1 An '1 I B k d h h d d t h t u 111 mo ... r ISdZ" May 29, by her aunt, MrII A G. .. IS8 ne"> ar e ur e, aug - orc I an s foP an,., IS th n f M d .. s J hn C

Heavennch.'.Irs. '.la.tthew Hansen t f M d "I J h B k Hid t M L e so 0 r. an ... r 0 ••• " Masters, of CourVIlle road, at a er 0 r. a.n a rs 0 n ur e er on y atten an. - ISS ynne staudt of Lakepol1lte avenue

and athers. kItchen shower at the DetrOIt of Ishpeml1lg. MIchigan. was Stevenson. \'.ore a pale green Justine Olson v.as the ma~d ofA recess Will be takf'n at 12 30 Yacht Club marned Friday mght to Donald fraille gown and carned ~'ellow honor. Bridesmaids were Jane Aud

pm for the Jomt luncheon of the I Marva and her tia.!lce. Charles Beever, aon of )lr and Mrs. AI- roses Kearns of LoUISVille, Ky, Marytwo groups AdrIan Joyce, of -Cleveland, Wlill bert Beever of Hunt Club Drive. Mr Beever Il.sKed Rudy Kaml- Ann staudt, Margaret Rousseau,

• \ .lrrlve Fnday, May 28, from theIr I The ceremony took place at Grosse schke to be hiS best man Robert Mrs. Donald Goyette.studies at Bowling Green Univer- \ Pomte Memorial Church, Rever- Beever and Herbert Beever of St. I All wore gov,"ll5 of Ice blue sat-

• Followmg luncheon. Mrs Os- Slty, Bowlmg Green. 0, to spend end Rauth ofIlclatlr.g. Joseph. Mo. both brothers of the I m. MISS Olson carried an armGro<sePomte Thea.tre is a mond D. Heavennch. of Jackson the Memorial Day week-end \\1th The former Miss Burke wore a groom seated th.e guests. I bouquet of deep purple IrIS and

U"ltltlleatrl! Its purpose as (formerly of Detroit.. preSident, the brlde.to-be's parents, Mr. and white lace gown WIth an IllUSIOn I For her son s weddmg, Mrs., wore a band of matchmg ftO\\ ers.urofitorgamaztlon is to pre- Wlll. conduct the meetmg of the ::'o{rs Charles E Machns, of Loch. ve I for her weddl~g. She carrIed I Bee\'er chose agley pnnt dress 111 her hQ.lr. The bridesmaids car-goodDla\'s at a minimum SocIety of Colomal Wars. State of moor Blvd Ia satm covered BIble vnth an IWIth black ~ccessones She wore rled sumlar fio\' ers. TheIr hatsto the people of Grosse \Michigan. Accounts of theIr Na- The young couple will be mar-I a corsage o. gardemas ",ere blue mahne

Ie and to gl\'e anyone who is tiona! Society's annual meetlllg In rled at Grosse Pomte MemOriall------------- For their trIp to the Smokles, James Curran was the best man< ed 1" any phase of theatri-\' Washington Wlll be given by Mrs I Church on June 19. eIght days art- Ent'brtal.n ::'otrs Bee\'er wore an eggshell \ Ushers were Harold 'Welch of Blr-

""ur'se an opportunity to Joy, honora.ry state preSident and I er Charles' graduatIOn from the' ~ gabardine sUlt WIth forest green mmgham, Rlc~ard Nagle. Donald,~ ha"d at anything from Ipast national officer :'\ll"s Harold universIty. : S · h Cl accessones Upon theIr return. \ Goyette and William Reilly.pa",Jrgto play production. 1

MHastmgs, national historian: I .nanlS ass ,)lr and Mrs Beever WIll make The brIdal paIr ha.ve gone to

'u :ler u formation call Mr. Mrs. L1o~'d DeWItt SmIth. state '£ . I theIr home In DetrOit. Miami Beach.

>Ie\\ erneken 206 McKmle~'1 ''Ice-president !>lrs Sidney C. Women's Clubs Forty members of Clarence V I

~ TlL,edo2-8811. • \ Probert, and others. ~tcGulre's adult Spamsh class i ,IFix Bene)-h,.t were guests of Mr and Mrs Fran-I i, :J ' CIS X. Nutto at their home. 11211 II'i11nte Cour" 'e Ce 'ebtHrte Roslyn Road, Wednesday evenmg, '1 II

II T II II,... The SOCial Welfare DIVISIon of May 19 Ithe DetrOit Federation of Worn- The recreation room and bar of' II

TITb -1-1,.nruAnn, ..,lb'-l"ary en's Clubs IS sponsonng a Card the Nutto home "ere decorated 11\yy,,;aa, 0 ,~,oJl Party a.."'IdStyle Show on Friday, WIth many posters and placardsJune 4. at 12.30 pm at the Fra.nk whIch had been obtamed by mem I II

and~irs Wilham LaForest the CIt~., Mrs Bert Leach of Trav- <I: Seder store, 1437 Woodward bers of the cl8.l58dunng their VIS I IliiO MaI1

landAvenue will eel- ers CIty. Mrs. Fred Graham of Avenue. Its to va.nous Latm-Amencan '

I thelT Golden Weddmg An- Petoskey, MIchigan, and Sadie The proceeds WIll be g1Ven for countries and the evenmg wu ,I,, Sunda~. May 30 WIth a Goldbach of PIttsburgh, Pennsyl- the benefIt of the chapel of the spent in amusements and games I

Mass at ten o'clock m St vania There are aIliO rour grand- Starr Commonwealth for Boys. Imcludmg talkmg motIOn pIctures II:se Church. Hampton and children and three great-grand. Mrs Fredenck A Schroeder, o~ MeXlco m techmcolor. shown by II

lll'll Avenues chIldren Mrs Roy B Fehr. Mrs. H. Earl ,Robert J Stauffer and Clayton i IIemoratmg the OCC&lllon The LaForrests were mamed IHanson and Mrs Elroy Scheifele Bennett. and a umque game ongl-' II

tbM parents Wlll be two May 24, 1898. 111 Tra.\'ers City, \Vlll model the clothes nated for the occasion and given ,• 'S ~!rs Mel Crandall of where they reSIded until they came I Refreshments wI be served. the na.me "penny-ante MexlC 9..'1a", I 11

YaI1land Mrs Wa.rren J. to Detroit tlUrty years ago Mr. Tickets may be secured from Mrs. in wluch all guests partIcIpated. I I

of 2144 Ashland; and theIr LaForest was employed at Hudson WIllIam A. Hudson, chairnian of and which was devised to prOVIde IIW'u1ard J LaForest of 1080 Motors for twenty-elght years. and the Committee on arrangements II hllal'lous amusement and at the I 1\

.lm<l Three sisters of :Mrs. 'has now been retired for two by calhng TO. 8-7838; TE 1. same time test the Spanlsh-speak- IIrm will corne from out of yeatl. 5295. mg abIlity of everyone present. A I I,I sumptuous buffet supper was pro- I ii'

V1ded at the conclUSion of the eve- IIR

· '11 ks HONOR POIN'l"EB ning of fun.'Olnter lYJ.ar Miss Margaret Eleanor Otto, The committell on arrangements ii'daughter of Mr. and Mn. Edward conS1sted of Mrs. Ene M :Bird, I

~ ~ otto. 1140 Beaconsfield. WIll be M!'!I R J. Muckle and Mrs Nutto. IIWeaainu Da'V graduated from HeIdelberg Col- The SpanIsh c1&l1Swill resume I0"" lIege, Tlffm, OlUo, Monday. M&y Ita recitations at Grosse POinte Ilil~a;~dD~~.SD~~:~,:m~~I po~~ :r.::;;ar~~~~e ~t~~::~ 3u1.nt.tarl.am Mark Ihl2gh31i~chooJIAbUllndmng11~~theer.'SafaIl" 1



5tlth Weddmg Annlversary St. Paul School and later estab-lID'JlV ~la~ 31 by attendUli' hshed a successful busmess m

at St Ambrose Church. bwldmg and contractmg. He IS Attendmg the 123rd Anniver- The AnlllverS8.tjr Week meet- IIIIDGoW"ngmas~. the couple will now retn~d. His wife who Is 73 IS sary Week meeting of the Amerl-. I Bo to 11f llt t. a D"eah"1st at the Whittier a na.tive of Canada. can Umtanan Auoclauon In Bo8- mgs n s n WI e ure na IOn- I'

Later a recet>tlon will be I The Martins have ftve children. ally-known llPeakers. panel dls- ,'Ia':.re h,'1 ~ of a granddaugh- -'_ gr6"dclUldren and two great- ton, Mass from May 22-28 are CU5SioM on VItal IS!IUes, dinners I III• ".... _. three delegates from the Grosse and many 8peclal events. Legal II

)1', I"e"f ",cks of DetroIt. grandchildren. POinte Umtanan Church, it has a.ctlon on denommallonal It.ffairs 'Ibeen announced. These delegates Is part of the procedure. Speakers (IllbeSIde the mmlster, Rev. :!olernll WIll mclude Dr. John Haynes Iege Students Return To pointe Ous Bates, are MISS Florence Holmes, who V1l11ted Wlth Gandhl ,IIIAdams, pre5ldent at the Woman's shortly before the US&SS1nation;

.~ the ~Dnr.g ~mester at followed by tbe commencement IAIhIl.IH_eand :Mr~ J..~~~F!:l.."Ichcr ur. \.>i!Orge D SluJu ....J. ilr"Sid~::t ~cern Co' 'j:i for Women comes exercise on June 8 for the 68 DUring the ab!H'nce of the mlIl- f th U' sit f TIl I C rd \ I~(),O ,," , fhe years WIll re- members of the senior class ister. hiS pulpit will be fUled by 0 e rover y 0 mo s; 0""J1 tho < hoot WIll observe Returning honle next weE'k frem the Men's Club of the church, m Ml'yer, preSIdent of Umted World II

(,;._,_ a' 0" .\'ersary Found- a year of study at Western CoI-I' a Laymen's Sunday ser'Vlce. Federalists. and many others. I I~:: '~' B --------------------------- I 'I. r rollege has had lege WIll be Barbara rown 1:~O!U~OOMO~UGG!HiOOUO~OGG~, '

l 'rom every state Josephme Colhn' Annette DaVIS ...' i'...tates and from h' '1 t h II ,"

INane\' Fo<ter, ElIazbe , -, I r l' " 'tl'1tnes . '" d'" 4~

':_ ~~ ()n~ scheduled ICarollnf' O""T. ~anc) R0l' ..m. an i ~ 0--.er8!1~ Jlme 4, WIll be' Barbara \\ Ichmg I .' -,I e ~ -______ --------\:: £8'" a • e 011ftter8U

~ ~~ • ~ , r' -. iII~ 01"8111011•1 rv\ee--~uU1onzed

R Th B.~ ~ and se \<:S' No Job

O }"

e ~ r\zed ~es ed Meehan' kUtlr e une II ~ ~\lthO nWT! Tt$it\ C tor a Chee:. patts e,nd Bn,ng \n your at Bfll-ke l:)et'V\ce

I3 srr.:ll' Cod'lete II~ TOO Ob\l~t\on. Ins~\ioD '~.... _NO £~rts - me 'I I.... "~d~tt\(\UC! : :~ p D~and~. N;ght Se",,;ce $~ ~

.... 'to .:\

.' BUMPING AND PAINTING ~~ ONE DAY SERVICE i..' 14350 E. WARREN AT CHALM ERS S~ t~ KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO. ~~~ ~~: 1;)0;;)4 F,. \\'A1Tf'O at Somerset TU. 2-5640 ~~


i' lal TaJ j"llIgton's "Clar-an~\IJ appf'al strongly t.o

o ,)\Jlll'lt) attendance. Iti~?Ie 3' I heart-warming\ 1\ ntlell about people who..,,", I\ell 11\t' at the end of'os'" pOinte street

•cast ot Clarence" In theirorappearance on the _tace

MISS Cecil Gordon &I)!lrt\ n' a secretarY andte 'Ir John O. Peter. &I

II'lleeler' an executive whoIssful everywhere except in

borne Mrs John B. Bay-~ll'!lWheell'r" a lady whoshe s a second fiddle, M'l'.Coohdge as ''Bobby'' ..Illan on an • enforced" va-from schuol l\{L!II Shirley

as "Cora' a teen-agerII conl'l!lced she haa found101'/, MISSManan GeUer AI! PJnney' a damsel in dlS-Mr Glen Warren AI "Clar-~!lss J a.ne McClure &5

., ",bo believes in keepingI ~tISSMary St8.pleton ...

stage \'olce" puzzled byce ~[r Dallas Chapin asdd.e \\ ho keeps his eyesIIldMr ~htchel1 Justiee as

Slem who tnea and tries\lll~

lIl'llt 01 The GroueIld,at Ill' alllltun(,ed thatTheaIt to br presented on

,1 pl3'r Jun' 2Jrd, 2ith andht' 0 rl~ )I PII Ice Audlto urn,

l' c~~encl" by Booth Tark-I Tilt men1hers of the cast~ J rel tIV1 or!>ir RIchardtl:e It" Mr DalJ&ll Chapin

'tli \\11' •• It dlreLtor, have &110

~"~uJ)(ed All or them are~ 01)\' (t, J with GrosseI~,'Ir Ruo;spll Wemeken,~ J.leclv1 of the The&tre,1ll'1. l'h< tli <,t play of the~ pomte l'\leatre h&ll been~ lull' flanned from plot(~to lalln,h our organiza-

III' ou)\d "'!1lnlUmty thea-Qt' J. ~

r:\&Y.}!a~7, 1~:::;..;--


l "I "C arence

that ForstersCive Away A

We Now Haye AComplete Selection oj


During Mack Ave. WideningENTRANCE CAN 8E MADE 01\


ALLE~O~'1Florist a"d Nursery

17651-61 MACK AVE. NI. 1034

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14400 CHARLEVOIX at Chalmers


VAlley 2-1162



• XetterneaJs

• 8ncelopes

• 8tatemenu

• 9nooices

Fine Printing

25 Years of Service to Grosse Pointeand the East Side


•Those actmg In skIts inclUde' RIchard Forsyth, Damel Buell,

FrItz Hyde. and Frank Werneken, Edward C. Parker, GaylordGIllIS, Jr, Ann Crouse, James Frye, Mrs Donald M Woodruff,Mrs. W, K Williams, Mrs Frank J. Sladen, George McMullen,and Merrill McClintock.

The Niagara Falls skIt will have Mrs. John R Laldn as thebride and Donald Wilson as the groom Others In the same skItmclude Gene McCullough, George Russell, Tom Snelham, MumeAppel, Charlotte NIchols, Madeline Mathews and Mrs Lyman J.Craig, Jr.. all from Bloomfield, The men's bar-room quartetwluch rose to fame m the last year's Follies, WIll agam be com.prise of Gaylord GillIS, Jr., Rueben Waterm4II, Mead Baker, andJoseph StandR.rt.

In the words of one of the songs: "Our Revue hasn't got aplot ComphcatlOns we haven't got Just romance. Song anddance. It's a super duper Follies, Hold your hats!"

The FashIOn Show section of the Follies, sponsored by J LHudson Co. features Mr and Mrs. Stephen Stackpole as Sight.seers, WIth the followmg gIrls II.ctmg as models Mrs, CharlesWarren, Jr., Ann Crouse, Mrs Charles DuCharme nI, Mrs GeorgeN. Monro ill. Mrs. Lloyd Marentte. HCldl Flannery. ElizabethWIlliams, DoriS Otter Graham, Mary Martin Semmes, Mrs Fred-enck S, Ford, Jr., Mrs. Fredenck Kammer, Helen LIVingston,Jolrs James l\tcMlllan, Mrs. Wessel Booth, and Glona Rickel

LydIa Kerr WIll sang II. song entitled "Dancmg Man," whichWill be danced by Mrs D. Jameson Bond and a group of chorusmen and gIrls,

The dancang and Slllglllg choruses WIll be comprIsed of ~m!' 90or more Jumor League m('mbers WIth the,r husbands and menfriends, The opemng ensemble IS to be called "Never Dnden."ll-mate the Power of a Woman'" followed by a song called' HoldYour He.ts" sung and danced by the "GIrl FrIends and BoyFrlpnds", Expl&lnang the Show from time to time WIll be theMIstresses of Ceremony, lIIrs Lloyd Marentette, Mrs GilbertJehle, Jr, Ellen Jane Ranklll, Mrs Charles Warren Jr., Barbal aSImonds, and Mrs James McMIllan Solo song numbers WIll besung by Phoebe Otter, an Mrs Donald WIlson, also MIS John R.Lakin, Mrs. Otis Thompson, and Mrs. Waldo K Gremer. Showgirls will include: Mrs. Robert T Skmner, Patncla Floyd, ElailleAppel, Phoebe Otter, Mrs Everell E. FIsher, HeIdi Flannery, MrsP. JamIson Williams, and DorIS Otter Graham Glamour gIrlsWIll be Mrs Henry Kohrmg, Mary Buel SmIth, Mrs HowardSmith, Jr , Mrs Charles DuCharme, m, Mrs Kenneth Van Doren,and Ellen Jane Rankin A SpanIsh 1;Jance WII! be presented byKathleen McLucas and a group of chorus gIrls known as theTerpsichorllles.



w .. qM() rhukBrake Fluul,

Shock Ab~()rberll,Oil Filter,

Enq",e 0,1


New England ColonyPlans Annual Party

Presenting a colorful musical revue such as the JuniorLeague "Follies" teqwres a million and one off-stage duties.Among the busy Junior Leaguers that these tasks have beenassigned to are from left to right watching a recent rehear-sal, Mrs. Daniel Beull, Mrs. George Hefferan, fashion chair-man; and Mrs. Frances Booth, costume co-chairman. TheFollies W1l1be "re~el1tr I at the MUSIC Hall on June 2, 3and 4.

