Evaluation Q6

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation Q6

  1. 1. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  2. 2. As the majority of the film was going to be of sports action we would need a suitable camera. Mountain bikers film their rides all the time and most of them use GoPro which is arguably the best sports camera as it is used by professionals. The camera is the best option as it is both durable and high quality filming. The camera can film up to 1440 and has a wide high quality lenses which means you can capture everything you are passing. The GoPro also has a wide variety of mount which enabled us to attach the camera to the bike and get the unique shots. Although this is the best Camera for the task at hand it does not provide the best sound quality as it is not the main function of the camera. This was not too big of an issue because there was no dialog in the film.
  3. 3. On the GoPro that we were using their was no screen that we could use to see what the GoPro was shooting (viewfinder) so we decided to work around this problem by using the GoPro Wi-Fi to our phone and used the GoPro app which would relay the picture it was shooting and then we could adjust the shot if it was wrong. Also by using this feature it allowed us to see the camera status, so the battery life and the library for example. It also gave us control to start the GoPro. This gave us the freedom to go on long trails and stop the footage when appropriate on the trail rather then waiting till the end and then stopping it manually and being left with a larger amount of unwanted footage and taking up the storage space.
  4. 4. We found that we would have to be doing a lot of filming which the GoPro would not be suitable for. We had to film things like interviews and evaluations, so we decided to use a mobile phone camera. Over the past few years technology has developed drastically so much so it allows us to do some quality HD filming on a phone which makes the film more accessible and easier to upload to the internet. It also meant that we could share the film easily within the group which made the film easy to edit the film and we could manage our time much more efficiently.
  5. 5. I have learnt to use blogger so that I can display all of my media texts. It is an easy and more robust way of displaying work as it can be seen by anyone at any time. Slideshare is a site where you have to make an account. What allows you to do is share your PowerPoints with the internet. It makes your work accessible as you can access it from almost anywhere. Social media allowed us as a team to stay connected when working in separate locations this made our production process much more efficient as we could share the work. furthermore social media allowed us to share our work with the world and promote it and get feedback. Prezi was a more diverse way of composing some of our evaluation work. It is like PowerPoint but a modern and inventive take on it. it allows you to present your work in a more creative way. It also allows you to share your work with more ease as it is internet based.
  6. 6. As our title sequence was essentially a biking montage with no dialog it was vital that we selected the right music as it would be the only thing you would hear. Sound cloud provided us with a huge library of non copyrighted music. Art of the title is an excellent website which has a vast library of title sequence which would could use to conduct our research. It has loads of different genres and inventive ways on title sequence construction. You could find both old and new titles. This site was a big influence on our work because we took a lot of our inspiration from the titles we saw on the art of the title. This is a site that helped us with our audience research and how our film compared with others. We used it to establish our target audience. YouTube aloud us to perform a multitude of tasks such as research and displaying our title sequence. It is also useful to annotate the title sequence because it has features which allow you to edit your videos and add text.
  7. 7. Screen for media Tools Time line for film Time line for sound Text (titles) Editing for media, text and effects effects