Etfe Icames 2015 Final

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  • 7/26/2019 Etfe Icames 2015 Final


    ICAMES 2015







    May 02-09, 2015



    ETFE a sustainable alternative

    to traditional glass


    Marius-Cristian BRESCU-IFTIMIE


    Rita-Cristina PITA


    Senior Lecturer PhD. Ioana OLTEANU

    Senior Lecturer PhD.Ionu-Ovidiu TOMA

  • 7/26/2019 Etfe Icames 2015 Final


    ICAMES 2015

    ETFE a sustainable alternative

    to traditional glass

    Project abstract:Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) a stable, durable andeasy to join polymer has been developed due to intensive research in building

    materials technology focused on sustainability and it can be used in civil engineeringespecially as a sustainable alternative to traditional glass in double skin faades

    and roofs of buildings. The advantages of ETFE in comparison to glass are thereduced specific weight and embodied energy, the self-cleaning property and the

    high corrosion resistance. This project refers to a comparison study regarding theadvantages of using ETFE in civil engineering, focusing on the reduction of the

    amount of material of the load bearing structure due to the fact that ETFE is 100times lighter than glass.

    Keywords: sustainability, light-weight, double envelope, low embodied

    energy, self-cleaning material, adaptable, natural ventilation, high corrosion



    The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon of maintaining the temperature ofthe Earths surface. Through thisprocess part of the solar radiations are retained inthe Earths atmosphere as a result of the presence of greenhouse gasses such as watervapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and chlorofluorocarbons. Inthe past decades the concentrations of the greenhouse gasses have increased and

    according to The World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the buildingsector is accountable for 40% of the world energy use, thus the resulting carbon

    emissions are in substantial amounts.

    The lowering of energy consumption in new or already existing buildings has gained

    a lot of attention in the past few years and notions such as passive building or zeroenergy building have been introduced in civil engineering vocabulary. One of the

    solutions that is implemented in order to improve thebuildings energy performanceis the double-skin faade concept.

    A double-skin faade consists of two skins placed in such a way that the air flows in

    the intermediate cavity. The main advantages of a double-skin faade are: natural

    ventilation, thermal and acoustic insulation [1]. Even though the most common

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    ICAMES 2015

    material choice for this concept is glass, the following report shows why Ethylene

    Tetrafluoroethylene is a viable sustainable alternative.

    2.Material description



    ETFE is a relatively new material in the building industry. It was developed by Dr.

    Plunkett, Fig. 1, in 1938and it is one of the 7 fluoropolymer generated from the

    invention of PTFE (poly tetrafluoroethylene), also known as Teflon. ETFEsdistinctive property of the other six polymers is the capability of being extruded. The

    first commercialized film was named Tefzel,[2].

    Fig.1: Dr. Roy Plunkett[12] Fig. 2: Raw ETFE granules [13]


    Manufacturing process

    Unlike many synthetic plastics, ETFE does not derive from petrochemical

    substances. The raw material is called chlorodifluoromethane and the MontrealTreaty on ozone depleting substances includes it in the 2nd class of substances,

    meaning that it does not contribute to global warming. The raw material is turned

    into tetrafluoroethylene at 125 Celsius degrees. The TFE is then polymerized withethylene and ETFE results (25% ethylene and 75% TFE), Fig.3. After this process

    it results a powder which is turned into granules, Fig.2, by heating at 265-285

    degrees. The granules can be turned into rods, sheets and films. In building industry,ETFE films are used especially for cladding. The films can also be transparent,

    translucent, printed or colored, [2].

