Evaluation question four

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation question four

Evaluation question four.Who would be the audience for your media product?

Robyn Collier.

What rating certificates are there and what they mean.

Stereotypically thriller audiences are aimed at...

After searching on the Bbfc (British board of film classification) website I found that over half of all the thriller films they show are produced with the 15 certificate.

Therefore can include strong language; Drug taking; Sexual references; and strong violence.

The least common certificate given to thriller films was 12A (Children 12 and under need to be accompanied by an adult.)

This may be because thrillers will not always be able to show the key parts conventional to thriller films. Most thrillers hold plot lines which wouldn’t be suitable for children younger than 12 to watch alone as it may effect them emotionally or could possibly affect their behavior as there is a risk they could copy it. Therefore watching with an adult will reduce the risk as they’re less likely to behave badly around their parent.

Certificate of films similar to our product.

• Taken 2 has a plot line similar to our media product and is aimed at people over 15 and therefore has the 15 age certificate. It includes mature themes such as strong violence and more which aren’t suitable for children under 15.

• Prisoners includes a similar plot where two families daughters go missing and the parents try to find them. Including the strong language and violent scenes of torture it wouldn’t be suitable for children under 15. From this the film was given the 15 rating certificate to appeal to a more suitable audience.

Questionnaire feedback. After looking into age certificates for thriller films I sent

questionnaires to people who had seen the film for their feedback. The questionnaires were in connection with the previous research of certificates and included questions of which certificate would be most suitable for our film.

After sending out 15 questionnaires, 9 returned believing it should be aimed at the age group of 15-25 year olds.

Some of their reasons for their decisions were: ‘The victims age makes it appeal to the younger, teen audience’ ‘The plot line wouldn’t be suitable for someone younger than 15 as it

may effect them emotionally’ ‘Even though the violence isn’t seen you can already see how the

film could progress from the few shots we do see.’

Conclusion.Alongside research into stereotypical audiences for thriller film and the feedback from surveys we concluded our thriller opening sequence should have the 15 certificate.

We chose this certificate as our plot line of kidnap would be unsuitable for children under the age of 15 as it could emotionally effect them and their behavior.

As no violence or strong language is shown within the opening sequence some feedback suggested we should rate the film as 12/12A however, with the later action of violence and strong language we concluded 15 would be more suitable for the film. Also, including a younger victim can appeal to that age as the age may be relatable.

We didn't rate our film as an 18 as we believe the content is not that extreme therefore is suitable for children ages 15 and above. This is because it doesn't include content such as; Strong blood or gore; No prohibited themes or strong sexual activity. Therefore making it suitable to be rated below 18.

We didn't choose a specific gender to aim our thriller film at as we believe that both males and females would enjoy the film.

Conventionally thriller films have the 15 certificate therefore i believe it makes our film more realistic like other thriller films.