Ethos ProFile - the future of work

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A new project - personal open profiles to change the culture of work.

Transcript of Ethos ProFile - the future of work

It’s about the future of work 13 December 2013


A complex market place …

There’s no such thing as a job for life anymore and income polarisation is causing huge issues …

And it’s not working well!

The trends outlined in this paper:

• Technology is changing the nature of work

• Growing mismatches between skills and work

• Geographic mismatches between workers and jobs

• Growing pools of untapped talentThe future of work in advanced economies McKinsey 2012

The Vision: Employers and Employees perceive work as a value exchange. Continually flexing.

• An open data Skills ProFile for everyone

• What I say about me. What John says

• What BigCorp says about me

• Individual

• Individual owns their data: you decide what to share

• Developing mastery in areas of your greatest capability

People Organisations

• Who will “fit”

• Flexible “value exchanges”

• More committed workers

• Extended enterprise

• Less “management”

• Reduced search cost

A massive distributed open data store!


• YOU GET your own folder (for life, for FREE)

• It contains summaries of your SKILLS and CAPABILITIES

• YOU OWN your data.

• It’s OPEN LINKED data so it’s the future-proof

• YOU decide what to SHARE and WHO to share It with

• Many people populate your folder including YOU!

• YOU decide HOW you want to work and WHEN

VALUE PROPOSITION - organisation

• HAPPY staff are productive staff => better ROI and more

aligned with YOUR CULTURE and VALUES

• Publishing OPEN DATA on your people, culture and


• a LIFETIME FOLLOWING => better share of talent

• LISTENING to external feedback connects you better to the

networked economy and your customers

• Using LINKED DATA makes it future-proof. Early adopter

advantage is still possible.

• YOU decide what to SHARE


Mobile Organisations

5 Open Data store★




Search / Social

IMPACTEconomic Social Environmental

Disintermediate recruiters Self-worth increased as skills ownership passed from organisation to individual

Flexible work => Reduced travel => Less pollution and less energy consumption

Increase (relevant) skills and wages through greater transparency

Increased social mobility through better access to opportunities and more focus on skills

Ease city infrastructure congestion

Increased productivity through better alignment with values

More informed citizens through interest in personal open data.

Better private and public asset utilisation

Less burn-out through better alignment

Better Political and legislative support demanded by open data measures

Reduced unemployment through better access to skills

The Team

Robert Pye: More than 20 years in senior corporate positions with organisations including IBM, Ernst & Young and Thales. Managed several start-ups. Co-founder of Ethos in 2010. Degree in Computer.

Mike Davis-Marks: After a 36 year career in the Royal Navy. Nuclear submarine Captain! Surfacing in 1999, MDM enjoyed broadening appointments at the British Embassy in Washington DC and latterly as Director of Public Relations and Director of Naval Recruiting for 3 years apiece, where a talent for PR and Marketing was noticed.

Hugh Glaser: Hugh Glaser has more than 30 years experience in Computer Science. He has created two of the most significant practical activities in the Web of Data, and rkbexplorer. In addition to the general work and consultancy he is responsible for two significant practical activities in the Web of Data: a) , which helps to establish linkage between datasets; b), which is a Linked Data application that gives a unified view of some fixed datasets plus data from the general Web of Data.

Annabelle Lambert: For the last 20 years Annabelle has been supporting sales, account and customer management for companies such as Ernst & Young, Capita, Manpower and PricewaterhouseCoopers. She also spent time with a start up which involved doing everything and anything required when working in an early stage company including online community building and management. That said, unsurprisingly her interests lie in online community, communication and social media.Annabelle has also spent nearly 5 of the last 10 years living and working in Sweden, where she would say they certainly do have a lot of things right when it comes to creating a well balanced life for people. She returned to the UK in 2009 and in 2011 began working part-time for Ethos and eventually transitioned into the core team in January 2012.

Catherine McLaughlin: Following a career spanning the NHS, Social Care and Not For Profit sectors. She has successfully delivered a range of services from peer to peer audit, research into practice, and services for children, families and communities. She thrives on connecting people/organisations for mutual benefit, when often the complex circumstances they find themselves in makes it difficult for them to see the best way forward. She brings a broad perspective to everything she does, taking in social activism, participation and co-delivery.

Peter Feltham: Peter has been involved with Ethos since its very early days and joined the core team in 2011 taking on a role within social business development. With over 40 years’ experience in the computer industry, in which time he has unsurprisingly worked with a range of technology from early mainframes up to the multitude of technology options we find in the present day. Peter has worked as a programmer, tech researcher and held responsibility for strategic management in this field. Most notably as special projects manager for Olivetti he was responsible for delivering high performance teams to manage many major projects.

+ Local Gov Employees (2)



The business / revenue governance model

Grants, LEP’s, partnershipsW2W, Skills open data sets


An asset owned by all three pillars of society. Experience of this already gained.


Why is this different to ?

• You own your data (published as linked open data)

• The business model is not advertising or recruitment

• Revenue comes from each of the three sides (business, government, individuals)

Implementation approach

• Build a proof of concept website (

• Open to limited pilot

• Partner with several large public, NGO and business pilots

How has is been tested?

• The Ethos Partners (20), Ethos specialist network (250)

• SIMPL Challenges (Top idea 4 days after posting the idea)

• One local authority.

• Now testing with several large businesses.

• We have two potential significant partners who are both very large employers.

In some detail..

• Ethos specialists are all Partners (20 active currently) who own our business.

• Ultimately, we will create a private share market for new and existing Partners.

• We don’t have “contracts of employment” rather “value exchanges”. Two way.

• We care about people. ALL people. We want to add value to everyone's working lives.

• Ethos makes money through the revenue, profit or equity associated with each solution we take part in (we prefer this to time/input based revenue).

• We are increasingly becoming an accelerator. Common culture for solving and delivering complex service problems….

• We have three “themes” currently… Events, SMART Cities and Skills

Linked data demonstration

LD Data mash-up from several sources: Salesforce,, Google Docs, Wikipedia etc. protected site

About Ethos

• Ethos specialists are all Partners (20 active currently) who own our business.

• Ultimately, we will create a private share market for new and existing Partners.

• We don’t have “contracts of employment” rather “value exchanges”. Two way.

• We care about people. ALL people. We want to add value to everyone's working lives.

• Ethos makes money through the revenue, profit or equity associated with each solution we take part in (we prefer this to time/input based revenue).

• We are increasingly becoming an accelerator. Common culture for solving and delivering complex service problems….

• We have three “themes” currently… Events, SMART Cities and Skills

Why do we need the Impact Hub?

• Forcing a level of concentration

• CASH! We have invested £900k in salary sacrifice into Ethos since 2010 and we cannot finance the development and marketing organically

• Network – encouraging public sector and policy support for ProFile

• Expertise. Specialists and friends like Indy, Joost, Alice and the team.

• ProFile gives us the excuse to work closely together.

It’s about the future of work 13 December 2013