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    ICAMES 2015

    Fig. 3: Industrial synthesis of ETFE [3]

    2.3. Benefits of ETFE


    Light transmission and solar control

    Across the visible and ultraviolet ranges, ETFE film is very transparent, allowingapproximately 95% and 85% transmission. [4]When light is not needed, ETFE film can be treated in a number of ways to

    manipulate its transparency and radiation transmission characteristics. Adding extralayers of ETFE foil to a cushion also allows light transmission and solar gain to be

    controlled. Multi-layer cushions can be constructed to incorporate movable layersand intelligent printing, Fig. 4. In these type of cushions, the top and middle layers

    are printed in a corresponding pattern which when pressed together cover 100% ofthe surface with fritting. The middle layer is programmed to rise and fall (using air

    pressure) to increase and decrease the percentage of printed area and thereforecontrol solar gain, Fig. 5.[4][5]

    Fig.4: Printed ETFE foils [8]
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    Fig. 5: ETFE performance in case of intelligent printing [19]


    Weight and plasticity

    ETFE foil is extremely light weight in comparison with glass, almost 100 times

    lighter. This property results in a reduced structural framework, hence considerablyless dead load on the supporting structure [5].Moreover, steel structure can be

    combined or replaced by timber, like in the case of Nice Stadium, France, Fig. 6,

    where the modules consist of one row of timber crosses connected by steel

    tetrahedrons to a steel tube [1],[6].

    This material is able to stretch up to three times its original length without losing its

    elasticity [11]. Even though the breaking point is up to 600% the films are stillstructurally resistant [8]. Due to its high resistance and elasticity, ETFE is considered

    a great solution for places where earthquakes may occur. Unlike glass, which will

    shatter in such scenarios, ETFE will deflect or break, but it wont cause severedamage [4].

    Fig. 6: Structural model of Nice Stadium in France [6]

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    2.3.3.Durability and cost effectiveness

    ETFE does not degrade or change any of its properties under exposure toenvironmental pollution, UV light, harsh chemicals or extreme temperature

    variations. For the first time it was used in construction in 1982 when a fluorinated

    ethylene propylene film on the roof of Burgers Zoo Hall in Arnhem, Netherlands,Fig.7, failed and had to be replaced. The structure is still in service and the materialshows no signs of degradation. The estimated life expectancy of foils is more than

    50 years [7].

    The installation cost of ETFE can be approximately reduced to half the price of

    conventional high performance glass [4]. Moreover, due to the lightweight nature of

    the material supporting systems and foundations can be designed more efficiently.

    By providing ample natural daylight, the indoor lighting demand and the energycosts are reduced [8].

    Fig. 7: ETFE roofing at Burger Zoo in Arnhem, Netherlands [20]

    2.3.4.Environmental impact

    The embodied energy for ETFE is 315 MJ/m while for glass is 371.21 MJ/m. Thereal difference though is made by the lessening of the frame and supporting system

    dimensions, not to mention that replacing steel with timber is also a viable choice

    [1]. The nature of the product improves the buildings properties of insulation anddaylighting, therefore it contributes to the low energy aspect of the building. Flexiblephotovoltaic cells can be integrated with either a single layered or cushioned system

    to meet performance requirements, [8]. This has been tried at a carport roof inMunich, Fig. 8, and provides an average of 1,000 kWh/kwp electrical energy per

    year, [18].

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    Being 100% recyclable, wastes from the manufacturing process and even old ETFE

    elements can be remolded into new products. The recycling is aided by the absenceof additives in the manufacturing process and the only thing that is required for

    recycling is the melting of the material. An old or damaged piece of ETFE foil can

    be simply removed from the structure, heated to melting temperature with new ETFEgranules, Fig. 9, and extruded to create more films. This is a great contribution to

    the stainability current [2]

    One of the most attractive attribute of ETFE is the self-cleaning property, especiallywhen considering the costs of cleaning a large greenhouse. Being derived from

    Teflon it is anti-adhesive so occasional rainfall is enough to clean it. Even though

    the foil can be penetrated by sharp objects, it has considerable tear propagation

    resistance [2].

    ETFE film has a very unique behavior in the presence of fire. It is classified as self-

    extinguishing because instead of melting and dripping it shrinks away, thus allowingsmoke and fire to be vented to the exterior [4].

    Fig. 8: ETFE roof with integrated photovoltaic cells [18] Fig.9: Melted ETFE waste before extrusion [13]

    3.Case study

    3.1. Structure description

    The numerical simulations are made on a structure which is an office building,

    Fig.10. The envisioned structure has 10 floors with a height of 34 m and is a framestructure having almost 80% of its exterior surface as double ventilated faade.