The annual guest-luncheon and"Reports of COngress" meeting of

IDetroit Colony, New England'Women, will take place Tuesday,June 1, at the DetrOIt Yacht Club,With Mrs. Dorman L. Rogers hos-tess for the day. Reservationsshould reach the entertammentchairman, Mrs. C C. Lanier, ofSo Clarendon Avenue, May 29

Honor g1.lests will be Mrs Ed-ward J Savage, rellrlng presI-dent, and OrganIZing SecretaryGeneral (elected to that offIce atthe recent Congress of the NatIOn-al Society), and the president-elect, Mrs. George J. GrohS ~lrs.Savage WIll open the meetmg,and, after IlIstallation of offIcersby chaplam Mrs. Charles W. Hol-den, will present the Insignia ofthe Colony preSIdent's office toher successor.Reports of the Congress WIll be

given by Mrs Grohs, Mrs Sav-age, Mrs George S Guy, H B.Bogrette, Mrs. Holden, and MrsClifford W. Reynolds, who attend-ed as delegates

After announcement of Colonychaplam and historian and chaIr-men by lIIrs Grohs. the Colony'syear Will be offiCially closed.


Our Comp'ete Sen-;ce and Parts DepartmentOPEN 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT


relephone Nla&ara 4000 Open Sat. Till 5


PHO~TU. 1.0959YE. 9.6284



15318 E. .JeHersonOPP. Esquire Theatre

N... M":•• Kem ... t - A. .tler D... I 11 Elect 10 StudentsTo U-M T nangles

1 Ten "tnllverslty of MIchiganI stUdents have been elected toI membership In Triangles, honor-I ary SOCI('ty for JUniors m the Col-

LI :Prompt liege of Engmeenng Michigan has had 33 governors,

SERVICE Among those honored is Harry 120 of whom served for more than= ID Evans, 1101 Bishop. one term.






16046 f .I~ht \hll' RoadPR 7648 1Ill'ar Gratiot

...... I.

f'rt"t Our PrWe FiNt

TI M E~~lWother' s C~ubTo INames Officers

SUMMERT N Mrs M 111 Shafl'er, Secretary

CONDI 10 t~or the Board of Educabon, spokeVoar Car. Gets at the home of Mrs. Chas Wade:~t.~o~~ to the Mother's Health CounCIl on""'I.... ITuesday, May 18th, about her tnp

AM Se• to Atlantic CIty where she attend-nICe ed the American ASSOCiation of

(JALL DIRECT School Admimstrators' ann u a ITU 1.98IJ ccnvention. Mrs. Shder WIth Mrs.• • Ethel Cowe, Messrs. Bert Wick-EARL _ mg, John Eames and Chaa. Leav-

Itt, enJoyed a flve day trip thereSHELL SDYlCE III February. They came back sat-20397 Mack Ave. lsfled that Grosse Pointe schools

• are very much up to date withGrosse POIDte Woods methods of teaclung and with ma-

tenals.They enjoyed a Grosse Pomte

breakfast there Wlth Dr. P1.ul2 ..9 2 2 9 Essert. Dr. Samuel Brownell, Mr.Coanecta All Departments for and Mrs. Sam Tricky and Mr and

Mrs. Ivan NIchols, all ofrmerOOMPLETE RADIO, REFRIG- Grosse POllne school adrmmstra-EBATlOS, WASHER. SEW- torsING MACIDNE, IRONER, Tlus Health Council meebngMOTOR & AUT 0 MAT I C was the annual and concludmgWASHING MACHINE SERV- meetmg of he year.ICE. New offIcers elected for next

(T.. r,Cl Put. Df,~t) year were: PreSIdent: Mrs T. R ISmith College ChoosesSprmgett, Defer. Vice Prell1dent: M j M M II

Eett-m. Fin, _ G...... tee4 Work Mrs Earl Meyer, Kerby, and See- 155 an c I anretary treasurer, Mrs. Max Slev- Miss Jan McMillan, daughter ofers of Mason lIr and Mrs Hugh McMillan of

Hostesses for the day were 1IIrs 5 Woodland Place, a member ofJames Blean Mrs, Mane Lltch- the freshman class at Smith Col-field, lIrs. L. D Ratcltfre and Mr8 lege has been selected by the Ath-W. T. Connor. letic A!soclalion to be one of the

outsts.ndmg freshmen to be hon-ored at the Floll.t NIght held thisweek.

The freshmen pick a centraltheme and then decors.te canoeswhich are dIsplayed on ParadIsePond at the float mght cere-momes.

FrItz Hyde and Elizabeth Wllilanls (of Bloomfield) play theb1larlous parts of Chauncey Q Rumplebuttom and LlzzZle Trap-II&ddle III Scene V, Act I,-"To 'Vheel and Away!" "VIrtue'sReward" IS played by Jolrs Frank Siaden, Dan Buell, MerrIll Mc-C1uItock, and George McMullen and 15 a real "bar-room melo-drama". ''The Darlmgs of Harmon~'" are played by Mrs StephenStockpole, Mrs. Donald Woodruff, Mrs George Black, Mrs. W K.Wllliams, Mrs. Paul Gard' and Mrs Frank Sladen. HowardSmith and Cli1!ord Ford, who have been slngmg duets togethersmee their school days, will slIIg a song Called "The Men WhoBroke the Bank" while Mrs. Edw GallOWs.y and the Terpsl'chonnes Dance to their words and gestures.

The Thomas Paddocks and their SOn and daughter, Homerand Nancy Blkelow, Will do a scene called the "Prancing Pad.delows" in the old vaudeville style of George Cohan and }usfamily. The "Paddelows" are a ds.ncmg famIly of no mean famein their own right and their act "bnngs down the housE''' at re-hearsa.! every tune. Mary TIed l"?" \ '1 c'a~t 11' a bal"t m'mbercalled "AU Pnntemos."

Th~ ~ntlre ca.t of tho' JUnior Lcaguo' FaUll'S, numbermg 200In all \\ ere pres<'nt at tht> NeIghbor Club on Sunda~' Evenmg,to re-he-ars!' the show I'tralght through from b!'gmlJmg to endPrevlOusl)', song and dance numb('rs and sk,ts had been rehears('ds('parately-Chorus g,rls and bo~S, gag men glamous g,rls, showguls all \I\'('nt through their pac('~ Sundav IIIght whlll' th(' prop~commlttl'e dashe-d on and oft" thl' stag(' wlth hand props-amongth('m telephOlJes, college banners, ash trays lamps, carpet bags.pIstols, boxes of ~ho('s, a tandl'm blcyde and a stuffed bIrdTh~re WIll bE' a live ChICkI'll durmg mghts 0( thl' show (June 2,S and of \

In a serleR of gay and tuneful scenes that change frommodern night club to MLGlntv s MUSIC Hall and Niagara Falls \III the gay mneties, JUnior League members and their husbandsand nlen friends danced and sang and port raved VIllainS, hand-some heroes, gorgeous heromes. damsels In dlstrl'ss, cowboys, andbar-room songsters Dantes and songs rangE'd from typical oldfashioned squar(' dances to modnn Jitter-bug, can-can, tap-dance

and ballet

Dan Buell and Mrs Donald WooJruff .tar In a skIt that takesplace m a shoe store and ends appropriately In a perfect '0\ elterof shoes and empty shoe boxee Dan IS also In another all maleskit wluch includes, RIchard Forsyth, Frank \"emeken, FnttHyde, and Ga~'lord Gillis, called "If Men Gav(' Showers". GaylordGIllIS, Meade Baker, Reuben waterman and Joe Standart form aquartet of smgmg walters In the "McGmty s MUSIl' Hall" scene.with Edward SchIrmer as the Master of Ceremomes.

Talent Reigns As .LeaguersPrepare Pollies'

, tI


1n Our01\n


Jarman Shoes-$9.45 upFor Drt"" or ~port


Lon( or Short Sleevesby

Manhattan, McGregor, B.V.D., RitzThe perfect aI1S\\er fur ~ovl Tovnl,Country and Sports Wear ., Tailoredto give you full freedom and comfort.




more lUJoour.ous.


Ben-ICII 'ttl Muinlte MQn Thru Frl

L.et Us Condition It Now

'ree Inspection

"Only sat1.sfled eustomers Keep Us In Business"



Jefferson Lincoln-Mercury Co.3700 E. Jefferson - ME. 0500

",,\,\ 0\ ..'IIrl.RFhOB


and Cardigans

S395To $10

SOL'S Men's Wear14205 E. Jefferson at Newport

OlH'n Thur!!. f rt. and Sat. 9 to q

J lie Store f amOrt5 lor Nat;o"all), .1dHrtr~cd M ell. ~ Clot IIc'i

KNOX. HEWlnand Others

Cool A Colorful A Comfortable

JA~TZf:~ • In D • }lcGREGOR

S. T k $2.15wlm run 5 53.95-$5.00

M ' sporten S D::••T.Uored .y

Chico - Society Brand - McGregorThe Finest Selection in t1:~ City of Ddroit

Ra~ODS. Gabs - Tropicals - WoolsPlain' Ci)lors - Stripes and Patterns


S795 S1015To SZl.50•


Corduroy JacketsBeau'lilll ne", desf'~. t0nes In a s,,>rtercomplete~ nev. corduny All SlU!oS




Authorited Ford Dealer15401 E. Jefferson

at Nottingbam


We Will BuyYour Used CarCome In - Get Our


Completely re-d~orated and re-fitted for your comfort andpleasure. "A homelIke atmosphere In a colorful rendez-vous.... The Pomte Bar Tuesday ",Ill be •••

piano 51vlmg

Entertainment Extraordinary**

Fine Wine,. Delicioua Mixed Drinlu • Beer & Ale

THE pointe BarJOH~ BARROI R1:our Host 1;).~t6 };. Jrffrr.tOn - \I:\". 9861


and Hi5 5m4rl





fI,-'f ••~rot J


InBarbecued ChIcken, Spare Ribs, Frog Legs

Steaks, Chops and GenUIne ItalianSpaghetti


Ifving Only the ChoicestTEAK - CHICKEN - SEAFOODS

Visit the Completely Remodeled


prepare food orders to take Gut at any time.CALL TV. 1.9SM

We also sell beer and wine to take oute hale served the publ1c the best In foods and drmks

tnI' past ten yeaIll. Come 111 and enlOY your favoriteor pastime over our newlv Installed TELEVISION.


complete Dinner Service 5:00 P.M. to 1 A.lI. DallyExcept l\londay Sunday 3 to 1

Trtal the Family to One of Om DellClOl1S Dl7lnmEast Jefferson at Barrington MU. 9289



.....1a\' :.Iay 27,1948 p ....0'l'bur-.' _------ TH E GRO SSE POINT ERE V IE W a~e """y~O

~SC Hou,ing, It's lAAUW !nstalls GPHS Cl d PROFESSOR FINDS MarygroveAlurnnae'Day'ladie, For,t .. New Officers ass Names Lea ers Camera Clllb I D bU' 1 S t E 0 h D::t~l;d~:rY~;~1'2~O;;Cg~IUm~~:


llS lJ ,L gentlemen 8) ~HAKO~ tURD ""'0 Ue,'/Jr TITarvne'sll um norse S mar n ug H ..ban pr<sldl'nt of thc Alumnaela Oo;tatc College Th(' Gr088l' Polntl' bran('h of thl' .I. C n... ". -."- Alisoclatwn. I~ c h,urman of theIllch\gdJ' ' AmerIcan AllsoClation of ullIver-!Jl ()JII' of th .. largest dasse~ In the history of old Groue Pomte 7\.1 t ""'00 B tOn ,n' . day

lhOuSlOg' LltlOl~ 1Iity Women will meet for IUll<1l- Ihh 1\111 lU1II th ran,ou., porldls on June the 17th Great things D~ Jane TITellinrg 1. ,0 .I.. e n L-eor ,e Member~ of reUnllJn classe~ ....\11ell ,\' • lIts n ..xt fall COil all Thursday. June 3 at I'.! JO hd\l bl ," do"" bv Llll~ da~., al)(f great things are A¥pACted from Ita. " I I It m~(.t for lun( hron before atl( nd-

"Jl\1 ,)1 'liLt' of get-" I I I b h ~A ~ ... ~ t th i t I \ ~\etV guU p m at the Gr08bE> POlllt~ Yal'htl' III 1'1, III t ( tuturf> }{ <i" Ev .. ry one around th .. HIgh has been The raclng season got undernay! And how B.""U e n e gence lllg thr allnual lllu.tlng of the A:;-• )nwdaUon' III ne~IY com- Club for Itll annual meetlllg IllIndl r.n,.: JII't ',\ ho th~ h dder, alC who on the opllllon of the class Dr Jane Wellmg of the Wayne at the Sl:ate Fairgrounds fast of "?mo sapiens. who yea.rly ~uatlOn dt thr (ollr;;,1' Gerald,n-


lH ~ ew men Reports from the oft'k(rs and Jt,'lr dll th IlHJ~t pl)puJar bo~~ alld g\lls Thl I tIt th out_lumverslty Will gIve an addresS be- Saturday And If you belong to throwaway mlillon8 of dollars Blaeb~"r l~ rrUnlon chairman forb~' el

rlIIl'*V flOd thl'm- commlttl'e chairman lIhOIt report, I ,Id, LlII High dIld those ....ho haven t heard th 8 r:su~t e r ~se laSh fOT<: the members of the Grasse' the gentry that expel-ts to "out- bettmg on dumb houes? Dr War- I thhe cla~s of 1913 Mrs Glynn

I, MIl J \0 liuonset VII- of the regIonal 10llfl'rence'> dntl" h ctHIll., tllid la,t IIL..k e s 0 e c Pomte Camera Club at Its regular smart the pomes" thiS j'ear you I den <1oesn't say, but his cert&m I Pa} nr for htr cld';', of 1918 ~iary&5



Lj,,'Idlters Later InstallatlOll of th~ n,," offlLer~ 1\1 "t Jlopul,u <Tlrl .... • mt'"tmg on Tuesday. evening, I might well .... nd an ear to the fmu-I horses don't bet on people. I J() Stratman f()r the cla~, of 1933

• \e r~ d t will b th d ( I " ••••..•••••••••••••••••••••••• Carol Sharrer I J 1 t th N' hOO h d Club •an b tC<f,nsfene 0 e e or rr 0 busm ..~~ \[,,,t IlOjJlI!>\! boy . ' I un" III e elg r 00 InR'~ of ProfesllOr C J Warden. --------------- ----------l;nt



\ 'fI( s The new ol'flu'rs an' Mra Paull ;;1l1<U I ,t gill .. . . . .• . •.. ......•.. .. •......•. .. J IIII Ii10m I Th .. lecture will cover the phy. Columbia Umvcrsity He ha.s d.s- IR Bald ....III Pil'sidellt Mrs Rob-l ~llldl tl ,t bov ....• " ..•......•..••••• .•.•.•. . AIIl-e Corey Iscology of photography and Ita l-overed that horaes are stupid. :


'lllg )lit LLtor starr ert Hays. recordmg S.. lrl'tal y and I B, ,>t lool<lJlj(' g:rl' ..........••.•...•..•• , •.•.•••... George Kennedv various applications Dr Wellmgr SI\d to 1 \ that approx. Mrs E }<' GehTlg. lorrespondLng B"'l )1)(Jh.mg bl) . . ..................••••.•.•..... Amy Morrison 18 well-known for her l11terestlng The educator condutted a 8enes


sp atlOnS for per. secrel.&ory Contmulllll' III Ol'fICf' for I ()1I1 ltLo,t Ilk!'IV} to ,Ulce .. ........•..•.•.....•.•• Dilk Jacksoll talks and plomlses that the cur- of mtelllgence tests. U!llng tln~ d~r01lt'H\ space WIll be another year are Mrs Ben B ..ver B y I t Ilk I ed .. . .......•.••.••. Mary Gratzer rent one wIn be of additIOnal in- animals, whIch revealed that old~ 'NO! I' ill.

rn plannmg to as treasurer and Mrs K Bea;ds 'I(J t !lOt' J I Y to ~ulLled Ted OSI~ \ terest Dobbm Is low man on the I Q

t'J ~b t 800 ot I .. u') "Ul IOU., liprl I . IIIIsepteO!b, . IOU ee as vice-presIdent The retlrlllg 'I(J,t ,tuulOU' I)() :: .....•.••.•.•. " ..•.•••••••••.•.... ?>lary 0 elt Mr. Howard Riley, preSIdent or totem pole Alcordmg to \\'ardf'n.HI "nadl In fl (' officers arr Mrs Hub~rt Goeb ..1 B t I d y ••••••.•..•••••••••••••••••••. George Kennedy th I b h un d th t prA even the pIg rates a.bove the.. ... M G I' gll dll' "r • C Sh e t u, as anno c.e a ~- ,




a, c nlOdatlOlls for rs 1o0 R True and Mrs BOV'l!3, ,t lJ '\ dR ..........................• 0/. • ••• •• arol arrer IparatlOlls for the annual lIalon horse An account of Warden s


b.,"n nJade pOBSlbLe ardJohnhon B t nler ..............•.•....•.•..........•... Jim Flom t f th I'" J 1~ fln<1lng! Hsta the chimpanzee as

d~____ (, gl!l dlhl ..t.. . Gl d C tallt I mee mg 0 e c u" on une.' I

,woo la" fall of Loan on ,Bf ,l bu\ dthl< II .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. •.. .. .. .. .. a y~ <10: /~~ Ihas progressed n1tely and ar' the 8Jl,lmal kIng<1om 9 qUIz kId!&)W

e\ H1'! fllllshed <1ur- 'ERS-\TILE B, "It dn '" Ll O'irl :................................. e um 0 \rangements are b€lng made for a After the chimp. III ordf'r of In-

turr~ot , hool year. and "'all \'elmar bUlly 23~.pound B, ,t dll'" d bOv Jeanne Jorsted social evemng of entertainment. Itelhgenc.e, comeS the orangutangHall s' I' duled tor com- guard on the DHrO\t Llon~ foot. Cld'" ,tlOlIg man.......................... .. Don Duncan At T ..' tl g th e WIll gonlla, monkey, dog, cat. racto)n

t ,y

next I ball team ft . . . ........•• , . . . •• •• . • . • • • • . •. • Lee Walker I ueslOay s mee n. er el hant p g and horaeth S SUI'11l er I IS a III y tap danler I :It(J~l ,,,phlstlcatl-d gill • • . J C be Judging of pr'l\ts for the an-I ep ,I. .

