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European Union VMUN 2017 Background Guide 0

European Union VMUN 2017 Background Guide 1

Dear Delegates, My name is Taïs Trépanier, and I will be helping and guiding you through your experience at VMUN 2017. I am currently in my last year of the IB diploma at l’École secondaire Jules-Verne and have participated in over 7 conferences as a delegate. I remember what it is like being a novice delegate with no experience and a fear of speaking, but I also remember absolutely loving the environment of MUN once I entered the room. Whether you are a beginner or advanced delegate, I encourage all of you to speak with confidence. Do not be intimated or afraid of what may happen in response to what you say. The EU is responsible for a wide variety of topics, ranging from the Greece debt crisis, to the situation of Syrian refugees and the current event of Brexit. The two topics that will be discussed over the long weekend encompass many aspects of discussion that can be found in the topics mentioned. Improving living conditions for minority groups and the situation of the Arctic requires the participation and dedication of all of you as every country is involved. The first topic, improvement of living conditions for minority groups, is a problem that every single member states faces. In 2010, a vision set out by the EU was put in place known as the Euro « 2020 ». Under this plan, moves to improve the economy, the accessibility to education and the physical living conditions of everyone, notably minority groups were introduced to the governments of all 28 (at that time) members of the EU. The second topic presents a very different aspect of the EU. The situation of the Arctic is not one of humanitarian or financial aid, as it is more a discussion of sovereignty and how to make use of this region while policies and regulations are being put in place. Aside from working together to find resolutions to these topics, VMUN is an opportunity to connect and network with people who you would normally not have the opportunity to meet. Being part of a small school myself, I found MUN conferences a way to meet people from all Vancouver, BC and even Canada. I hope you will find your experience at VMUN as memorable as my own when I participated as a delegate just last year. Please, do not be afraid to me, or the dais, any emails with questions, concerns or comments. We understand how daunting position papers can be, but know that we are here to help you. We welcome you all to the European Union and we are so excited to meet all of you in January! Sincerely, Taïs Trépanier European Union Director - VMUN 2017

Alvin Tsuei Secretary-General

Chris Pang

Chief of Staff

Eva Zhang Director-General

Arjun Mehta

Director of Logistics

Graeme Brawn USG General Assemblies

Ryan Karimi

USG Specialized Agencies

Mary Dong USG Conference

Ken Hong

USG Delegate Affairs

Isabelle Cheng USG Delegate Affairs

Jason Qu

USG Finance

Jan Lim USG Marketing

VANCOUVER MODEL UNITED NATIONS the sixteenth annual conference | January 20-22, 2017

European Union VMUN 2017 Background Guide 2

European Union

Position Paper Policy What is a Position Paper? A position paper is a brief overview of a country’s stance on the topics being discussed by a particular committee. Though there is no specific format the position paper must follow, it should include a description of your positions your country holds on the issues on the agenda, relevant actions that your country has taken, and potential solutions that your country would support. At Vancouver Model United Nations, delegates should write a position paper for each of the committee’s topics. Each position paper should not exceed one page, and should all be combined into a single document per delegate. Formatting Position papers should: — Include the name of the delegate, his/her country, and the committee — Be in a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman) with a 12-point font size and 1-inch document margins — Not include illustrations, diagrams, decorations, national symbols, watermarks, or page borders — Include citations and a bibliography, in any format, giving due credit to the sources used in research (not included in the 1-page limit) Due Dates and Submission Procedure Position papers for this committee must be submitted by midnight on January 8th, 2017. Once your position paper is complete, please save the file as your last name, your first name and send it as an attachment in an email, to your committee’s email address, with the subject heading as your last name, your first name — Position Paper. Please do not add any other attachments to the email or write anything else in the body. Both your position papers should be combined into a single PDF or Word document file; position papers submitted in another format will not be accepted. Each position paper will be manually reviewed and considered for the Best Position Paper award. The email address for this committee is

