Everyone loves a great story

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Everyone loves a great story

there’s nothing like a

great story

you know. . . the kind that

keeps you up at night

the kind that turns a quick run for ice into,

“let’s circle the block.”

the human brain is hard wired to seek out and appreciate a good story

Ever since the beginning of time. . .

. . . and some of the super awesome ones still exist today.

Technology has given us the opportunity to share our stories with

more people than ever!

But this is making it even more difficult to have a great conversation with your audience.

There’s more noise – like other people. . .

bigger people . . .

. . . louder people!

Luckily, you have something they don’t


It allows your audience to pick and choose the story they want told.

then you can edit viciously!

… and through touch analytics, you can learn what kind of story appeals to your audience

It’s like the digital equivalent to every great storyteller’s secret weapons:

reading faces, picking up on social queues, and having a changeable disposition.

You’re intriguing your audience with a new type of story telling – one that allows them to communicate back.

For more information about touch technology, contact Horizon Display at touch@horizondisplay.com

or visit our website:www.HorizonDisplay.com