ETHICAL REASONING What you believe… Andy Anderson, Trainer/Instructor.

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Transcript of ETHICAL REASONING What you believe… Andy Anderson, Trainer/Instructor.


What you believe…

Andy Anderson, Trainer/Instructor

04/21/23 RCA

So, what is “ETHICS” …

Ethics Defined…

Webster’s dictionary… Ethics is

conforming to moral standards and conforming to the standards of a given profession…

Others say – it is a code of values which guides our choices and actions and thus determines the purpose and course of our lives…


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Morally decent people develop an awareness of moral goodness and a feeling of obligation to obey their inner sense of conscience…

Conscience is a self-policing phenomenon alerting an individual to the moral goodness of contemplated action…


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Is understanding the difference between good and bad and being ethical is about living good and worthwhile lives…

Morals – Values - Principles

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Principles – comprehensive and fundamental statements of appropriate ethical behaviour

Values – beliefs and opinions about matters that we,individually or collectively, decide are beneficial,desirable, and important.

Morals – deals with goodness, virtuousness, and justness… in other words… what is good and right,

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Hard workKindness




These universal values, help guide us toward ethical behavior and ethical decision making... They help inform us of what is expected of us and what actions we should take.


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The morally right thing to do, in any circumstance, is first and foremost, a matter of consulting reason, in order to find the best reasons for acting in our relationships with others.


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Is simply how you behave when no one else is


For me..

Ethical Reasoning

Is the application of formal logic to questions of right and wrong, good and bad, justice and injustice….

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Unethical vs. Immoral

Unethical – choosing to do what you know is bad…

Immoral – not conforming to standards of morality, thus choosing to do what you know is incorrect or wrong…

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Ethical Dilemma

A problem where you have to make a decision or take a course of action in the face of two or more conflicting ethical principles or values….

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Personal Ethical Dilemma & Professional Dilemma

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Every profession has a set of rules/laws that govern or dictate the actions and in some instances the behaviours' of its people…

You are no exception !!!!


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What rules or laws govern us?

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms…The Human Rights Code…The Canadian Bill of Rights…Department/Municipal Policies & Procedures…The Provincial Statutes of Ontario…Upbringing – Social Pressures…Religious beliefs…Common sense, just to name a few…

Why do we need Rules and/or Laws anyway?

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Simply, really…

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Cause we enforce mostof them…

But, there’s more to it than that…

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The “Key” to UNDERSTANDING is …

Knowing what it all means and what we should be doing about it…

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The Canons of Police ETHICS

And the

IACP – 1989 adopted

: to serve community; safe-guard lives and property

-Primary Responsibility; protect the innocent; keep the peace; ensure rights of all and finally treat everyone equally and with justice.

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Performance of your duties…

- Do your tasks impartially… - Do them without favour, affection, or ill-will… - Without regard to status, sex, race, religion, political belief, or aspiration…- Treat all persons with courtesy, consideration and dignity…- Do Not to allow feelings, animosities or friendships to influence your judgment…

Remembering at all times that your appearance and deportment set the stage for confidence and respect…


Use it responsibly…Be guided by reasonableness.Consistency in its application…

The power to make critical decisions all by yourself…


Thought…Unnecessary force or violence????

Use only such force as is reasonable for the Circumstances…

Remember: your training or lack thereof…

The Influences


Social Environment


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Your oath of office and/or oath of secrecy !!!

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I …Robert Craig Anderson… do swear that I will well and truly serve Our Sovereign Lady the Queen in the office of Constable for the Province of Ontario, without favour or affection, malice or ill-will, and that, to the best of my power I will cause the peace to be

kept and preserved, and prevent all offences against the persons, and properties of Her Majesty’s subjects; and that, while I continue to hold the said office, I will, to the best of my knowledge and skill, discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to the law.

Sworn before me at ………………., in the province of Ontario, this …. Day of ……………………., 1968

• _____________________________________________• Judge or Justice

Oath of Secrecy

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A confidentiality agreement in law enforcement is a formal document that seeks to protect the personal, sensitive and secretive information that law enforcement agencies deal with as a matter of routine operations. A confidentiality agreement makes department-wide policies clear, in writing, for all employees. It also specifies the requirements for disclosing information as needed in a way that is consistent with local laws, including laws that protect citizens' rights to information. Confidentiality agreements help prevent disciplinary procedures for improper handling of information and help law enforcement agencies avoid costly lawsuits.