    Given the fact that the glazed surface is large, it is suitable for us to point out easilythe difference between the classic glass and ETFE material.

    The materials used for this structure are steel for columns, being used an H400X509profile and for the slab it is used reinforced concrete of 15 cm thickness. For the

    faade we chose layers of glass and ETFE, 15mm thick.

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    Fig. 10: Real building Fig.11: Structural model of the building

    3.2. Numerical Simulations

    3.2.1.Strength simulation

    The aim of this simulation is to compare the self-weight and the strength of the

    building by using glass and ETFE membrane alternating them into a double skin

    faade. For this we had used the SAP2000 computer software which provides an

    interactive environment in which the user can study the stresses in the structuralelements, the deformations of the building and also design and check the building

    elements, Fig. 11.

    For this type of simulation we chose 3 cases of double skin faade, the first case

    being the one when there are used two layers of classic glass, the second case is forglass and ETFE layers and the last case is when both layers are made of ETFE


    Making the analyses for each case we had obtained the following results shown in

    Table 1. As a general observation, we can see a reduction of the mass for the entirebuilding - a reduction of 1.86% is obtained when only one layer is made of glass and

    another made of ETFE membrane and a reduction of 3.71% when both layers are

    made of ETFE.

    The load on the column is minimum in case of two layers of ETFE, which willinfluence the design process of the columns, leading to a significant reduction of


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    ICAMES 2015

    Another conclusion can be made considering the period of vibration, which is lower

    for the 3rdcase. This can be explained by the fact that the stiffness introduced on thestructure for the ETFE material is lowest, meaning that the overall behavior of the

    assembly (cladding and structural system) is closer to the flexible behavior of the

    frame structural system.

    Mass (tones) T(s) Nmax(kN) Sigma max


    2,779567 3570,57 55,10138889

    Glass + ETFE 5867,32 2,755688 3481,15 53,72145062

    ETFE 5756,3 2,731626 3391,73 52,34151235

    Table 1. Results from SAP200

    3.2.2.Thermal conductivity simulation

    In the past years the construction field has focused on reducing the use of energy anddeveloping more efficient materials. For this, the materials behaviors in differentenvironments and climate condition should be evaluated.We tested 3 types of windows in 2 different conditions by means of Saint-Gobain

    Isover SCE program. This program calculates thermic efficiency of a building or acouple of materials components of a structure in different cases of climate and

    environments and the results are very accurate. If some specific characteristics ofthe materials are known (density, thermic conductivity, etc.), this program gives

    results in form of charts where we can see which the temperature in each point ofthe element.

    Regular type of window between heated and unheated spaces (glass-air-glass)

    External temperature: -150 C External temperature: 350C

    Internal temperature: 200C Internal temperature: 200C

    Te= -10.010 C Te=32.860C

    Ti=15.010 C Ti=22.140 C

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    Special type of window between heated and unheated spaces (glass-argon-


    External temperature: -150 C External temperature: 350C

    Internal temperature: 200C Internal temperature: 200C

    Te= -11.190

    C Te=33.370

    CTi= 16.190C Ti=21.630 C

    Special window with ETFE membrane between heated and unheated spaces


    External temperature: -150 C External temperature: 350C

    Internal temperature: 200C Internal temperature: 200C

    Te=-13.520 C Te=34.360 C

    Ti=18.520C Ti=20.640 C

    These diagrams represent the temperature evolution in the structure between 2environments, one heated and one unheated. As shown, the special window with

    ETFE membrane has the best results and keeps an optimal temperature on the

    internal face of the window. These results confirm that the special type of window

    is a better choice than the classical solution.

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    ICAMES 2015

    15.01 16.1918.52

    -10.01 -11.19 -13.52











    Low temperature outside

    Ti Te

    All results obtained in Saint-Gobain Isover can be represented in a simple form as

    a comparison between extreme values of temperature, Fig. 12 and 13.

    Fig. 12: Extreme values of temperature in cold environment

    Fig. 13: Extreme values of temperature in warm environment

    These two charts show us the difference between temperature of the exterior face of

    the element and the temperature of the inside face. The classical solution of window

    has a high heat transfer and a lot of energy is lost. This loss can be reduced byintroducing an inert gas, argon in our case, between the two layers of glass, but the

    best solution is a window with ETFE membrane.