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Table of Contents

Living Standards for Minority Groups ........................................................................................ 4 Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Timeline .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Historical Analysis ................................................................................................................................. 6 Current Situation ................................................................................................................................... 6 Past UN/International Involvement ...................................................................................................... 7 Possible Solutions and Controversies .................................................................................................... 8 Bloc Positions ......................................................................................................................................... 8

Greece and Italy ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Latvia and Spain .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Switzerland and Norway .................................................................................................................................... 9

Discussion Questions ............................................................................................................................. 9 Additional Sources and Final Notes ....................................................................................................... 9 References ............................................................................................................................................. 10

The Arctic ................................................................................................................................... 12 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Timeline ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Historical Analysis ............................................................................................................................... 14 Current Situation ................................................................................................................................. 14 Past UN/International Involvement .................................................................................................... 16 Possible Solutions and Controversies .................................................................................................. 16 Bloc Positions ....................................................................................................................................... 17

Greenland, Finland and Sweden ..................................................................................................................... 17 Russia and surrounding north-eastern states ............................................................................................... 17

Discussion Questions ........................................................................................................................... 17 Additional Sources ............................................................................................................................... 17 References ............................................................................................................................................. 18

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European Union Topic A

Living Standards for Minority Groups Overview With the influx of refugees and migrant workers moving towards Western Europe, immigration policies and refugee status policies should be discussed to help people transition between countries. However, rarely are the living conditions of these new immigrants discussed, much less the living conditions of the European citizens faced with this influx in people. In 2010, as part of the ‘Europe 2020’ vision, European Union (EU) members discussed points relating to social inclusion, education and poverty1. The EU put forth plans to improve the GDP of every member state as well as Croatia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey2. These plans strive to improve these countries’ economy, accessibility to education and physical living conditions.

The interest in minority groups stems from the disadvantage that is present in the lives of these people, regardless where they come from. Ethnic, religious, linguistic and sexual minorities are faced with several challenges such as social exclusion, discrimination and relative lack in power due to their almost non-existent presence within the government. Despite the diverse and plentiful organizations and programs designated to help integrate refugees and minority groups into a country, they are not sufficient in supporting the sheer

1 Living Conditions in Europe. Eurostat - Statistical Book. []. 2 Eurostat. [].

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number of these migrants. Notably after the Syrian civil war, living conditions for new refugees have been anything but acceptable. Cramped in small spaces with access to little food or water, the quality of life for these refugees in Greece and in Turkey are horrendous. “Images of the shelter provided to refugees upon their immediate return from Greece appear to show hundreds of people sleeping under one roof in cramped conditions.” (Broomfield, 2016).

The solution to the problems surrounding living conditions of minority groups is not simple. It must be a multi-tiered, multilateral agreement among all the departments of every member state. Delegates must consider basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and clean water. In addition to these needs, the EU must take into account more complex factors such as income fluctuations, possession of material goods and the importance and continuity of education. A more defined and clear understanding of these factors will be presented later in this document, and can be found at the following Eurostat website: Timeline 1951 (September) - European Convention on Human Rights is ratified by twelve member states3, setting the base for future anti-discrimination laws. 1975 - EUROFOUND, aka the European Foundations for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, are founded. 1992 (February) - The Maastricht Treaty, also known as the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) is signed4. It states under Article 2 that every individual, whether they belong to a minority group or not, has the right to freedom, equality and justice. 5

3 Wikipedia. European Convention on Human Rights 4 Wikipedia. Maastricht Treaty. 5 EU. “Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union”, December 26th, 2012.

