European Digital Business Culture Online #bigitalBusiness #P2T2

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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description Digital Business Culture online- preliminary results from Passport to Trade 2.0 project on Business Culture in 31 European countries.

Transcript of European Digital Business Culture Online #bigitalBusiness #P2T2

@AleksejHeinze #P2T2

Digital Business Centre

@DBCentreSalford #digitalbusiness

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

How do 31 European countries use social media for business?

Source: Joebloggsy


World without country borders?


We are now defined by website platform borders


Which countries are on twitter and when?


Which countries are on twitter in Europe now?

Source: Passport To Trade 2.0 Focus groups

What are people actually thinking?

Source: Passport To Trade 2.0 Focus groups

What are people actually thinking?

Online survey of 31 European countries

Most popular social networks amongst Enterprises (SMEs)

Base: 245 responses

What are the country specific social networks?

Why does your company use social media?

Does your company have a social media policy?

Survey of 31 European countries

Most popular social networks among students

Base: 1347 responses

What are the most popular networks?

Cultural differences – no difference?

“I think they are not so important when using social media because social media is simply a way to exchange information”

Student respondent

Cultural differences – no difference?

“social media and communicating with people abroad makes you realize that there are more common things across different countries than you expected.”

Source: comedy_nose

Source: The U.S. National Archives' photostream

@PaulDavidMadden: I think this image pretty much sums up the internet for me :)Source: