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Transcript of EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK C - ·...




The European Defence Agency (EDA), the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency (ESA) aim at maximising complementarity and synergy of civilian security, space and defence-related research activities. This synchronisation of Research & Technology (R&T) investment takes place in the context of the European Framework Cooperation (EFC). More concretely the EC, EDA, and ESA explore possible cooperation in the fields of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protection (CBRN), unmanned aerial systems and situation awareness capabilities, the latter covering sensors, cyber security and information management.

EDA has been mandated by its participating Member States to develop the cooperation modalities under the EFC in close consultation with EC and ESA. In support of this, the three organisations will provide each other with relevant project information relating to the preparation of calls for proposals or invitations to tender, the evaluation of these proposals or tenders, as well as the implementation of research activities. Joint workshops will be organised to exchange information between stakeholders.

Protection against CBRN threats is the first mature topic within the EFC. The EDA contribution will take the form of a Joint Investment Programme (JIP-CBRN), with a centrally managed budget funded by contributing Member States (cM). The cooperation will encompass research activities within the security research theme of the Union’s seventh research framework programme (FP7 SEC), the EDA JIP-CBRN and relevant ESA programmes, following a harmonised timetable.

15 September 2011Brussels



Register before 8 September 2011 COB by sending an e-mail

This event will take place at:

Université Catholique de LouvainAuditorium CAvenue Emmanuel Mounier 51(Metro ALMA)1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert


9.00 Registration

9.25 Welcome and introduction by the chairman, Prof Col. Jean Luc Gala

9.30 Opening by Michael Sieber (EDA R&T acting director) and Marco Malacarne (EC Enterprise and Industry Acting Director Space, Security & GMES)

9.40 Signature of EFC coordination letter by EC and EDA

9.50 Keynote address by Adam Sowa (EDA Deputy Chief Executive)

10.00 ESA address by Mr. Ammon Ginati, Head of Integrated & Telecommunications Related Applicaitons Department

10.10 Setting the scene by Gerlof de Wilde (EDA) and Tristan Simonart (EC DG Enterprise)

10.30 Coffee break

10.45 Panel presentations and discussions- Ruud Busker (TNO, SEC Advisory Group, Netherlands)- Christoph Pannetier (Direction générale de l'armement, France)- Christian Krassnig (European Commission - DG Home)- LTC Fabian Bosse (MoD, Germany)- Henning Faltin (European External Action Service/EU Military Staff)- Jiri Chrastek (CBRN Center of Excellence, Czech Republic )- Bartlomiej Jankiewicz (Military University of Technology, Poland)- Janet Blatny (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt - FFI, Norway)- Stephen Johnson (Cranfield University, UK)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Industrial views- Bertin- BioSparQ- Bruker Daltonics- EADS/Cassidian /Astrium- Finmeccanica- IB consultancy- Microfluidic ChipChop- Thales

15.00 Coffee break

15.15 Research institutions' views- CEA- FFI- FOI- Fraunhofer- TNO

17.00 Conclusions by the panel and wrap up by the chairman

17.30 Close of meeting

The goal of this workshop is to exchange views on the EFC cooperation related to the first call for proposals for the JIP CBRN. The first call will be dedicated to “the next generation C and B detection and Modelling & Simulation of CBRN architectures”.