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2010 - “Eurovision 2020” is created, outlining and highlighting five sectors for improvement: employment, research and development, climate and energy, education, and the fight against poverty and social exclusion. These sections are stressed in hopes of helping over 20 million people who are at risk or who are below the poverty line. 2013 (February) - The ‘Social Investment package’ prompts countries to encourage social investment6. 2014 - Reports highlighting the effects of Euro 2020 thus far is published7. This communication allows the EU to make adjustments to already existing regulation in order to achieve its goals. Historical Analysis Unfavorable living conditions for minority groups has been a prevalent issue for many years, notably after the Second World War. After the Second World War, the Council of Europe, an international organization sanctioned with maintaining peace and facilitating transparency and international relations, was founded by six leaders of the time: Sir Winston Churchill, Konrad Adenauer, Robert Schuman, Paul-Henri Spaak, Alcide de Gasperi and Ernest Bevin8. It passed a series of legislations and treaties regarding human rights and the treatment of minority groups. A Chart outlining these rights was discussed during the European Convention of Human rights during the summer of 1949 by twelve member states. Four years later, every member was expected to ratify the convention9. It is thanks to this Chart that there has been an ongoing discussion about the unalienable rights of an individual. Human rights are but one aspect that influences the living conditions of minority groups. Current Situation Since the commencement of the Syrian Civil war in 2011, over 4.5 million refugees have fled Syria in hopes of finding a safer and more peaceful home10. Syrian refugees found their way to the EU due to Syria’s proximity to Europe. In 2015 alone, 1.3 million people applicants were accepted into the EU as asylum seekers 11. Beyond refugees, there are millions of people entering the EU every year as immigrants. Over 3.8 million immigrants moved to the EU in 2014 alone12. There were over 5 million immigrants and refugees entering the EU in 2015 alone, and this number will only rise as conflicts continue, prompting people to seek better living conditions outside of their home countries. These people will be looking for jobs, for homes and for a refuge from the horrendous events they have to go through. By encouraging and promoting the bettering of their living conditions, Europe’s economy could improve due to the increase of cheap labor and circulation of money. In an attempt to discuss this topic, the ‘Europe 2020’ vision reviewed and discussed multiple aspects of the term “living conditions”. Positive living conditions can be reflected through social inclusion, accessible education and improved income13. Other factors contributing to living conditions include infrastructure, climate, technology, basic needs (food, water, shelter, clothing) and mental state. The goal of Euro 2020 was to improve

Article 2: “The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail.” 6 7 Ibid 8 Council of Europe. Founding Fathers. 9 Wikipedia. European Convention on Human Rights. 10 Lucy Rodgers, David Gritten, James Offer and Patrick Asare. The BBC News. “Syria: The story of the conflict.” March 11th 2016. 11 12 13 Living Conditions in Europe. Eurostat - Statistical Book. [].

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the living conditions of 20 million people who are at risk of being or are currently below the poverty line14. The majority of these 20 million people belong to various minority groups. A nation’s standard of living can be measured using several factors. When discussing the average living standards of a country and comparing one country’s standards to another’s, the international community takes into account average income, the cost of living and people’s purchasing power15. In the EU’s case, the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), created in 2003, keeps track of such information. The EU-SILC later used quantitative variables to observe improvements in living conditions in accordance with the Europe 2020 vision. This instrument of data collection presents its topics in two variations: first, “cross-sectional data pertaining to a given time period with variables on income, poverty, social exclusion and other living conditions” and second, “longitudinal data pertaining to individual-level changes over time, observed periodically over a four-year period” (Eurostat, European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions)16. With the data provided by the EU-SILC, the EU can analyze the multitude of factors surrounding standards of living, especially for minority groups. As noted earlier, many minority groups struggle to access even their most basic needs such as shelter, clothing, safety, food and clean water. The necessity for these basic rights is one that is rarely achievable for many individuals. In 2014, the EU published a communication analysing the effects up until that point of the Euro 2020 vision. The purpose of this communication was to check on the progress of Euro 2020 and whether there were changes that should be made to the plan to make it more effective and efficient. Since the study, changes to legislation have been set but the results have not yet been recorded as it is too soon to tell. If we were to condense all the pertinent events that have occurred in the past 20 years, we would come to the following conclusion: the standard of living has increased dramatically since post-World War 2, however has been held at a plateau and has even begun to descend with the economic crises (including that of 2008) and the influx of immigrants into the country, including Syrian refugees. Past UN/International Involvement Many of the events mentioned earlier in the timeline were under the supervision of Eurofound, a sub-organization responsible for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, founded in 1975. Eurofound works with governments, NGOs, and multiple organizations associated with the EU. This way, they are able to collect more information and present a more realistic, standardised set of recommendations that can be applied to the issue at hand. For example, in 1997, Eurofound published an article concerning the challenges European societies face at that time17: a precedente and almost model document that they would later use to publish their ‘Eurovision 2020’. Considering the topic only concerns improving the living conditions of minorities in Europe, only a brief summary of other international involvement will be mentioned. In October, 1945, the UN Charter is approved, signed and enforced by a few countries after the Second World War. Set on not repeating the mistakes of the past, the UN was created with a dream of equality, peace and prosperity. These fundamental ideologies were applied to everyday problems such as the improvement in living conditions. In Article 55 of the UN Charter, it states “...the United Nations shall promote: higher standards of living, full employment, and conditions of economic and social progress and development.” (UN Charter,

