Eurostat Future challenges and opportunities ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome Future challenges and...

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Transcript of Eurostat Future challenges and opportunities ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome Future challenges and...


Future challenges and opportunities

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



Overview – challenges & opportunities

• Analysis of future research needs for Official Statistics

• Opportunities for research on Official Statistics in the Horizon 2020 Research Framework Programme

• The NTTS 2013 conference• The CROS portal• Opportunities for ESSnet projects in 2014

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



• Main authors:• Professor Beat Hulliger• Professor Risto Lehtonen• Professor Ralf Münnich

• Browser-friendly version on the CROS portal

• Officially published by Eurostat(link provided on the CROS portal)

Analysis of the future research needs for Official Statistics

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



Section 6.1: Roadmap6.1.1. Organisation of research:

• Role of research and innovation: the EU wants to integrate research and innovation more closely. Connections with/interfaces to the ESSnet projects must be ensured

• National Research and Innovation initiatives: no connections with European strategy for research in OS. Need for increased effort to ensure coordination national/international research programmes

• Networking and collaboration with academia: Small community(research-oriented NSIs, university centres, individual researchers). Need for methods/resources to ensure a continuous and dynamic community

• Supporting statistical research outside Official Statistics (Public opinion research, market research and customer satisfaction research, epidemiology, knowledge management, business intelligence and sociology…) Connecting with these fields would help research in Official Statistics.

• Continuity vs. Flexibility: Both are needed

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



6.1 Roadmap (cont.)6.1.2. Fields of research and innovation (change&efficiency)

• Change and innovation: management studies on Official Statistics

• Statistics as a service: detailed study of the expansion from product-oriented to service-oriented system

• Service orientation and statistical communication: Shift to web services – but increase in user needs outpaces the development of the capability of the web services need for more communication, user interaction and consulting services

• Efficiency and quality: Studies of the overall costs and the cost drivers of surveys, access to registers, development and design of studies, dissemination and services are urgently needed. Methods for determining user quality needs (“fit-for-purpose quality”) also need to be developed.

• User orientation: User needs monitored more closely, shorter lead times for “new product” development (not 4-10 years)

• Rapid response: How to improve timeliness?

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



6.1 Roadmap (cont.)6.1.2. Fields of research and innovation (infrastructure&technology)

Behavioural and cognitive aspects of information and ICT usage

Data capture, data integration and data access:• Big datasets• Merging data from different sources; integrating survey & register data; data integration

(… and legislative aspects!)• Infrastructures, technologies and remote access methods for micro (unit-level) data from registers and

related administrative data for research communities (… and legislative aspects!)• Techniques and standardisation of interface management for flexible communication between data

systems within the ESS• Development and implementation of process and workflow tools for the ESS

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat


Obvious links to the ESSnet projects and the ESS VIP programme!


6.1 Roadmap (cont.)6.1.2. Fields of research and innovation (inf. & tech. – continued)

Web and mobile technologies:• Development of mobile solutions and methods for household surveys• Mobile technologies combined with cloud services• Social networks and the analysis of social networks with statistical methods• Dissemination methods related to mobile technologies and the webStatistical technologies:• Methods for integration and synthesising of independent surveys• Use of models to present complex findings to users of statistical information• Techniques for integration of micro data across panels over time and with local or regional data• SAE; Data integration in such a way that it fits small area estimation needs• Methods and (web) technologies for data analytic modelling of streaming data• GIS; dynamic and interactive graphical visualisation of spatio-temporal data using web technologies• Small area estimation technologies related to visualisation tools• Standardised data exchange; metadata schemes; standardised download and payment protocols

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



6.1 Roadmap (cont.)6.1.2. Fields of research and innovationMethodology

“Beyond GDP” indicators:• Regional modelling within a globalised society (GIS; SAE)• The use of data from many different sources, including registers• An evaluation of methods that integrate different sources, use different methodologies and may• arrive at different results becomes increasingly important.• Prediction, forecasting

Education (early-stage training and life-long learning) increasingly important.

Societal challenges• Employment and competitiveness• Social inclusion• Energy security and climate change• Forecasting critical events

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



Opportunities in Horizon 2020

• Horizon 2020 will fund EU research 2014-2020• The 2014-2016 strategy will govern the three first Annual

Work Programmes of Horizon 2020• Eurostat has proposed two areas for the Strategy:

1. Reinforced democratic accountability – new frameworks for monitoring fairness and equity going beyond GDP-related monitoring, including indicators supporting:• Health, quality of life and wellbeing• Consumer empowerment and consumer conditions• A green economy• Inclusive societies

2. use of “big data” and “open data” to support evidence-based policymaking in various policy areas.

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



Horizon 2020 – AWP for 2014

• Based on the 2014-2016 strategy, the Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) will propose an Annual Work Programme for 2014

• The Horizon 2020 AWP for 2014 could include research lines for ”beyond GDP”, ”big data” and ”open data”.

• Corresponding calls for proposals would then be issued by DG RTD.

• It is then up to universities, research institutes – and NSIs! – to form consortia and submit proposals!

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



Horizon 2020 and NTTS 2013?

New Techniques and Technologies in Statistics (NTTS) 2013:

• Biannual scientific conference (5-7 March 2013 in Brussels)

• 400 participants

• Purpose includes:

• stimulating the preparation of new innovative projects

• encourage cooperation and building of research consortia

… related to research in statistics within Horizon 2020

… with the aim of enhancing Official Statistics

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



Research projects at NTTS 2013

• Special sessions for certain FP7 projects

• Evening networking session 6 March on certain FP7 projects/opportunities in Horizon 2020

• Back-to-back events:

• 4 March 2013: Data Without Boundaries

• 8 March 2013: BLUE-ETS

• 8 March 2013: Cost/SHANTI (Transport statistics)

• Sessions on Big Data, Open Data and Beyond GDP indicators

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



ESSnet projects at NTTS 2013

• Special session(s) for ESSnet projects

• ESSnet projects integrated in thematic sessions

… an opportunity in line with the dissemination objectives of each ESSnet

… an opportunity to reach a wider audience and gain recognition for outstanding, original work

… an opportunity to network and build consortia within – or beyond – the ESSnet programme

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



The CROS portal– your forum for discussion• 1200 registered users (>500 from the ESSnet portal)• One community for each ESSnet• Eurostat canh create specific communities (private or public)

around a particular topic• Each community leader can set up a discussion forum…

… but a forum is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a discussion to take place!® Use the facility wisely!® Think of how to launch a discussion and keep it going!

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



ESSnet projects– opportunities for 20141. Vision Implementation Stream (”top-down” ESSnets)• ESSnets needed in 2014 for the ESS VIP programme will be


2. Centres of Competence• Additional pilot projects launched in 2014 is a possibility

3. Traditional (”bottom-up” ESSnet projects)• Eurostat business units are currently elaborating proposals

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat



ESSnet projects– opportunities for 2014 (continued)Process:• Internal consolidation at Eurostat• Proposal to the DIME (February 2013)• Decision on the 2014 ESSnet programme

o by the ESSC o in May

Fewer, larger ESSnets foreseen(mainly within the ESS VIP programme)

ESSnet Workshop 2012 Rome

Future challenges and opportunities Martin Karlberg, Eurostat