EVENTS: Te Kura Tuarua o Piopio...Macdonald) came 2nd overall in the A class and our mixed team...

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Transcript of EVENTS: Te Kura Tuarua o Piopio...Macdonald) came 2nd overall in the A class and our mixed team...

E ngā mātua, e ngā whanaunga me ngā hoa o te kura, tēnā koutou.

Dear parents, caregivers and friends of the College.

Our wonderful students are continuing to live our school values.

Congratulations to Trae Aitken. He has been chosen to represent the region at National

Smokefreerockquest competition. He was one of three to be chosen—we know you will

blow their socks off Trae.

Congratulations to three girls who represented Piopio College at Te Waikōwharawhara at

Secondary Kapahaka Regionals at Claudelands (with students from Otorohanga College and

Te Wharekura O Maniapoto). They came 7th overall and the roopu received a prize for the

Best Disciplined Team. So well done Myron Rapana-Barrett, Star Neil and Dakota Butler.

Also well done to Tiana Newport and Chante Morgan for supporting the team and

attending practices.

Congratulations to Grace Kroon who is a Corporal

Cadet with the St John Youth Organisation.

Grace has earned her Grand Prior which is earning 12

badges, 6 compulsory and 6 optional at a Gold Level.

She now collects the Grand Prior award from the

Governor General in Wellington on 15 August.

Congratulations to Ben Stilborn who did extremely

well at the New Zealand Age Group swimming

champs in Wellington 5-9 May. He was placed 5th in

the 50m Breastroke, 7th in the 100m Breastroke, 7th

in the 200 Breastroke finals for his age group.

Ben trains 4 nights a week over the summer period

and 2 nights a week over winter compared to the

other swimmers who swim 7 - 10 times a week so he

did extremely well. We are very proud of you Ben. Grace Kroon

If you have given us your email address we will be sending out this newsletter via email.

We will also be trialling a mass texting service which will inform you quickly of absences and

notify important information.

We will then review this service with you.

Julie Radice


Piopio College Newsletter

Te Kura Tuarua o Piopio 2 5 M A Y 2 0 1 5 P A N U I 6

C O M I N G E V E N T S :

27 May Parent Interviews 28 May Zimboyz: African Acrobatic duo Rippa Rugby Y7/8 Rugby Park TK Otago Uni Liaison visit Y13 1 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday 2 June Teacher Only Day 3 June ICAS Science Y7-13 4 June PTA AGM 16 June ICAS Spelling Y7-8 17 June ICAS Writing Y7-13 BoT mthly mtg 18 June Y10 Vision Screening Phone: 07 877 8173 or 0800 240 173 Fax: 07 877 8388 Website: Principal’s email: jradice@

P A G E 2

IMPORTANT DATES By now you will have recieved Progress Reports for your children (Subject reports come


There will be a parent’s evening on Wednesday 27 May in the Library. You will have an

opportunity to meet the Kaitiaki for your child and subject teachers if you wish. No

appointments necessary but there are chairs for each teacher to use as a queuing system if

need arises. It will start at 5.00pm and finish at 8.00pm. There will be hot food and drinks

available. This will be an opportunity to set targets and discuss how you as parents can

help with your children’s learning.

Thank you parents who have shown an interest in BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and

discussing uniform. We will meet again this term.

Tuesday 2 June is a Teacher Only Day. This is the day after the long weekend. This day

gives an opportunity for staff to work collaboratively on a variety of educational initiatives.


