Europe's healing prescriptions

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Europe's healing prescriptions

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

1. Leaders

Replace engineer-politicians doing what people want, afraid of polls, by Mission Chiefs doing what they strongly believe is socially right. Taking firm decisions based on continuous reliable research (feedback), driven by responsibility in stead of popularity. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

2. One common language

Settle a level communication field! Introduce obligatory for all Fellow Europeans one common language: US English. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

3. European Core Values

Define a set of European Core Values. 3 cultural, 3 legal and 3 economical. Promote this set intensively and invite Fellow Europeans to show their bond. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

4. European Grand Design

Define, based on a Europeanwide study, the European Grand Design, showing the heart of Europe's contribution to all Europeans and the world. Present this Grand Design as Key Message in all European communication. To base, built, bolt and boost the EU culture Pure&Logic!

5. European Education/Labor Market

Connect, limitless education structures and labor markets to show Fellow Europeans new, extended, promising ways to develop and live their dreams. Promote that European Dream intensively! Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

6. European Decency

Reward discipline of dignity, solidarity, integrity and fairness significantly. Fighting crime against humanity like unworthiness, dishonesty, egoism and greed. Reward all….ways: allow based on a ‘Declaration of Discipline’ lower taxrates, lower costs for healthcare, better protection, etc Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

7. EU Fellowship Passport

Hand out the EUF Passport, if the 'Declaration of Discipline‘, is signed. Key discipline laws in the EUF Passport describe the standards of Dignity, Solidarity, Integrity and Fairness. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

8. Europe’s unique power

Make Europeans conscious of Europe’s unique power. Define 3 mental values and 3 outstanding qualities. Relate those unique strengths to the options in the world, culturally and economically. Implement the best combinations by defining Europe’s Mission in the world. Communicate this European Mission primarily to Europe’s future, its children!! Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

9. EU bicameral legislature

Set up a European Government through direct election of the president by the EU people. Transform EU parliament to a bicameral legislature, with a functional-very-very-small Senate and a functional small House of Representatives. The mandate of the European Administration is limited to the following areas; Justice, Defense and Economy Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

10. One Bank + EU Bonds

All National Central Banks become affiliated to ONE EU Central Bank (ECB). ECB is exclusive institute for State Loans. ECB is funded by EMF, introducing EU Bonds. The interest rates are calculated bonus/malus, high debts, high rates, low debts, low rates. Result 1: disciplined states can invest heavily in growth! Result 2: Europe will become more competitive as Union and GROW! Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

11. Public Transport

Nationalize all EU Public Transport. Introduce free transport for Europeans till 2020. Split after nationalization into 3 focus institutes: Consumer Services (Eucon), B2B Freight Services (Euxpress) and Infrastructure (Eurail). Then split Eucon and Euxpress in 4 areas and have those companies operate as private EU-owned companies till 2025. Then divest those companies. Eurail stays EU owned. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

12. No compromising

Based on prescription nrs. 6, 7 + 8,, stop ‘allowing’ in general and the Dutch disease ‘poldering’ in particular. Laws&Rules are there to secure and safeguard the cohesion, so the continuity of society, mankind. Laws&Rules come from Values&Beliefs. If you bargain away Laws&Rules you kill Dignity. Illegal is just like being pregnant, it can’t be a little bit. So….stop it definitely NOW And FOREVER!! Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

13. Recamps

Based on prescription nr. 3 and 11, start as many European re-education camps (Recamps) as needed to re-educate 70% of all present prisoners at the same time. Reward good behavior in jail with a relatively rapid transfer to a Recamp. Accept no final re-socialization without structural super scores at the Recamp. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

14. Direct elections

Based on prescription nr. 9, Members of the European Senate and the European House of Representatives are appointed by direct elections. Reason: the Need Profiles of these Mandates are unique and we need Best Man / Best Job. Indirect elections only produce poor performances as we all see. Also for this disease we need immediate treatment!!


Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

15. System banks

All banks penetrating in the EU have to operate focus strategies and stop to the clear hypocrisy of Chinese Walls. Infrastructural Banking has to be completely separated from Financial Banking. For Infrabanks a Public/Private Institute has to be established, with majority shareholding in public hands, in line with the exploitation of other infrastructural networks like waterways and roads. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

16. The European Dream

All Europeans have to be inspired to live up to their best dreams and go wherever they want to go in Europe to educate, train, practice and grow! All educations institutes will be open to all European Citizens. And all Europeans citizens have to obey all State Laws within the EU, culturally, economically, tax wise and legally!


Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

17. Tax = Tax for All

All Members of the EU, with Belgium and Italy as example states, have to ban completely and definitely their non-taxed economic segments. In addition Luxemburg (as EU member) and Switzerland (as Schengen Member) have to end their bank secrecy policy immediately. Living in the EU society means full tax obligation for all Fellow Europeans!! Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

18. Harmonize tax and rationalize public services

Harmonize tax laws in all EU States. Bring in the period ending 2020 step-by-step VAT to zero %. Do not compensate with other tax rules. In stead of that, improve moral standards and bring back the system of Laws&Rules to a simple and clear complex of Key Standards. Rationalize all ministerial departments and cut down the staff of all public organizations with 40% in the same period. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

19. Get CLOSER!

Use technical growth for getting CLOSER!. Operate Rebounce® ‘2xB+2xD Model’. (Belief, Bond+ Development, Discipline). Invent, innovate and invest to stop egoism and individualism. So, in the economy too: STOP!: Individualization. STOP!: unrespectful bonuses, Group to re-invent the future of Growth, Respect and Love. Re-invent a future of Dignity for you, Europe, the world. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

20. Setting up for a Record

Based on prescription nr. 3, 4 and 8, check all EU Goals from now on with Rebounce® ‘Set-up-a- Record Model’ (SuaR) . So: is the definition of the Goal a true RECORD: REALISTIC, ECOLOGICAL, CONCRETE and does it invite all Fellow Europeans Optimistically to go for it, because it fully REPRESENTS them in a way that they can give the best of their energy in full DEVOTION.. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions

21. Political Priorities

Only together we can take care of our EU future. So….all national elections to come, will have FIRST: 7 priorities about our planet future, SECOND: 7 priorities about our EU future, THIRD: 7 priorities on our economical future, LAST: 7 priorities about national issues. Political parties, not having structured their political programs that way have NO access to elections. Pure&Logic!

Rebounce® Philosophy Europe’s Healing Prescriptions