Rtd' 250 women ","'alt masterf'U the art whIle a ('ld'~ 'I oan op~ IpdOXIO! J d I t d t M "dmoUi boy ......•.••...•.........•.•..•.•••. I'JJ erry Sl-ott nual salon.hOUSfJLLl ,ollege owne s u en at ILhlgan State, before Clo1.,., p()lltl< ldoll • ------- I

,ncludllli{ dormItories JOllllllg the ranks of the ]';atlOnsl \Cldl-, optlllllSt ••........................•.•..•...... BIIl VI'ebb I Brucker To Speak!.I h uses I!"oolboill le&gu.. B Bob StntzlIlger Ann p e '(Qoperat1\ a . Cj~~t ~loUt , BIrdIe Spurner ounce mes I At Red Arrow Rites

_ I d"lllt. •. C 1 ISHUMWAY'S - IP"PPL ,t gul .:':.'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::c~rOly:Cllo~n"':t~~: I I F. h C 1 t \\llber M Bruc.ker, of Grasse'

I~epPIi st Boy ......•.••..•••...........•.••••.•.•.. Bm:lle Spurrle!' n 15 OD es POInte, former Governor of Mlch-CJd~~ Ph,!r)'!opher . . D G lIgan "''Ill be the pnnclpal ~peaker. • ..•.•. " .....••..•.•.•.•.•.••••.• , Ick rann Roland Gray sponsor of the I

*(la.,>~ :l1u>I, Ian •• J 'I '..' at the Red Arrow MemorIal ~erv-, •.•..•••• , • • • • • . • •• • • • • •• •• •• . . • •• • • oe., amno 'Fll!iQUlg Contest" wnlch "nU con-

• ~la,~ an~ ..1 •••....•.••...•....•.•........•......... 1.IJke Merwtn tUlue through June 25 announce<1 Ice~ Sunday. aftemoon at \'"es:-CIlOlCe I lass altlst~ .•...• " ..•.•....•...•.. Andy Lon<1es and George Peter the followmg prizes tor the "big la ....n Memo!) Gardens, 25,200 PI) - I. mouth Road.Lrquor s Therc ar .. thp l..a<1ers of the futul e. Keep your eye open for th.' ones In the five classes I

*names of th,''l' bOj s and glrl~ You Will hear about them aga.m A combmatl0n. portable radIO Clerg}'men of vanous faIthsSome of the "otes ....ere so close that the runners up should be men' for the bIggest ro>orthern pike, an ....111 take part and the chOIr of,tlonl'tl I"or best looking gIrl there was Sharon Arnold and Barb ActIOn 47 rod to the Muskelunge the Cross of Glory Lutheran:lIdJlll, b,',t urpssetl gIrl Paty Burns and CeQ. Roun<1s Best girl ath. wmner; a Coxe 69-C Reel for big- Church WIll render sacred selec-let .. Joan Cambell, Boy most IIkelv to sucleed Blil Webb CI st ge~t Pll'kelel an ActIon Rod-AR- hons C H. Peterson. solOist of the I

,ma'l Tom l<'enske. and Class Wit Dick Cran'n All f 'th as~ rang 147 for the best Perch; and a Bron- Metropolitan Methodl~t Churc.b,proud "f theIr leaders an<1 hope they WIll contmue 111°thelre l~a~~~s~~e son reel for the bIggest Trout will sing "Tbl' Lord's Preyer'. In-all through life CongratulatIOns" 1'1 P Gray said that all fish can be splratlonal and patnotlc musIc WIll_____________ -;-;:=========;:;:;;;:::===-. measured dally tram 5 pm to 6 be played by the Red Arrow Le-III Ipm. at hiS sports store at l06I

Lglon Band. I,

LeRoy E. Cowles Neighborhood IKe;:ee~:~test IS open to all resi-I SHOP 'AT SOL'S ~ndTo Aled Local dents 111Grosse Pointe. Tbere III aClub News no entry fee. I .' .

Scout District \ 'R~;'~;'~";;~'f, ~:~\~:~:~e:m\ Vacation in Comfort!!Friday, June 4th at 8 00 p.m .• at \ * * * ~ * * * *the NeIghborhood Club. ThIs IS the Shores voters elected Ernest C I "Annual Varlet y Show an<1 we Putnsm VIllage president at anprom,se you some very mterestmg election held Tuesday. May 18 Hestops throughout the U S. Houy_l\defeated Incumbent, Elroy O.wood will be the first a.nd then on Jones -to Texas, New Orleans. St. LoUIS, Incumbent trustees. John K_Southern Plantation, New York Roney and George W. Trendle Iand finally en<1mg m a Night Club were re-elected. A thIrd trustee IIn DetrOIt There \1\111be specialty seekl1lg re-election. Alger Shel-\tap routmes by the Neighborhood don was defeated by Herbert J IClub tap c1assE'j, record panto- WoodallmImes by the Hot Shots as par- C B Loranger wa.s named to I

itrayed by LoiS Perry, Lauretta contmue as clerk. He Will unop- I

I Van Becelaere, VIrginia Van den p08ed. \.1 Heuvel and Joan Campbell. The ,,'oters accepted three ch ..r-

IThere W1U be a Horse Dance by ter amendments

I Tommy Smothers and Jim Bruz- AU offices ....111 be for two year III ztse'! LoiS Banta and Mason terms.

I\,\eavre mil do 110mI' dueting of

I LeROY E. COWLES our latest song hitl and then of I, course there will be the Hannomca I AT STATE MEET

I LeRoy Eo Cowles, RegIOnal I group under the directIOn of Dave I Grosse Pomte H1gh's trackPubhc .Relations ~ranager for IPennl1lOan The Male Chorus Lme m ..n are looklllg forwar to 8

«enerdl !\{otors Corporatlon In I made up of Tom Collins, Mason I chance to prove themselves mthIS area. has accepted the post of IWeaver Ham E<1sa.ll Hill PIerce the State Track Meet to beVice-Chairman of the Boy Scout Don PI~ce an Frank' Juxley WIll' held Saturday at East LansmgDIstrIct III Execubve Committee I be the Bathmg BeautIes and do a II Llkelv candIdates that WIll beand Will gl.ude the Finance and the I most channing dance to "By the partl~lpatl1lg mc1ude Mil e rPublic RelatIons CommIttees ac"\ Sea !!! i F red Duemllng, shot-putter

Itl\ltLes 111the DIstrict. • • • II Tom' FollIS. and quarter-roller

___ -- Burt Spurrier.

I • ,POPULAR POINTE BAR1 ''!>{r Cowles who lives at 14266 0 I---:V;-;-TE--R---C-ITY--B-O-r-TS-- I

. Falrcrest Avenue has been active' RE- PENS J U N E 1ST Df'troll'S first maJor mter-c1t~111local scoutIng for over twenty-I John Barbour close<1 hIli popular, amateur boxmg show since 1941 Ifwe years and he IS currently \ POl1lte Bar on Jefferson thIS week ....111 be hetd at the Umverslty of I

I servmg as. a member of the De- for extensIve re-decoratmg and re- Detroit StadIUm, FrIday mght Itrolt Scou, CounCIl s PUbliC Re- fu"mshmg winch ",'ill not be com- June 11, when tne "i;mv"dilty I

latIons CommIttee and as a troop I pleted untIl after DecoratIOn Day LIOns Club presents an aU-star III commltt~e member of Bo) •. Scout Re-opemng Tuesday, June first. program of ten bouls between Mo- :I Troop 1'0 108 at Bethan~ Pres. patrons w,ll be lP'eeted by every- ter City champIOns and GoldenI bylerlsn Churc'h He also serves thmg new startlllg WIth B. new Gloves tItle-holders from Flmt,Ion the Church's Board of SesSIOn 1\ floor and ending up wlth a new I Lanslllg, Port Huron a.nd Pontiac :I • cellmg The bar IS bemg re-styled I " '

m smartly upholstered leather and The Slate Bar of lI'l!chlgan. tak- Ii HIs ~de expenences in scout-I all seats are l1kewtae bemg re- I mg a cue from the enterpnsmgmg and m busmess and Public Re- titted. I Slate MedIcal SocIety, has adopted

t lations ,,'ork "'Ill b .. of great val- I Glen Ashton and hIS smart plano I a public re1atlOns program, VI oomgue to the progress of East Side ~st) hng Will ol!er entertammentl Hugh ,\" Brenneman a\" ay from I

IScoutmg, wh1ch compns~ 138: extrllOrdmary. the medICS to head It. ,Umts conSIsting of a total of 5175 IScouts and Leadt>rs In Df'trOlt and IIthe Grosse Pomte CommumtJe!l


~orma \\"~nz~1 daughll'r of ~fr Iand :'>Irs George C Wenzel 1108Auara ROcS.J j<;' an10'1.g tht) th1T.ty I

on .. ~tudf'nts ~elected for mf'mber- ishIp 1Il Alpha. Lambda Delta., na- I

tlOnal scholastIC honorary forfreshmen women. at Purdue rm-:vrr<lt¥. 111\55" enz ..l IS a fresh- Iman III thf' S('hool of SClencl"


Carl Sch\\TlkartTownship Supc'vlsor

1'>3 To\\reI, Ic,'-cd.

'I .1"

The annual mc t 1 i: anilion of OfflCCrq of 11 BQnGUild of the Bon" nur IIwas held last TU~, I In tilepilal on Cad,('ux n I

Mrs John Mltl hPrl'5ldent and M', '~~Inler, Mrs. Clt!fOI d I, IangerJohn Condon, M" \IIl,r I!and MISS Flol enu. \ u5e~k~preSIdents I

MID Mlldrl'd I "~;:anover the office of I

retary and Mrs j<

Treasurer. Mrq R, fl JQ}ctelected corrl'qpOll' n,.: S'tand Mrs. Martin l' \l e Fsecreta~y.

Standing com~,' I ,~ f~rcom~ng yl'ar are I <lr' CIl\Harold G. Frear I lrt'slFred Burns; Fir.' /' tidAl'Fred Baker; Nel '\ "haMISS Mae Wlll('m~n >:;nctalJoql'ph Wa18h, SP\, ~ \1';Campbell and Me" 'rshlp,Dalton Snyder.

Many lnteresllng-the bent>f1t of the ~ IILtalallng plannl'd by th" aboveand committee!!.

Last year, 33 1" r rpntpersons killed on An fica SIand hIghways "('loped,Watch while you \\ "lk'


J ,ne 8,




of the Board of ReViewGrosse POinte Township

c i : .~s d 9 a m to 5S'dl ~JI: DJ')' ;tit Saving tlr""'-


, I

YOU CAN REACH OUR GARDEN(Our Kercheval Location D1SCont1nued)


STAELEN~SGARDENS - 17540 )IACK - TV. 2-3839


from Cadieux Rd. OD through

-ALSO-All SIde Street InterseetioDs, So That

! I I,

Nofce IS ;'creby given, the Boa~(!_!

Re\ lew of Crosse PJlnte Township. ~ •[gar) V\III be In SC'3Slon at the TOV\I

Offec, 15115 E jcflCrSQn Avenue, G~~POlitiC PavK \ "1~1 ;2n on the folio.dayS.

To the ReSidents and TaxpayersGrosse POinte TownshlDtv11ch Igan

Dated'Grosse POinteMlcluganMay 22, 1948


Sealed Proposal for Collection ofGarbage and Refuse

Village of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich,The Village CommiSSion cf the Villabe of Grl' ~

POinte Woods Will receive sealed proposals L'r j"ecolleCtion of garbage and refuse In the Vllla;;e r1

Tuesday, June 1, 1S'43 at 8 o'clock p m Ea.'E 1Standard Dayl ght Sa\ Ing Time

Speclflcatl:Jlls and bid form ma';C be "J':: edfrom the Village Clerk,

rhe COI.ltract IS for a term of one )earA good faith ccrt fed or cashier's cill':~I~r

$1 CO) payable to tile Village Treasurer must ac::"'1',pany each bid

The V,llage rc c ,es the right to reJect" a dall bids and to \\c1 \e any defects, not de;1 ~ co )1to the V111a;;e III bids submitted.

Village of Grosse Pointe WoodsBy PHILIP F f\' __,A~D

VIllage Clerk

JANE L. WETMOREA fall weddmg IS on the

agenda for pretty Jane L.Wetmore, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. R. C. Wetmore, ofFernda1e; and Gordon R.Llchtwardt. son of Mr. andMrs. R, V, L1chtwardt, ofSomerset Road. It was an-nounced by the bride elect'sparents. Jane is a member ofthe graduatIng class at theUmverslty of Michigan. Gor-don 18 attendmg AlbIOn Col-lege.I;


Boase Calls Made

ROBERT'SRadio ServiceTU.2-4550

16369 Eo Warren

~xperf •••Radio Senice

CEN'Sl'S CLDIBSMtchlgan's census continues to

c1Imb In spIte of the fact that lessbabies were born In the first three Imonths oe thIS year than In thesame penod a year ago Ther_were 20.716 more births thandE'aths during the :first quarter of1948, but bIrths contmued to de-clme from ~elr 1946-47 hIgh.

NEW FORDPlans for showmg the new and I

TE'YolutIOn ary 1949 Ford pas-jsenger cars were announced b~' J .R. DaVIS, vlce.pre!lIdent and di-rector of sales and advertiSIngThe World Premiere showlllg tothe pUblic WIll be held in NewYork at the Waldorf-Astona hotelJune 10-15.

Church BoatdSets Meeting (

The Official Board of The GrossePOinte MethodISt Church Will hold IIts regular monthly meetmg atthe home of Mr and Mrs, Wlllls IBugbee, 36 B~acon HIli on Wed.nesday. June 2, at 8 p m.

At thiS meetmg the offiCIals Iand officers elected at the quafter-IIy conference meeting \\hleh "asherd on Tuesday. April 13. \\111prepare to take offIce and tohandle the church busmes,.!or th~commg year .

The old and nl'W boards \\ IIImeet together and bUSiness Willbe contmued for th,s the fourthyear of E'xlsll'nce for the GrossePomte MethodIst Church.

II (iro~~ POintl' R..pr ..~ntah"1'5ltD. S. R. Barr, NI. 0226

II R. H. Johnston TU. 2.6895


Sfol' :\todel

Eo 7 MILl:PI. 5007

i_'~:. ~:.J.-_ --_---- ...j'~.~;; ..........;-"'IIilIIII.;" -.......WE BUILD A BETTER GARAGE!

