Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and...

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Transcript of Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and...


Evaluation: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stage?

Melissa Mitchell



+ On the next slide I will individually go through 3 media

technologies which I used to construct my media package

1. Photoshop – Film Poster and Magazine Cover

2. Final Cut pro - Trailer

3. Picmonkey – Magazine Cover

4. Camera & Tri-pod - Trailer These media technologies helped me to create my piece

and without one or the other my package wouldn’t be the same they were essential to my whole project


Picmonkey was used to construct the first stages of my magazine cover with the posterize theme. It gave my magazine cover the edge it needed to look realistic.

Before After

As little white lies often have hand drawn or magazine covers I decided to use an edit called Posterize which transforms the image to a poster version which makes it looked drawn

+Photoshop Photoshop helped to create my magazine and film poster.


FILM POSTERPhotoshop was used to create my film poster1. Helped me edit the image

making my characters skin much more paler and red lips stand out much more

2. It helped me by putting the font on and being able to match the colour to her lips using the eyedropper tool on photoshop to the colour of the font

3. It helped me to be able to organise the placement of my title and credits in the fashionable appeal

1. It helped me put on the magazine logo and center it in the middle of my picture to make it look like a much more natural magazine cover

2. Helped me to put our film title and credits on and fade them into my piece

3. Helped me to add a heartbeat into the dying to be skinny and to fade it in. this was to relate the title to my theme of anorexia and the fact that my main character might not keep her life

+Final Cut ProFinal Cut pro was useful in editing my trailer and making it look like a professional film trailer1. Music – Final cut pro enabled me to edit my

music into the correct places so the sound could match what was happening on screen. It also enabled my piece to provoke emotion at certain times by adding in sad music and hen happy music

2. Cutting clips – Helped me to edit out clips which were not needed in my piece due to it having sound issues or other issues.

3. Making it look professional – I done this by adding in the age rating at the beginning and mentioning the sundance film festival making it look like an official film trailer. I also added in reviews from people to make the trailer look established

4. Voice over – Helped me to make our voice over louder and quieter at certain points in my film and also put it at the right places so it could have it’s necessary impact

+Camera + Tri-pod

Camera and tri-pod were the most important in constructing my media piece. The camera was able to take the photos of my main character for the magazine cover and film poster. It was also essential in filming my piece and getting the footage to be edited. Without this my whole media piece would be unable to be created.




I used google for similar logo designs on nature, similar film posters and for magazine posters along the lines of little white lies to see what previous covers have looked like.

Google was essential for researching facts for my media project, as my trailer was based on an eating disorder and the effects of having one and it was based on truth events I needed my film to be as realistic as possible.

I used google to research into symptoms of anorexia and to even find documentary’s on anorexia so I can see first hand accounts of the eating disorder.

I also used google to find my influences for real media to find films that are based on anorexia which I could take influence from.


I done this by not tying down my character to gender specific colours like pink and by making the dialogue not include slang or words that only young people would be able to understand this meant that my film was open to everyone to enjoy.

IMDB was important for research into my target audience. I used this to research into the films that I took influence from and looked into the reviews to see who was interested via gender and age.

Originally I assumed that only under 18 girls would be interested in my trailer however looking at statistics from other films similar to mine such as Trust made me notice that was not just the case

I noticed my trailer was more a four quadrat film was essential as it meant that I decided to open up my piece by not making it too gender specific or age specific.




I made a similar mood board for when I was creating my film poster, this was important as from this I was able to help plan my piece by picking out media conventions in film posters to films which were similar to mine. From this the accuracy of my piece rose making it look much more like a professional media package.

Photoshop was helpful in helping me to combine all my ideas onto moodboards. I firstly used it to get ideas for my genre and combined images similar to eating disorders on it including food, specific tv shows such as my mad fat diary and even book covers. This helped me gain

understanding of what I was about to create as I was able to look at things which were similar to mine via genre and theme.

+iPhone 6/HTC One MiniBoth these phone devices were used during the research and planning firstly to take photos of the props which were important step before filming. It was important to organise what was going to be used in my piece so it would minimise the confusion during filming.

These devices also took pictures of my costume and actress shots which helped me plan who was going to be in my piece and what they were going to wear

+PreziI used Prezi to present my research in an animated way

I was able to write everything in an organised fashion. Especially in particularly magazine cover research. I used the prezi to help me debate and plan which magazine cover company I should use

+Powerpoint + EmazeI used powerpoint and emaze to present my research and planning.

I used slideshare to be able to put my powerpoint into my blog. This media technology was essential as without it my powerpoints wouldn’t of been able to be uploaded onto my blog

Emaze was useful in making my powerpoints ‘come to life’ in a certain aspect it made the usual boring powerpoint look interesting. It was useful in organizing my informationI used these

platforms to organise my logo research and my research into what ia a teaser trailer. With Emaze I researched into insidious



+YoutubeYoutube was important in my research and planning as I used it to post videos which would help plan and organise elements of my film. For example my logo animation was uploaded and my other tries. Which helped me to plan which one I would use

I also used youtube for research. I found my logo background on a youtube clip and downloaded it and edited it into my logo

I also used youtube to watch videos on anorexia and people talking about there experiences and journey with this eating disorder

Youtube is also where I will post my evaulation videos

+BloggerBlogger was the most important technology as it was were I organised my work and all my research. I used it to post all my information so it was useful in all stages. Especially evaluation as it is the platform in which I am posting my evaluations onto