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Who is responsible for you & what you do…

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OCPCOntario Civilian Police Commission

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Access by Date

2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966


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Cooperation …

With other legally Authorized agencies and

their representatives.

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Personal/Professional Capabilities

You are responsible for your own standard and must take necessary steps in doing so…

Learn and keep on learning…

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Private Life…

Do not discredit yourself, your family, your friends or comrades, or the

Municipality you represent…And never forget the community

you’re part of…

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The 6 Pillars of Character

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Be honest…Don’t deceive, cheat or steal… Be reliable… do what you say you’ll do,

have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation for yourself… Be loyal...stand by your family, your friends,

your comrades and your country.

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Treat others with respect; follow the “Golden Rule”… Be tolerant of differences… Use good manners, not bad language… Be considerate of the feelings of others… Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone… Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.

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Do what you are supposed to do.. Persevere: keep on trying!!!

Do your best… Use self-control… Be self-disciplined… Think before

you act… Consider the consequences of your actions…

Be accountable for your choices.

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Equity, Due process, open, be consistent in your application…

– Problem: sometimes stakeholders with conflicting interests will disagree upon what is fair and right.

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Play by the rules… Take turns and share… Be open-minded; Listen to others… Don’t take advantage of others… Don’t blame others carelessly.

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Be kind… Be compassionate and show you truly care… Express gratitude… Forgive others… Help people in need.

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Do your share to make your place of work and community better… Cooperate…

Get involved in community affairs… Stay informed; vote…

Be a good neighbour… Obey the laws and rules you enforce… Respect authority…

Protect the environment.

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The Ethical CHOICE Strategy


The Bell – Do any bells – warnings or buzzers go off as you consider your choice of actions…

The Book – Does the action you are about to take violate any authority, laws, or written codes…

The Candle – will my decision be able to withstand the light of day, or the spotlight of publicity…

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E – esteem for yourself and others will be reflected.T – Trust of colleagues and loved-ones will be repaid.H – Honesty will be respected by citizens and criminals. I – Integrity demonstrates belief in your profession. C – Courage will see you through tough decisions. S – Sensitivity will show you humanity and compassion.

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Denial of Responsibility – It wasn’t my fault, the adrenalin just took over

Denial of Injury – nobody was hurt so what’s the problem?

Denial of Victim – The person deserved it… Condemnation of the

Condemners – If you think what I did was bad, wait till I tell you what the Chief did…

Appeal to Higher Loyalties- We had to stick together, we are a family, unit, team…

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PURPOSE – How you see yourself… The path chosen to travel… Behaviour day in, day out… the foundation upon which you build your life.

PRIDE – Self esteem, sense of satisfaction in my actions… Sense of balance… knowing I am doing the right thing.

PATIENCE – Clear purpose in mind… in the long run “RIGHT” will win out…

PERSISTENCE – sticking to my guns… Being ethical all the time, not just when convenient… Never give up…

PERSPECTIVE – that quiet place that allows me to reflect upon where I really am… seeking guidance from within.

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“Always tell the truth, that way you don’t have to remember what you said”.

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If you catch a frog and try and put it in a pot of boiling water, it will leap out immediately. But if you put the frog in a pot of cool water, and gradually increase the heat, the frog’s system will adapt to the increased temperature in increments until it finds itself in boiling water and perishes…

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Ethics… what’s the big deal???

Career Survival Media Coverage Community View In-House Dissension Personal Stress – enhanced by the


It’s the Right Thing to Do – always tell the truth…

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Corvin’s Law of Rules: If you screw

the rules, they will multiply…

Remember -Cream rises – sewage floats

ETHIC – a Philosophy or System of Morals, ethics

ETHICS – The principle of Right Conduct with reference to a specific profession, mode of life

ETHICAL – Conforming to Right principles of conduct as accepted by a specific profession

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Attitude… Plays a very important part in your life…

It is the most important … more important thanmoney, education, circumstances, failures,

successes or what other people think, say or do…

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Be Smart – Think Smart – Act Smart

Loose Job – Charged - Embarrassed