.Aluminum .Frame .Block .nd Brick •••ALL TYPES OF G.4.RAGE DOORS

Authorized Dealer lorAluminum Garages and CottagesWE DO ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK

Kale Construction Co.11041

Community ChestCites Pointe Women

l 11 168.14 ('I an[~rd LllneGroue Pom erl were we reo Mr8 StAIII" MULrklelld

prl'senled In the. irouP of 1100 Yol- b.l K.n" ood Roadunteera who received Awards at Mra Ph.lps I\e" berrythe second annual presentauon of 110 ClI" erh Road

MIa John H Odtlla\\ ards Tueaday at the City Hall 1011 B,")",p Rvad

Representatives fro m the 11.1." O".nAnH'rlcan Red Cross, Girl Scouts, 168 Steph.ns Road

Ma" O,,~nJUnior League, Commumty Chest 1b8 Sttph.ns Roadand 34 other orgalllzauons re- Mrs Thoma. Paddock

f C I P I JI)S Touratne Rladcelved honors rom ounCI res. 1>11. H,," ard Parllitdent, G('()rge Edwards Award. 4q5 St ClaIrw~re given to volunteerll who M.. lIal\ r' C Parke

h 426 Rllanl Bhdserv~d 100 ours or more since 1>lrs Ed" .r,t C ParkrrMay, 1947 In SOCial aerVlces of the 114 Gl08se I'olllte BI-d.DetrOit area. )Ir' ;'rank Palt ... on

The award ceremony was spon- 1113 York,lJlle Road..L .lIt (l ,V H Peel.

sored by the Central Volunteer 776 Nol,. DallleBureau, a Red Feather .serVice of 1011a Jallle, J Ph.lan, Jr.

t Ch t IU ),Ioro,s Hoodthe Commulll y ea , lIrs Enc Ralll.trum

Among those Grossll Pomters 251 11t. \'ernon RoadreceIving awards were; •

Mrs Ed"ard Bahm !llurlel A Rellmor.lIb21 )laumee 1119 Lak.pomleM,'S Laird a.arotr Mrs lieno Re) nolds105 Gnullse POinte Bhd. 2U42 Dore-mus Drl\ e111,.. Doroth\ Bennet~ Mra ~~ILzabelh Robm.on610 Wa8hJLlgion Road 151 Rldll:e Road!l11~ E "kAon Blngbam Mro Ge<.>rg. A Sohemm~ ~lerrl" eather Road 16845 MAumeeM,sa Ada BrOOD M.. H.nr' Shelden45 ~\erlv 4 Lak. CourtAnn Bn'" n !llr, C E SIller4~2 Wuhlnglon Road b17 ~d!ordMra Arthur Buhl Jr. Mr. Gu, C Snutbl'lO Pro' eneal Road J5 MtKlIIl .. PlaceMrs Theodore R Buttnlk, Jr. Alrl Howard ;' Snulh, Jr..l45 Rldg. Roa<l 1605 Ford CourtlIlarlOn C.mphell Maroon SmithRaUlbone Plare ,,5 M<Kllll ..) PIllceGr.trh.n Carhartt 1111a StUllrt HIlton:?79 Grosse POInte Bhd, 4.W Lak~landMrOll Srure Chalmers Mr!l John R Stearns111 Groose Point. Bh d. 35.1 N.ff RoadMrs Klns Colhns Helen Sto.pel767 W.stch .. ter Road 417 LakelandSuzanne Coplane! John Slrmger61 Moran Road 2g2 Rllllrd Bl'd

• Mr. C R SuttonMr. GIlbo>rt S CUrrIe 412 Moran257 r."" loton Road 1I1~ Ian Ta) lorlIlra Charle. B Da\L$ 1421 AlUta '45 B..• r1) Road Mra W,lllam TostMrs Ern~t G Dalls 79 Clmerh Road515 L,ncoln Road Mrs W'lllam J Turner1>h.s Narl;ar ..t Da\1' 261 ),Ierrl"eath.r615 Lln< oln Road Mrs Harold TyreeMr. Chllrlrs A Dean, Jr. :!!l PrO\ encal ROlld2:l1 L~" Iston Road 10lrB F C WalillerMr8 W,lhllm Denier 782 Lorame277 Clo\trh Road 10lrs Jllmea K WaU"nsJuot'lle D-Petrls 210 Clo"rl~ Road25 Hampton Road M.... Jame. B Webber, Jr.)!1 a L, Ie D.. lIn Jr. 75 Lothrop Road&30A St ClaIr A'e Alfa Rem'lle Wh.llt!>rr s..lden Dlckln!on 72 Touraine ROAd165 Clo, .rl~ Road 111.. Da"d WhllJle), Jr.Mrs Ed .. ard Do' Ie 77 Jllllckoka ROAd181 Lak. Shore Road 1\Ira Rosa WIlkinS, Jr.:Iotr9 K.nnetoh Drapet 86 Muakoka Road77 M.ado",' I.:&ne Mra H Hunt.r WllltllllU'Mr. Charles A DuCharm .. U 230 Merr',.. •• ther611 Un1\.r .. t~ Place Mrs Thomu WlIlmore. Jr.1I1r~ WIlham Dunn 220 Lak.land319 Roose\flt PIlloe "l\I1r~ Ed ..'ard S WunschlIIr~ J."ett D"\fr 60 Carnbrldg. Road151 Lak. Shore Drn e ShIrl .. Ann YoungMrs Ed" Ard S E\8n9. Jr. 71 Lake Shore Road47 Ol<lbronk Lane _lIIrs Frederick S Ford10.;20 Wlndm,ll Pomte DrIve1>IT!! Fred~rlrk C Ford10\2 BI~h"ll RoadIIIrs Wllltfr B FoFrd U248 Pro' rncal ~,dMr. Jack Fra"'r506 Ll!lcoln RoadlIIrs John Garhnghou.e20& Merrl1l,eather Road:\Ir' W J Ga' er470 l>leK\lIle) RGadMrs Daniel Goodenough1M Clm crl~ Road.Mroq Carl B Grav. n1008 Yorkshi rp RoadMn GE>of,t:"e Hefferan109 M.rrt •• alher RoadJoan Henr~17411 Milum •• RoadMr. JOl'eph A Henderson5'i9 \\ Ilshlll gtonEllzabrth Hfrd.gen60 Ken"ood Road•• Mrs W,lham B Hibbard~15 Waahlnl;lnn RoadlIIrs Laura Butler HIgbee17'i2S ElISt Jert'erMnMr~ Da\ld B Hinchman110 K-rb' Roa<lMr ... Gf'or~~ HoI1E"Y. Jr.16814 Cranford LaneMrs Alton Hunt,ngton2"7 McKln]f>\Mra John M S Hutchm!On144 MorOIl'" Placflo ...Mr. E 01" .. oJnM4iO Washm!rton Road:lot .. }f C Jons:::.;::; .Blt"rHlJ'Mrs '" IllIam Jo,'"2IK Clo,prl' Roan)rr~ Charl~!t Kanter16.'\05 Maum"eMr. ~;d...llrd Kav12t5 B.lfour RoadMr. M Leland Kennedy8QS Laktpolnt.Mr. Harry W Kerr55 T("HrAlne RDJLdIIIr' W,lham LedYllrd•• D'or Lan ..:\rr'CI Frpl!1pY'lrk Lelsen[to Mnr()s~ RoactMr. A Ingerooll LeWI9, Jr.75 r..~~p'trm RoadAnn L111e)518 Lakelan<lMr. W M Lud ....lg11"17 .hpnPlln,tnn!IIrs Ah I1n Maraulel' :Jr.7. Ken" ood ROAdMra ('hl.holm :'I MacDonaldZ'i7 M'raheau Plllr.'Iro lom .. I ~[cCllntock17 Bf\erl) Roor!)Irs X.l""n ~lrCormkk16ql8 8t PAul.A\O.lane Ann McDol\llld1472 Cr~Y1hr(lo'k' ROlli'"IIIr8 Tomes MrE ...o, Jl'.6"1 Sunmngd"lp Drl\ e,\fr<l( r"m"" .. ~r('\tlnan~'l6 Rertf<1r<lRoa<1'01.. IIArr, J 'lackIQ27 R ~h0l' ROAii).{rlll I..t)lll~ "arl('k"'~q \f. rM"f"~th"'r'olr~ Sl<ln" H )lor8'anli-ll< r..k'l~nrt~r'll '\\'IIlIi,m ,rlllt'

POINTEGROSSETHEA!@sla Pr.ald.nt. are &,hInl thl •• lfntfor Ih. chlld .. n

St::-:DAY. MAY aot 45 A AI --Churrh &hool r~r all

pt'r.ona 12 ~eara of ale' and olMrHrrbort N Sa,al:' and Malol'AIlJ am.soll \\ III n" <t \\ Ilh .ll adult.Im€'It &Illi \\flflh. tl) HllC'.t"~ted III lorn ...Wit .n adult GTOUP

11 00 A 'I( - ('!lure h S.n ,co andChurch Sdlool !l,''Ir Rll dlLldlt'11 bt"t\\t1't'Uthe ages t r 2 afld 11 'ears IllrlU4iI\l"

(TillS up", 3l hf'dult" rt r Sunda'\mOl 111111: \\ III be Lt,lutll1ued on the [v1..10'fl Hlg SLwda \' )


GrmulifI' Pmntf' "nod." J~ Gf'trf"rf. Pa~tor

Sunda' Srhool m•• t- At 9 30 a mAll a~e Itruurc:; an" lndurl.pd

Main Sf'n lee bf'gln~ at 11 a mDurInJ; thl! .!lcr'\ Ire 8 nurlJ!:("r) rot' .!!lnlalJ-chIldren 19 ('onnuf'ted b\ motht>r'CI

Th. last ,hIIM.n a 1Il0'ir <1fth .. ""Il''CIon "Ill be !'h01\ n on Satur..daj Ma):!9 A ne" serl'" "III bpglll III the fall

FAITH J.l TIlt BA' (HI B(HI'hllip It " ..... 0.

R.. ( H Lull", P•• t"rIJ.ev C • l>bo..-all.r, A,. •. 1'.. 10.

Xr. H.rold T.llm.n. rh..1r DI"d.rNOla Br.Qlh\, OrK •• ht

SUlIde' \la' ,I} ~u,,,l.' Srhool 9 10a m D" Hie \\.or$hlp 11 00. IIIThi('lllf" :\!~U101Idl tt.-r Sel \ ILl' • b\He' C JI L.lIl>:l DulleatlOft of .8,,1.It-tin Board tor St"r\ Ire llt>n

Mondll', May Jlf-l\o I.aeheu meet.mg

Tll.O<la, Jun. l-DI.trlct COIl"n-Oon-St Petn Lutheran ChurC'h. ToIe do OhIO

Tllur.dal '-ChOir reh.aual at u.l.lallime.

(KBI8T CHrB('H51 Gr(NIlu' Poh.t. Bllulf'lflrd

Tile a.. &dr:ar H l.omu, \ learSt"OAY 'lAY 10 IOt8

~ 00 A ),( -Hob CllrntnUruon.q 10 A M --C1,urrh Sel, 01II 00 A M -.Morning pra).r and


CRBI'lTIAX !"('IENC): ('K('RCKE!"An('IPnt And Modern ~,prr!Jmanc)

All&.'! Mr.m ..rt'm And H\ pnotlsm De-nounred' "'ll h. the ~uhJect ror l)leLf'830n-Serm(ln In all Chrlst.lart Sf'lence~hurches throull'hout the "orld onSunda\ Ma' '10

The Golden Tnt (Re' 21 7) I. 'H.that 0\ €'ITnmt"th ~haU InherIt allthwgs .nd 1 "Ill be hIS God and hesllall be m' SOil •

Among the Bible c,tatlOns i. l)ll.Ilas.ap;p <Rf\ 19 b) • And I hpard .sIt "ere lhe \-Olee of a li:'reat multitudeand a~ thE' \(lee of mati) ~Jlter" andas the \ Olce of nul'tht~ thunrlertn~..a"ng AllelUl. for the Lord God om.IlIllotpnt relghllelh '

CorrelahH" pa~cea~('a lo hp TNld fromlhe Chrlilllll&H Srlence le~th 10k • SCL-pnce ann ] [('31th 'VI, Ith Kf" to theSCripturpc;' b\. :Man Baker Edd\. 1n-elude the lo\\o .. lI\g <p 288) Whcntbf' flnat ph\ 'CIual and moral ('!feclsof Chn.tlan S(l~nr. ar~ ful1\' Illlpre.ht'nded thf" ('l)n!llrt betwf"pn truth annerror unrlfrsta"dlng and b.her S<I.encE' Ilnd matp'nal .$('tlSf" roresh~rto\\ pdb\ the prnp~ptllli anr1 mau~llratPd hlJesua. ",11 reaBe, and sll1nlual har-mon)." rell'n

PEACE E\, LrTHI:BAV ('HlECHF.•• t "arr," .... Balrn"t

ltlf"1". ) .no G (Jaus, Pad,.r)I, }.''''I'' A. M.II. \ i~ar

M.mo",,1 Da' "'ll be obser\Od IltPeate Luthfrlln Church next Sun<la'.)(eJo )0 Tbp 1131lt0l'" or ttre l nnftregs ...tlOn RE'\ Euno G Clau~ "Ill preat h.a fI('rmon III nt~rnOf) o! thOle '\\hoha\e pa...CliIlli€>n a'\\a\ before us Thetheme of the 8emJOn \\ 111 be • TheRedeem ..d Ilt Re.t Ser\leeB begin at8 10 and 11 00 Il m

Sunda\ &:11001 Ilnr! Blbl. Cla8tl ,..,11bpgln at the usual tlmf' of 9 45 a nlThe Sundll' Srl1001 SInn for the da),..111 be, . The Man of EthIOpia •


CHI RCHR.v Fr."k} Ill. "Innte~

11 1.1It SIt".. R... dSt'l\DAY ~IAY 10

9 10 A M --Church School m Illl de-partments

9 4. A M -98"da, nlOTlunll: FOrlmlMu,,,al Proll'ram b, the Ch~h Ch""undpr thf' dlredlOn of Mwolm Yae-L.an Joh"s

II 00 A M --Church &hoo1 .on-tlllut"d 1\ ursery I Klnde-rgarten. Prl-man

11 00 A :U -MorrJmg WorBhlp' S.r-mon b, Dr FHt. The Mesaage fromthe Past'

12 10 P M -COnlm\ttee On CltrlabanEduCIlIIOIl-lI.1l s LoWlg ••


TOl:GR TE.o\CHERJohnny Greene. glue-fingered

l'nd on the Dl'trOlt Lions footballteam, off-season from gndlron

,tactlc~, teaches phystcal educationIIn the DetrOit pubhc schools.


HE GET'S AROrSDDUring the CIVIC Opera. selUOn

In DE'trOlt. Jack Dugger. tackle onI the DE'trOlt LIOns football teamfrom OhIO SlatE' v. as emplo)E'dm thE' tIcket box office In theMa~omc Temple.

I AO\'FRTISE'IEl\T 11-----SINUS _suff_en_rs ;

VAlley 2-1185


H"t:1r (. \\ h,t •• P.do.Be. ~9' all An .... rp Boad

T<:I.pbon~ TI 1-1I~9St:.,OAY MAY 30. 1.4~

1045 A M.-'fnrnmg ~or ...hlp and.ermon b' tho p•• tor Can There BeClll1szatl( n \\'I'lthout Rphgwn .,.,

10 45 12 lO-Lr"on and pla\ perIodfor l\UT.c;;ef\ and Klnopr~arten cllll'drf'n Bnn.':' C'lalrlren of an\ a~e

12.12 10-1.<'sa\ln jlPr,orl for all nr-partmE"nts of the ("hurrh .!H'hool MrThomas \Iun_on 1~42 e~,un lIIe I' inrh:tTI!f' of thp ~ outh rl:t.s..1IJ All of hhrh(l;thool age and o\er are In\lted to at-Iflld. 1_

WEDNF.SDAY JCXE 28 P M -otralal Board Me'lmp; At

lh. I" m. or ~r Ilnd }I,." WIll1s Bug-bee. 36 Bearon H\ll

THCRSDAY8 P M --ChOir rehear",,!


Mlnlstlque alld " ••• nollBf'\ Theudllr .. Y. MoJdPDke,

Th D. D R Jo" )ll.l_t ..Pbone 'All" ~-9~~

St:NDAY MAY 10 19489 45 A M -Sunrla' &hool Cla_',~

(or all ages ),{oTmng" Or'lhlp at 11 00a m Th.ro" ,II be 9pec,II memorial8Pr\IC"es lor those v.ho ha\e bP'("n<Illled to thflr re"ard from our cfiurchdUring the pao;;t 'ear

6 15 P 'I -Youth j(roupe All ~ (lun,or;peopll!:' are cnrrllalh In\ Ited There'aII1 be no e\f'n1n~ .~r\l("e ItJd'Q,{"pk... n IC' .. en Wr<lne'dav at 7 30 P m,..,lh Dr. Meldellke In charg.


".mot JIlr;~"'.1 E. at L...... I'"Cahl. F. M,d,I ••• D D, Put ••

MI,. Be.ttle" Mnrrft ... P.rl.ll W.. rk.r9 30 A M --Churoh Srhool CI....""s

rrom th. r\ur8<!r, thrnulith the AdultD.partment e\tn Sunda,

11 00 A )1 -Morning Wor.h'p • OurOrIgIn ",ll be th. subJfCt of thepastor a lIprmon

6 00 P 1>1-Senior Luth.r Leagu.7 00 P. lot -Young Peopl. a Luther

r."agueJun. 2nd-On We<lne.toda", JQJI. 2nd

the Women or the Church WIll holdtheir regulllr monthl) m""tlng ",tha pot luck luncheon at 12 10 P mAfl "omen are In\lled to attend.

Present "EliJah"At MasoniC Temple

"On Thursday everung, June3rd., a speCial presentatIOn of It

dramatized Vl'rSlOn of the GreatOratono, • Eh]ah," by Fehx ~Ien-delssohn, wlll be given at theScottish Rite Cathedral, MasOniCTemple.

GRO £ POIl\TE "OOD" The ll'admg role win be sungpR 'n T. au, CHt arH by Detrmt ~ :youn/'( bar' tone, Ra).

Btv. AnI~;~...R~'h~.~~~dMI ... t.r mond Thomas Sharp \\ ho hasPbnu 'Ia~&ta 7m formerly sung In 'Fau~t," "Tag-

~ATt'RDA\ 'lAy 2'l jltaccl:' "The M,kado," and oth~r~ no 10 4 no P 1\1 -The C)llldr»n 8Poot, for memhers rf our Churrh operas, He was also a featured

I C;, hnol w,ll h_ hel<l "'.mhrra of Ih- I solOIst at "JR. and solo>st at the""'m'lL' Ao'''''''l,. 11 Mr' Jamps Fourth Church of ChrIst Selentl!lt

ITHE (jROl>!>'" I'O.'TI: lllITABIAX

(HI RCHJloT 'l .. r,1I Otis Bat .. , ~ln"ter

It.• 't ".1I ..... n" •• d RUlrd Bhd.

SUIHta' "t( n II e 11 00 a m S('rmon

Ih\ the mIlH!!t'l r. 11) 11m sing duringlh(> ~nl~;>

Frida' )1", 2!;th Coull/rs Club Boxquppf"r on the (,.!lunh la\\n

IThe lnlllnJulllt~ drne tor ('\othuJ~

t<)\ ~ f"tc fur a:lupmi"!lt. 0\ l:?ue.&! b).tiLe llJrtarlau Ser\ltt: CommIttee wluch"a[oll ~u~~pQt('d b\ the Jlattonal or

11;c;lI1JZatInn alld "Inch '1\ 8S spou~ort'dI b) the GI (IQse PtHllle t 1lltar!an Churl hIh~,1 the l,earl' Lt'np"rallon of the Book

Ht"" le~ Gl nup o[ the GrQ$~ POinte~em"rl~1 Churlh 'Ir' Rl'l.>frt Shal.rand ~lrc:. Ruth Ll'l:te-r of that group.. ork.d "lth ~Ir, R J Wllklll.on orthe l'mtanan Churoh lU gatheringand sending 5 large cartnnS of dfllhInRtl) the l:nllallan Sen Ice Comuutte.[rom the ~emonal Church.





