evaluation question 6

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of evaluation question 6

evaluation question 6:what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


We have used a variety of different technologis, programmes and websites throughout the process of creating our thriller opening.

Dv digital camera

We used digital camera for all of our filming throughout our coursework, right from the preliminary task through to the audience feedback interviews. Our skills with a digital camera improved over time and without one my coursework would have been impossible.

Still digital camera

we used a still camera to take pictures of our location searching and to lake pictures of us working so that we could show it on on blogs this could be of us doing our paperwork or when we were filming.

Camera phone

we also used the camera on my phone to take pictures and videos of us working so that we could then send them to a computer and put them on our blogs.


a tripod was a key piece of technology for making our film as would not be able to have still shots and the filming would look terrible. Like the digital camera our skills developed over time so we could film better shots.

Apple mac computer

the apple mac computer was also a key piece of technology because as a group we spent a lot of time working on them when we were editing, researching and adding to our blogs. This is another piece of technology that our skills developed therefore making it easier to use


blogger.com is the site that each member of my group used to create a blog to show the work that we are doing so that the examiner can see. I have spent a lot of time on blogger.com because we need to be constantly updating it and adding to it. Anybody with access to the internet an look at a blog and comment on it.


slideshare is one of the most recent technologies that I haved used. It is a website where you can create slideshows in order to present information. You can link this to blogger.com so I could add slideshows to my blog.

Survey monkey

survey monkey is a website that we used to collect information so that we could present it on our blogs. The information that we collected was audience research and audience feedback.


youtube was a website that I used a lot, we needed it so that we could look at films and past student work to give us an idea of what we needed to do. We also used it to upload the videos we made, like audience research, preliminary task and our final thriller.


mobygratis is the website that we used to get the music that we used in our thriller. We had to sign up then ask permission to use the music and then if they say yes we can add it to our thriller. We asked for 7 pieces of music but we only use 3 of them. There are also other music sites available such as unsighned.com and freesound.com but we found mobygratis to be the best.


livetype is an application that we used to create the titles and ident for our film. It was quite complicating to use at first but with some practice it became very easy.

Final cut express

final cut express was a very important application because this is what we used to edit our videos. It is a very detailed application which is hard to use at first but becomes very easy with practice so it is the best tool for editing.

Skills I have gained

throughout the process of my coursework I have gained many skills and I now have the

knowledge to use many different technologies which could benefit me in future.