Evaluation q2

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation q2

1. 2. How effective is the combination of yourmain product and ancillary texts? 2. Shots from mymusic videoMagazine ad/ posterFinal digi- pack. 3. Album front coverShots from the videoThe continuous influence of the main characterthrough both products. Showing hercharacteristics, and enhancing the fact that shes astrong, independent women. Another think is the use ofthe colour red, using the same red dress throughout. Aswell as matching it with her red lip stick and the redtitle on the front cover. 4. Main artist being thesole focus of all myproducts. Not onlypromoting herself asa new developedartist but also herproduct (musicvideo)Added effect to enhancethe creativity and to link itto the expression of thevideo, setting the fun andunique element to it. asimilar effect was alsoused in short scenes of thevideo. 5. Colour scheme through my products: Red, White and Black. 6. Having the white background for boththe album cover and the individualsinging parts of the video. To enhancethe artist and make her stand out. Thisalso shows a clear link between bothproducts. 7. I cant control the way Im moving myhipsBet you never ever seen it like thisIm a monster on the floor I cant quitNo no its automatic, its automaticI added the Parental Advisory ExplicitContent logo on the album cover to let theaudience know that the video my containimages or lyrical content that my not besuitable for all ages.The lyrical content of thevideo, (the lyrics above) maysuggest that its not suitable for ayounger audience. 8. I used the same Font and colours for theartist name and album name for theaudience to be able to find the albumeasier, if they have only seen the advert/poster in a magazine or billboard .Building a relationship between both. 9. Keeping the text on the back and theadvert the same. The name of the song inthe same font AR BONNIE . 10. I havent included any other charactersthroughout my main product and ancillarytexts. To emphasise the main artist and tonot over complicate the products, keeping ithaving a high professional look.