~ocal r!hUTches





Betwee. Philip and Manishque

Repaired. Replaced andCleaned-

Metal Deckt-Porch~FlatRoofing




SHOll "')'01UOUbt. - 1'1.\ IIIUlJ 'fh(".. ",,,1<>,,, P.ft. "tot.

Guaranteed Workmanship - Low Price

Prompt Service - EXPERT l\mOiANICS

Available to Serve You NOW on All Ouysler Cars



Lake Shore Motor Sales14615 E. JEFFERSON


Open Sundaysand Every Oay-9 to 9'

• Fresh Produce • Select Meat3 • Qua1Jty GrocerIes



CaD IiIonDqa .. E"aiaIp

St~DA'f SERVICES1030 am. &De! 600 pm.


Mea' • ...d Ladiu' 5aib l'ai!ored to Ord ..Alt.atio... Relinial' Cleaaiul uuI Preuiu.

14931 E. JEFFERSON, at City LimitsF..... M. SchUlllad Eat. 1925 Opea E....... Till 7:00 LE. 3040


Pi.._ Boo6ag aDd Sheell!!e~4708 EASTLAWN VAlley, 2-8S4~


LAIC'1&IU L J........

Aru ••

Grosse Pte. Woods Market20885 Mack-Between Lancaster .t Country Club Drive


InM &ercllenll Aru ..

Sunday Scboo1P'lnt ... s\on-10 30 a Ill.

"econd Sonlon-U 4A • m.W.dn.adl)' E.fll\~ '1'~tlmonlal

M•• unr '00 PIT\,R~adlnr Room oren ..... k d .....

10 00 • m to 9 00 P m.-Sunday230t0600rm

- ---------~~= - -~~

.." f! l'I r W L 1 \. '\ 1"1"" fl r,.(f\r"h~.\ 11 __ fr'll -In ........ I~III 11 n'li1tr Il t ... ~1Tl 0; H '" ~ I I rI'\1II!' 1"'l<1,. ...<:l!. i.." • 'tt 1 (" 'It I., "11 f t'l '1 I ,.., i~l""o&::t;" 1 1 r '\\ r::Jl, Iil"A rl"! "'1 111-'1 ~ '\ I' "A,. (t • I"''' .... f'CTtlll11 MIl' Rn-Ak ."1::1 I. rr r"'~' ""11" ,..' r rot' k"'pt tr ....m t • t I~ l r Ar<'1"n 'Q" ..." ,,\,., ~ <"'~.--r:l 1lI1"1 T.f"rl~ n t> Arl1' ... \ I:Irrl ~l II; "i:"~( 0 "')1<::1"<1 Y",-1. , ... ('1'11 111 JIIn<"iIII T'\'1r-t ""n- (c:: f1 1- n \l,.~"... l'¥ t-. .....t"",. (" ... r' ~ • ...,..,111 :'-!...,<i c:: .... r .....r::t.. t1101:,..Jillllfllll (""t .::l.~" "."<1 " 'h c:: • Irft"'rt ..,. }''3; KI v- " jf',("" t"rr <:: ... I'J .. r,." .., 11 T c t \.., 'n"""'" nrfl'hP h t (' ,('- $l i ...,.-j(rn c;:: "'lilt''''1''' .. n ...... "11 ~ r> r I' "'Xrl::l r" 1n 1 ... 1 .. , ~ <.:: II:: (" t' ... ~, .. 1:1 I,.,II ~, "'In ~"r'lr'" Urlr.-r.... 1 r. l ~.,. ~t } fn",.. I l' r'l_ ' • "''' f" <:I,., rr '" I lo( " or -r. ()....1\

, ... r ~ ....... 't' WAnt :I,...t ",.,..t1\,.1" T'H" ,.ttll "",. ,.. lrmU,.d " IU'n:l • I" l :1[:"'''' ,\ ....

.. (' '\ 1 I r r •.. 1 \\ ... 11 t",., "It'' .....r

Jl 1 ;;;:,.. ..... ,.. "I tl .. "t t>.A~~;"":'"tH" 1"'<1 I ilIIl " j....,.r n ('Ir rr r'lfl''''

: JHIfl',,!'Intllll" .. "<IT"'''' ,~.. n,."f fln '•.............•............................... ~-~~~~ ..~~.~~~~.

TRF GBO"SF 1'01' TF. t.':llldrr/tort.n SUllda,' Brh001 Ind('O'hRH,ATIOl\AI. (HI R(H Blbol claue. C(111IeI'" It 9 JO am.

Mf"f"llall' I. RIC'hard ~b" ..l -------1I."1,,1 .. " •• r " ..... h.ul J...FF£RSOl\ A\ t, IF. JUtTHODI8T(_.1.. \\ ".h~ld. pa.lor ( HI K( H

!lundll'. 11 • m - \\o'Olll!, Spr"re " A }a.t .t JI ..ribero.rll8unnll\. 11 Rm - CI1Ur( II 5,!lo I ",da.,,) l) .. , a, D D. "".'I',r8llltds) ~'(,11 tlJ.:" - y~uth Gr1 up", FIur~IH'f' \, } hUD.kf'r, SHretarl~lon1o' 7 Pili - JIllll'" HI Cil'lr St'DAY MA\ lOTI ur~hl\ '7 W r m - Clime h Ch(Hr 10 00 A .M -Mol UlIlK \\ ouhlp .,. lthh,'t t a.d l t ll1(' r, gular n t<'\11 I:: Clil. IlIt~t mOla b\ 11c pa..z.tllr Sel moo 8ubJP("t

I ~\ IH1.g,\ PH nll I{ tilt' t D (" S \\111 \ l'llLt! The Suulhut.'~t \\ ord )n our Uu-

IEdlth "ald'bClt At lH'r "UIllIl1~r ll)ttat:c ~gU8gor. 4-

on ~f(\n ia\ Tlw"C" pl.llrll lll~ to 1:( I lU 00 12 00 noon-Chureh School for'" 111 me<'l at 7u'; t 111\ rf'" t\ Pith e at I tl (' 4o.ltddl t-11

110 A m At theIr I.'t me, \InK r""" 11 1,.IJ 00 noon - Churrh achoolDh "(In ""&ilIIl P!f>('tf i ptf'1i1 d~ lit fit thc (l.as.ssc fl r ;:.OUll~ ~l p1e aua adults.l' DCa f' r the ~1I'U"'\l>: ','ar I Tl .'SllA Y.« tl ' t At the mp('lmg \"'1f tbL State ('\"'111" 8 00 P ,r -\\ I <lllf'\'loll Se-n Ice GmtdI urollt Oln e l !"'n"n('~ at Benton Irarblr IH"'t \\( '" lllt'ltlllJ: PlsLc ot i'lJlt,.t-llug to be an ..\frlli L1111'11c R '\lartlJl of GI t ~q;l" l1uu!ll.ed~ t"ob,'l!it """ure" I'o,ntr " •• c1e<'e<l to thr Il ard or \\~;D:'IESDAY:fI>lt!J .v ~ ~ ~ ITrustf"f'8 (l)f 8 tllrf'f" 'f"ar llllll 'i 45 P \[ -lhgular meetmg ot the

!ltrthsl; At }i'o~ar H 8m1<l( v. A~ e-ll (tf>d (l AIr- Ofl'urlal Boal tl

I SCHOOL man and 'l'homaa II tlhe, t C lIlt ell 5' • TIU'RSDAYKERBY IT(ltan of thf' ChUJ I h q BMrd or 1n 00 A "-ht rl CI ()~ilIIl fl.e" lUg

K.erbT Af'.r .h.ereJle' a1 Tru~t("e$ ,lor_thiP f"tll!l_UHJ;'_ \ car 12 I) P 'I -AulHlal n!YH, (Or" lun('h~, t1 (! tit ", man a Snt jf't \ [)U091 ed-S£RV'C£5- ST. PAl I. )'\ II THt RA' (HI R( HI' bu""e', !Heellll!, and program

10'.45 "Mn,n~ WorshJp " Sfrmon " •• 11."" "rhool AudItorium ~ <)()-1f1()() P ~I -Rerrranon lor the""'" ... 'larlbornoJr.h and "a, .. nf'~ \ I un (r the (bUll h al d t nlnlllUml).

12'.00 l112:30 L•• oon Perlod tor "~"lC'" ',"nda,. "a. JD 74:' P }I-Ch"lr reh,.r.al.11 R In - )'IOrtll1l,( ,\ tlilhlJl Srr\lt.e --- ---

all d.parlmenlS or Chl.lrch School 110m _ (,llll'\<., • ehll' ch • " .........1~H LI THt.RAX10:45l1 12:30 Lesson and PIIl~ Q 10 ...m - SllllIl., ~ "",,1 l>oUlhra.t ("ra.. "I ....... h ... 1 .ndPeriod tor ~url!er>, and Klndergar.. S 8 m - Gf'tl11ll11 St I \ It.e T.l~.~;.::;ltl~ A.~~~n~t";J!lten Ch,ld~n 1 I HfTHA'\ 1.1 TRt RA' rHI R( H A H ~ I ..~brr, P.s'.r

I Complete Youth Program '10.1" D" .. Jo .. t a.d ('bat-worth .~,. "I 1I.... n, A.. "tnt l'..l<>r]];.01 (hL1rr J)rnr l.,,' )lll1lPILdl Da\ \'ill bf' ob£=E>f'('d In

REV HUGH C \\'lIITE T ..I ~laJl:.r. ':'7!l t)l" t\\. <hunlJ ~pnlt.e:B on Sunda\.• • , 0 ... aid (, I. Hi .... paolot 'I" <I Tile e&11\ O"r\L<C ",11 b.glll

I Putor Pal!llnr o~"Ald Rlif1'Cl:OCifll;f'1 !linn 'Ii1ubjert dot b 00 alii. V.lllip tllc late Sfn u"e.~ 'all Anh' Ptp Rd. T(I. 1-11!C1 I r"r nt""(t Sunoa'\ Is TI1f' ,. I f tllat 111 '\\ I l( 11 J tnl\ C tmllUlHClJl \\ III beBUlldln, Site on Morr"lll,1i; bet1i\ecll \\ akefl thp Df'ad The lllllC ()( Sf'f'-Ill..Ir>l rah'd v. ll1 h('l:"lll at 10 .0 a IU

1 Kerche.al and Hldl:_e I' " r IS 10 1(! a '" Tile Sllllda) Sehoul" III me;,l at 9 15J l) t.ItXh.

.,'joe', .






Page Nine

Carl Schweikart,SupeI"Vlsor.

Henry Lavers,Clerk.

AnprO\ed a.c; to form.\18\ 18 1948 ~luntClpalFmance CommIssIon.

n Hale Brakt'~tate Treasurer.

C Dougla8 ClappertonAsst Attorney General.

~la\"me Jewell Purdv,Deputy Audttor ~nera1.

C L Taylor.A~"t SupenntE'ndent forFman('(' Derartment ('IfPublIc lustrucUon.

Grosse Pointe Township.Michigan

1948 Tax Application NotesSealed bids for the pur.

chase of tax antiClpationnotes of the Township ofG r 0 sse Pointe, WayneCounty, Michigan, of theface amount of $41,000.00will be received by the un~ders1gned at the TownshipOffice in the Village ofGrosse Pointe Park, Michi~gan, untl1 Monday, June14, 1948, ,.t 8 :45 A. M.Eastern Standard DaylightSavings Time, at whichtime and place they willbe openeil and concd:eredby the T<1wnship BoArd.

The notes shall be datedJune 14, 1948, and shallmature January 10, 1949.and shall bear interest ata rate not exceeding 4%per annum. Both principaland interest shall be pay.able at the Grosse PointeBank, Grosse Pointe, Mich.igan. Denominations andform. of note to be at theoption of the purchaser.

The notes shall be award.ed to the bidder whose bidproduces the lowest inter.est cd'st to the Townshipafter deducting the pre--mium offered, if any. In-terest on premium shallnot be considered as de--ductible in determining thenet interest cost and in-terest shall be computedfrom June 14, 1948 to thematutlty date.

No proposal for lessthan all of the notes willbe considered,

The 1948 Township oper~ating taxes are pledged.

Envelopes containing thebid s should be plainlymar ked "Proposal forNotes."

A certified check in theamount of 2Cf of the totalpar value of the notes,drawn upon an incorpor.ated bank or trust com~pany and payable to theorder of the Treasurer ofGrosse Pointe Township

- must accompany each bidas a guarantee of goodfaIth on the part of thebldder. No interest shallbe allowed on the goodfaith checks.

BIds shall be conditionedupon the unqualified opin.ion of the purchaser's at-torney approving the legal-ity of the notes. The costof such opmion and thecost of pnntmg the notesshall be paId by the pur-chaser.

The nght IS reseryed toreject any and all bIds.


The City of GrossePointe ordams;

Section 1. That an or~dinance adopted October15, 1920, and entitled"Erection, Display, etc.,of SIgns, Banners, etc.".be amended by addingthereto Section 3~

Section 3a. The prO-Ivisions of Section 3 here-of shall not be apptllcabieto the suspenslOn of abanner across a pubhchighway in the City ofGrosse Pointe, providingthe Oomnnssioner 0 fPublic safety of the Cityof Grosse Pointe in writ-ing approves the size,place of suspension andmanner of suspension ofsuch banner as beingsafe to pedestrians andothers, a copy of suchwntten approval to beflIed WIth the Clerk ofthe C 1t Y 0 f GrossePomte.

ThIs orcbnance shallnot be effective unbl tendays after pubhcatlOn.

, "

VAlley 2-1162Say "Charge It!"

The Grosse Pointe Review15121 Kercheval

Bet. LakepolIlte and Maryland



Upon RequestWANT AD

DEADLtNE I5 p. m. Tuesday

CASH RATEThe mmlmum charge forda.',slfied ads IS We for 15words. four cents for eachaddltlOnal word.

CHARGE RATEAs a convenience ads wlll beaccepted over the telephone.The mmlmum charge rate I

IS 60c for 15 words. [ourcents for each additionalword Pa.yment can be madeby cash. check or moneyorder.

C ' t.. I,( _T OL




Wallingford~aull!'l11l\ furn~l::h.:-rl 6 rm rrwdprn3.bedrcam. L.shapeJ 1I\,ng room-dUllng rOODl. blp&C'hpd woodwork.b closets InclDerator gas heat.a1r cond1t1oned. completd::- turn ...ie-lied in lnoaern m&UlLt'1 R'C","a'l:io.tlon rm furnl~hed tropical wlthbar SpeCial landscape >prmkl.r.." sf""!" 2. rar garag,~ ~lth .ph elI'Jl'"door opener o....ner .elllng S269006110\\'nb~ appu\llunent. :\1 22M!

SI"'GLE Income or flal m Grosse Pt.Park IIs,e SJ ilJO fnr do",n pennentolnd can pa) up to $50 per monthSave broker a fee ~I ;]2.1.8

MODER.'"Rustle lodge Oil "an KttanLake )o'urlllMhedcut.stolle fireplac(hot and cold running \\ ater frontand rear ]><Jrches }<'orturlber de.taill. '" rlte Walter SoIl< O""oda,~Ich

GROSSE Pol"'" Park !'iottllll:halllBnck buugalo""," ~ b.pdrr)QnlS tilehath IIrat 2 bedroom. ~e~ond mcd.erlllzed kltcuen brlLk g..rage. 011

heal CIa\t~ :-'lagara 8vJlLAKEV1LLE La\..e-ii roum h')use at-

tached garage on big ....ooded pemn.sula. ~75 frontage new ro\\ boat. 19-foot satlboat, a fleherman. dream.&)7 miles (ronl Clt}. for sale b}01\ ner For directions and In[orma.t1on, call Oh[ord 41~F4

VER:<oIERRoad 12Q!j c"rner Wend)Lane BeautIful 2 bedroQm homenatural fireplace breakfa.9t nooklarge 11\mg room dining roomf'muhed recreation room. In<.-meratot'.gas heat brick garage drapes (ar.peting and re[r1g~rator mcludedBuilt Il1 1941 AI.o fUl"nlture lor.ale T'l: 2-3906

BEACO!<.SFlELD.Charle\olx-li roomsdown, 6 ruom8 up, !!!lde drl\e 2-cargarage po••es.ion lo,.er :'\1 7310:'hehm Realt~ Co 1&116 Mack T - a1 N '

~OTTll"'GHA~. Gro""e pte Park- J..A::g otIcesIncome. 6-4, decorat.d. clean. wiheat share eOlt, 2.car garage~;~~~ VA.. 2.1996, Mell.end! No AN ORDINANCE TO

526 :\OTRE Dame-6 rooms hot 81.r A .... END AN OROI.heal. side drl\e IT 2-3299 m

Grosse POinte Farms NANCE ADOPTED OC~460 FIsher Road 0 5 a20 AN D

Brick colontal garage .Ide drl"e mod. T BER 1 , 17, ,emlzed 1<Jtcllenand breal<fast roombeautlful closed'lII terrace. natural ENTITLED "ERECTIONflreptace, other Ieature. Call ~r

j::es A Hurt PI 8301 D I S P LAY, ETC., OFSIGNSI BAN N E R S ,

Crosse POinte Park ETC."~~~k G~~[~I~::'IRd2t~rg~ath~ be~:,':.quarters :\ro1fiaor, knottl pme IIbrar~Pov. der room largl.'" recrl."'ation room.AutomatIC heat 2 car brlek gara.g'"Onl} 7 }ears old Sho"'n by appolDt.mt:nt anl,