14 Eurostat, Quality of Life. (2015). 15 16 17 Eurofound. Facing up to the Challenges of European society. (1997).

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1945). As we can see, since the UN’s creation in 1945, the promotion of a higher standard of living has been present in Europe18. Possible Solutions and Controversies Solution 1: Improving infrastructure in impoverished areas with a high density of minority groups. Encourage the construction of homes, roads, schools, hospitals and other buildings by employing smaller, localised businesses who hire minorities from the region. Not only will this create more jobs, which will improve the economy and therefore the quality of life, but it would save money as there would be no need to hire companies based outside of the country. Moreover, a contract could be discussed in which, if the people who are hired to construct a house are also destined to live in it, the house could be sold at a discounted price. However, it is important to keep in mind minority groups do not represent the entirety of a population, and therefore cannot be granted with a large budget. Especially countries such as Solution 2: Encouraging member states to raise more funds to help minority groups have access to health benefits, education and access to integration programmes through NGOs, taxes and other charities. Solution 3: Social inclusion Finally, social inclusion of minority groups is imperative to improve quality of life. Quality of life does not only include the physical need for money and a home, but also the state of mind of these people. If they are not integrated into the society in a way that is welcoming and kind, it is more likely that these refugees and immigrants could revolt against the government. Through programs and events, member states can encourage the merge of several cultures. Bloc Positions Greece and Italy Greece and Italy hold a central role in this topic. Due to its deteriorating economy and the inundation of refugees on its southern border, Greece is in desperate need of help to improve the living conditions of not only the refugees but of its own citizens. Their median disposable income dropped by 16% ; a significantly larger drop than found in most other states19. The economic situation in Italy is similar. Since its economic crisis in 2008, the economy has shown no sign of improvement as of 201320, most likely due to the influx of refugees from Syria. Unemployment has risen and Italy is the “second biggest debtor in the Eurozone” (Focus Economics, 2016). Receiving over 313,000 refugees this year alone21, immediate action must be taken to welcome these refugees as quickly and as kindly as possible. Latvia and Spain In a close second fall Latvia and Spain, who are also experiencing stress on their economies and societies as a result of the Syrian war as well as their disorganized and crumbling economies. Latvia, having one of the highest income disparities of over 33,60 , does not give an equal opportunity to a higher income for minority

18 UN, Development. 19 Ibid. []. 20 Focus Economics. Italy Economic Outlook. September 2016. 21 UNHCR, Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean.

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groups22. Switzerland and Norway Switzerland and Norway tend to offer the best living conditions in all of Europe thanks to their stable economies, superior education systems and lack of immigration. Due to the fact that there are less minority groups in these countries, the living conditions of the few minorities are superior to those found in other countries. Discussion Questions As this topic is discussed to a greater depth in committee session, there are a few critical questions that must be taken into consideration.