Sub Junior Girls

1. Sidney Baker 2. Tyler Wiseman 3. Sydney Coup

Sub Junior Boys

1. Gus Nelson 2. Thomas Pease 3. Topia Barrowcliffe

Junior Boys

1. Ben Stilborn 2. Demante Murray 3. Toby Macdonald

Junior Girls

1. Molly Nelson 2. Stacey Mackenzie 3. Keighley Brough

Intermediate Boys

1. Nathanael Wrack 2. Ryan Singleton 3. Oscar Johns

Intermediate Girls

1. Sarah Bevege 2. Holly Richardson 3. Sian Macdonald

Senior Boys

1. Connor Scarlett 2. Jack Griffin 3. Oliver Barnsdall

Senior Girls

1. Jade Knight 2. Flavia Caprez 3. Louisa Macdonald


Junior Girls

7th Molly Nelson, 11th Stacey Mackenzie

Junior Boys

1st Ben Stilborn, 9th Toby Macdonald, 10th Lorenz Kemp, 12th Demante Murray

Intermediate Girls

4th Sarah Bevege

Intermediate Boys

1st Nathanael Wrack, 3rd Isaac Mulgrew

Senior Boys

3rd Jack Griffin, 5th Oliver Barnsdall

Senior Girls

2nd Flavia Caprez

New Zealand Seconday Schools Motorcross champs

4th Toby Macdonald, 5th William Macdonald

P A G E 3 P A N U I 6


P A G E 4

LEADER’S STUFF Hi Guys Hope you all had a good week. Well done to all those who participated in the Cross Country—great effort. On Wednesday 19 May the Y9-13 were involved in a programme called Sex-Wise where we learnt about maintaining healthy relationships. Parent teacher interviews this Wednesday. Make sure you come along and see how your children are progressing. On 4 June the Ball Committee will be holding a Cowboys and Indians Social to continue fundraising, drinks and snacks will be on sale. Congratulations to Trae for his great success at Rock Quest, we can’t wait for you to perform for us at assembly. A firewood raffle will be drawn on 30 May. If you would like to purchase a ticket, contact Louisa or Olivia (send your money to school with your children). Have a great week and good luck with your weekend sports. Kaleb and Olivia

CYBER BULLYING A group of students are involved in the Cyber Bullying Project with Te Kuiti High School. They are meeting regularly to work on advertising campaigns and in Term 3 will be performing a play, “Speaking Out Loud” which they will devise themselves. Thank you to Liz Brandon (pictured far right) for all your support and encouragement.


Please pay by the end of Term 2. $76.70 per student to a maximum of $200 per family. If you have a community services card or meet any of the criteria for financial assistance, please get the information to me so I can get the applications underway. This will reduce the cost to $20 per student or $30 per family. Louise Sheeran Deputy Principal

We are not happy with the increased number of students who are smoking on the school

premises. We have always said this habit is hard to break. We have brought in other methods to help them stop, such as smoking cessation, but from now on as we have all students to protect, stand downs will be given to anyone caught doing this. We ask families to help us with this as students need support to break this habit. We will be looking at working with Whanau Ora to help us.

Trae Aitken

Ben Stilborn

Uniform is improving, although some are still trying to bend the rules. Remember some second hand uniform is available at the office. We are at present looking for a warmer jacket for juniors to wear and as soon as I have a deal I will contact you. J Radice

P A G E 5 P A N U I 6

EQUESTRIAN TEAM SUCCESS Had a fantastic weekend at NZSSHT event - the team of A riders( Jenny and Sarah Bevege and Louisa and Sian Macdonald) came 2nd overall in the A class and our mixed team (Stormy, Tegan, Hayley and Isobel (TKHS)) came 4th overall in the A/B class. Really amazing result with both teams placing so well - A team was only a few points off the winners (Strathallan) brilliant for our little school! We were also in the running for the team spirit award, got very close which reflects just how well the girls all conducted themselves and supported each other.

MERITORIOUS ACTION These students have received acknowledgement of the many good things they have done. Sam Anderson, Brayden Burnell, Ivyn Burgess, Jack Cathie, Nathan Crooks, Katie Denize, Shaun Edgerton, Josiah Haenga, Alex Harrison-Francis, Carlos Hirini, Demante Murray, Genesis Muraahi, Santana Muraahi, Gus Nelson, Te Ana Proffit, Cortez Ratima, Myron Rapana-Barrett, Toni-Anne Robinson, Jack Rickards, TJ Tapara, Seth Warren. Winners of a canteen voucher are Josiah Haenga and Nikau Rickards.

SPORT FEES 2015 FOOTBALL Y7/8 girls / boys Affiliation $10.00 Shirt & shorts hire $10.00 Total $20.00 Senior Girls & Boys Affiliation $16.00 Shirt & shorts hire $10.00 Total $26.00 Year 7/8 Hockey

Registration/turf fees $15.00 Shirt & short hire S10.00 Total $25.00

RUGBY 1st XV Registration $8.00 Playing uniform hire $15.00 Total $23.00 Year 7/8/u14 Registration $8.00 Jersey & shorts & socks hire $15.00 Oranges $2.00 Medical kit/strapping $5.00 Transport $10.00 Total $40.00 NETBALL Junior (Red Ferns and Rubys) Total $37.00 Senior (College A and College A Reserve) Total $48.00 We are required to have full cost recovery of fees so please arrange to make payment of these before Friday 25 July. WANTED Sciences department has an urgent need for 1kg tins with metal top/lids (like coffee/milo), or smaller (like golden syrup). Thank you. PTA AGM Thursday 4 June at 7.00pm in College Staffroom

Everyone welcome. Our meetings are usually short. The event we run is the annual bike ride so the more people we have the more the load is shared. Any queries you can contact Cheryl at 878 6640. Please note if you have a Complaint or Concern there is a process and this information can be collected from Alida at the office.