Walter H. Ebert'813 Bal[our ::n 5SiQ




ELMER G l<F<-AL'SEInsurance - Real Estate

MortgagesPI. 0116 13210 HarperCome in or phone to see thepictures Over 200 propertles tochoose from - Down PaymenUi$1,000 00 and up ., Mem'oer,Ea.stem DetrOIt Realty A.ssoe

~I~~~~~~~I~~;~~~ I U-M Advances CommencementCommunity Councils of Detroit I ('ommpnu'ment exercIses at thp mg Prrsldpnt Alexander G. Ruth-

will hole! their annual mletlng at l:nlvr r~lty of Mlthlgan on June ven ha.nd a token dLplom&to each8 p m ~lonuIlY. June 7 In the lIQV Il:l \\ III he helel on" hour I arller grarluat(' ha~ b' PO reVIsed De&n.111.1hall of thp Flr5t Congr('gatlon. I than ha~ be..n the e..u~tom In reo of the 11 Bchoolq and colleges In11.1Church 4724 Woodward, LOl~ I cwt year~ th" Umverslty havp been ('onunl ..Tillett thalTman of thl' Central' Thp 10Hh Comrnencemtnt Is ~Ioned to a~s .. t m thIS tukCommlttte, has announced ,t h' liul' el for 5 p m at Ferry ~'or the flT~t time m several

"'l' hi ShQulrl rain mtprf, re thr years, the graduate~ are going to~OR tlALtl "xpru~p~ will he shlftpd 1Ilside to Ihe ablp to pxchange the token for

UiUlll'tlU:-! 14 luut ru'" \Joat, uars, the Yo<;t Fleld Hou~e The tra.dl' th" [r al dlpl:;;;;(l. b"f~re le&vln,tlOnal march down Slatp Strel't Fprry FIPlr!, A r(oce~slOna1 march

..u(hor, ",at"pruo[ Coler.• l~:; :"1 from thl' tampu~ to Ferry ~'Idd ha~ bpl'n arranged across Ferry4~~9 dre.... will b~~m at 4 1~ pm, ....Ith th" FIPld to thp Intramural BUIlding

GIHL B 1 ....ell~agl MU!IIWer '-.k"l" 1I1uu.e".nd .', , \' 1\ I," UOlVer~\ty'~ famed ~tarthmg wh( rr> the exchange Will be m&de.)OrI'" ('all ~"day "nli :,alurda> Band leadmg thp proccs'lOll -""i, :<012v;;4 Senator Jame,; W Fulbright 4,000 (hliclren under 15 years

INESS OPPORTUNITY Will glVP thp commrnccm,nt all. old \Hre k,llcd"'m automobIle .c-

BUS \'dresq \\'Ith a rtcord.breakmg udent<; In Ampr!ca in 1947. In-number of gra.duate ~ m prosptct, note nte 19 fa.ta1 If you don't dnve

TOOL AND DIE FACTORY the tradItIOnal protedurc of hav' (arefully:

Cumpletel, t'IU1PP..j II' IUOlI"I' nUild. Legal Notl'ceWI: U"'lJer 'a'8 Ulu~t .tll bllo,," !J~ Grosse POInteaI'I'Ulntlllo~t/""~ TYSON I State of Michigant971S\Jaek TL' I 54~0 REV , EW I Municipal Finance Comm.

Want-Ads Lansing

Notice of Sale$41,000,00


RUBBISH DRUMSA.l ;;:; Gal CapacIty

VA.. <l-6633$200 DELIVERED



50 OIL And wster color pamtlng•.(ramed and unlramed, ~ to $6018691:IIocllart

150r>EW !lampsh"e pUl1eUl,10 ...eeksold Roo 3814-W

FOR SALEFOR A gETTER grade ot UlIedfur-

niture, .ee I.aac l'eat ...ay )O'urm-ture at 10900Kerene~al We al...allha\e the t1ungs ~ou're loolo;m&"[Clr,VA. 2-211&

.IiA~DI0::\D NO\8chord hke ne....beautl[u! maboganv Ideal for lIome,Pri ~ata owner must "ell. ~1•.so. l"L24.9Il

DOG TRAININGI>()(J Tralumg at ,our brJDle Tramlng

lea.ona <I.lll for AKC obedIencelTial. A \'all ZtLh Wr: ~.H67

COCKER Spaul~l. 9" eck~ 1L-..lthybeaulles, qua.ht\ and dlSP -,SltlOli.none belter 469~ Gra}, near EWarren and Dlciterso"

MAN AND WIFE both work-ing desire upper or lowerflat either in Grosse Pointeor Outer Drive, Mack orWarren section, Best refer-ences, no children, no pets.TR. 1-0818 - on Sundays,TU. 1-4290.

IF YflU ha\(,,, a T)I&I e t.1J rf'lIt youl. Ju1l.1!1t o.~k till lJ ..Uu 'lualUitd l~IJautl!! Middle-aged no (hlhtrf"ll quit;:thablt~ We 10 I'" '.J111; for ... nat rIW ome OJ! th~ i'...aat Sidf J[UIlLalld aHterall Coli VAll••y ~.+i~92It Illltr.f..,"led

FAll[LY or ~ ,,<lullSdeolre J bedruomIlufurnl~he<l flllt "r Itlcmll. In btAmbroso )1.. rl.h E"cellent referenctsCall VA ~.455~

ltEliIBTEItEll ~UT8C"orklng at BOilS!::<..uur Hoapital and (.ug1ntt::l hUs-hand deBlre apt flat ur ille(/WI1':a8tl>lfl~ llJ1modlMtelyNJ JU:; orVA 2-&vSI

2 BEDItOO~[ Apt lmome or horn.!':'o children Loot.! r~fE:r...uce8\ Tl~.OO87

if1o:1lPO~S[BLEr ..Uwl" ..oupte ,.I!llb mOl ()Id (,l.lld urg~ntl) need 4 orIi room t\at (Jr lurotue Be~t re!er-ence. Ploase call iiI J:;8b

2 BEDROO~ lIou.e or nat or.. (hlldVincent DeCorte TUltedo 2-15[,4

FA~ILY Ot adults \\ lahes to rellthOWleor !lat turnished or untur.nl.h.d S., eral monthl r~nt lJ\ ad'anc..e It deSired Call LAl<e1le.. 7.3«4






Landscape GardererMaintenance Work

Care for Lawns.Gardens, Etc.


3183 TE 1-7&30

"ork <.uar.."teedYr"e Ic"Umates in the Home


GARDE!'iIXG.La" II. hedgel trlmmedE:xperlenced...orkers WAIIlut 5.5+12

FLOWER And ,"getable plants To.malo planUl. 30.- do~, $180 a lIat (8dOl) Fotted plallts for porch boxesand gra ..e!J lOC up Open e\ enmgs1'>-9 All da~ Sat. SUII. MOil. (keen.house ~ East Jelfer.on

GARDEN SERVICESodding - SeedIng - Grading

H.\I:DY L111••. high breI dalplunhlll'San<l perenmala NI 0768 1~9 MUirJ~Jad


CO."..,.r\mi ).our neighbors o"er 30 years15915E. Warren at Buckingham

TUxedo 2.()4M)

Tree RemovingTrimming - GUYing


I Greater DetroitLandscape Company


Free EstimatesTUxedo 2-2275




I{t;..,it;w Want Ads




Tu and Report SenlceFederal, Sl.Jlteand CanadianNotary Public with Seal

HARRY HAAS. Tax Consultant14'041h.EHCILEVALAYE.

Corn~r Alter Ros1 \'A 2-7812


CLSTOM.MADEshp co\era Guaratl.teed" orkman.hlp }<"Inet)aullt~.ma-tenal Free .stlmate. Expert up-hol.tenng. TUxedo 2.6158

REFRIGERATOR - And motor .er.,Ice. Llcensed and bOllded. Kolnna.tor, FrIgIdaire. Le"lIard. Coldspot.t.:mvel'll81 and othera. WI1lJ.amJlVAlley :l-JIII

GERARD9121 r U1;IcST


Particular Dlstmctlve Iamtmg ecorating

594 PI PERVA 2-5159


lJt CUUATl,1j\~A .. jG Q

I F on Bett('r pamt1l1g and d(l("orat mgcall Tt.:xedo 1.4:;21 Free e't,mlltes




HI 1835 VA 4-7854NI. 1165

H~,\ ~ .. 'H.hp'l\.. 1) ( l .L\lII'; b..n L(~ UA ':DYME~ - Palllllng \\ indo .... andIlll!1lHJJ.,' "all 111'-11111 g \~lJ~ I J'Q, y.d.ll wuhiug G~ner81 howtI m8.1ute ..

l HIIIlJ.., ..., till \ It jl,\ H n Jl~o.il j j ll"UI~ e aw1 .aeIJair Jade Schneider.I.' r rul ~111I g d, 'lilt ~ (n(ud b~ VA ~.4882

~~_11l11 ~IA 'f'I.ll. •. llbU I01JI)J"ba clotl~ Carp~nter work aA.I jJAl~11,\jr UIIlI D,(orutllllo: nal'l~" 'olf)p(lait\ N'J 0436

llLf"llt~ "''''1..1 j 1 \\d.l'LIl\t( ft:u Out~til10 COlt cUI.lrtJllg ~hJ!1f u col Jrl::U

,Yo r rkpl 'ol L!(llc I r! l"'(T (Ilel (.c JJe .. ti l.l~ atprl I' jl:)G (~dl t, II at h\ J.~f>;~tr~ll Ol~~ <.if UL ':::'.utl CldV.~

P-AI"i;TI'W: IlIlen r "1\01 exterl"rpap<1l,atlglng \\011 ",,'1m S" J'atchlla.'1l. ru J{ ~ J.\I1kll h \\ rk per~()n ...~CAall\. I oJl JIf'>Ij; 11111 J..lIalulll (1 }o r~""1~"'tlltllit. Lnl1tl \ A 2-11 '~ da) 8

\ ..... 4'41~"~1I,(" - VENETIAN BLINDSTAPE OR CORD\Illd or lie "Ill rel/lace It for



wIsno,," WASHISG


NI 0446

\\ est 01 :IIoras. RoadWindow Clealll11~

Storm arod ~t. iPPU Sjlor~ l"e

Brooks Window Cleaners\. A 2-3154 1627 Gra\"

Let George Do It!



VA 4-0855

Ha\'e Your Spring CleaningDone By


SERVICEW11l Take Down Swrm WindowsPut Up .Screens Awnings. Etc

Wall Washmg Our Spe(:lalty

Call TR. 1-0294-For Free Estimate

19 YEARS Experience "mdo ...s. wallsand caulkmg bu,ldlllg cleanl11g H.C. Carlson. )Jl' 70,7.

O'BRIEN BROS.Window Cleaning

Compat1yStorm Sash and Screen service

Wall Wa.->hlnl/:Paper and Calcimine Cleaned

Exterior Houl>e Washing • Ex. I

perlenced Men for Every Job IEsttmates CheerfUlly Given

Alwav::: A Good Job

VA. 2-8180

BRICK " CEMENT REPAIRSLICEX8ED Alttratl'>Il and r~palr ron-

truLhn now R'a1\able tor hl(x.k lJal5e-Jueuta a.nd ( .utru.tt "'.urk ,\) J b tf 0

8n,all Fre« eatl",.t.. 'lull. r all IVancieruu."Uj,( hf> )6(y~2 MamlinJ,;' Pl'!<047 • All .lS7 ' •



Repatrlng and ReplaCingPick Up and DC:I\ery

r,-~1 ~ t



KELLY & SONElectrical contractor

Llcen.sedcommercial• Residential

Plugs. FIXtures • SWitchesHouse W1rlng

Fluorescen t FlXturesVA 2-5727



PIngree 4864




TUxedo 2-1350 CLEAN ING

;;....-CORSETlEREJ' tOI'bl.f:; - Jndi\hlualhCL ,W" and surgical p.r.~,;j "I:; ~nrs exverleuce.1l~ ~rllrrt \, I '027 or TO.t. ~, \h,h.lI1l~\

-- I'ERSONAL~~r )l '"trJ tl 115, uldl\"lduaJ or

yaEl. ~ \b ,.ru purchalles~C!UFT .,4. Fl5her Road..TU.

1\lll -II "Ih ,-hlldrell atte.r-'" .d C\e' m.' Reference. r>I

EDl),G ChIld,en - Bal' 3.8 by!b- 1.1'I r III llr Goat! care in 11..~:11 Dl€' Tl l 5,:-19

::e;tr;:~~lo~~i'~' cal{;~n~~e~~:'1I1ebet,..en Harp@r and Grallot.

Ft:RN1TURE Wanted. If you haTe 18 holeo reasollable rate ....'th clubanythinc in tbe line of ho~ehold house. ta\ ern and lunches Clubsfurmture and rugs call Isaac Neat- to renl. club. repaired Full hne

Sewing Machines I\ay Furrnture, 139&0 Kerche\al. VA.. or ladles and men s gd[ clubs81,,1 2.2115 bags ball., wearing apparel and

V C16<:<:eS.o"e8, b~' Wilson, Hagan,

acuum eaners Spaulding, MacGregor, Bristol LI.!tepalr. and Parte _ All Mallea Clean Cotton Rags lac Bras, 1: S Rubber, Acushnet

We Pick l:p and Del!>er Greale.t name. In golf 8<lld andButtonhole. - Hemst,tclll,,- No stoek1.ngs, sUks or rayons guaranteel1 by the pro[eu,onal

Graves Sewing ,.. P P C PAUL PINCKET

ALL SBINGWHITE :Machine Co. vrosse OJnte rtnting O. v1U

W \VA EXPERIENCED HELP lFormerly DIetz' 15121 KERCHEVAL Call R06e e 9048lw IIld Celllnp ......hed and 15411 Mack TU. 2-1555 TU. 2.9218 - PRo 3588~ ~;""~per~:~~d qa~:'It~t CALL WANTED TO BUY Wellers bandlcap Saturda)e andll!t M U. 1619 _ MU 1619 CARPET and LINOLEUM LAID 11lghest pTlces paid for mens' &Ult8 Sunda~.~r ,.."mmecded .,..&11....&IIh101 and shoes Telephone call 1\ III bnng ~.PIECE. ~-po.ter bed, large ....alnut~ittby relmed white meD. Call and REPAIRED. Stair Carpet us to )OU immediately Phone n. dresser 820 Lorame AHwlt.n 419.1 Shlfted.- ~'06J5. OUTBOARD Motor 23 H P. entire!)'l.I.'i W.. hed Wmodo.... cleaned PAINTING & DECORATING olerhauled Make oll'er TL' 2.1048:ljIUl,ncedmen 1'00 mea. No ;lob A.. C. HOl;K. decorating, pelntlnl', In. ARhngton 0642 HELP W~"TED-MALE CO~PLETE Dark room outIlt wlll sell

!!lllll \'Emce 9-3.968 terior and exterior. ...allpaper reo or swap for portable radlo. 'l'l:, 2-II'lLLWa'hmg. IIltenor and ex- l1'lo~ed.w&.IIlnngand eleanl~. 12119 LOCAL .s~ WANTED 6091~ plmt.Ulg ImmelUate M'rnee. Lakepolnte, \' A. 2.5587 WASHERS ~ VACUUMS SALESMEN To sell our Natlonall~ ~"EW Ironrlte Ironer and chalr. Call

_ PhJIlp TL' 1..(1678 AdlerUled L'nderwriter. Approved TL' 7-6018\\' IRONERS REPAIRED 1I. uhlng. lllterlor and exlertor HAVE CHEERFULNESS Call t. fur the Best Ilnd },'IrelEJ:tlnlr1l,aher. dBlrectto Schoo., XA\'Y Blue topper. sIze 14. cotton:;nr By expertL C&ll VAlley Hote s Restaurants OardlDgHouaes, dreSles, excellent condltlOD. :10.1

III },'ulest Appliance Sernce ChurcheS. Public Dance Hall. Xlght 5634lIrIl\' A d II call rn On tbe East Side ("Iub•. Ta\'ern. Summer Rell<>rts.He,•..v' n ". ....... Illng us NI. 6872 plt"l •• Lumher and BUlldtng Concerns REO Ro~ale po"er la"'nmo....e... 2l. Bishop Rd nr

~.'"OJr nil ",ashlng aud .tonn I ES" Illeh adjustable cuI 1 2 H P, power-,~do"" taken~own Price can't be '''COLOR SCHEM NUTI'O ELECTRICAL Thtale,s Couutn Estates Home 1I!Il VA 1 ,35:;. after 5 call LA.. APPLIANCE CO FarnIers, Auto, Truck 81,,1BUll O....n eu ~et lIghurelghl. $110 Lmgenl&n0il13 1494 M k t WavbU er. elc !'iot .old b}' .tore. Thoul- ~~ers. 17009 KerclLHal. 'l'l:. 2-

II.!. Which Are OutstAnding 0 ac _~ __ ,r~.,.,.._ and. of prosp@Cts Fear of lire gr.-terc:W...~mg paper cleaned, ",hlte I I CULL If .AN 'ur I W t\ I CK \ uv," tl ..... <;.cr to!cre Str,,'::"t c"",. DIXETTE Sel dark mlSllOll ....ood 4r~im, ,,"o,k guaranteed. TU. 2- I U"; nn~'lOn b....ls ~ e delher aDd c&JT\ ~1I.Irs, white leather leal. andIN YOU R HOM E, SERV ICE thc accaunl Profits mailed 'Weeki" bocl..s, table and bu1l'et both ha«.;:;-:15 \\ ,II WSlhmg and L'p- I ' Opponunlt' tor large earnlng~ Com. blearhed "lllte t~p•. $bij :Kenmore:':"" ("ea' ror :ltarhme Method. PLCS THE }. 11m' anrt mon-,. jI"'" eslabh!hed 30 ~ears Be your "ashmg Inachme. $2:; 6144 E&I!t.::'enceJ "o.l..trS Insured Corn', .. "ng COI1~enlence "wn Eo•• ' BUIld up a bUlline"" In laWIl LA 6-7859~,lUorJ " "Ientlal Free Elltl' i W k ' . Inve.tlgate toda~ 'our home C1t" and ..mnlt\ Write HOSPITAL" heel chaIr ball beartng,tt]. Ca.1\ l.' Iee 9..Q770or LA. S- \ Finestor mansnip I 22700 Harper Aven ue [)r tree detail! THE FYR-FYTER gClodcondItion {;X 3-2090

