Evaluatio nq.1

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Evaluatio nq.1






I have both reinforced and subverted conventions in my final front cover, final

contents page and double page spread. I have decided to shorten down my

Masthead name, from “The Message” to “TM” just as Q’s magazine is simply the

letter Q, it is their trademark. Therefore I decided to incorporate this convention in my own music magazine and call it “TM.”

FORMS & CONVENTIONS. In terms of photography, I decided to

also stick to the forms and conventions of a front cover image which is mostly a mid close up shot,

where the model of the image is looking directly at the camera.

However I subverted this through the mis-en-scene. In music magazines the

background/mis-en-scene usually consists a plain coloured or gradient coloured background, or it may be

added in, as they first take pictures in a studio. I have chosen a mis-en-

scene which the lighting is bright and clear., I have also chose a setting

where it will compliment the colours of what the model is wearing.


I also decided to stick to the convention of consistency, especially through the house style. The house style of my music magazine is made up of white, turquoise and black. I

also added a “limited edition” banner, which is not usually added in music magazine, especially from the

ones I have analysed, this could therefore be a way that I have

subverted conventions.

FORMS & CONVENTIONS.In my contents page I decided to stick to conventions by having more than one image, and by making sure that it sticks to the house style of my front cover. I also added my website, date and subscription offer, which reinforced conventions as I have seen from the analysis of other magazines. But also one thing that I did to also reinforce conventions was deciding to make the main article obvious through making the image bigger than the rest of the other images.

FORMS & CONVENTIONS.In my contents page, I have used two images. I believe this reinforces conventions as it is custom for editors to use more than one image in their contents page, as it can be more personal and can help engage the reader to read more about the article. I changed the way I decided to present my heading which subverts conventions I believe.