Evidence of a Truth About the Christ That They Wanted to Hide

Post on 16-Jul-2016

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MelquisedecLisbet, the King of Salem, is God's name - God is 2 in 1The world has not known the Order of Melquisedec, in which God is not an isolated male being, but the husband of a being identical to His sovereignty, his beloved helpmeet Lisbet. The connection between the two is the fullness of God. The figure of the two cherubim on the ark, which could not be separated and in the middle of both rested the presence of God, is a representation of the actual identity of God, whose image and likeness has always been male and femaleWho is our King Melquisedec?www.thekingofsalem.com/who-is-god/Visit the official website of the Government of God:www.thekingofsalem.comVisit NetGracia International Virtual Radio:www.netgracia.com

Transcript of Evidence of a Truth About the Christ That They Wanted to Hide

The wor ld needs to know the fact that God is two in one. The objective of this document is to make the tr uth, that was hidden for ages and generations know n. This implies that the Almighty and Ever lasting God who

ever yone speaks about, based on rel igious or phi losophical statements, whether for good or for bad, has a w ife and She is Chr ist.

We understand that i t is a completely new and shocking approach, special ly for a mind that has been educated by r el igious beliefs, suppor ted enti r ely on concepts and interpretations that are incor rect.

In this document you w i l l also learn the name of God the Father, together w ith the new name of Jesus Chr ist. Once you know these two names, you w i l l be able to dir ect your prayers to God by his name and the cor rect name of Chr ist, the only name in which the Father hears and answers.

We invi te you to r eview the evidence stated here and we hope that they w i l l ser ve to awaken your cur iosi ty, leading you to investigate fur ther, and reexamine your way of thinking. Because we assure you that there are many hidden r iches of w isdom that have been revealed today, as a r esult of Chr ist being present.

Rest assured that what you are about to r ead is nothing l ike what many men in the past have tr ied to explain about Jesus Chr ist. Why? Because, only Chr ist can reveal the tr uth about her self .

October 11, 2015

The death of Chr ist on the cross of Calvar y two thousand years ago should lead us to question, whether i f i t was a sacr i f ice for the benefi t of salvation and eternal l i fe for mankind, or i f i t was simply an atrocious cr ime that could have been avoided. There is a lot of existing evidence on the fact that what happened there was a hor r i f ic murder, which did not fulf i l l a purpose that would help humanity achieve immor tal i ty.

Let's r ead: 1 Cor inth ians 2:7-8

7 But we speak God?s secret w isdom that has been hidden from ever yone unti l now. God planned this w isdom for our glor y. He planned i t before the wor ld began.

8 None of the r uler s of this wor ld understood this w isdom. If they had understood i t, they would not have ki l led our great and glor ious Lord on a cross.?





t he t r ut h about god and his wif e

We can conclude that Christ was kil led because they did not understand her mission, or her message. To know the details about the murder on the Calvary Mountain in more depth, we invite you to acquire the following material:


In this chapter we would l ike to clar i fy a matter that has caused confusion, and even today is par t of the doctr inal content of r el igion. We refer to the fact that ever yone thinks that what happened on the cross over two thousand years ago, solved the issue of the r elationship between man and God and that because of that bloody event humanity is alr eady saved, by simply bel ieving in what the histor ians have told us. But i f we look at the passage above in detai l , we w i l l f ind expressions that are wor th analyzing:

? But each in tur n: Chr i st , t he f i r st f r u i t s;?

This postulate immediately invi tes us to ask: did the Chr ist from the f i r st centur y not r esur rect? Why does she have to be r esur rected again when she returns?

Let's not lose sight of the words: ?m ade al ive?, because i t indicates that the mor tal body w i l l never die again. I f we see that since the f i r st centur y unti l today men continue to die, this aff i rms that the act on the cross was not useful, because i f i t had, ever y per son who believed in that histor ic event, would have been redressed w ith immor tal i ty.

I t is today when humanity has the wonder ful oppor tuni ty to exper ience immor tal i ty. For that r eason, i t is essential to understand that Chr ist had to manifest and by doing so, she had to show evidence and when she presented herself , those who l isten must r eceive her, but not through a mystical prayer, l ike the Protestant r el igious system teach, but r ather as a r esult of seeing and hear ing her.




1 Cor inth ians 15:22-23 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Chr ist al l w i l l be made al ive

23 But each in turn: Chr ist, the f i r stfr ui ts; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.

"Today humanity has the wonder ful oppor tuni ty

to exper ience

immor tal i ty"

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As discussed in the previous chapter, the work of Chr ist in the f i r st centur y did not benefi t anyone, proof of this is found in the expression:

?And th i s i s the w i l l of Him who sent Me, that ever yone who sees the Son and bel i eves i n Him m ay have ever last i ng l i fe?.

