Evaluation Question 5

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Evaluation Question 5

From my research on colours chose three colours, which are conventional that I felt were suitable for my magazine, I chose purple, this colour represents wealth and it is mainly attractive towards the niche audience of females, the dark purple I have used is a more dominant and striking colour this makes the colour purple much more appealing for the male readers.

I used the colour purple on my drafts of my front cover and I decided to change it after I felt the colours looked to feminine, I developed this further and used a gold as my main colour this I felt made the magazine appear more masculine and bolder as an overall piece. I did still use orange and purple, my contrasting colours but I used them limitedly this created the words to appear more forward on the magazine and it helped to strengthen my magazine as a whole.

I think the unusual colours I have picked; gold, orange & purple have instantly drawn immediate attention to my magazine and from others with the usual; red, black & white colours. As I am in some way breaking these conventions and using different and unique colours, this shows the ideology of my magazine to be edgy, and rebellious this ties male readers in especially as they are always fighting to be the most dominant.

The model I have chosen does in fact listen to rap and hip hop music, this is one of the main reasons why I chose him, I also wanted to address the audience of my magazine that is it not just stereotypical black rappers that are really impressive, one of the most famous rappers is white; Eminem who came from a bad background and has made a better life for himself and this model I have chosen has reflected that view. This model is shows some conventions I asked him to wear a black beanie and I especially chose the top so I could create strong realism and I could connect ‘IBIZA’ on his to the tour he is going on in 2014.

I have broken some conventions as it felt I didn’t need to dress him up in jewellery and to make him look like the stereotypical rapper, I wanted to make him look like he was his own artist. The strong facial expression I used because I felt it created an intense atmosphere and it helped the genre come alive through the magazine. The magazine is breaking a lot of conventions and I felt like this helps emphasis the genre, it also attracts my audience because many people between 16-25 go through a rebellious stage and I wanted to reflect this through my magazine through the facial expression and the unique colour scheme.

Language such as ‘trippy’, ‘boss’, ‘homies’ which I have used on my magazine is in the vocabulary of people to tend to listen the rap/ hip hop music, this directly tells the mass audience of this magazine that this has music they like in it and it helps with the sales of my product.

I have included in my magazine festival shots and a recent rap battle these are events that the target audience of my magazine are highly interested in and this helps perhaps new readers into the rap/ hip hop sub culture.

I feel the prevalence of the mise en scene is vital to make my magazine appeal the mainly black Americans, this is why I have included baggy tops, jewellery, and graffiti walls, this is conventional for my target audience and they would relate to this magazine a lot more than if I haven’t included this in my magazine.

The magazine name itself it also addressing my target audience as the meaning of ‘Homie’ is an acquaintance from one's own town or neighbourhood, or from the same social background. This links everyone who reads my magazine to be all together as a unit and it makes the audience feel like a friend of the culture this helps people who don’t usually read the magazine feel secure and it helps make the magazine feel more personal and to feel like a community.

The way I have used social media also helps to address my audience as it helps others who read the magazine hashtag, and share their thoughts from a reason article or new album and it helps the audience interact with one another and to create strong synergy.

Overall I feel my magazine offers a huge amount of attraction to the audience and from this it helps them come back to read this magazine on a weekly basis, it addresses the audience like a friend and its content is specific to the genre from my personal and researched knowledge.