Evaluation 6 new

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Evaluation 6 new

Evaluation 6What have you learnt about technologies in the process of creating this product?

Planning PicturesIn order to plan the ways in which I was going to take the pictures for my magazine I created a

mood board using Pinterest, this allowed me to have a vast amount of pictures from my genre and

analysed the different ways that they had been taken and the different poses that the models were doing easily and all in one place. I also

looked many more different covers online from general google searches. I then saved everything that I had found and liked and stored them all on my iPad. Before the shoot with my models I then showed them the mood board and other images

on my iPad to give them a brief overview of what I wanted them to do.

Advantages I found that using Pinterest was a massive help when it came to planning the way in which I was going to take the pictures to feature in my magazine. It allowed me to easily look at many different pictures from my genre all in one place, I was then able to save the ones that I liked and have the stored on one section of the website to refer back to as and when I needed to. Having them all saved on one section of the website also meant that I could then just show my models that page so they had an idea of what I wanted them to do. Having my iPad with masses of pictures saved from google also helped as it much easier to take to the photo shoot with compared to a laptop as that would have been inconvenient It also meant that my models could pick it up when ever they wanted to and see what pose they were going to do next.

Taking the pictures In order to take my pictures I used a camera from school which was a Canon EOS 1100D. The settings on the camera took a while to figure out, as they were all on auto so the camera changed see the settings that it

thought would be best. As I was taking my photos outside it and had got dark the camera thought that it was best to have the flash on.

However this made the pictures come out lighter in some areas than others. As the

settings were changed the auto focus also turned off meaning that I had to ensure I

focused the camera myself before taking the picture.

Advantages/ Disadvantages

Like said in the previous slide I found it hard using the camera as I was unsure about how to use it which meant that the pictures took slightly longer to be taken then they needed to as it took my a while to get used to the camera, I had to take some pictures multiple times as I didn’t like the setting that the camera was on so they pictures didn’t come out in the way that I wanted them to.

However I was very happy with the quality in which the pictures came out in as they looked professional and extremely clear even when the zoom was being used.

Importing the PicturesAfter I had taken the pictures I used the USB lead in order to import all of the images to my laptop. As the pictures were taken on a public camera I deleted them once they had all been added onto my laptop. I then kept them all on iPhoto to later be edited.I didn’t have any problems when doing this as easily uploaded them to my laptop without it taking a massive amount of time. Once they were all uploaded to my laptop I then was able to go onto ending them.

Editing the Photo’s As I have a Apple laptop I was able to use iPhoto as my editing software. The software was easy to use as it allowed you to undo and re do things if any mistakes had been made. I used the the effects the most on the software. As my pictures were taken outside in the dark I had to make them a lot lighter, iPhoto allowed me to do this successfully without making it look like the pictures had been over edited. Next I used the warmer effect in order to give my photo’s warmer tones. The blemish tool then allowed me to remove any imperfections or blemishes that my modes may have had.

Advantages As iPhoto was already on my laptop it meant that I did not have to install any new software which can be extremely time consuming, it would have also been time consuming for me to the learn how to use this software and try and fine the best edits possible. After each editing session of my pictures the edits would save automatically meaning that I didn’t have to remember to press save each time. Even once the app had been closed after an edit session I could also undo any edit that had been put onto the images if I wasn't happy with them or felt like minor things needed to be changed.

Pixlr In order to create my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread I used Pixlr. This is free to use online however I put the software onto my laptop as it allowed me to carry on with my magazine even when I didn't have any internet. Pixlr allowed me

to do many different things to my magazine like adding text on to the

image,place images onto of each other and fade certain things. Like the letters T.R.B on

my DPS, which made my magazine look more professional. It also meant that I could follow the Q double page spread

closely as they had faded letters behind the text.

Disadvantages One of the major disadvantages that I found when using Pixlr was that once you had applied the certain edit to your image there was no going back! You couldn't then make changes to it or undo it you were stuck with it. This became extremely annoying when you felt like you had finished with your editing however decided that you didn’t like a feature that you had added to your work at the very beginning, there was no way around over coming this without starting all over again. To prevent me from getting to the very end of my work I began to screenshot the progress that I was making so if I wanted to go back I could find a screenshot from where I could progress from, however this became time consuming and I didn’t always remember to screenshot after making changes.

PreziIn order to present some of the research and evaluations added to my blog I used Prezi. As I first used press I didn't understand how to

use it however as I asked other people in my class and played around with it for a while I

finally got the hang of it. I liked using Prezi as it made blog posts more interesting to use rather than just typing everything out into

block paragraphs. One thing I didn't like about Prezi was as you had used up all of the circles that come with the publication any more that you add are

really small and are placed in random places around you publication. However with a bit more playing around you can get them into the place that you want them. Another thing that was difficult was uploading the finished

Prezi onto blogger as you can not simply uploaded on the website.

Slideshare At first I found this a lot harder to use than Prezi as I didn't get that you had to make the power point and simply upload it. However I

like the way in which slide share presents the information as you can a lot more to it than you are able to on Prezi, with it still be clear and effective to read. Although Slide Share

looks good and presents the information in a clear way there are many different stages

that have to occur before the slide share can finally be shared onto blogger and takes a

long time.

Blogger As I had a blog perviously I was familiar with the blogger website so did not need to take masses of time getting use to how everything worked.

Blogger has many positives and negatives to it. It always you to easily present information using

many different forms mediums, it also allows you to go back and edit posts as many times as you need to. However the format of the blogs can be

frustrating when you are trying to add many pictures to a post as sometimes they do not go to

the places that you want to on the post.

Internet Due to everything be published onto blogger the internet was always being used during the

production of my magazine. The internet was vert useful when it came to researching everything

around my magazine and looking into what other magazines had done perviously. When ever

completing any media work I always had multiple tabs open looking at many different things.When wanting to edit anything on my blog I

needed the internet. Also many of the editing softwares that were used were online. A massive positive to the internet is that fact you are able to

access your work anywhere that you have a connection on any device.