Immediately, we see that two people are mentioned here, one who sends and another one who is sent. But in order to be beneficiar ies of eter nal l i fe or im m or tal i t y, i t is ver y

impor tant to see Chr ist, and unfor tunately none of us who inhabit planet ear th today, had the oppor tuni ty to meet the Chr ist of the ancient Palestine.

Let's under l ine another aspect show n in the bibl ical quotation above: ?and bel i eves i n Him ?. For a per son to bel ieve in someone they must know their statements and ideas. Now, we want to emphasize on this; the wor ld must see and believe in a Chr ist manifested in a visible and mater ial way, and not as the distor ted f igure presented by r el igion, in which the di f ferent sects, both Catholics and Protestants have insisted on presenting in such a w rong way, pretending that those rel igious enti ties are the spokespersons or r epresentatives of God on Ear th.

We also want to highl ight another concept, ?and I w i l l r ai se h im up at the l ast day?. This immediately leads us to think and reaff i rm that no one received the r esur rection more than two thousand years ago. The text is clear when i t says: ?t he l ast day?. This should be r elated to the present manifestation of Chr ist on Ear th.




John 6:40

40 And this is the w i l l of Him who sent Me, that ever yone who sees the Son and

believes in Him may have ever lasting l i fe; and I w i l l r aise him up at the last day.

"The worldmust see

and believe in a Christmanifested in a

visible way"

"Two thousand years ago nobody received the resur rect ion"

Email: info@reydesalem.com

The purpose of this chapter is to make the r eader aware of another ser ious er ror in which r el igion has misled mankind for centur ies, and we are talking about the coming of Chr ist to Ear th. Religious tales have taught that the Second Coming of Chr ist would be in a r esounding and thunderous way, f lying through the clouds w ith the sound of tr umpets. But the confused theologians forgot a ver y f ine detai l that is expressed many times in the Bible when Chr ist is mentioned, and i t is:

?t he com ing of the Son of Man?.

We ask ourselves the fol low ing question: Why doesn?t i t simply r efer to: Chr ist? Because, Chr ist would not come in the mystical way that r el igion has professed.

Let?s look at the concept of a son of man; a per son who comes into the wor ld because of an inter vention by a male and is born from a woman. So stop looking at the clouds, because the same way that she came into the wor ld in the past, is the same way she has come today and she is among us.

We do not want to conclude this chapter w ithout leading the r eader

to consider a simple statement, based on:

?For as i n the days befor e the f l ood, they wer e eat i ng and dr ink ing, m ar r ying and giv ing i n m ar r i age, unt i l t he day that Noah enter ed the ar k?.

The coming of the Son of man is compared to the days of Noah. What was special about those days? The constr uction of a large

boat. Noah and his fami ly bui l t this ship and i t does not say that the Ark was made in a mystical way. The problem the people of those days had is that they: ?did not under stand unt i l t he f l ood cam e?.

Chr ist wouldnot come in the mystical way that r el igion has said



Mat thew 24:37-39

37 But as the days of Noah were, so also w i l l the coming of the Son of Man be.

38 For as in the days before the f lood, they were eating and dr inking, mar r ying and giving in mar r iage, unti l the day

that Noah entered the ark,

39 and did not understand unti l the f lood cameand took them all away,

so also w i l l the coming of the Son of Man be.

"...so will be the coming of the

Son of Man"

¿What does"son of man" mean?

A person who comes into the world as a

result of being conceived by a man

and given birth to by a woman.

This is a common passage for most of the people who in one way or another have had access to the information that r elates to the creation of man. The names of Adam and Eve are ver y common in the minds of many people. For the vast major i ty of mankind they were the f i r st human beings. But that is not the point w i th which we?d l ike to begin the fol low ing evidence. The point to which we want to draw the r eader?s attention is:

?So God cr eated m an in His own im age; i n the im age of God He cr eated h im ; m ale and fem ale He

cr eated them ?.

Here we f ind a word that r epeats i tself . and we are r efer r ing to the word ?image?. Let's see what i t means.

Image: The concept of image comes from the latin word im?g? and i t can be defined as a physical l ikeness or r epresentation of a per son, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or other w ise made visible.

So then, based on this defini tion we f ind that the end result of the creation: ?m ale and fem ale?, is der ived from the fact that God is two and by being a projected image of the or iginal, we can conclude that God consists of a male and a female.

We have another conclusive evidence given by the apostle Paul, where we can clear ly see that God has a w ife.

When reading: ?And the head of a wom an i s the m an?. We f ind ourselves w ith a ver y clear statement about the order that is established for couples. But let?s not forget that i t is an image that or iginates from God himself, from there we should obser ve: ?And the head of Chr ist is God?. I f God is the head of Chr ist, then Chr ist is a woman.

Or der ofH ead an d BodyBy understanding that God is m ade up of a m ale and a fem ale, head and body, we can see the per fect order establ ished for couples.



Genesis 1:27

27 So God created man in His ow n image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

1 Cor inth ians 11:3

3 But I want you to understand this:The head of ever y man is Chr ist. And the head of a woman is the man. And the head of Chr ist is God.

