EU Challenges Ver 02 a(1)

Post on 07-Dec-2015

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Transcript of EU Challenges Ver 02 a(1)

EU Challenges:

1. Economics: The stagnating euro zone economy

- European Debt Crisis

+ Greece's Debt Crisis

+ The pressure of the markets seems to require immediate action, but the democratic decision-making process continues to be slow.

- There is a big gap between economic development level of EU countries but they are forced to use 1 common monetary that leads to problems.+ Germany, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, and Austria are the most highly industrialised and powerful countries in the EU.+ 1 countries are from the ex-Eastern European bloc (3 Baltic Republics — Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia; Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, which were part of the Soviet bloc, and Slovenia and Croatia, which were part of Yugoslavia)+ Finally, come Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and Cyprus, which have been brutalised by the eurozone crisis.

- Unstable EUR/USD Ratio

2. Society- Social problems:

+ The different levels of development as well as big gaps of average living standard between every country in EU.The EU's population is highly urbanised, with some 75% of inhabitants (and growing, projected to be 90% in seven member states by 2020) living in urban areas. Cities are largely spread out across the EU, although with a large grouping in and around the Benelux. An increasing percentage of this is due to low density urban sprawl which is extending into natural areas. In some cases, this urban growth has been due to the influx of EU funds into a region.+ Unemployment (thêm biểu đồ tỉ lệ thất nghiệp) Energy supplies+ People aging

- Migration:+ Increased migration is also calling into question the sustainability of the Schengen Agreement, which eliminated border controls among member states.+ Migrating trend leads to many social problem such as violent, stealing, environment problems and immigrants may become burdens to the society.> discrimination and community tension.

- Environment changes:

3. Politics

- The institutions in EU is not suitable at the present

- Admitting too many nations which have unequal culture and institutions, however, they are forced to conduct same policies of EU

- The Ukraine/Russia crisis, is described as the gravest threat to continental security

- The risk that Britain will quit the EU