EU Project e Highway2050 Modular Development Plan … · EU-Project e-Highway2050 - Modular...

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Transcript of EU Project e Highway2050 Modular Development Plan … · EU-Project e-Highway2050 - Modular...

EU-Project e-Highway2050 - Modular Development

Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050


“A pan-European Cost Benefit Analysis methodology for the modular devel-

opment plan of the pan-European transmission network at 2050”

Venue: Hotel MARTIN'S Central Park

Boulevard Charlemagne 80

1000 Brussels

Date: 20th March 2014

Time: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. (CET)

Language: English

Registration: 8.30 a.m.


Morning session

9.00 Introduction and objectives of this workshop

G. Migliavacca, RSE

9.15 Overview of the e-Highway2050 project: challenges and status so far

G. Sanchis, RTE

9.45 Overview of WP6: results achieved so far and next steps

G. Migliavacca, RSE

10.00 The e-Highway2050 CBA methodological approach

G. Migliavacca, RSE

Discussion: 30 min

11.30 Coffee Break

12.00 WP6.1: economic profitability analysis

S. Rossi, RSE

Discussion : 15 min.

12.45 Lunch break

Afternoon session

2.00 WP6.2: social, environmental and technological aspects

J. Sijm, ECN

Discussion : 15 min.

2.45 WP6.3: system security aspects

L. Olmos, Comillas University Madrid

Discussion : 15 min.

3.30 Coffee Break

4.00 WP6.4: financing and regulation

D. van Hertem, Katholike Universiteit Leuven

Discussion : 15 min

4.45 Closing remarks

G. Migliavacca, RSE

5.00 End of the workshop


Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050.

Funded by the European Commission, the e-Highway2050 project aims to put forward a Modular

Development Plan at the 2050 time horizon, based on a long-term planning methodology able to

assess the coming restructuring and expansion operations of the European power transmission


e-Highway2050 is a 40-month project which started on September 2012e-Highway2050. It pave the

way for an integrated European electricity market as well as a pan-European grid that is able to host

large quantities of electricity from renewable energy sources and transport it over long distances.

The consortium includes transmission system operators, research institutions, universities, compa-

nies and NGOs from throughout Europe.

e-Highway2050 examines the framework conditions and, using various scenarios, develops ap-

proaches for planning the expansion of the European electricity grid by 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050

respectively. Stakeholders from all over Europe are invited to discuss assumptions and intermediate

results and to assess the final results of the different work packages in different consultations and


The overall objective is to support the planning of the Pan-European Transmission Network, focus-

ing on 2020 to 2050, to ensure the reliable delivery of renewable electricity and pan -European mar-

ket integration. The project will result in a modular development plan for possible electricity hig h-

ways, based on various future power system options such as high Renewable Energy Sources

(RES) penetration, technology breakthroughs in transmission technologies, innovative active de-

mand-side management etc. It will also develop options for a complete pan-European grid architec-

ture based on different scenarios. Benefits, costs and risks will be considered for each scenario.

Moreover, socio-economic and network governance considerations will be highlighted, with an em-

phasis on environmental and public acceptance issues.

Further information at
