Evaluation 2

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Evaluation 2

Evaluation 2

My ancillary tasks

For my assignment I chose to create a poster and film review, when it came to creating both I had to research further into magazines. For instance popular magazines would be like Empire and total magazine which further enhanced my perspective of what my images, texts and font may look like on both the poster and review.

Images Used 1.)



When creating my review I chose to incorporate these particular images as they conveyed a sense of drama and pain which the protagonist goes through. In addition to this I have only used the main character on the review because the story line focuses and revolves on her.

IMAGE 1: This image illustrates the character is scared, we can easily establish through the use of a medium shot as her character positioning is crunched up leaning against the wall

IMAGE 2: This image has been used as it shows the character is going thorough physical torture as we see, she is griping onto the walls which portrays a sense of hurting.

IMAGE 3: This image was created by me as I chose to add my own spin onto the review by creating an image myself. I chose create the image of a diary as it show different chapters of her life when she is getting bullied in.


When it came to designing my poster, I came to a decision that the picture above would be best to used as it shows real human struggle. This particular image also gives the audience an insight into what they may expect to see for example, pain, torment and hurt. I also chose to add a circle around the characters head, as it really outlines the character and gives off a dramatic feel. In addition to this the colour red could also symbolise danger which is why I thought this was a good colour to use.

Fonts used/ Poster

I have chosen to use this font which is called Stencil SD as it gives of an edgy feel which link in with the name of our film . I also comes across appealing on the eye and looks appealing to the audience.

I have also chosen to use this particular font which is comic sans it is also in capital letter as it stands out and went well with my images and titles.

Fonts used/ Review

The font I have used is comic sans as I thought it stood out the most and looked the most appealing. It also was a clear readable font as no one struggled when reading the review.

Colour Scheme

I have chosen to use the colours yellow, black, red and white. These particular colours have been selected they convey a sense of pain.One of the main colours that was used is black, this is because it is a dark colour which highlights a gloomy atmosphere.


Web address

The reason for including my web address was because this allows the viewers to visit the website themselves and leave comments/feedback.