    When the special window with ETFE membrane is used,better results are obtained

    and the heat transfer between the two environments is reduced. This fact leads to a

    32.86 33.3734.36

    22.14 21.63 20.64










    High temperature outside

    Te Ti

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    saving of the energy consumed to maintain an optimal temperature indoor and the

    buildings become greener by using this material for large glazing surfaces.

    4.Success international projects which use ETFE solution

    4.1. Eden ProjectEden Project, Fig.14(a), is located in Cornwall, United Kingdom and consists of two

    biomes. The Mediterranean Biome, Fig.14(b), is 135 m long, 65 m wide and 35 mhigh and it houses a warm temperate environment. The Tropical Biome, is 240 m

    long, 110 m wide and 55 m high and it houses a rainforest environment. ETFE wasthe best choice for this project because of several factors:

    the clay pit soil has a limited load bearing capacity so a lightweight structure

    was necessary;

    the original aim was to recreate the 2 climates in a natural way, with the

    appropriate height and area;

    the achieving of the best light transmission and thermal capacity for the


    the foil has a great geometry and size flexibility.

    The cushions for this project consist of three layers of ETFE foil and they are

    supported by aluminum frames, supported by steel trusses, Fig.14 (c) [2].

    (a) (b) (c)

    Fig.14: Eden Project [21]

    4.2. Allianz Arena

    Allianz Arena is located in Munich, Germany and is shared by FC Bayern and TSV

    1860. The Stadium is made of double layer ETFE cushions and it combines white

    translucent and transparent foils. The faade is composed of printed foil cushions

    that are illuminated with red lights, Fig.15 (a), for Bayern games, with blue lights,

    Fig.15 (b), for 1860, white, Fig.15 (c) and 15 (d), for Germany National team and

    different colors on regular days.

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    2.816 cushions of 2 m by 4.25 m were used for the entire structure. What is really

    interesting is the fact that the same cushion shape occurs at most twice in the entire

    structure. This would have been really difficult to achieve with traditional glazing

    but the elasticity of the ETFE made it easy to accomplish [2].

    (a) (b) (c) (d)

    Fig.15: Allianz ArenaProject [15, 16, 17]

    4.3. Shenzhen Water Park

    Shenzen Water Park, Fig. 16, is located in East Huaqiao China and has the shape of

    a water droplet. The reasons for which ETFE was selected are its durability,

    lightweight, insulation properties and cost effectiveness. Even though the structureis in southern China, the facility needed to be heated during winter months. Because

    the structure has a really complex shape, the three layered cushions have severalhundred different geometrically shapes. In the cushions is incorporated LED lighting

    which gives the ETFE a dramatic effect [18].

    Fig.16: Shenzen Water Park [18]

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    ICAMES 2015


    1. Koukaroudis Panagiotis-Properties and design guidelines for double-skin faades in

    Sweeden,Master Thesis at Chalmers University Of Technology, January 2014

    2. Leslie A. Robinson-Structural Opportunities of ETFE(ethylene tetra fluoro ethylene),S.B.,

    Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 20043. Mihai Grecu-Poly(ethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene)-based permanent motorway roofs

    equipped with night lighting sources and thin film solar cells, Acta Technica Napocensis:

    Civil Engineering & Architecture Vol. 54 No. 2 (2011

    4. Stephen Tanno- ETFE Foil Cushions As An Alternative To Glass For Atriums AndRooflights Buro Happold Faade Engineering 41-43 Praed Street, London, W2 1NR

    5. Amy Wilson-ETFE: The New Fabric Roof, January 2009,

    6. Adrien Escoffer, Adelyne Albrecht, Franois Consigny- Nice stadium: Design of a flat

    single layer ETFE roof,


    Linda Charbonneau, Maria Anna Polak, Alexander Penlidis- Mechanical properties ofETFE foils: Testing and modelling, 2014 Construction and Building Materials 60(2014)63-72