.... Tel Rosev11le 4565-W CO. Dept T-7. Da~1:on1. 01110 DIXIXG Room .Ulte 10 pIece.!! darkLA........ORlES A" :"1::\GS-:-'ew anl1 repaIr a....nlng. HELP \l"Al''TED mlA.LE English oak. h} StlLkl\ Grand Rap.l>., allo put up You can t beat our Id.. $250. gas log andIrons and"",, I -~ i T FRE"" P ell up and screen. $40 :-'1 1036

,::IDS-l'o. .... e.t pmle.. metllOd'l-J pr ceo ry Ill! .., LADY Mlddle-aged or elderl\' Reter. G1'"-DFATHER Clock_ Ubi I " , del1\'en Locat..d at 1.;908 Chute- ......, 14900Kerche~p :dv\,;II"c:~nUl'ktf,~~r~~:.. 1\" r- ~o,x VA. 1-';..:>5. Afler 5 call LA. ~'I"~~:Sf~"l~~~. ~~:k~~~t~lmelIg~ ,a1 Up.talf. ' •1m lAutdn PP- 10M. 1&,93Elk- • t'"~, 11 7.3143 C &. K A....nmg Co home llIghl.Jl For Cathollc gentle' O:OtECheckered sprmg lUll and coat

1t. \' \.......... Phone TUxedo 2.1048 man and eon St Ambro&;>penon raincoat and hat. ait $15 5 !urnmer AUTOS FOR S&LE~~G Ir 'lrg and manglmg .". l ~ Call Tendo 5.0159e..onmgs (\,,'ses n 50 _arh i pmaf"res $1 1940 DODGE, In !:~od conditIOn JUlt"'c' a r

o'1 m' home 8.1 Xe....- \V. E. M EECHAM GJ:.XEltAL Oll'lce clerk, t~plst ~r ~Talch,) _.~kIT!.' SI e.ch Size 8.10 ,,~~rl1auled PR 6,,,

"I. 'A :.• " Nl 42-)5 E'elt ~I 3200 - ~-A OLDS1010B1LE1939 R (, llnd.. eon'

'-="_ PLIDfBING and HEATING BEALTlJolL Chl!'I"'l\.iale s"fa m \Crlthle rad" heat~r ....hlle SideC.\RPE:>.TER n'ORK I REPAI['.!'. (', " ~PI:) [ALT. SITUATIO~' EW> _aLE " ..s' I'r,oslelle A f wa barrel hack 11 Old.. I ." :~.,;l ..... ...,. 19 a ;~... II-K' ~ d aIr Buth llhf' llf''n \\ Alnut 1- '\\ a tire.... rIF:'ma pamt m )tor an

... 0 Wall Books I ~_..4 (.ivon+",r ~~2.; ~ -q Rl~ard ~

...AIP.I-I". cr and exterior. En. Also 2 paper 1552 Brv. s Drive ICOLORED 'Voman ....ant. cleantng by ......4 ',qZS •• rl..oh1re ''-rr \ \ I '--1R ---- 1941 CHRYSLER "Wmd.or H'lacder~ ,'t _ r'sr porch KItchen Grosse Pomte Woods Mich. _t e.(a~~eek Tn 2•.>3,6 (e-.L S B!c'0~_.'S.tneb ~:96q, :\ ,,"~'enl!er cC>llpe good condition,:,'l.l. 'e"-.!eon room.. attic To Choose From - - - - --IA "EAT Colored gIrl (\e~lTe. part REFR[GE:RATOR b ~UbICfert ncel' 1" Pr I I CARPETS CLEANr<;"D n't\ nlll,pag(' Sl lon B\ (n,.::mal1,.j .' g ompt !en ce I I .,e. 11m- q.~ genU. hou""...orll LO ,. lent rondl\lon S,;; lil~ Hampt"" C"'"H ,It Clemen- .20;.,"

It, '. , I' S Eo Barber VA 2-5)38 A1'.TO REPAIRED I il>29 1: .d I~ \,t ",8~, i IN YOUR HmlE I"IUTE Lad\' de.lres ...asblng and IBOAT And mulor 14-foot Wollenne WA..'\"TED (;SED C.WS

O S' E -- I N I S an'on 1 Iromnl\"to d~ at her home Call for mllhopn' d....k 1 seal' ChampIOn III"-J0J HUB R I e s W ::> 1 QUALITY WORKMANSHIP and dellTer OLlie 1S44 ...;; H. 4.... , ..ll~~ _ ....ll:.v.... t :: A PRn'ATE Part'. ",II appreciate a I

.,.,., M I H • 9607 clean c&" from prl\'ata party Pay I

....'Wl:'.G and REPAIRING Painting. Paper angmg Gereral Carpet Service G~~::~~~ldGlr~o~. )i~;"r~;~,.e:~":~~ GREY Tha"r r"napslble bab, r"l- cash Unlee 9-14.1 IALL I.GXDS \ and Decorating 'A 2 3127 f1- ..nt and d d bl TYl -." ood d R ARMY Veteran has all r""",,11for clean• 7 , ' , <"p@na e er .-••~1 Tlage In g _. con 1tlon ~ason.bl. ...ar PI.a'e ph"ne GEnHa 16~"

Free E.stlmatell 5059 LENOX AVE. I.'TTRACTI\"E Depcnrl~ble. m.."nable .2el21 1~~~1 ."~ '0 NORBERT P NEFFI r~oll"<:" ., lirl: W, no r" 0.1[. It., £.'lPLOYMENT AGENCIES 126 S<;l YarJ. ,r !>"tt~rnecl !Jr,'a.,I. m I 0' TO q F, rel er ('n-n let 1....0 r'" r ., I

~_P .::::t 2952 I re"'e I .::, ~•• '" e~p,tle~c" H r"'I'''1 e,rolle't "ndn, 'II Xl '2"~ c duh r't'po ~'~-: _he dpan ",II CIty Clerk..-~. I P AThTTfL"i'G- Bp..-ef 14-4~\Ian 1., '_Tl -=_~.~~.:I MIL.L~,R - f,mplo\ ment agency F'I I U.~,CTI()\[ASTEP.-t Ie lr--rR~b;;- I 1"" e".') TW .' I'.,: ..~"'. hllrle" cah,ret!'1 DECORATL"'G ,1.. pt:I<TI~,ht1h-<T' ~,I r \"",th ::.",..., D"mp.t" lelp, women f0r g,;; ""'1("",1 BIoi Tll'f~' ", Ie d ADOPTED May 17 1948

:lI attlrCll and alt~ r- Sch mes I t r Cll"....l t I JoHA laurdn all'i d~anwsr Part-tlm~ or ..- - -... -- - -- - ---- W'Sf', I \\,I1I1Ull Brock<l IPaperhangln~ • Color e I "' In 1f1l', l' ": I " •• ,,00 ...1( Good lllundress .,d cle.a • ~.,.I:-'CJI "",,",,n\; I , '1 ,I "d. \ ars ante POSTED ~"a\ 19.1948::I ". GlazIn" "~I'"~ J I TI __11~ ~ ~'~~ ~r' , n tel.! rJ- II \\11" _4,,~1 "

, [)_ ~a" Detroit. I GraJnll1g _ S'f'am.ng . 8 \ A' .... ,I' r" r,' I o-,\\II~ _I' _ ,. I BIJY,,- ...1iI,,";':-~(r;rt~r -e' PUBLISHED Ma~ 27 1948-i:\TF -=--".\\ _I IURLERHARDT h'."_'::::"-_ j,H.l,D:; ~.ll\,.I"\"e~t f.r ro,,\'"I,,-t alnlJ' "" "I" t,e,,1 ,"l;m'oI1 ~a'e ~\ocels -., , • repllir anol na)"1'j 1"410 'Ial'den \" l'~f,' If" 11 '''~ I , vr hr k'i ~ l"red 1e\p "A" ,"ald' la\ or I I 1M 1 Tt" I 1 ~Iorr than 90 regular ="a\'- a '1Illt, • llrd r,'rrea- 0)" ,,\ .«. e' 'k C 1 Tl' t 1 ~.". ( , II I 'n ~~, MI' , .. _Ier ~."' en .', .• t~.t. ,1 n,,; r.all n. ~~~.!~_\ __ =-_ .11)(; H gf'"\~,..t Prl'-es Pad Reser\.t" offl('f"r~ h~\1 b('"rn a ....-

1 I' '" all f'h~r.~ I PIn!Uf>e 3113 _ AI'o 1'.' WI: d~\ B.:1. "r pnee I R~.\ P,ltn 1111 l-.ml'lo'ment r. r d Clel' PIAX() ". I -,-------- \ w::' c. I 'SIgned liS Xa\'v L.a.so'! ofLeer<;~'\ 19:14' Free e~II' 'A 1,; ,. aft. r ,x., , 1: lie "-I" K",<lr~r' ....'nol,," " •• ~.rs . • 1111 '""0 ".~' topr.ghl fnll ~ .

H BORMANI "l""ASTEf'ol\.hm<;andHllfillg All hll'''lre ••Mda) ....,rl<.d.~ ......hero.~'.!rJ_TI __ O'''_ HANSON for ~eoutl'1~ <I ••• tlr~ &ld 11-

__ _ .' \ L t; P' <! mel~1 ut.de. pol,'h~d and \ ",a,d:, . 'emea Mahon attonoianb IKE" \I()j~}: \\:a.'bmg maeh"e !:o<>d Structl"!: Amnecan Sea Scouts 1'1r---.!:.' \CiiTERING h'~" I :?<>'~ L..r....te \." 2-7614 If) ,.<>,7'1 ~.4 r \I ~~r!II,"n. !.oa"r.ahlo Inepl AR I nautical ,,"blE'ct~ I__ INTi=~IOR - EXTERIOR sn\I"'- ...\l~--,".-~I;or.c-huttnl '- ",44------- -- ---I Ch I C"'I \ tJo{ SUBURBAN I ~ " '_ . ~." ,... (~r1~.' !"". FOR RElIo"T ~RIGl[l"IH~ L,rl;" .\7' la"T r1 ....- e 0 et Tr<lf', <\., d. r~, h,!\--rl )~ ;;\10PLASTFRlliG DONE p;lml.'1g and I)«coral.n283!l: 61 l~' 1~' "<', l'.~11 \Iorl.. Ate - _~~ , ,.:'''1_'' 1,,,,_ ,I .. I vr 0: \m 11," - 1°17 Dr,c care-

r 1969 Fll'etwood Dr. :-"1. 1 \ " • 1, ' \I"IWI~" r' f1 a\1 \ .ar ac,,"c~ r'l l~,' 1'1', \ I I " l'" '" "'" I .,l ... pholil:.f'nn~tnAn't'"l G"'o.."f> p(Jlnte Woods .frl'lrPI "l~r..~--I \81ritr-I' :'~,,'rr~ \r,~r:~:I~'~lo~.,~l\'TJI\1 ",_.,,' '" - ..... ,1o 1(\ l-t_;)9~tACI{ full\r. <11loh' r maloc . _ _ _ _ - I • 0' ~: 'lar-o I < 71 "1 :).I h)" C1',~!\'1 Dr I'll r- All: , " loTI;: '''; Al -" r Ph ".,., i - - - - ---- - ------ -

,I.nco CI Dc tmg - -'- -- 0 ilo"I.1 ,-'\. '1 t'.. 1 IIC"l\DF H WHITE I r>:eat. ('an cora I ....p r C 4' II 'f ,., 'r" I " 1I~' (I: We WI B ''1

! I_

'"0 I P hangll1~ ("'-', - ) PPl\ \TF -... '1" l; 1 ,,-. ~ '.;;'0-'" I f 'j I • I l,.. ..,. .a1l( ape,.. 1 (~r '=.'H p t \\ ... I'" P1T - - - - - - - ~ /-

_ .-! ~.,_ ,"'r'ti.h' ,\rn.Gelar:<')'('e<i I.v ')1' ' •• TI ~4 4 Ol!,,~~ .~, ..- I. "llp' 0-\'0 Your Used \....cr1(1\-~O\1.-'T-RI-PAIRS- EXPERl \\\1I CLE,I\~I:-;G (rll~';.~I~ ••L~"~'IOI'<I'';."I' ;;:1 'I e.la 11:'~'?;-7<: q ,.;=:

Bi' \l'l'll\ Clf'l1li'd 111 \\llr I 10 "l'r " <~ <"-::,Olrod 'I~r' .' • CtJ..L DICK '1('~ c I Dn In ; '0 n,)\lr,~ ~l1 ,''':', '~.,/, rr;,~n"'tt';'::_:.~ t;.: ~l: I.' -, r< 10'~ ant' '",011 I

• r GrO!'M Po l [P V/\ l-S 15.1 &-rubb,nll' No Sl.nnkag;c ~o ~o, r.C!, f., I.I~' 'A \ b4'4 \\ rite' _'_~~ __ 1'" 11 I" lmplf'asa.nt odor Quallt~ "'ork lar~ 0 \11\e<r Cedar.,lI. \heh \ODT> L<>t kUo"-~- c o;r;u;;r,a "<1

-r.t "I'",. I"'rcho' 'guara.nleed and !.nSured \ kllcl,en 1.1> "I n ~, .'r<:l" 1><1

• "r1\......~•. ifaral;e GEORGE S DALLY ,,'A1\o"TED TO RE~"T S2." "-n,,- -\ •• , r ,-OC'I .. boltle".. po _. Oe GnM. Free Estimates Iln t luh". 1J"~ ,ec' oh"htl\ s~n

, , \,,, lloy 4-116.1 Fine I ....\f In IIrl(cr! r e<~ ,[ 1'Tl\.1I nil! "f ....!.~ ~ln _ T1 _: 0:'Q<>

"hr,;)(,o, In .... ulk' C"';;'oo;'TL'RY I " ..~", ,'. 0<0 P .' fc • ., T'F \t TlI-I T" '1.' 1 ., '01_ I' '" Interior Dt'<'orll ttn~ (", 1 "R f ' • • ~ I~~,.-d;~-~ E...terl0r PaIntIng I ~,."'" T l-L~ ~ r'" " ~ , .~\ ~0 ~~ I~'- ;,'/,,' , •, : ' ._.. _'" \.. ~ _ '. '. \. V r .-1 t f \, " , :>-1 ."" hof~r' I eF " " • 'od A~ \

I ".d.- I 'vA ,-5::4 '1,,112 Ma('J( ~I 02,5 ll. ..nu'uaI.ot n .:lM~

, "

TU. 1.5211......




17020 MACK

kOll)JO~--.i Serving Your NeiBhbors: For Thirty Years•i Standard Window Shade Companyi 15915 E. Warrell at a!,ckincham TU 2.54«1

The sensatlonal new TRU.WAY S h dProfess10nal APl>eannlsJOb _ M:w ~ MOFUld;l1gPamter \\111 gIve JOU ause - No Brush :.rar P f • roes as f'r - Easy for .'\n~one to• - er eet StraIght Lmes!



Specially Recommended For.Wlnd()11"~ & "itonn Sa~h nOM Tnm •c;crl'en Framl'~ & )11'511 Panrl<8a.1' "ODhllftt~ T"o ( ICabmet )loDldln~s And ()~h:r ~~;;ts

In the last Inmng. st Paulscored 5 more runs makmg thefinal score 16 to 9.IS an exclUSive weekly feature of

the ReView, honorlllg outstandmgGrosse POlDte sandlot ballplayersEach wE'ek a picture story of theplayer chosen m co-operation Withmanagers and coaches will appearIII thiS nl'wsps.per He will also re-ceive a Tiger autogra.phed bue-ball

Watch the Review for nextweek's "Sandlotter of the Week."



In Race For AI Bryant Hurls NO-HittDI"VI.sl"on TI"tle B3' ROB I'HILLIPS home-run ('oa< h Pat h

01 this sma~hrr , b I !au,• • S' Hls!orv waq recordE'li lMt Mon. rem('mber \\ hl/\ ,I h.1I a~t

Dr JOH~ HlnO. dav afto>rnoon, "h"n Allan Bry: hit so far on lhl 1hasSt Paul HI~h took a 18 to !l allt pltlherl hiS selonli no-hit bal. mand" o'll

~lug~lng match from fit PIllllp at I gamp III tllO v,'ars whe~ t~e Allan chalkp I II hChandln Pal k 011 \la\' 21 to reo GIO",P PllllltE' High Blue evi s fed game III I (1\ ftl'll

F d 3 0 Jjl)~~mam In the nllelst of a hot rat'e beat or son -. Baseball L('agu. "t \[arfor the East Sllie 2nd DIVISJ?1l F:aJ!ll'r In tho> sea~on, Bryant Brvant flllln, I 'I

h lub' 'n an4crown. \Ias defealed by t e same c ,four bases 01\ i> \ ~tI ~ St 5 4 showed trac('~ of iJ In' t

For thr fir~t TfO!l~ !lJI1Illl:Z0; a •Thp la~t no-htttcr that has been hlttlllg a hall 'lllh,l!dI PhllJp~ hurler 01l\." F h Road dla- LI pitched hltkss ball, "hill' hl~ t('aSntllIlltn~s"e~So~I~~;ed I~VerJaCk Drew atH on, ObVlfll\ 1\ 'h.k1nmatt's collected 7 lUllS from • 1~101;94~\DreW "ho' pltlhed only aCCident. hl~ 1< II "I. billPaul's Bob Berg St Philip go 1,1 lIawles~' mnIngs, dE'feated ~:t~~/~Il~h~l'~ld~~ I he hitthlE'e rUIlS 111 the 111~t llIllll\g on la ftR\C 10k In the second 2'ame ofwalk and hlt~ bv C'alaldo ~(azzo a ,,\ a a ~ ,. Grosse POl1lt, \ I~ (h.-lid.