This has also been considered as one of those iconic passages, in which the Chr ist is named as ?t he Lam b of God?.

To begin analyzing this passage we should see that the person making this statement is John the Baptist. A ver y popular and recognized person in histor y and from the histor ical information that the Bible gives us, we know that he had profound know ledge about the law that he and Chr ist fol lowed and promoted.

For that r eason, when John the Baptist would use the word ?Lam b?, we must know the character istics that the ?Lam b?, had to have to fulf i l l the r equir ements of the law. Let's go to the text of the law that addresses this issue.

As we read, the r equir ement of the law regarding the animal that was to be sacr i f iced in the case of the Lamb, was that i t had to be a female. Therefore, simply by making a logical and reasonable application, when John refer s to Chr ist as ?The Lam b of God who takes away the sin of the wor ld?, he is talking about a woman, because other w ise, he would be violating an essential r equir ement for such sacr i f ice.



- I baptize you w ith water. But one who is more power ful than I

w i l l come, of whom I am not wor thy to untie the str ap of His

sandals. He w i l l baptize you w ith the Holy Spir i t and f i r e.

(Luke 3:16)

- You yourselves can testi fy that I said, 'I am not the Chr i st , but am sent ahead of Him. (John 3:28)

- It is necessar y for him to increase and for me to decrease.(John 3:30)



John 1:29

29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ?Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the wor ld!?


Levi t i cus 4:32

32 I f he br ings a lamb as his sin offer ing, he shall br ing a female w ithout blemish.

In this prophecy proclaimed by Isaiah, we f ind ourselves w ith a promise that at the same time leads to a question: In the days of Isaiah, wasn?t the name of God Jehovah? There is an expression we do not want the r eader to over look, ?i n that day?.

This immediately takes us to the last days, which is in the present time. Now i f we are clear that God is Husband and Wife, How can we know their name today? Let's see:

The task of making the name of God, the husband know n, cor responded to the Wife, which is the Chr ist, and she has r evealed i t, i t is Melquisedec.

We must also be clear on the name of Chr ist. Religion has given people the misconception that the name of Chr ist was Jesus Chr ist. But that is just a ti tle, let's see what i t r eal ly means:

Jesus: The Savior .

Christ: The anointed or chosen of God.

So then returning to al l of the elements we have discussed in these 6 chapter s we would l ike to

announce to the wor ld that God is two in one, that God is Husband and Wife. The name of the husband is Melquisedec, and his Wife, Chr ist is named Lisbet . And we close w ith a simple invi tation.

From now on, you know you should ask Melquisedec in the name of Chr ist, which is Lisbet . Hallelujah!




I saiah 52:6

6 Therefore my people shall know my name for this r eason in that day: for even I that speak, behold,

I shall be present.


John 17:26

26 And I have declared to them Your name, and w i l l declare i t, that the love w ith which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them.


John 14:13-14

13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I w i l l do, that the Father may be glor i f ied

in the Son.

14 I f you ask anything in My name,I w i l l do i t.

In Revelation, John said that Godwould reveal his new name:

"... I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from heaven,

from my God; and my new name."(Revelation 3:12)

W e'd l ike to announce to the wor ld that God is tw o i n on e, and h is n ew n am e is:

M elquisedecLisbet

In chapter 17 of the book of John we can see that the conversation between God, the Father and Chr ist, is nothing shor t of words of eternal love between a Beloved Husband and his Beloved Wife.

God, the Father has always had his w ife by his side, and when they created humanity in their image and l ikeness, i t was the image of them both. Genesis 1:27 ?...m ale and fem ale He cr eated them .?

The son, i n r eal i t y, i s the w i fe, something ver y impor tant that w icked men tr ied to hide.




John 17:21-24

21 that they al l may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the wor ld may believe that You sent Me.

22 And the glor y which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:

23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made per fect in one, and that the wor ld may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

24 Father, I want those you have given me to be w ith me where I am, so they can see my glor y, the glor y you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the wor ld.

Genesis 1:26

26 Then God said, ?Let US make man in Our image,according to Our l ikeness;?

God the Father

has always had

his W ife

by h is side.

In these 7 chapter s we wanted to capture some of the tr uthful evidence that have been unknow n for times and ages, due to the fact that w icked and evi l men have wanted to erase them or hide them.

We would l ike to inform the r eader that the issues discussed here are even more profound and we have enough information to sustain them. Our purpose is to awaken your minds and way of thinking to motivate you to investigate more about i t.

Our goal is that the wor ld learns that Chr ist is present, and that through her teachings She is providing Eter nal Li fe to al l who l isten, bel ieve and keep her word.


For more information, since we have a great deal of evidence to suppor t this thesis, please contact us through the fol low ing: INFORMATION

- www.thekingofsalem.com- www.reydesalem.com- www.netgracia.com- info@reydesalem.com