
Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation


We all had really good ideas in our group. We selected a few of our favourite ideas and watched the original music videos. This gave us a chance to listen to the song, gather some ideas and see which song we could be the most creative with. We chose Barbie Girl because we could do a conceptual video which would be quite original. We all thought of the props that we would need and then worked together in gathering them for our video; we got most of our props from friends and family. During filming we all

took turns at doing everything including directing, props and footage so that we could see what we are best at and improve where our weaknesses are. However, when we found our strengths we decided to do the majority of that area. I did most of the directing; Lauren did the majority of sorting out the props and Mary-Anne took most of the photos. We worked really well as a team; we listened to each other’s ideas, made decisions as a group and helped each other improve skills such as filming.

I used the sound of a phone ringing here to be clear that it was Ken talking and to create an added effect at the beginning of the song. I like this effect because rather than just going straight into the song there is almost like a small introduction.

I used just a mouth talking at the beginning and the end of the video because it was a concept video and they are meant to follow one theme. I also did it because there is talking at the beginning and the end of the song and as I didn’t want to have people in the video I only showed her mouth and she had pink lipstick and blonde hair so she looked like Barbie.

I edited a lot of the pictures I used to make the video more interesting and have more variety. I think this is a skill I have improved during the editing of my video as I had to use it frequently. I also think that lots of my editing will appeal to the younger generating, such as ‘selfie’, which is good because the song is aimed at young people.

A lot of the pictures we took were very dark and some of them were quite blurry. This made our overall video look less professional and if I did this again I would take more care when taking the photos.

I used stop motion for the chorus so it was clear to the audience that it was the chorus and I put the lyrics on so they could sing along. I also think stop motion is a great way to make inanimate objects look more life-like. The stop motion we made makes the dolls look like they are dancing which I think the audience will find very entertaining.

We did not do much pre-production which is one of the main weaknesses of our music video as we had to constantly re-use footage and pictures and it got a bit repetitive. If I did this again I would do more pre-production so I knew exactly what footage I needed to get and how much and wouldn’t need to re-use as many photos. If I did this again I would also try and put the pictures more in time with the beat, I didn’t do this as I did not have enough time. Overall I am pleased with our music video because I have learnt a lot of skills that I can use in the future and the outcome of our video shows how well we worked as a team and tried now and different things.