~ and Evans ThE'~ taillcd four moro> a double-header The game v.a", one erlor an,l ~ lip had.m the third Innmg on hlb by Zllll- lal1~d due to darkllesS. Bryant was to II he l.,~'Iller Palollskl and )Jm 51'1 ber!ir \\ Ilh no srorr I/;omg into the A low throw to 11 , ba~plu; anotht'r walk and t\\O St la~t !lalf of th .. IIfth mmng. VInce I mfield hit marr,' I '", P~r'!llPaul errors. fil hoe< k, lankl' Blue DeVIl first ord

ba",>man tag~t'd the flrst pitch of The Locals h, "the 1I11l11lg''nto thp nt'w tl'nnlS Tu('sday, 4. to 2lOUIt< 1Il right cent!'r f,E'ld for a pltehmg

lJn;queFor StE'f'1 (';ly"".ftt Windows


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Th!' PerrE'(', AI Aluminum Self Slnnmz CombmatlonWmoo'll. ~ T('n ,\rl.,~r ~17A: \\ mcto\\s. completely m-.~t:lllrrl <l.nrl <'8 1I1",,(j ~~ll'i


Bronze or Gah anized Wire"---AI.SO---"

Screens Be-Wired ••• ~.Painted ••• Repairedand Hung•THE NEW





City Sash & Screen Co.13814 E. SEVEN MILl RD.

Art Houtteman, young Tiger star, is congratulatmgHarry Edlilll.ll,16, Tom Boyd Grosse Pomte Post strike-outkmg who was named the ReVIew's first "Sandlotter of theWeek." Harry, has fanned 60 batters In fOUf games in theAmerican Legion Jumor Baseball League. The youth wasawarded a Tiger autographed baseball.


Strike Out Artist Named"Sandlotter of the Week"'"'


A('TlON RODS518 to S22 ~

BRO'lO"iOS RF:F.JA~It , .'>. S.'> ')41 SlI 25

1\lay Z8 thJ'1l Jane :t5

REMEMBER-Brinr the lont ones to be


T'hincladsCompete In


A young stnke-out king whohas fanned 60 batters m fourballg-ames IS the Grosse PomteReVIew's first "Sandlotter of theWeek" HIS name IS Harr~' Edsall,16-year-old pitcher With the TomBoyd-Grosse Pomte Post 303 en-

"Iron Horse" Dave Sherwood try In the Amencan I,eglOn Base.placed 2nd In the prehmmary ball League.heats m both the 100 and 22~yards dashes. but ran 6~h m theseml-flna1s of the 220 and placed I Harry has won three of hiS fourseventh In the shot put. HI' starts thiS season, including awrenched hiS knee In the broad two-hit shut-out against Red Ar-Jump and didn't run 1J1 the 100 row, last year's diVision ch'YDplonyard dash seml.fmals. "He's one ot the most promls-

Bob Berg was bumped and ing sandlot pitchers I've seen III

knocked down as he crossed the qUite sometlme," said Bill Du-llDlsh Ime in hiS heat ot the 100 Rocher. Boyd's coach and formerHIS rIght shOUlder, arm leg and profeSSional plajE'rs • He hasbeth knees were badly cut on hte plenty of pOise, control and a I/;oodcmder track He didn't compete curve ball He should go placesfurther &ltllough he qUallfted for In baseball:'the semi-final by placmg 2nd. HISmury caused Coach Lauer concernbecause Berg IS hiS ace pitcher on

I the baseball team which IS E'n-I gaged In a tight race f&r theParochial League East Side 2ndDIVISion Crown.

HOT.D WEP.l.1E ROASTThe St Ambrose HIgh School,

'IOphomore bo~ S \nll hold tht'lr I

an nua 1 w('lm e roa qt at Belle IsleI on Sunday llIl:ht Girls Will be m-

'"Ited from the Betta Etta Pie,i Sororlt,

MUrra, 9767II

~~orlng on~ run In tll~ third in- r St tnlnl\ his sm!:le In thp mnth sE'nt a eBill \\ mklH home \\ Ith the \\ m-nlllg' markcr. B3' IOHS Ht'Tl'ON•DAn Burke colltnbutE'd to the 8t Paul thlnclada engalted in\'lctOr\' II Ith a pall' of run-saving tll 0 Important track meeta last(atches In CE'ntH fiE'ld weE'k On Mal' 18. Jim Law and

The \ l~ton "as Bo\d II third In Pat Hamlin E'nterE'd the Parochialfour ~tart~' Harry 'startcd and I' League Championships at U. offimshed all four contests. D Stadium alld on Mav 22 the

• FI) ers tra\'E'IE'd to Manne CityCoach Bill DuRochE'r Is \'er) I for the }'hchlgan State Class C

plca~E'd \llth thc tE'am s shol' Ing I RE'glOnal ChampIOnships"Thpsc )oungsters ha\,e plE'llty I Law, who won th~ Parochial

or hustlp An) membE'r of the ILE'ague East Elde }'lll~ title, sut.Gros<o> Pomte High School Illnp fo>ro>dhiS first dE'fE'at, whE'n bE' !In-II III ha\ e a tough time breaking IIShE'd 3rd m the LeagUe final's be-mto our lmo>.up nOl\ " hind Bruce Corrigan of Redford

The local public high school can I St Mary and Jim McCartney of<<'nd pla\Crs to Bo) d's after the I St Gregory HiS time was 5 Hschool season ends Hamlin, who placo>d third m the

• shot put In the East Side meet,Bo~ d< Will meet =-- Y. Central I turned In hiS best efforts of the

agam Sunda\' at the =--ew Kerby <eaSOIl With a toss of 41 ft 5 InFlt'ld as part of the openUlg da)' Howe\'er hE' lost bv 4 mchE's whenceremonies Stan Cydzlk of Orchard LAke St

)lary posted 41 ft. 9 In.

•Thpre were 16 schools entered

and De La Salle the East SideChamps took the title, edgmg outSt Charles 26 to 22 St. Paul tiedfor 6th place With Mt, ClemensSt. Mary.

At Manne CIty Hamlm quali-fied for the flnals at Lansing Inthe shot put HI' placed third Witha toss of 40 ft 2 In. behmd Wil-ton of D. U. S and Watson ofAlgonac.

Jack Carpenter puned a aurpl'lsewhen he ran 2nd In hiS heat ofthe 440 In 1 3-2. He had to comefrom 3rd place In the last 60yards. He also quallfted for the:linals at Lansmg Paul Weotplaced 3rd m hiS heat of 880 m2 2-2, but failed to qualify. Hewas traIlIng a bad fifth With 100)'ards to go, but placed 3rll Witha great spnnt. John Hutton ran3rd In hiS hl'at of the 440 in 1 2

I He faltered bad I)' dUl'lng the lasthalf after runmng a good secondfor the first 200 yards.

"Tiger Of The Week"To Be Interviewed

Sunday. May 23rd, anew SE'rII'S of sports programsII as maugurated 0\'1'1' RadiO Sta-tlOn \\,XYZ It 5 • The Tlgt>r ofthe Wt'ek," each WpE'k apotllght-an outsttandmg TlgE'r playE'r andprE'sentmg him With a gift for hiSflllE' \\ ork

At the o>nd of the baseball st'a-son, 'The Tiger of the Year" Willbe selected and presented With abrand new automobile.

'The Tiger of the \\'eek" Willbe hpard over \VXYZ. each Sun-day at 12.45 pm, EDT.

MOTORS""" CHASSIS9.Jlillule Auto Wasb

Planes. Racing Car.Complete Bicycle aod Skate.Repair Senice

OGBURN'S~T,,\~iD£'RD S"=R'~I£E

l\IJTO "'.4-\SII


• Bicycles • Tricycles• Models.




GOODSOPEN Sunday and Decoration Day'

10 A. M. 'TIL 11 P. M.

Village Bike Shop17151 KERCHEVAL TU. 1-0330





'I' f


Lose In StateTrack Meet

Although Bl'rg wa~ haVing gr~atdifficult I' Coach Ed Lauer left

I him In 'the game TraIlIng 7 to 0~ I In the 5th mnIng St Paul loadcrl

the bases Harrv Hammond gotthl' Fliers first hit Chul k Ala<kafollow;d With anotho>r slngle andDon \\'lllIams walked JlIn Lawthen cleared the ba~es 1\ lth alrlple to put the local bo, s backII, the agme Capt John Bmghamthen slammo>d a home run mtoleft field Berg and Tom Malchardwalked and Dick Roland smgledto t.I~~ game at 7 all.

In "their half of the 5th S tPhiliP agam took the lead 9 to 7"hE'n Byrnes and Tedo>~co scored= CantalO s double HOll ever Inthe 6th IOmng St Paul came from O)~O~()~(~~()~()~O

behmd once agam and went mto U f'L r.-L ' r"the lead 11 to 9 Hammond Singled '" , ne rlSllermllR S ~ .rlreagam, Duane Streb walked and II"'~Law doubled, scormg tho>m He TROLLING REELS .... $8 to $16.stole 3rd base and scored on Ro-I S h Bland's Single to left. Pfluerger, Shakespeare, out end and ot

~ leading models of Casting Reels $2.45 to $~U RODS, all models $2.50'" Complete supply of Fly eastln« Reels, Rods and Lines

Berg pitched Imlhant ball for~'" MARTIN OUTBOARD MOTORSthe last four IOmngs He struckout four of the last SIX men "ho Models 40 and 60 in Stockfaced him. He gave up 9 hits, ::struck out 8 and walked 4 Maz. ~ SALES &. SERVICEzola and Catoldo walked 4, struck DolphlD ~Iarine Paints - Small Boat Hardware - :llamlaout 12 and gave up 12 luts. Boats - Life Jackets - Cushions..

The Win kept the FI~'ers In a tle~'" H. BUCKERIDGE & SONfor first place wlht St Vmcentand St. Mart:n St. Paul had 15011 Kercheval. Open Evenin .... VA. 2-67

D,n'J,'l '"Tett.n1.'l'" games With St Vincent and St o=-()~..c)~~~»<==>()~)~, 1,. ~.~ Charles ramed out early thiS )'ear -_--------they Will probably be schel:luledfor thiS week.Win R'fgionals, (

Await Stat'f Me'ft Boys LeagueGrosse Pomte High School's top. r. tills Meeting I

flight tenms squad came out VlC- ,..

'nil' young sandlotter was VE'ry torlous In both the Singles and Youngsters Who are interestedhappy about the honor particular- dOUbles matches 10 the Class A In playmg 10 the Pomte JunIOr I

ly when the ReView arranged to ReglOnals hE'ld at Grosse Pomte BasE'ball League all' reque.t~d to]have him met't Art HOllttE'man, last Friday and Saturday. be at Grosse Pomte High Schoolvoung Tiger hurler at Bnggs Sta- By the time that the semi- field Sunday, May 30 at 2 pm fordlum finals came around, the only ones registration and othE'r pantculars

B S L d Edll&lI was presented a baseball to remam In competition were The lE'ague which IS E'xpected toi oy cout ea ers autographed by all the DetrOit from the local High School. get underway on June 15 IS spon-'Await Gold Rush Tigers Accompamed by Coach Bob SchneIder was defeated by so red by the ServIce Clubs of


DuRocher he also attended thE' De- Hugh Dill for the champIOnship I Grosse Pomte. LIOns, OptlOnstAlmost a thousand EMt Side trOit-Phlladelphla game last week smgles title, 7-5, 6-4. KiwaniS, and )retropolltan Boys 'I

Junior and SeDlor Boy Scout as guest of Mrs. Walter 0 Dan Guy and JIm Barker came 16 years of age or under who re-Leaders are eagerly forward to Briggs. out un top In the doubles over Bob Side m the commUIllty are elIgl-L , 0 N £ L T R A , N S Iattendmg the Det~olt area Boy • Stntzmger and Al Mann m dou- ble.

I Scout CouncIl's gIant "Gold Rush" Harry, \\ ho 15 the son of Dr bles compelltlon 6-2, 6-1. RegistratIon can also be madp ISales and Senice Iwhich will be hE'ld at Kensington Iand Mrs H B Edsall of 873 RI- In defeatmg Wyandotte last at any of the local pobce statIOns i

HALLMARK CARDS LakE', near New Hudson, on June vard Blvd, IS also a potent batter Thursday, the netters overthrew and the Neighborhood Club. I

J d' C.ft Sh 25, 26 and 27. According to the latest statistiCS the team that was pegged to give Anyone mterested In coaching IU Y 5 I Op I The "Gold Rush" wl11 b.. gov- hE' I~ R<,yn'q ]plldmg hlttpr With the most funous battle Both or manaji[lnj1;' In the league IS 1'0>- I

17151 Kercheval TU. 1-0330 emed by Walter O. (Spike) an average of 400 Grosse POinte and Wyandotte had questde to contact George Elwor-Brlgg5, Jr, who WII! act as Camp Durlllg 1946 and 1947, the sand- defeated Monroe earlier by the thy at the Kelghborhood ClUb, XI

___________________________ Chief of the biggest and most ex- lotteI' pitched for nmes In the very close score of 4-0. 4600citing outdoor Scoutmg actiVity Grosse Pomte l"ague and the Tuesday, May 25 the Blue iof thiS nature ever to be held In Metropolitan ClUb loop. He loves DeV1ls beat Dearborn 7 to O.the DetrOit Area. About 4000 basE'ball. The Blue Dewls are arouously II campers WIll pitch thl'lr tents In "I certamly would 11k!' to pitch waiting the Stat.. Meet held on I

I four huge camp Cities and w111 In the maJo'r leal\"uE's 50meday,", ;~n~ 4 and 5. ',Vlth their coach,'partiCipate III the IlltenSlve three I E'xclalmed Harrv who IS a elevE'nth • /rl;n SCht~~ b:cklIrom a ~ea;ed&y session. grader at Gr~sse POinte High 0 I ~e~ t"y s ou ~rove; e

_______ School. one 0 I' S rongest ne squa s In

SL"XMEK DAY CA)(P Though the youth IS com ara- the staate, If not the strongest.P Former tennis coach Larrv ,ves-I

The Neighborhood ClUb Summer tlVt'ly small In stature, :> feet 8 I tervJlle returned to coach the Blu"I Day Camp has been filled but mches and 140 pounds he has DeVils through their last two dualI therE' I~ great need for volunteer plenty of determinatIOn and cour-\ meet", and the State Reglonals. II leadership Any mothers. college I age and It he keeps adding to hiS I! g,rl! or hll/;h school glrl~ mterest_jlmprE'Ssl\,p record major ]p8glle W¥te corn cobs are being util-i E'rt In hplpml/; With the Day Camp I scouts WIll be knocking on hiS IZE'rt io mahe nvlon hO~lo>rv. (Fur-I Program arE' R5ked to contact ~h5S door. fural IS produc~d by Quaker OatsI :\rasak, ~I. 4600, as soon as paSSI- • company from cobs thE'n USE'd by

ble. The "Sandlotter of thr Wl'ek" DuPont to make nylon hose.) I

The Re\ 11'\\ '5 "Sandlottt'r of the\\'"ek' Harry Ed~all, CRIIlO>thruII Ith another st"llar mound I'l'r.1.1Jman,r Sunda v to lead TOIllBo\ \l.GroO;:;~(l POlnt,p Post '11ne to a2 to 1 \111'. oler :\1'1\ York CentralPo ....t

Harn allo\1 I'd :'i hlt< and fanned] 2 to hI 109' h,< <trIkc-out total Inl"UI J:"an c< to 60

The \ oUIh \I~' al<l1 In<trllnlCnt-:::l1 'r1 th( IIIIlCi {1( partn1t1nt BE''il(!('s

Pointe Nine Wins No_3In L'fgion L'fague

LlOSS' COACHESAlvm " Bo". :McMillin. Is , the ROOF FIRE

eIghth head coach of the DetrOit I A small :lire was reported on tlleLIOns SInce the team entered the g&rage roof at 924 Beaconstle1d,National Football League 1J1 1934. property of D K KleopfE'r.

Early last w('ek Grosse PomteHI~h s trarh tram clos('d thO>lrregUlar s, a,on on the Fisher Roadtrack b\ trounung Highland Park

If a GPHS ' rookies of the sea-!S("ln' \\ pre to be chost'n, It wouldbe a ".'n' hard d,'clslOn to mak<'But, \\ Ithout a doubt, Miler FredD u " mIl n /; Broad'Jumper Bob, Butch' Edgar, shot-putter Lee\'\ alker. and dash men Jimmy\Yllliams and Bill Anderson wouldvery defllliteh' be candidates

Gl "se Po nte H1g'h School s vir.tuall\ HI l<lohll' track team \\as5113.1'\'). j bl' llllJ1\ldllal <lars attl',' ~la:c.Rq.(lOnal at )lonrot' last~"lllli cld\ They brought home a!'loth ')] ,( e 11 thp Bordcr ClitesLeag-l.e a'1IIuai confero>n,e

In thc final ~tandu.g~ m dualc,mrt 11tl0l1 thE' local t"am fIn-Ish"d In a tIC for thlrd place WithFrrd<o'l \\ .th a three-\\ In three.lu:,s : t.."l(Jrd.