evaluation q1

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Transcript of evaluation q1

Real music videos

• The shot I have chosen to shows a link between lyrics and visuals is from Lil Jon’s song called ‘Get low’, they are singing “get low” and in the music video the girl are getting low.

• This shot from Miley Cyrus’ song ‘We can’t stop’ typifies the way a record company would want their artist to be represented, because Miley has started to make the point that she doesn’t want to be seen as a disney girl anymore and that she is grown up now, so this shot of her putting on lipstick and look glamerous and grown up is perfect because adults wear make up and children don’t.

• This shot from Amber Run’s song ‘Heaven’ illustrates how the music video uses genre. Being in the indie genre means that they don’t really follow conventional ways of doing things. Where a lot of music videos now a days are made to attract people to watching them by having attractive women in them etc, this band is just using a simply video which is just them playing which means people really listen to the song. Another thing that emphaises this is how they are alone and in the spotlight and it is black all around them, this portrays how they have done their own thing.

• This shot from Linken Parks song ‘Breaking the habit’ is the shot I have chosen to show intertextual reference. I have chosen this shot because it follows the theme of anime which has been used in many films such as, Akira and Spirited away.

• In Drake’s song ‘Over’, I have chosen this shot to show a shot that demonstrates the use of camera. I feel this shot shows the use of camera because it is a medium shot and they have hollowed out Drake from where he is sitting on the bed and put his silhouette inside it. This is unconventional framing from rap because he is too the right of the frame instead of in the centre of it which would make him the centre of attention which is typical for the genre. We also see the silhouette and body language of Drake which suggests the downbeat tone of the song.

• This shot from ‘Hold on we’re going home’ by Drake shows the use of lighting and Mise-en-scene because the candles create a solemn tone for the song as the song is about the girl getting kidnapped. Not only that but because the only light is candle lit and a bit of natural light then it is slightly darker than normal which also helps to create this solemn tone for the song. The girl in the frame also looks rather uneasy as if she is sad and something's not right.

• We got our idea of having masks in our film from Martin Garrix’s song ‘Animals’. Another song that influenced the making of our music video was ‘Toulouse’ by Nicky Romero, in this music video they go to public places in there masks which is what we have also included in our video.

Our music video

• The shot that I have chosen from our video that shows a link between lyrics and our video is this one because the song is called invaders must die and throughout the video they say invaders must die and this frame is of an alien that is dead.

• In this frame you see shots being poured. I believe this shot represents the way the record company would want the artist to be seen because alcohol is a big thing to the age group they are aiming this at and by having this in it means that the audience can relate to the video, not only that but so they can also get a clue of what might be coming up next so they carry on listening to see the rest of the video.

• This establishing shot at the start of the video illustrates how our video uses music genre because the genre of music it is, has a very urban theme to it. So this establishing shot at the start showing this urban area fits in well.

• In this shot you see a UFO. I have chosen this shot to show an intertextual reference in our music video because it follows the theme of a lot of sci-fi films by having a UFO in it. A film that includes something like this is Signs.

• I have chosen this shot to demonstrate the use of camera in our video. While doing this shot it was made sure that the camera was lower than the alien so it looks like your looking up at the alien to make him see bigger and more powerful.

• In this scene the alien is meant to be in a club. At this point he is doing drugs such as cocaine so we made the room quite dark as you ca see. We used lighting in this shot to darken the image because what he is doing is bad but also to portray more of a nightclub look.

• I feel the mise-en-scene in this shot helps our video greatly. Like I stated earlier the genre of music it goes very well with urban areas and the music videos that go along with songs like this are normally set in urban places, so we used this skate park because we felt the graffiti in it gives of a very nice urban look.

• These shots I have chosen show that we have researched and watched other music videos. We got our ideas of using masks from the music video Animals and Toulouse and we also got the idea of setting the video in a public place from the music video Toulouse.