European Clinical Trial Directive (Directive 2001/20/EC) dr. Cees Smit (NPCF/EGAN) EPF Annual...

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Transcript of European Clinical Trial Directive (Directive 2001/20/EC) dr. Cees Smit (NPCF/EGAN) EPF Annual...

European Clinical Trial Directive(Directive 2001/20/EC)

dr. Cees Smit (NPCF/EGAN)EPF Annual Meeting

May 19, Brussels

European Clinical Trial Directive

1998/1999• Concerns expressed by European Patient Organisations• Recommendation: one European research/registration file 2004 – 2006: Implementation at MS level2007 (Evaluation EU/EMEA October 3, 2007, London)• More paper work, bureaucracy• 1 Directive, 27 Member States Implementations• Less research, less academic research• Higher prices, higher insurance premiums, • Less research money/grants• Patients not represented in Research Ethic Committees

The current situation

• Numerous articles and case-studies have postulated that Directive 2001/20/EC, the ‘Clinical Trial Directive’ has failed to promote efficient clinical research in Europe and to better protect the study participants

• However, there are more causes for the decreasing clinical research activity in Europe (if so!) than the legal framework alone

• Consultation EC end 2009, response EPF

Response EPF January 19, 2010 (1)

• Questionnaire EC highly technical• The effectiveness of clinical trials throughout

the EU is of fundamental importance for EPF and its members.

• EPF and its members very active in this area:• So input drawn on evidence from Value+,• PatientPartner (VSOP, EGAN, EFGCP), Involve,

Respect, EMA/EPF, Europa Donna, IDF-EU

Response EPF January 19, 2010 (2)

• Meaningful patients’ involvement in clinical trials processes (Eurordis charter OD)

• Access to quality information at all stages• Informed consent in an accessible language• Clinical trials for paediatric patients• Transparancy regarding clinical trials across

EU incl. learning from trials that have failed• Access to treatment after the trial

Response EPF January 19, 2010 (3)

• Finally, EPF welcomes the Commission’s initiative to consult the public on the Directive

• EPF is committed to work with the Commission and other relevant stakeholders in translating the vision and the core issues outlined in their response into more effective, patient-centred EU legislation on clinical trials

Commissioner John Dalli

• Recently told the Parliament that the Clinical Trials Directive is going to be reopened, but it is not clear yet whether it will be a light revision of the text or a full revision of the text.

• A first draft is expected by Winter 2011

Drug development process

11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010 1111 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020

fundamental pre-clinical research

Ph. 1Ph. 1

Phase 2Phase 2

Phase 3Phase 3

Phase 4Phase 4


clinical research

post marketing researchpost marketing research

effective patent-periodPatent request

launch product

End of patent

Years Ref: Jan Raaijmakers (2005, UU)Years Ref: Jan Raaijmakers (2005, UU)JR 2005

The theory: levels of patient participation in clinical research ref:

19/04/23 9

Research subject

Information provider




Driving forceDriving force

19/04/23 10

Outcome PatientPartner survey



Information Provider

Research subject

Driving Force


Role of Patient Groups in Research and their Prioritiesfor the Future

Fabrizia BignamiEurordis Therapeutic Development Director

Rare Disease Day Workshop

Brussels, 1 March 2010

37% of POs financially support research



















Distribution by disease type Distribution by country

81 % Basic research

57% Therapeutics

56% Diagnosis

46% Human and Social Science

19% Research infrastructures

54% Epidemiology / Natural history of the disease

24% Assistance technologies / Daily life

What kind of research do patients fund?

Development costs of a new drug

The ‘productivity’ gap

• Input: $ 50 – 80 miljard R&D spending/year• Output: 5 – 6 ‘first in class’ drugs/year• Payers/HTA adding C + E criteria further

reduce the number of products that will reach the patient

(Hans-Georg Eichler, TI Pharma, April 28, 2010)

For further information