1. How will the EU take into consideration the recent retreat of the UK from the EU into this topic? 2. Should physical and mental health care be implemented at some point? 3. How can one guarantee these policies will be evenly distributed among the member states who have

different GDP and find themselves in different economic situations? 4. Is it just to prioritize minority groups in terms of living conditions? 5. What is considered as a minority group? 6. Is an immigrant automatically categorized as a minority even if they make up the majority of the

population of one area? 7. How does the committee choose to define "living standard"? 8. Should improving living standards apply to only those who struggle with meeting the basic human

needs, or also to those who are well-off? 9. Would universal healthcare be included? Why or why not? 10. How would the actions stated in the clauses be financed and managed? 11. At what point is it considered that an individual's living condition has been improved?

Additional Sources and Final Notes We hope you, as a delegate, have found this background useful and complete. However, it is impossible to compile all the information concerning the living conditions of minority groups in the European Union. It is for that reason that we highly encourage that this backgrounder is but an introduction to a more in depth and profound research. We highly encourage you to use press releases and public documents from the EU databases as primary resources. Having the pdf copy of a treaty, agreement, chart or whatever it may be will prove very helpful during the conference. Be sure to get a sense of the perspectives, aside from your own delegations, respecting this topic to have a better sense of the global point of view. Be sure to take note that living conditions and quality of life are two terms that are used to describe different topics; be prepared to have a definition to distinguish the two terms so no time is wasted in discussing off-topic subjects. It is easy to become lost in all the statistics and numbers, and forget that ultimately this is an incredibly sensitive and personal topic. This directly affects the lives of millions of people. So, do not forget to approach this not only analytically but humanly. Imagine yourselves in these people’s positions and only then will you be able to sympathize and find a solution that is intelligent and applicable.

22 Ibid. [].

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References UN/EU pdf documents Broomfield, Matt. "Pictures of Life for Turkey's 2.5 Million Syrian Refugees."Independent (2015): n. pag. 5 Apr. 2015. Web. <>. "Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union." Official Journal of the European Union. EU, 26 Oct. 2012. Web. <>. EU. “Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union”, Article 2. Official Journal of the European Union. December 26th, 2012. []. "Facing up to the Challenges of European Society." A Programme for 1997-200 (n.d.): n. pag. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Web. <>. "Handbook on European Non-discrimination Law." European Agency for Fundamental Rights (n.d.): n. pag. FRA, July 2010. Web. <>. "Quality of Life - Facts and Views." Eurostat - Statistical Book, n.d. Web. <>. "Living Conditions in Europe." Eurostat- Statistical Book (2014): 3-111. Web. <>. "The European Union and the Protection of the Rights of Persons Belonging to Minorities." FRA (n.d.): n. pag. Web. <>. Websites "Development." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. "European CommissionEurope 2020." Europe 2020 – Europe's Growth Strategy. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. "European Debt Crisis." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. "European Convention on Human Rights." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. "EU Boosts Socio-economic Development and Supports Better Living Conditions in the Southern Mediterranean." Press Release Database. European Commission, 10 Sept. 2015. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. "Founding Fathers." The Council of Europe in Brief. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. "Introductory Note." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. Lucy Rodgers, David Gritten, James Offer and Patrick Asare. The BBC News. “Syria: The story of the conflict.” March 11th 2016. Nico, Madga. "Lifestyles and Living Conditions Policy Framework." Youth Partnership. Council of Europe, n.d. Web. <>. "Tackling Discrimination." Justice. European Commission, 08 Aug. 2016. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>.

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"Your Key to European Statistics." Main Concepts and Definitions. Eurostat, n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2016. <>. Images Cramped living space in Greece for Syrian Refugees. Number of immigrants per country in the EU.

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European Union Topic B

The Arctic Overview Recently, the hunt for non-renewable resources has increased dramatically as the world population continues to rise and reserves of oil, charcoal, and wood gradually become depleted. Renewable energy may seem like an appealing solution to our energy crisis, yet the time when these sources can fully sustain humanity is yet to come. Right now, there is a need for more fossil fuels, and the Arctic might hold the solution to this issue.

NATO, sub-organizations of the UN, and NGOs are the main actors who discuss the sovereignty and the use of the Arctic. The Arctic offers many lucrative resources that could benefit the GDP of countless countries. As of April 2016, there are only about 4 million people living in the greater Arctic region, most of whom are indigenous peoples23. The Arctic is not only an open space for expansion, but also a resource-rich area and laboratory to study topics such as climate change24. With the drastic changes in climate most probably due to global warming, the snowy tundra we know as the Arctic may cease to exist. Delegates must be aware of all the difficulties currently challenging this region and 23 Federica Mogherini. « A new integrated EU policy for the Arctic adopted ». EU Press Release Database. []. 24

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the changes that need to be made to save this region. With the EU’s Arctic policy, there are three objectives that are prioritized as there are more discussions concerning this region. The first is ensuring the safety and preservation of the indigenous people and the other people who already live there. The second is encouraging the extraction and use of resources in a sustainable manner. The third is the maintenance of international transparency and cooperation25. The EU is working hard with other organizations such as the Arctic Council and NATO to determine policies and resolutions that respect sovereignty and appeal to the needs and wants of the states involved. How will the natural resources in the Arctic be distributed equally, and to which countries ? Should an international conference take place inviting all the countries in the world to discuss the situation in the Arctic? What landmass precisely is considered the Arctic? These are all questions that delegates must keep in mind while they are writing their position papers and postulating resolutions. Timeline Antiquity - Indigenous people populated the area deriving from various parts of the world. It is believed that humans lived in this region for over 20,000 years26 15th century - 1st documented wave of European colonizers, including Iceland, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark. 16th century - American exploration takes place. Trading posts started to appear, trade of fur increased. 1851 - Irish explorer, Sir Robert McClure, is credited with finding it the Arctic. 1867 - Russia sells Alaska to America. The USA tries to integrate Canadians and indigenous people of this land together through education systems to make them less “primitive” and more “civilized.” 1909 - The first person reaches the North Pole: American explorer, Robert Edwin Peary. 1920 - Arctic Five is created, which consists of the Soviet Union, Canada, Denmark, Sweden and the United States. 1937 - Russia installs their first drifting station facilitating future studies of the ice in the region27. 1989 - Future Arctic Council members meet for the first time in Holland to discuss the situation of the region. 1990 - International Arctic Science Committee, founded by various scientific organizations from the eight Arctic Council members28. 1991 - The Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy is published in lieu of the discussions of the conference in 199029. 1996 - The Arctic Council is founded thanks to the leadership of Finland, gathering all eight countries with territories in the Arctic region. Since then, multiple permanent participants (PPs) have joined to voice their

