Evaluation 2

Post on 18-May-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation 2

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?  

When planning and presenting the final horror film opening my group set up a blog using the website blogger. This was to keep all our coursework in one place and identify each piece by labeling them. This technology of blogger showed our organization of our group and allowed us to record production meetings to show our progress and further ideas we had made between us. Another helpful technology that we used was slide share this was used to put all our prezi’s, PowerPoint presentations and word documents onto our blogger. This was very beneficial because it allowed us to present our planning coursework in an interesting way to not create our pieces to be boring. It also showed our versatility of different ways to present our work relating to our genre of horror. To complete all our planning, editing of our construction and evaluations we have used the technology of the Apple Mac this has been the main source where we have used a variety of technologies to present and construct our work. The technology of YouTube is a very helpful technology that was a main technology for our research. This was because it offered a wide choice of horror openings, which we as a group could be influenced and inspired by. We also used YouTube to get access to video tutorials these were how to apply spooky doll makeup this was used in our horror film opening. We also used tutorials for live type this was to find short cuts and how to apply different effects to our font. We used live type in both our title of our horror film opening and production logo this gave both of them a professional look and made them more realistic to the real industry of film. Lastly we used YouTube for uploading our rough edits and final horror opening this was a new skill that we had learnt and has been very beneficial for us to publish our film openings from YouTube to blogger using the embedded code. We also used the search engine Google this was for our research for our horror film opening we made sure that all our research was vey reliable.

However the technology that played the largest part of making our horror film opening ‘Scarlett’ was Adobe premier pro CS6 this is where we imported all the individual shots that we had taken and chose the ones that had no faults in to be in our film opening. We also

combined this with sound, credits, slide transitions, which were cross, dissolve and fade to black. This allowed the pace to go faster and the film overall to look very ghostly. Premier pro was a very difficult and time consuming program to begin with but by using it in past rough edits and practice camera shots that we had used in our film opening made it much easier when it came to us editing our final horror film opening.

The Sony HDR SR8 camera was the most important technology that we used this was because it captured each shot that we needed for our project. This camera was very easy to use and allowed us to zoom in and out to frame our shots accurately. It also gave us the settings called night mode that we used in the dark to create a dark and mysterious lighting, which is a main convention in the genre of horror. The difficulties we had with this video camera was keeping our hand stable and still to make sure that each individual shot wasn’t jumpy. To resolve this technical problem we used a tripod to keep the video camera still and capturing high quality shots for our horror film opening.