Everything IT, Services & Consulting Andres Vergara Individual Website Project UMBC, IS 613C Prof:...

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Transcript of Everything IT, Services & Consulting Andres Vergara Individual Website Project UMBC, IS 613C Prof:...

Everything IT,Services & Consulting

Andres Vergara

Individual Website Project


Prof: Charles Pak

Oct. 15, 2009

Who am I and what do I do?

IT professional Contractor at the NIH in Bethesda, MD Instrumentation & Control Engineer

What is the purpose of the site?

Provide visitors with information about the services that my future company, Everything IT, Solutions & Consulting, offers and how to receive them.

It will give visitors the ability to get in touch with me by filling out a form.

What is the web site going to accomplish?

The website will be the front-end for the company.

I would like to experience a good amount of traffic, which could lead to business opportunities.

If the company becomes successful on the internet, it may perhaps evolve into a brick and mortar company.

Intended audience:

Individuals seeking IT solutions– home office– small businesses

Opportunity this site addresses:

The need for high-quality and low-cost IT solutions and/or consulting services in the Baltimore-Washington area.

Content included in this site:

Information about the company and its employees– My resume

Description of the services I offer Contact information form.

Related or similar sites found on the Web.

http://itforesight.tech.officelive.com http://www.infitech.net

Website development

Content: facts, text, graphics, sounds, video


XHTML & Java Script– http://www.w3schools.com/– Web Development & Design Foundations, 4/e by

Terry Felke-Morris

PHP– http://www.freecontactform.com/email_form.php


Logo– MS clipart– MS paint

Icon– Gimp → http://www.gimp.org/

Flowchart (storyboard)– MS Visio

Employees About UsHome Projects LinksServices

PHP Script

Html text

Contact Us


Java ScriptAnimation

Html text

Navigation Tabs

Html textLink to

PresentationLinks to

ResumesLinks to


Flowchart (storyboard)

Content Requirements

Drilldown to specific examples

Consistent banner logo area


Consistent main navigation


Association with external style sheet


Appropriate meta tags

<meta name="keywords" content="IT, Services, Consulting, Integration, Networks, Hardware" />

<meta name="author" content="Andres Vergara" />

One page utilizing tables effectively


One page containing a form with at least three elements

I used PHP script to place form content in an e-mail message

– http://userpages.umbc.edu/~vergara1/IS613C/proj1/contact.html

One external hyperlink


One e-mail hyperlink


One animated image


The END !!!