25 26 27 28 29

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concerns and wants for the Arctic. These PPs represent those with different perspectives than the government30. Historical Analysis Possessing a geographical advantage, Russia has played a pivotal role in the development of the Arctic region, Most notably, in the oil industry where they hold about 2 million km2 of potential oil and gas-bearing regions in the Barents and Kara Seas. Russia is estimated to produce around 50 million cubic meters of potential hydrocarbon resources31 per year. Thanks to the abundance of these resources, Russia has made a substantial amount of profit over the past few years. However, the acquisition of these lands has not come without a price. The indigenous people of these regions have suffered terribly during the time of the colonisation of the Arctic. As Russia grew and held more power in the Arctic, the indigenous people lost their autonomy and were forcefully displaced from Russian settlements (typically to more northern and eastern regions). In an attempt to redeem themselves, under the Soviet Union, policies and laws were established to preserve and encourage the culture, language and people of the land. However, with the implementation of the Stalin’s Five year economic plans in 1928 and again in 1946, Russians were encouraged to migrate north and east32. As the russian economy grew with the rise of the industrial age, more workers invaded the land of the indigenous people. The people who were once the only inhabitants of this area became a minority. When discussing this topic, it is easy to forget that the Arctic is more than a region with economic and scientific potential. It is the home of over 4 million people. These people include indigenous tribes such as the Chukchi and Nenets peoples33. It is important to be conscious of the effects certain policies may have on these people. Current Situation Currently, the European Union is reviewing policies pertaining to the Arctic with newfound interest after becoming aware of the potential natural gases and oils. Under the European Union’s recent report of april 201634, the council presented twelve points that must be maintained as the Arctic gains more attention. Maintaining international transparency, respecting the sovereignty of the countries and the rights of the indigenous people are all mentioned in the document, however the focus is in the sustainability of the natural resources, investment in research and gathering more information on the changes in climate and its effects on the Arctic, and ultimately on the world35. Economic Resources First and foremost, the Arctic possesses an unidentified amount of fossil fuels and other resources that could be used to help not only the European economy, but also the world economy. “The Arctic Zone is a colossal raw material reserve and is amongst the few regions in the world with virtually untouched reserves of hydrocarbon and mineral resources.36” In the Barents Sea, the largest oil field, Shtokman field, stores about 400 billion m3 of gas37. The majority of oil fields and other mineral reserves have been found in territories claimed by Russia.

30 Ibid. 31 32 Ibid. 33 34 35 Ibid 36 lopedia/arctic/ 37

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Despite only claiming 3% of Russia’s landmass, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region, a district in the Arctic, has provided 57% of the country’s total oil production38. This district represents only a small portion of the hundreds of oil fields that can be found all over the Arctic region, most of which remaining virtually untouched. However there have been no clear and defined agreements as to who owns what in the Arctic. That is why it is vital that an understanding between the Arctic Five as well as the rest of the international community is established as to facilitate the extraction of natural resources. However, the potential oil and gas of the Arctic is not infinite. These sources of non-renewable energy must be extracted in a sustainable manner or else they will be depleted quickly. Finding methods to preserve these resources is necessary and should be prioritized as action is taken. Scientific Research Since the early 18th century, exploration in the North has been a huge topic of debate. Starting in 1882, the first International Polar Year expedition began39, with the purpose of establishing new research stations and conducting and sharing studies of the region. Over the past 100 years or so, Russia has been the largest contributor towards research and science expeditions in the region. The first country to lay out drifting stations in the icy waters of the Arctic in 193740, Russia has facilitated access to data to scientists around the world. Aside from Russia’s contribution in the past, in recent years the International Arctic Science Committee has taken the responsibility of convoking scientists and researchers from around the world under a common purpose. Climate Before being able to fully understand the changes of climate in the Arctic and what it represents at a global scale, there must be a clear distinction between climate and weather. Weather is the the immediate, short-term temperature and atmospheric state. Weather can change drastically as it depends on temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, visibility and wind. Meanwhile, climate represents the atmospheric state of a region over a long period of time, typically over 30 years. Climate is not supposed to change drastically, but rather stay relatively similar41. What is being observed all over the world, notably in the Arctic, are stark variations in climate from year to year. Changes in the Arctic have been observed since the 1970’s and have since been closely monitored by scientists. In the past 30 years, the arctic ice caps have melted by 30%42, putting the lives of thousands of organisms and species at risk. These melting ice caps are largely due to the increase in temperature. In 2010, the average temperature was recorded at 4o Celsius, the highest recorded average temperature ever43. Due to its cooler temperature compared to the rest of the world, the Arctic acts a cooling system for the world. It reflects more heat back into the atmosphere and space than any other region, and changes in Arctic climate could lead to drastic changes in climate all over the world. These after-effects, or positive feedbacks, from these changes in the Arctic that affect different parts of the world is called Arctic amplification44. Studying these Arctic amplifications could help find solutions to Global Warming and show how to reverse the effects of these changes in climate.

38 Ibid 39 40 Ibid 41 42 43 Ibid 44 Ibid

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Past UN/International Involvement Since its creation in 1996 via the Ottawa Declaration, the 8 member states of the Arctic officially gathered to form a council to discuss the various problems and disagreements concerning the Arctic. From the Iaqluit declaration to the Reykjavik declaration, over 10 conferences and declarations have been discussed and published, each on addressing the same issues, but concentrating on different points45. The Arctic Council has passed countless resolutions and policies that have drastically changed and helped those living in the Arctic. More money and attention has been put into research, and the entire world has become more conscious of the possibility that Global Warming could have serious and even deadly effects on the world. Possible Solutions and Controversies Scientific Research Scientists and researchers could present their intentions and propose experiments to a sub-organization of the EU as well as the Arctic Circle to be officially approved. With this official approval, the scientists could collect data from wherever they may need, regardless of borders. The proposals must be accepted unanimously by the sub-organization before being accepted, and the studies must not be intrusive or further worsen the condition of the Arctic. The Arctic falls under maritime law If no agreement can be meet by the members of the EU, the Arctic could become a neutral region in which no


European Union VMUN 2017 Background Guide 17

one country could hold territorial possessions. Any territorial occupancy above the Arctic circle automatically falls under the supervision of an unbiased organization set on the protection and preservation of the Arctic. Controversies First and foremost, the EU does not hold any jurisdiction over this area and must collaborate with the countries who are not members of the EU as to respect the sovereignty of other states. What is defined as the Arctic varies from country to country, and therefore the definition of the Arctic could be a source of conflict. Bloc Positions Greenland, Finland and Sweden Obviously, all states that are within the general area of the Arctic or are in possession of territories found in the Arctic play a pivotal role in this topic. The EU member states who hold this position include Greenland (which is a part of Denmark), Finland, and Sweden; those who are not affiliated with the EU but are present in the Arctic are Canada, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and the United States46. However, Iceland and Norway are members of the European Economic area47, meaning there are 5 states affiliated with the EU and with their presence in the Arctic could not only help their economies but the overall economy of the EU. Russia and surrounding north-eastern states Despite not being a member of the EU, Russia is in possession of significant regions in the Arctic, meaning that the members of the EU need to be conscious and respectful of Russia’s policy concerning this region. As mentioned earlier in the Historical Analysis section, Russia is the biggest contributor to research related to the Arctic. Discussion Questions As this topic is discussed, there are a few questions that must be taken into consideration, such as:

1. Is there only economic potential gain from this region?

2. How to respect and maintain the sovereignty of the indigenous and other people living in the area?

3. Under whose supervision would the scientific conducts be led?

4. Under whose supervision would the resource excavations be led?

5. How to include the states not currently a member of the EU? (ex: Canada, Russia, etc). Additional Sources We hope you, as a delegate, have found this background useful and complete. However, it is impossible to compile all the information concerning the living conditions of minority groups in the European Union. It is for that reason that we highly encourage you to use this backgrounder as an introduction to a more in-depth and specific research. 46 Arctic Ocean. Wikipedia. 47 Ibid. [].

European Union VMUN 2017 Background Guide 18

It is highly encouraged to make references to the Arctic Council’s various documents on past conferences, policies and reports that can be found on their website. Having some of the most extensive research papers on the Arctic, the International Arctic Science Committee’s website is also recommended. Trying to understand the perspectives of different organizations, countries and groups while reinforcing the policies of one’s country is imperative during debates. Delegates are also reminded that all potential resolutions should adhere to the regulations of other committees such as the Arctic Council, the Barents Euro-Arctic Council and the Northern Dimension. The EU works hand in hand with these organizations to create fair, equal and just policies. References Federica Mogherini. « A new integrated EU policy for the Arctic adopted ». EU Press Release Database. []. Arctic Ocean. Wikipedia. []. Image. Arctic Circle Map. Images :